2023-01-16 青丘国的守护者 12306
Ario Kiani
The issue is how you treat the people you conquer.
Persia was conquered three times by Greeks, Arabs and Mongols and all of them were nightmare for Iranians.

阿拉伯人 Arabs

To conquer Persia and force Islam, the Arab invaders resorted to many inhumane actions including massacre, mass enslavement of men, women and children, and imposition of heavy taxes (Jezyeh=Jizya) on those who did not convert. By the order of “Yazid ibn-e Mohalleb” in Gorgan so many Persians were beheaded that their blood mixed with water would energize the millstone to produce as much as one day meal for him, as he had vowed. The event of blood mill has been quoted by the generations of Iranian Zoroastrian families to this day, yet our books of history have been silent about it. In recent years however, disenchanted Iranian scholars have been writing about the blood mills and in fact this event has been reported by our historians of the Islamic era. On the way to Mazandaran the same commander ordered 12,000 captives to be hanged at the two sides of the road so that the victorious Arab army pass through. Upon arrival, many more were massacred in that province and heavy tax (Jizya) was imposed on the survivors who did not convert. Some historians have estimated that a total of 400,000 civilians were massacred. Even though the figure appears inflated, nevertheless it reflects the extent of atrocities committed by the Arab conquerors. After the battle of Alis, the Arab commander (Khalid ibn-e Valid) ordered all the prisoners of war be decapitated so that a creek of blood flows. When the city of Estakhr in the south put up stiff resistance against the Arab invaders, 40,000 residents were slaughtered or hanged. One of the battles by the Arabs has been named, Jelovla (covered), because an estimated 100,000 bodies of the slain Iranian soldiers covered the desert. It is reported that 130,000 Iranian women and children were enslaved and sold in the Mecca and Medina markets and large amount of gold and silver plundered

为了征服波斯和强迫伊斯兰,阿拉伯入侵者采取了许多不人道的行动,包括屠杀、大规模奴役男人、女人和儿童,以及对不皈依者征收重税。在戈尔甘的“Yazid ibn-e Mohalleb”的命令下,如此多的波斯人被斩首,他们的献血染红的河水将像他发誓的那样给水磨提供一天的动力,正如他的誓言那样。血磨坊事件被伊朗琐罗亚斯德教家庭的代代相传,一直引用到今天,然而我们的历史书却对此保持沉默。(译注:戈尔甘是伊朗的一个城市,算是省会,这里的誓言指他对安拉的承诺。既:如果他赢得这场战斗,他将让萨珊人的血流成河。)
一些历史学家估计总共有40万平民被屠杀,尽管这个数字看起来有些夸张,但它反映了阿拉伯征服者所犯下的暴行的程度。阿利斯战役后,阿拉伯指挥官哈立德·伊本·瓦利德(Khalid ibn-e Valid)下令将所有战俘斩首,血流成河。当南部城市伊斯塔赫尔(Estakhr,萨珊波斯龙兴之地)对阿拉伯入侵者进行顽强抵抗时,40000名居民被屠杀或绞死。阿拉伯人发起的一场战斗被命名为Jelovla (覆盖),因为估计有10万具被杀害的伊朗士兵的尸体覆盖了沙漠。据报道,13万伊朗妇女和儿童被奴役,在麦加和麦地那市场被贩卖,大量金银被掠夺。
(译注:磨坊事件,这个源于伊斯兰历史学家泰伯里的血河事件,指阿拉伯人屠杀萨珊波斯人染红了河水,血河水推动磨坊运作来和面加工制作面包,供给阿拉伯18000士兵吃了三天;根据塔巴里的说法,在无法突破萨珊人的防线时,Yazid ibn-e Mohalleb曾向安拉祈祷,并承诺如果他赢得这场战斗,他将让萨珊人的血流成河。
根据维基百科,以及这里的说法看,Yazid ibn-e Mohalleb应该和哈立德·伊本·瓦利德(Khalid ibn-e Valid)是一个人,可能只是波斯语的叫法音译,一个是阿拉伯语的音译。
在穆斯林重新发起的猛烈进攻面前,萨珊王朝开始逃往希拉。数千人被杀,河岸因死亡人数而变红;哈立德命令手下的一些人公开宣布,被击败的波斯人将被俘虏,而不是被杀死——除非他们进行反击。所以一群又一群人自首,并被带到哈立德那里,但是哈立德却指派他的一些手下在河岸边将他们全部斩首。这样持续了一天一夜。在接下来的两天里,他追击逃跑的波斯士兵,直到他们发现自己被河流逼入绝境。然后他们都被斩首。在Qa'qa ibn Amr的建议下,当他看到血液凝结在土壤上而不是流动时,穆斯林军队的指挥官之一,哈立德下令打开河上的水坝,然后水流入并移动了磨坊,然后他们用面包制作了面包,供他的 18000 名士兵吃三天,从而实现了他的目标早先誓言要用鲜血奔流这条河,后来被称为“血河”。)

