2023-01-16 cnbsmt 19408

I don’t want to be shot at, I don’t want to be doing anything important, and I would prefer not to have to do much at all. Where do I want to go?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

While I assume the answer for the UK or US is simply “the homefront”, where would an indolent ne’er-do-well like myself want to be in the Soviet unx? What about China? Or Japan?

对于英国或美国,我认为答案就是“后方”, 但像我这样懒惰又无用的人如果是在苏联应该去哪里?中国呢?日本呢?

If you're in the USSR, go get yourself a posting in one of the far-Eastern cities.
Vladivostok, maybe. It handled a ton of Lend-Lease stuff coming across the Pacific, and saw absolutely zero actual warfare throughout the entire conflict - the Germans are far, far away, and the Japanese are singularly uninterested in opening another front. Go guard a warehouse or something. Might even get the chance to take a little sample of some of that nice lend-lease stuff as it's unloaded.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is a downside. Everyone removed from the front lines was on very sparse food rations. Even pilots in reserve/training regiments were half-starved and food was one of the important reasons many wanted to end up at the front ASAP.


Except that a laaaarge portion of the tonnage coming into Russia from America was food. If you're guarding that warehouse then you'll probably be able to grab an extra can of spam.


I don't care what people say, I love spam. Fry it up in chunks and throw it into some macaroni and you've got a nice spammaroni, that'll fill you up


That sounds like a good way to get sent to a penal battalion.


Maybe share the spam with the local NKVD office lol


On the other hand, getting caught would have...severe consequences.


Well, they did ship off many of the already trained soldiers to the West and sent in recently mobilized units from the area to take their place when the Germans invaded. Better to have your decently trained soldiers fighting than rotting away. So if you were already stationed there in 1939, might be sent off to Moscow in winter 1941.


Haven't seen much mention of the British forces in this. Like you said, the homefront is an obvious choice, but that has to be balanced out with the perils of wartime rationing, air raids, and blackouts (not so fun fact: traffic fatalities in Britain dramatically increased after blackout conditions were implemented).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you were the laziest soldier in the British forces during WWII, the best place to be would not have been the homefront, I reckon, but in fact: Gibraltar.
Although at the time you obviously would not have been sure Gib was safe from invasion, we know now that Spain was never going to join the war proper and neither Germany nor Italy ever had the capacity to invade. Although Gibraltar was subject to some air raids, mainly in 1942, an extensive network of tunnels meant that the occupants were very well protected, and I think it's fair to say Gibraltar was less bombed than the British home isles.


More importantly though, Gibraltar's status as an important supply depot meant that there would never be a shortage of food stuffs, in contrast with mainland Britain, and you have that glorious sub-tropical weather to keep you warm.


Gibs a good choice for sure. so would be cyprus. I'd still prefer a desk job in cairo though.


Ah, but being in Cairo risks being sent to the Western Desert.


It might get incredibly boring in Gibraltar though. It's barely a small town and you obviously couldn't go for trips to Spain. You're just stuck there with the monkeys. At least if you were posted in Britain you could slip off to a larger variety of places to pass the time.


When my Dad was a kid he knew a former spitfire pilot that spent the entire war in Australia


The Japanese got to within a few hundred kilometres of the northern Australian coast and frequently launched air raids there. There were plenty of Australian-based pilots that saw plenty of action.


USSR: Far East after Khalkhin Gol
Germany: Channel Islands post-occupation
US: South America (I remember seeing a photo of a baseball player in the US military trying out cricket in Guyana)
Japan: Vietnam (even get some post-war employment with the British there)
UK: Middle East (Cairo and east from there)
Italy: Dodecanese Islands (until they switch sides at least)
France: Syria and Lebanon

苏联: Khalkhin Gol后的远东
英国:中东 (开罗及其以东)

How about US mainland coastal artillery? Large cities such as San Francisco and New York had various coastal artillery batteries set up to protect the vital harbors from enemy attack.


My grandpa was on Coastal Artillery in Los Angeles. I think that they gave it to the older men with families. He was in his late 30s and had children in the LA area.


To add to this, I actually think the safest place to be as a German soldier was Norway post-1940 (though, that's not true for the Luftwaffe or Kriegsmarine). Also, for a French soldier Martinique has to the No. 1 spot to be.
Upvote for the cheeky reference to Imperial Japanese soldiers fighting the Viet Minh under British command.


