2023-01-19 杏子 7563
Brian Cura
I once worked with a college-aged girl that lived in a gated community.
She needed a ride home one day, and I was amazed by the massive houses in her neighborhood.
“You didn’t tell me you were rich!” I exclaimed.
“We’re not rich,” she said, “we’re just like everyone else.”
She wasn’t joking. She really thought that she and her neighbors were living a typical American life.

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Yes, she was sheltered. But many rich people are. They are physically separated from the rest of us. And unless they take a wrong turn, they may never learn that raw, ugly poverty is lurking just minutes away from where they live.
Because poverty is an abstract idea to them - something seen on TV - I don’t think they understand how common and difficult it is.


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Liam Littlefield
I have wealthy friends who are genuinely baffled as to why anyone doesn’t live in a house and don’t find jobs that makes six figures. What’s weird is they’re very nice people, they just don’t get how someone can end up in poverty or how hard it is to get out of it.

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L. De Vives to Liam Littlefield
My ex-inlaws were like that. They thought that if you had a job, even minimum wage, that you shouldn't have any financial problema. And if you did have problems, it was your own fault because obviously you were: on drugs, lazy, spent your money foolishly, had an alcohol problem, hired too many babysitters, bought too much stuff on home shopping TV, etc…


Roy Wilson to Liam Littlefield
And they probably support government regulations that they see as keeping their city looking nice and can’t understand that they’re making the poverty trap worse.


Anthony Cassidy to Roy Wilson
Government spending that makes a city looking nice, generally results in a net reduction in poverty. This is because it is a form of government spending that takes from the wealthy, and spends it on cleaners, gardeners, caretakers, handymen and other laborers - giving these laborers a change to give their kids a decent school life, with the aim of breaking the poverty cycle. Beautiful well-maintained citiscapes also creates citizens that don’t mind paying high rates of tax because they can see the benefits that this tax provides - and they see paying tax as necessary sacrifice for living in a well maintained city/country. (eg Japan, Denmark, Austria, Sweden)

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Judah Frangipane to Anthony Cassidy
These are good ideas I supported for many years but there is more to it. To get out of poverty you have to be able to save. In the US many people live in rented spaces. Every penny a person in the US works hard for (that is paid from an employer) is taken by a land lord every month who doesn't work at all. Many people cannot afford homes or do not qualify for homes bc of the intentional housing crisis or low pay from employers. The ability to acquire the American Dream died 30 years ago. Cost of living from deliberate inflation means everything is 3x the cost. There are working homeless who have two or three jobs. 80% of US citizens live paycheck to paycheck.


Ogunleye Ibukun to Roy Wilson
They probably also think social welfare programmes are a waste of government money, and that people are poor cos they're lazy, dull or addicted to drugs.

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Franklin Newman to Ogunleye Ibukun
And they certainly don’t understand that money is finite. Which means for them to have their wealth, thousands must be destitute.


Casey Fernandez to Franklin Newman
Respectfully disagree with the comment that “money is finite.” The economic pie can get bigger so both owners and workers can improve their standing. When Elon Musk created SpaceX the money was not sucked out of someone else’s pocket. He made the pie bigger. Thinking economics is a sum zero game would make it difficult for anyone to progress because you believe someone is losing when you do well.

恭敬地不同意“金钱是有限的”这一说法。经济蛋糕可以做大,这样所有者和工人都可以提高他们的地位。当埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)创建SpaceX时,钱并不是从别人的口袋里掏出来的。他把馅饼做大了。认为经济学是一个零和游戏会让任何人都难以取得进步,因为你认为当你做得好的时候,有人会输。

Christopher Pearman to Franklin Newman
We live in a ‘crony capitalist society’ know. So it does mean that someone been wealthy means a lot of people been poor. It was not always that way, though.


Molly Stevens
Another concept which rich people do not understand is just how deeply difficult it is to pull one’s self out of crushing poverty. They don’t know how society is set up to basically make that virtually impossible.


Cheryl Teeg
I was kinda that girl, granted I figured out I was NOT like everyone else before highschool. Thankfully, I wasn’t running around in college thinking I had an average childhood. My parents weren’t rich rich, but we were firmly upper middle class. Private school, yearly vacations to Disney World, International vacations every other year, Mexico, England, France, the Caribbean, Canada. Luxury cars, anything I wanted for birthdays and Christmas. I can honestly say there was nothing I ever asked for that I didn’t get. In private school, most people had houses like mine, got mostly what they wanted. I’d go to someone’s house and it was basically like mine, or often bigger and way more expensive. Then I went to public school for 6th grade and invited some kids over for a party. The girls entered my house and looked around in awe exclaiming over the “mansion” and how we were “so rich”. That’s when I began to realize that my life wasn’t normal. And they’d invite me to their houses, some were about the same as mine, but some lived in apartments or small townhouses with extended family. I’d never lived in anything but a single family. In some ways I really disliked going to public school, but it gave me a world perspective I wouldn’t have got otherwise. Even then, it was a really good public school in one of the richest counties in the US. When I met my husband, who grew up in projects of the NY Bronx, it was another level of perspective.


