2023-01-16 龟兔赛跑 7386

Which good habits should I have that help me in every college day?


Anna Sharudenko
What are some daily habits that can change my life?
100 squats and 100 sit ups per day.
Cleaning your tongue too, not just teeth brushing.
Reading or listening to audiobooks. Mostly non-fiction, in my opinion. Another good substitute is Ted Talks.
Creating more, not just consuming. Like writing or coding.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jean Soo
What are the best habits you can recommend for college students?
Eat healthier, drink lots of fluids and cook more.
Try eating 2-3 vegetables per day. If this is too hard, then you can set 2-3 green foods per week for now. You can also save money and eat healthier by cooking more. Carry healthy food with you instead of fast food and junk as well. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or start with 3 glasses and increase from there.
Do a full body work out with weights 3 times a week.
Strength training protects your bone health, muscle mass, keeps you lean, increases energy levels, and prevents injuries. That’s why it is ideal to do strength training 3 times a week.
Sleep 7-8 hours at night.
Don’t sacrifice your sleep and always make sure you get enough of it. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep.
Walk 30 minutes a day.
Walk alone or with someone else. You can enjoy health benefits, enjoy your surroundings or enjoy a good conversation. On average, Americans only take 5,117 steps a day. Australians take 9,695 steps per day, residents of Switzerland take 9,650 steps per day, and Japanese people take 7,168 steps per day. We clearly fall short. Try parking further or taking stairs to get more steps in.


Stretch different parts of your body.
Search on YouTube to see which areas of your body to stretch and do this for at least 10 minutes a day. But don’t overexert yourself.
Remove habits in the bedroom.
Doing things like watching tv, eating, reading, writing and more in the bedroom can make us lazy. Make the bedroom a place just for sleep rather than for entertainment.
Practice gratitude and presence.
Gratitude can benefit your relationships and increase positive feelings. Rather than saying negative things, replace it with positive words. Focus on what is in front of you rather than too much of the past or future.
Track your tasks.
Keep a to-do list and calendar to track what you’re working on. List everything and prioritize the tasks by importance.
Journal or write 30 minutes a day.


Get all your thoughts on paper. This helps with focus and becoming a better thinker and person.
Keep learning.
Educate yourself and learn something new everyday. Learn a new skill, language, or other. Learn from a course, audiobook, blog post, video tutorial from YouTube, TedTalks or other. Don’t just rely on college (personal experience).
Take action with the 15 minute rule.
Beat procrastination by setting a timer on your phone for 15 minutes. During those 15 minutes, commit to doing what you were putting off. This builds momentum and encourages you to keep going.
Make time for yourself.
Do one small thing you love everyday. It could be listening to your favorite music, taking a walk through the park, driving along your favorite road, watching a movie, or anything else.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
I’m a college student and these tips have personally been very helpful for me too. Best of luck!


Rahul Shrivastava
What are some habits that are good to get into?
Not an exhaustive list:
Learn to breathe properly. For most part of the day, our breathing is shallow. Breathe from the diaphragm for at least a couple of times in a day. This releases tension.
Tell yourself not to panic when confronted with a problem. Try to think of a solution.
No matter how much you earn, try to save a portion of the earning before you start spending.
Don’t do any work superficially. It becomes a habit.
Don’t hurry when there is no need to but don’t be lethargic when there is a need to carry out a task expeditiously.
Keep your word both to others and to yourself.
Eat only when you are hungry.


Balaji Sridhar
What are small changes you've made resulting in a big difference in your life?
I exchanged my smartphone for a feature phone with my Grandpa.
Until a year ago, I was like many, a smartphone fanatic, crazy about Android and apps; how life will be very easy. I owned a Samsung Galaxy Ace, and I was in my sophomore year in college.
During my vacations I was having a regular chat with grandpa whom I was trying to convince to buy a good phone (probably a smartphone) since his feature phone was a year old at that time. He on the other hand started thinking about it, and I left it there. A couple of days later, out of the blue, I thought about exchanging my smartphone (which was in good condition) for his feature phone (a Nokia). He did not have any obxtions apart from surprising look he gave me for my rather out-of-character-sort-of decision.
Before completing the official exchange with witnesses (my sister and parents), I checked his Nokia phone for any damage.
This is the phone.
The Nokia beast.
How has my life changed?