To add to this, I actually think the safest place to be as a German soldier was Norway post-1940
I would suggest that Denmark is better. Not only does it have a better climate, there is effectively zero resistance and no commando raids or bombing. Also, no Russians - while southern Norway is good, you probably don't want to be a German soldier posted to northern Norway in 1944-45.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Norway was a bad place to surrender in. Alot of those guys hated by the Norge for the brutality of the occupation and were then eventually shipped to french pow camps which were bordering on concentration camps by the survivor accounts. Many were bullied into joining the french foreign legion to escape. Paul werner wrote about it in his autobiography "iron coffins" (he was a german U boat captain) and I have read it in other sources.
If you want a true safe place its probably naval staff in wilhemshaven/breman/kiel. although theres still allied bombing to worry about. Alot of those guys surrendered to the brits and were relatively well treated.


The Soviets did eventually push into Norway towards the end of the war, in a particularly unpleasant winter campaign.


I don’t think a Japanese soldier in Vietnam would have a very comfortable life tbh, he might get killed in a Vietminh ambush during and after the war.


What's a realistic, safer alternative for a Japanese soldier at the time?


I’d say occupation duty in Singapore would be one of the best postings a Japanese soldier could have in WW2. Resistance activities in occupied Singapore were practically non existent, with the only enemy actions to occur during the Japanese occupation being a few commando raids and B-29 bombings on the port facilities. For the most part a Japanese soldier in occupied Singapore spent his time harassing the locals and committing atrocities, and would rarely see action. Post surrender, while he may be put to work by the returning British forces, he’d end up doing construction work and manual labour unlike his comrade in Vietnam who’d go out on patrols and fight skirmishes with Vietnamese guerrillas on the orders of the British


The Japanese said something like heaven is Java and hell is New Guinea at that time


There were also probably liaison officers in Thailand, which was one of the few japanese allies in the time.


Aren't there cases of Japanese army folks fighting with the Vietnamese after WW2 ended?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A better choice would be the literal millions of troops on bypassed islands. Sure you'll get bombed once in a while, but so has every other piece of territory controlled by Japan. Alternatively Taiwan would've been a good choice, Manchuria a good choice until 1945.


really there were lots of perfectly safe out-of-the way assignments... but they were a minority of what was available and they weren't things you could "get yourself assigned to". You got assigned there by the almighty beauracracy of the Pentagon, or you got sent to Normandy or Iwo Jima, who knows, good fucking luck


I don't know how accurate it is, but I'm currently watching the TV Show "Manhattan", which is set around the scientists working on the Atomic Bomb. They are at the Los Alamos site, which is just outside the middle of nowhere in the middle of New Mexico, just past the centre of nothingness. Seems to be lots of Military Police whose primary job is to stop the civilians wandering into the science area and to stop scientists from different areas wandering into the wrong area.
700 Miles from the nearest ocean (i.e. nearest danger)? Tick
Job that's mainly manning an internal ID checking gate between areas from a bunch of unarmed nerds and their wives? Tick
No idea what the nerds are even doing or how important their work is, therefore you don't feel like you are doing anything important? Tick
MP at a secret facility sounds like a pretty safe and cushy job.

我不知道准不准确。但我最近在看电视节目“曼哈顿”, 以研究原子弹的科学家为背景。他们在洛斯阿拉莫斯基地,就在新墨西哥州中部的一个偏僻的地方,是荒芜之地的中心。那里似乎有很多宪兵,主要职责是阻止平民进入科研区域,并阻止不同区域的科学家进入错误的区域。

Safe? Yes. Cushy? No. Cushy would mean plenty of access to swank facilities and places to spend money. Alamogordo wasn't either.


Hawai'i after Pearl Harbor would be nice.


The iron law of supply and demand would work against you there. Even before Pearl Harbor, but especially after, unmarried young men poured into Honolulu. This had the effect of both overwhelming the city's services and driving the prices of everything through the roof. The oldest profession provides a good example. Honolulu whorehouses in 1942 gave a lonely serviceman exactly three minutes to take care of business and they charged him three dollars for the privilege - about two days' wages for a private.


Most military forces: General officer driver.
Driving higher ranking officers around means spending a lot of time doing nothing, and then driving to the next location to sit and wait.
Any errands done come with the benefits of being able to use the officer's rank to bypass rationing and typical bureaucracy during wartime.
People will also offer you "incentives" to get the ear or attention of the officer too.
Typically safer quarters and postings. Can't have generals being shot at, can we?

