2023-01-29 龟兔赛跑 6728

How can I rise my intuition in life?


Bas Ott
I've always been an intuitive, so I can't answer your question in any way but one:
Diligently search the Bible, actually BE the Be Attitudes! this will increase you spiritual sensitivity from within, and being increased from within will grow your intuition.


Sam Olliver
Intuitive people are more in touch with their subconscious.
Driving my point home, Jim Carrey has said that he relies on intuition for his work and while it may upset some people, he feels "no need to question it".
Clearly, this will not be the case for everyone and it is worth noting that if one's intuition is less developed or 'hazy', they must follow the same scientific method as everyone else.
Researching one's thoughts until they can be corroborated by fact.
The first step would be building up a more tangible life-experience through seeking out new opportunities for personal development and pushing oneself into unknown territory.
By opening up oneself to new possibilities such as yoga, meditation and having a growth mindset - you’ll notice a detectable improvement in your intuition.


Jessie Archi
Have you ever had a time in your life when your intuition saved your life?
I got off the metro a couple of blocks away from my house. No buses run all the way to my house. I began to run home. I look up something told me to stop. I see a green car as it passes me it slowes down. I immediately stop and run into the street and stop in the middle of the boulevard. I see the car make a u turn heading towards me, so i run back to the side walk i was originally in. The car once again makes a uturn. So i run back into the boulevard as cars almost hit me. To which one of two male's in the vehicle scream out “hey we want to talk to you, did you see any one running? We just want to talk to you.” (i was The only person running and on the side walk) The driver makes another u turn toward the intersection I'm on. I run back to the side walk and yell back “get the f@$# away from me mother f@$#ers.” At this point I'm near a house who's gate is usually wide open but this day it happened to be closed. I say “I'm going to go in this house and call the cops” (no cheap cell phone access at this time.) I take the deepest breath hoping the gate was unlocked. It was! I ran in. As i did i hear the car squeal off. I look to make sure it goes away and wait a bit to run my way home. I get home call the cops. They tell me “the problem is we send a patrol car and by the time it gets there the vehicle in question will be gone.” A couple of hours later on tv i see ‘two males seen in a small green car in local area abducting young females if seen call 911.’ Same car that had me ruining back and forth. Eek! I got my licence a couple of weeks later.



Artem Boytsov
How do you know if your intuition is right or not?
It’s always right.
Your intuition is basically what you want to do. When it contradicts your thinking, there’s an inner conflict. Logically you “should” be doing one thing, but there’s something in you, something you cannot explain, something you cannot put in words, which “tells” you that you should do another.
So that “something”, because it’s unexplainable, is called intuition. The reality is, that “something” is just what you truly want to do, because there is never an explanation for what you want to do. Explain to me why you like apples, prove it, logically! Or prove to me why playing tennis is enjoyable for you! It’s impossible. That’s why when we fall in love we sometimes feel like we’re going crazy. Because your true, authentic desire to love another person becomes so strong, that it completely overrides all your mind’s logical obxtions to it and your mind is going “You’re crazy! What are you doing? This is insane!”
It’s not insane. Love is never insane. The mind is insane.
So, your intuition is always right. Listen to it, get in touch with it, and slowly learn to follow your heart over the obxtions of your mind. It will not be easy, and it will appear like you’re making many mistakes, but it leads to freedom and happiness in the long-term. Your heart knows the way.


Gaye Bockman
What was one time that your intuition was right?
My intuition has been right many times, but the story that follows still brings chills to my spine after all these years.
I arrived at my place of employment one morning and noticed that one of my colleagues was not sitting at her desk. Apparently she had phoned in sick and did not expect to return for a few days. She was a lovely lady but we were not particularly close emotionally or professionally. I began my day in the usual way, but couldn’t stop thinking about her and some of the short conversations Tammy (not her real name) and I previously had when we casually met in the kitchen or bathroom or wherever. As I tried to concentrate on my work, things started to feel a little “off”. But why? Everybody is entitled to take some sick time, and it was rare for Tammy not to come in. Thoughts of planning my day vanished as I started to feel a sense of urgency. I phoned her. No answer. At that point I felt an overwhelming desire to pay her a visit. The Personnel Dept had her address and, reluctantly gave it to me, sensing my unusual insistence that I HAD to see her, even without a valid reason.