History of Zoroastrians & Zoroastrianism in Post Arab Iran. Conditions & Treatment of Zoroastrians 650 CE-1400s
Contents Arab Attitudes Towards the Persians During Their Conquests Islamic Rulers of Iran
Murder of Priests Humiliation as Untouchables Under the Umayyads (661-750 CE) Under the Abbasids (752 - 833 CE) Page 1: Conditions & Treatment of Zoroastrians. 650 CE to Late 1400 s CE Suggested prior reading: Related reading: Arab Attitudes Towards the Persians During Their Conquests [The word 'Arab' does not necessarily mean someone born in Arabia or whose parents were born in Arabia. The Arab nation includes everyone who discarded their native religion, language and culture, and then adopted Islam and Arabic as their religion and 'mother-tongue' respectively, embraced all aspects of Arabic culture, and were loyal to the Arab nation. After the Islamic Arab conquests from China to North Africa, many peoples from those lands became 'Arab'.] During the Caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khatta-b, before the Arabs invaded Iran, they set about capturing the Persian territories in Mesopotamia, the Persian province of Khvarvaran, today's Iraq. When in 637 CE the caliph's armies under the command of Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas captured Khvarvaran's capital Ctesiphon (a residence of the Persian Sassanid kings), they burnt its palaces, libraries and archives. According to an account in Tarikh al-Tabari by Al-Tabari, Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas wrote to Caliph Umar about enquiring as to what should be done with the books at Ctesiphon. Umar wrote back, "If the books contradict the Qur'an, they are blasphemous. On the other hand, if they are in agreement, they are not needed, as for us Koran is sufficient." Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas then ordered the huge library at Ctesiphon destroyed and its priceless books, the work and wisdom of the generations of Persian scientists and scholars were thrown into a fire or into the River Euphrates. The Arabs called the Persians ' Ajam ' meaning mute, and nearly 40,000 captured Persians were shackled and sold as slaves in Arabia. However, retribution was not long coming. A certain Firooz, an enslaved Persian artisan, managed to assassinate the Caliph Umar. Muslim chronicles state that, in the subsequent battle of Ullais, the Arab commander Khalid ibn al-Walid, tired, angry, and frustrated with the resistance put up by the Persians, once victorious, ordered all the prisoners of war be decapitated and their dismembered bodies be thrown into the river. In order to fill the entire river downstream with the blood of the Persians - perhaps as an announcement of his total victory and as a way to strike fear into the remaining Persian armies defending the heartland - Khalid ordered the gates of a dam upstream on the river be opened. The cascading waters swept the bodies and their blood downstream earning it the name - the River of Blood. After the Arabs had conquered the Persian ruled lands west of the Zagros mountains, they began their campaign to conque

在倭马亚王朝(公元661-750年)和在阿拔斯王朝(公元752 - 833年)统治下,作为贱民的牧师被羞辱。
(译注:欧麦尔·伊本·哈塔卜(Umar ibn al-Khattab,586—644年),被称为欧麦尔一世,阿拉伯哈里发(634—644年在位)。来自穆罕默德所在的古莱氏部落哈希姆族,是早期追随穆罕默德的重要人物之一,也是穆罕默德最忠实的信徒。欧麦尔拥有铁一般的意志,与先知共同经历过“出走麦地那”、“壕沟之战”等重要考验,常常在战役的关键时刻扭转局势。他和第一任哈里发阿布·伯克尔被称为“先知的两大辅弼”。主要成就灭亡波斯,击垮拜占庭,占领埃及。)
公元637年,哈里发的军队在萨阿德·伊本·阿比·瓦卡斯(Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqqas)的指挥下攻占了首都克瓦尔瓦兰的泰西封(Ctesiphon(波斯萨珊王朝国王的住所),他们烧毁了它的宫殿、图书馆和档案馆。

根据泰伯里在《历代先知和帝王史》的叙述,赛义德·本·阿比·瓦卡斯(Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas)写信给哈里发欧麦尔,询问如何处理泰西封的书籍。
(译注:泰伯里(Tabari,838~923年),祖籍波斯,全名穆罕默德· 本· 杰里尔·本· 耶济德·本·哈里德,号艾布·贾法尔,生于里海南岸泰伯里斯坦(今伊朗马赞德兰省)的阿莫勒,并以出生地泰伯里著称于世。他是中世纪著名的《古兰经》注释家、圣训学家、伊斯兰教法学家、历史学家,阿拉伯编年体史书鼻祖。阿拉伯史学家称泰伯里为“伊斯兰经注学的长老”、“阿拉伯历史学的奠基者”。)

The Mongol invasion was disastrous for Iranians. The Mongols killed many Iranian civilians, destruction of qanat irrigation systems destroyed the pattern of relatively continuous Settlement, producing numerous isolated oasis cities in a land where they had previously been rare. A large number of people, particularly males, were killed between 1220 and 1258, 90% of total population of Iran may have been killed as a result of mass extermination and famine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Although Greeks treated Iranians better than Arabs and Mongols but they were not so great
Burning of Persepolis by Alexander


Under Alexander's orders the family of Darius (his wife, mother, daughters and son), were treated well and allowed to retain their social status, but many captured Persian women were treated brutally.
Greek men praised beauty of Persian women so we can imagine what happened when they had access to these women also Alexander forced more than 10000 Persian women to married Greek men.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But how did Cyrus the great and Persians treat the people they conquered?


In October 539 BCE, Cyrus the Great entered Babylonia in peace without being engaged in any battle. Babylonia was thereafter incorporated into the Persian Achaemenid realm as a satrapy. As Cyrus vowed in his cylinder to respect the people of Babylon, and since he liberated the incarcerated Jews to be returned to their homeland, he was viewed as the legitimate successor of the ancient Babylonian kings and became popular in Babylon itself, in contrast to Nabonidus.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ario Kiani
The issue is how you treat the people you conquer.
Persia was conquered three times by Greeks, Arabs and Mongols and all of them were nightmare for Iranians.

阿拉伯人 Arabs

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