大多数军队: 将官司机。

Australia: Coastwatcher.
Best case scenario you spend the entire war in the Pacific relaxing on a tropical island with a pair of binoculars and a radio watching the coast and reporting on any Japanese ship or aircraft that you see passing by.
Worst case scenario you get betrayed by the locals to the Japanese, are taken prisoner after an exhausting pursuit through the jungle, get sent to work on the Thai-Burma Railway, and die of dysentry after working in slave labour conditions for a year.


How about working in the basement of a library as an enlisted soldier with no superiors. Your sole task is logging anyone in/out who need to check out old documents.
Best case scenario is you sit in a library basement and stare a phone screen all day and you don't see a single soul all week.
Worst case scenario is you're voluntold to take part in a top secret program that tests the efficacy of putting people in sleeping pods where they will awake at a specified date in the future, but the program is cut short, fades into distant memory, and they forget you're still in the sleeping pod. You wake up 500 years later and everyone is far dumber than you, so you are tasked with reteaching humanity how to grow crops.


So, I was in Kenya, briefly in the late eighties. Met an ex-officer by the name of Sandy. He was a British intelligence officer in ww2. He said to me, 'We were supposed to work our way north from Kenya, however the Italians knew we were coming, so we had to stay in Kenya" He spent the entirety of ww2 in Kenya, some of it around Kilindni, and he saw minimal action. It was at that point I realized that for some people, ww2 was quite a fun old lark.


Yeah my Great-Granpa got conscxted in '39, sent to Norway in 1940 as part of the occupation force and did pretty much nothing except learning Norwegian and befriending a local farmer with whom he exchanged letters until he died.


One of my grandfathers joined the infantry, but got transferred to a job welding things in Townsville. No risk, and he learned a skill he used post-war for work.
His mates got shipped over to fight on the Kokoda, which sounds like a lot less fun.


As for Japan, Java seems to be the best bet. There was a saying in the Japamese military during WW2, "Heaven is Java; hell is Burma; but no one returns alive from New Guinea.”


Obviously I cannot base this answer solely on this quote, but it does seem to have some merit. After the initial conquest of Java in 1942, the island seems to have been a relatively safe place for a Japanese soldier to be stationed.


The initial invasion of Java by the 16th Imperial Japanese Army went off without much of a hitch, and was over within several weeks.
After this, to make your stay more comfortable, you were able to commit any number of war crimes, including raping and pillaging.


The local Indonesians also seemed to be relatively cooperative in terms of local governance. Much of their middle class were recruited into political offices. Local statesman like Sukarno & Hatta were cooperative with the Japanese as well. This made managing the local populace easier.


In addition to this, the Japanese employed thousands of "Romusha" on Java. These were native forced laborers who constructed civil and military projects. This would have supplemented construction work you might otherwise be forced to do in some other Japanese occupied territories.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Allies bypassed Java as a whole. They don't seem to have engaged in any notable bombing runs on Java either.
And, (As far as I can tell), there doesn't seem to have been any notable insurgencies on Java during the Japanese occupation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There was a lot of Australian Commando actions in Java throughout the war, with ongoing sustained operations. Not as much as Timor, but still some.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If American: Iceland.
There was a fairly large garrison in Iceland during the war, about 30,000 troops at its peak. There were however few confrontations between Allied and Axis forces here. The occasional dogfight, small air raids and a few anti-submarine operations. For the most part though the biggest foe the garrison had to deal with was boredom. Iceland was very backwards in those days with few oppportunities for leisure.


USSR: Desk job in the capital.
Frankly, that is true of every country's military. There are a lot of uniformed dudes running around their equivalent of Pentagon moving paper, and they are reasonably safe jobs in every country.
The only countries where this question is a serious question is where the capital came under serious attack and/or occupation. For a German military clerk in Berlin, the fact that he is just a clerk is of no interest to an allied bomb. The French military clerks in Paris probably still became POWs when the Germans overran the place.


George McDonald Fraser (I think, or it might have been Brian Aldiss, both served in the forgotten Fifth) mentions arriving in India and being offered the chance of a fiddle where you permanently stayed in a transit camp in exchange for a percentage of wages. He took one look at the camp and decided that dying of bullets was better than dying of boredom. But YMMV.

乔治·麦克唐纳·弗雷泽(也可能是布莱恩·阿尔迪斯,两人都在被遗忘的第五军服役) 提到,抵达印度后,你有机会永久停留在临时营地里,代价是降工资。他看了一眼营地,觉得死于子弹总比死于无聊要好。但可能因人而异。

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