Arriving at her home, it appeared that no one was home. The blinds were pulled shut and it was eerily quiet. There was no answer to my loud and insistent knocking. More alarm bells, but logic told me that she was probably at the doctors office. The sense of impending doom overrode my logic as I raced around the back of her home. I found a sliding door that was locked, but leaving a very small opening. I learned later that it was just wide enough for her large cat to use but not large enough for anyone else to enter. I, however, was small enough to squeeze through with a great amount of effort, so I did. Nobody downstairs. I literally run upstairs with my heart pounding by this stage. There she was. In bed and unconscious. But alive - just. The ambulance I phoned for arrived within minutes.
Tammy had tried to commit suicide and had gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the desired outcome. Another few minutes and she would have succeeded. She was admitted to a facility appropriate to her needs and remained there for several months.

到了她家,似乎没有人在家。百叶窗被拉上了,静得出奇。我不停地大声敲门,没有人应声。更多的警告,但逻辑告诉我,她可能在医生的办公室。末日即将来临的感觉压倒了我的逻辑,我在她家后面跑着。我发现一扇推拉门被锁上了,但留下了一个很小的出口。后来我才知道,它的宽度只够她的大猫咪进入,但不足以让其他人进入。一、 然而,它很小,需要花很大的力气才能挤过去,所以我就挤过去了。没有人在楼下。我真的跑上楼,心跳加速。她就在那儿。躺在床上,不省人事。但还活着。我打电话叫的救护车几分钟后就到了。

I did not keep in touch with Tammy, especially after she made it very clear to me that my interference was not wanted and, at the time, she really did want to die. I somehow “know” that she is now grateful for her life and is doing the remarkable things she was always meant to do. I believe we all have a purpose in this life and that her experience, although probably negative at the time, has allowed her to become a blessing to others and a positive motivation for people who find themselves in her situation.
For me, I continue to listen to that small inner voice. Is it intuition or coincidence? I believe it is the Universe, God or a higher power that is willing to guide me, and everybody willing to hear, along our path in this life. I’m learning to trust more and more as I walk through this fascinating story we call our life.
After thought: I have had a couple of comments that have prompted me to add a post scxt, below. This is a copied response to a much appreciated reader.
“Hi Mors, thank you for your response. I felt it important to let you know that Tammy completely recovered, mentally and physically. I was so grateful to hear from a mutual acquaintance some time later that she did eventually realise that she had two boys and a fiancé who loved her dearly, as she loved them, and did in fact “live happily ever after”.


Thomas Francisco Pelgero
Can your intuition reveal things to you? How do you enhance your intuition?
Hi Matt,
When you are busy in life, studying, working, making diner, wanting coffee, call a friend, talking to friends or going out, thinking about the past and the future, your are constantly formulating consciously and subconsciously thoughts. Mostly with the ratio and based on your perspective at life.
Don’t get me wrong this article is not an argument to get you to meditate, meditation is just a choice. You can listen to your intuition without this way of meditating. Just bear with me, it will all become clear to you.
Monks call these mentioned thoughts: monkey chatter.


Monkey chatter are thoughts that goes through your mind and places a layer, that covers who you really are. Because of the normal conscious thoughts, we can’t hear our subconscious speaking. That is the reason why monks meditate in silence. They silence their conscious thoughts and listen to the subconscious mind. With this you can experience premonition, like visions, receive answers on questions, you can even leave your body in an out of body experiences, you can visit the astral plane and much more.
I am going to tell you things you probable never heard before. Believe them or not, it is just your choice. Still it is the truth, nothing more or less.
Before you are born your Soul split up into a conscious part and a subconscious part of your Soul. The conscious part of your Soul is your awareness, with this awareness you are formulating all day thoughts.