Claire Jordan
That’s something that very rarely happens here in the UK, because rich houses and poor houses are often on the same street, 50 yards apart. There are virtually no gated communities here aside from monasteries, army bases and sheltered housing for the elderly or disabled. In fact, in 63 years I’ve only seen two. One belonged to a Saudi prince who had bought up a group of properties and put a fence round them in the 1980s, and the other became gated by accident because the houses are mixed in with some council offices that need to be locked up at night.


Avinash Singh
A rich family was having own private jet. One day private jet went for repair work, and family with kids took public planes for their holiday trip. Kids always used their private jet for all their travels in past. They were surprised, asked dad why so many people are there in that plane?


L. De Vives to Avinash Singh
And to me, at one time…being able to fly anywhere at all in a comercial plane was an unreachable dream that would never happen.


Abigal Silverson
A lot of people equate being rich with being very intelligent. This is simply not true, yes having money can buy you anything you want but it does not make you intelligent unless you constantly working on your mind.
Some people don’t value money at all and they only need it to live. A good friend of mine has three degrees and a master’s, two of them he took at the same time, one during the day and one online while he was studying for the first. The third he took while he was working full time at another job and was paid by his employer to do so and the Masters he obtained during the pandemic.

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When I tell you he does not care about money at all, I mean he really does not care about it, he only uses it to pay the rent, buy food, and any essentially but his passion is obtaining knowledge,
He wears ordinary clothes so people think he is normal but when people hear him speak they think he super-rich which he keeps telling them that he is not, one of his rooms has a library with thousands of books. Now a rich person might come along and say well I have millions but what my friend has and I would argue goes beyond money and that is passion just for learning.
I once asked him why he was so passionate about learning and if it was to lord it over people, and he simply replied that he does not even tell people that he has all these degrees, and does what he does because he simply loves learning just for the sake of learning and to push oneself just like an athlete does.

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Andre Leong
Probably they might not see it on TV either?
If they just watch TV shows then they'll think everyone in “poverty" can live in a large apartment with a giant living room.
If they watch the news they might have an idea of poverty but it will always appear as something far away in Africa and Asia, or perhaps eastern Europe and also South America.
Maybe they don't think poverty in the USA is real poverty because “public transport" exists and people can just walk into a supermarket or even a McDonald's if they are hungry? (Even though it is quite impossible to walk anywhere safely in the USA outside of a few sext areas in big cities)


Brian Cura to Andre Leong
That's a good point. Thank you.
Some people like to say, “America has the richest poor people in the world.”
Which isn't true, and even if it was, it isn't a great argument for not caring.


Rohit Panuganti
I have a friend whose mom just gifted him a luxury car (his second car) for no particular reason. He dates models. I on the other hand have to send money to my parents so that they can pay their rent. I need to pay education loan EMI. I can't afford the cheapest car in the market, and I have 0 savings. We both earn same salary. He thinks he's not rich, and that I'm not that poor compared to him. I'm not jealous, but every time I think of the difference between us, it makes me sad.


Stephen Handler
Income inequity has grown multiple folds in the last 40 years in the US. It has resulted in reducing the middle class. As a result the haves have less experience and understanding for the have nots or even those lower down the economic scale. Without knowledge and experience, people began to make negative assumptions which often turn into prejudices. These create further divisions. In my opinion this has contributed to the most divided US A in 150 years.


Half the world is starving to death and the other half is trying to loose weight and gain weight. No one has the choice of being born poor or rich. I've seen babies die from starvation in the mother's arms, overseas. I've seen rich people spend $150, 000 on a pocket book. Some will die poor some will die rich, thing is they never new the other existed.


i live in a relatively upscale neighborhood. my family is a relatively high-class family. i totally understand what its like to be impoverished and poor, especially in a hypercapitalized society like the USA, not because i have personally experienced it before, but i naturally just have a very empathetic and understanding personality. i try to not waste anything like water, electricity food etc, never buy things i dont need, and i also try to gave the homeless a $5 bill or some takeout every so often. im only 18 so its not like i have high end connections to powerful people or celebs or massive corporations or anything like that. no, i may come from an upper-class household but im literally just a regular teen who goes to a regular high school. if society isnt willing to help these people out, the most i can do is put in some effort to not take everything for granted or be so ignorant with what’s going on just 2 blocks away.

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Jonathan Chao
If you have all 4 limbs intact, a mind with little to no illnesses, some self discipline, access to clean water, parents, friends, internet, housing, food, then you are rich.

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Lisa O'Brien
Wealthier people not only do not understand why or how the less fortunate live, they don’t give a shit. Why should they? Their nests are feathered nicely, health care isn’t an issue, and their chicks are well-fed and sent to private schools, tutors, coaches, and summer camps. They have their own, very pressing types of problems.


Peter Walbran
Unless you have been directly exposed to poverty it is almost impossible to comprehend what a grinding existence it is trying to survive day to day. It grates me to hear people from rich Western nations bemoan how poorly off they are.


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