直到一年前,我和很多人一样,是一个智能手机狂热者,对Android和应用程序着迷;生活会多么轻松。我拥有一台三星Galaxy Ace,当时我在读大学二年级。

This phone is ideal for a person who wants quiet and peace in his/her life. A very good phone for checking the time and date.
I have stopped checking Facebook and Twitter notifications and the neck is more straight. I charge my phone once a week. Whenever I feel stressed or bored I play the built-in Sudoku game which frankly relaxes me great deal.
I started interacting with people directly rather than WhatsApp.
I listen to people when they talk instead of fiddling with my phone.
But it does not end here.
How has my Granpa's life changed?
Being by himself for most part of the day he plays some of the games I installed for him, and he loves it. Plus he has started accessing the news and sometimes stays more upxed than me. He merrily takes photos and videos of his other grandchildren (my cousins) who are still toddlers whenever he meets them.
Overall it's win-win.


Shourov Paul(???? ???)
What is the best way to change habits?
To change habits, you must first have an idea about your brain.
When you think about something or do something multiple times, your brain's physical changes happen.
Your experience, emotions, and attitudes are all embedded in your memory.
Scientists have seen that the brain changes every second. What you think, what you hear, what you see, what you do - are stored in the brain as memories. It is flexible, the brain builds its structure according to your thinking.
As a result of doing something over and over again, your brain creates new neural pathways, this pathway becomes a road, then it becomes a highway.
Your brain does not understand, you are inputting right or wrong information. Brain is storing information in a way that you believe. Your life and your thoughts are going to be as it should be.


To give an instance, you have to manufacture a new road to get yourself back on the road you have been walking for 10 years. Once the formerly known road will become unfamiliar, if you get used to the new road.
It has been believed for centuries that at the end of early growth in adolescence, a change in the brain is not possible. But scientists now know that new neurons are constantly being created in our lifetime.
In case of relationship , how many people say, I will not survive without him.??
But after breakup, they can survive. ??.This is because their brains have created new pathways, new thoughts, new people, new environments, changed backdated ideas.
When you say, I love myself, I am happy, I can do anything I want, I am creating the life of my dreams, I can change myself. These will be stored in your brain as a positive program.
And if you say, I hate myself, No one loves me, I can't do anything. These will be stored in your brain as a negative program.
Keyboard is in your hand, now what kind of program you will do will depend on you. If you want to change your habit, you have to change your negative program.
For example, when you plant a tree, you have to water it every day, clean the weeds growing in the tree, let the sunlight reach it, after all these things, the tree grows, gives us flowers and fruits.
Undoubtedly, uncultivated trees will not have the same flowering capacity.


Conlan Cason
What are the five most important habits of successful college students?
Complete and turn in every single homework assignment possible.
Show up to every class.
Refer to your degree progress report and plan out your classes years in advance. Meet with an advisor if you can’t do this yourself.
Get enough sleep, relaxation, exercise, sunlight, time in nature, and healthy food.
During summer and winter breaks, continue to educate yourself to prepare for a career.


Thanos Papangelis
How can I train my employees better?
If you’re looking for the best way to train your team, a learning management system (LMS) is what you’ve been looking for, and TalentLMS is the best fit for you. You can create your free account literally in minutes, build your first course in a couple of hours, and start delivering your online training instantly.
At a more practical level, going with an LMS will enable you to:
Get full control of your training:
With a powerful LMS, you can easily see the stage your training and your learners are at, how much more you need to cover, as well as complete training-related tasks you might have missed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Know how effective your training is:
An LMS that comes with reporting tools allows you to monitor your program’s performance and how beneficial and cost-effective it’s been to your organization. This way, you can plan based on actual numbers.
Put repetitive tasks on autopilot:
What people often forget to say about employee training is that it can take a lot of time. Administering included. An LMS with automation tools can help you save time by automatically sending reminders, emails, and upxes. This way, you’re able to focus on training your teams and building even better training programs.
Assess your learners’ knowledge:
An LMS comes with assessment tools that allow you to test how much your employees have learned, and build interactive uation tests to make learning stick.
Go with an LMS that understands your needs and you’ll be able to start small and then create wonders. At least this is what most TalentLMS users do.


Sindhu Satish
What are your small good habits?
I drink 8 cups of water everyday.
I sleep for 8–9 hours every night.
I work out everyday or at least for 6 days of the week.
I call my mom everyday.
I moisturize and take off my make-up every night before sleeping.
I vacuum every second day.
I take hair vitamins (Called Perfectil) on a regular basis (Though I’d like to be more regular)
I pray everyday.
I keep smiling no matter what situation I am going through :)


Derek Stark
What's a good habit to start in college?
These are seven practical habits that would be beneficial to build in college or any other season of life you might find yourself in:
Practicing safe sex - there’s a damn good chance if you find yourself as a college student, that you aren’t ready to take care of another human being. Use a condom.
Time management - between class, work, intramurals, clubs, friends, dating, and everything else going on, you will need to learn how to prioritize engagements effectively.
Socializing - this comes easy to some, but for others it can be incredibly daunting to get out of their social comfort zones. Make a concerted effort to build relationships with others. Ultimately, socialization leads to friendships, which contribute to social capital. Never sleep on social capital.
Stress management - college and cortisol go hand in hand. When family is far and friends are few, it can be tough. Find something you enjoy doing (yoga, meditation, hiking) that can help you find peace amidst the chaos.
Self-discovery - our evolution never has to end. College is a perfect time to explore yourself. Uncover what you like. Who you like. What you stand for. And ultimately, what’s make you, you.
Mindful eating - late-night munching make it real easy to gain undesirable weight. There’s a reason the “freshman 15” exists. Take time to think about what you’re consuming. Are you intaking too many carbs? Too much sugar? Not enough vegetables? Build this habit now before it’s too late.
Physical activity - not only is exercising beneficial for your physical and mental health, but it also brings people together. Intramural leagues are a perfect place to hang out with your friends and make new ones. Also, people who commit to working out consistently in college tend to be the ones who maintain a health lifestyle for good.


Ken White
What are the best habits you can recommend for college students?
Gratitude Journal. Several times a week I note down the things I have been grateful for over the past few days.
Personal Values. Most days, I will reflect on my personal values – what they mean to me, how I have lived over the past few days and what I will be doing over the next few days to live my life consistent with them. I have made a few posts about this process elsewhere on Quora.
Regular physical exercise – both cardio and strength training
Regular relaxation / meditation / self-hypnosis
Read regularly
Review my goals. For each of the major areas of my life, I have short, medium and long-term goals. Every week or so, I reflect on these and arrange my next few days to do some activities which will make progress on some of them.


Anubhav Jain
What habits do happy couples have?
My phone rings.
My wife's name flashes, but I am busy in a meeting.
I don't cut the call, I pick it up and say just three words- 'Is it important?'
She understands that I am busy and says 'no' and cuts the call, or says what she has to if it's really important, and I listen to her wherever I am or whatever important I am doing.
Similarly, if I call and she is busy, she says the same three words.
Since this is mutually decided, there are no ego clashes or “I am not your priority” issues.
Also by this we make sure that we don't miss something very urgent or important.


Ankita Srivastava
What are the 10 things you should do every day?
Floss. A lot of people just brush their teeth and move on with their day but flossing is equally important.
Dry brushing before taking shower for just 10 minutes. It gets rid of the dead skin cells and aids in lymphatic drainage. Over time it will also help reduce stretch marks and cellulite.
Getting some movement. Be it stretching or just taking a stroll. Get moving. I love dancing for 15–20 mins on days I can’t manage a workout. Great for all aspects of health.
Sitting quietly. Don’t look, don’t say, don’t feel and don’t judge. Just be.
Scrub your feet every time you take shower.
Putting essential oil in your underarms. This will make it sweat proof and would smell amazing all day long. My favourite is lavender essential oil. It’s breathtaking and so refreshing.
After washing your face in the morning rub some ice cubes all over. Both men and women !
Eating something that has good fat content as your first meal of the day. It will change your health especially for girls :) My favourite is having some ghee with warm water.
If you have long nails scrape the gunk or dirt out everyday. Both hands and feet.
Wear well washed and ironed clothes as much as possible. Neat. Keep it neat.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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