The subconscious part of your Soul is your Higher Self. The Higher Self is a pure positive awareness of yourself. Perhaps difficult to believe, but it helps you to find the right positive path in life. Never asked yourself, why conscience and intuition are always right and pure positive thoughts?
Conscience and intuition are the voice of your Higher Self. Normally we can’t hear them, because we are too busy, formulating thoughts in our normal life. That is why people meditate, to shut down the conscious thoughts, the monkey chatter and start to listen in first instance to the Higher Self. There are much more experiences with meditation, but I will limit this article on conscience and intuition.


What is the difference between conscience and intuition?
Conscience are thoughts of the higher self which are offered to you to consider. Still you have to make your choice, when you want to adapt them or not.
Intuition is more a signal, like an impulsive action to do, to protect you for harm and problems.
These are guidance of your Higher Self to help you evolve in life and to be protected in life.
Now, imagine this contradiction in your awareness and the higher self awareness. You want a career, possessions and money, for example with your conscious awareness. The higher self wants you to be happy, to enjoy life and to learn from experiences in life, in the end to evolve into a more experienced and a more positive awareness. So that when you are at your end of your human life experience, you have become enlightened. Because than you are one Soul again and can enter Heaven, home easily.


When you never listen to your conscience or intuition, than you will formulate thoughts to get what your egoistic, greedy and negative ego perspective wants. You will lie, cheat, deceive, manipulate, use force, violence, raise voice, black mail or what ever it takes, to get your goals.
Here you find the struggle we have in life. The struggle between good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative.
When you silence your thoughts of your conscious awareness and listen to your higher self, you will hear this positive information to help you evolve. That is why people are meditating to find balance, positivity and happiness in their lives.
Why do cats, dogs, horses and animals have all good intuition? Yes, they think less than a human. They are in balance and have a good connection with their higher self. Just on a different level as awareness, still it all works the same.


What is balance in ourselves?
Balance in ourselves is to raise our frequency of our conscious awareness of our Soul in line with the frequency of the pure positive Higher Self awareness. We can raise our frequency of our conscious awareness when we formulate pure positive thoughts, which are good for you AND good for all other people on the world AND good for Nature.
Because thoughts are energy waves that have a specific frequency. When you understand life, you understand that:
Positive thoughts create positive emotions and feel great.
Negative thoughts create negative emotions and feel bad.
We choose our feelings, by the thoughts we are consciously and subconsciously formulating.
On this moment you have all the pieces of the puzzle to understand your answer on your question.
Intuition is a signal to guide you unto the right positive path in life and to protect you from harm.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Conscience is pure positive information from your Higher Self awareness for you to consider. This connection and hearing your conscience will reveal information for you.
To make intuition and conscience more available you have to bring your awareness more in line with your higher self awareness by formulating pure positive thoughts, which are good for you AND good for all people on the world AND good for Nature.
Try to shut down, often your ratio and just feel what you should do, instead of thinking what you should do. How more you start to activate your feelings and start to listen to suddenly information that pops up in your mind and analyze this. You will see that you will receive information that is different. Than you will have a time to make a choice, do you follow your thoughts (ratio) or do you follow your inner voice (Higher Self).
It is like learning a new language, first you have to understand how the words fits together. Than you have to try it and in the beginning it goes slow and will feel vague and unclear. When you keep searching to attain this ability you will find it. After a longer while you will notice the difference between ratio and your conscience or intuition from your Higher Self. Still you can make your decision, what feels good for you and others.


Try meditating too, and experience it and see what happens.
Literally you are start to learn WHO YOU ARE. That is why people say:
You are an immortal energetic Soul, that has a human life experience to enjoy, to learn and to gain balance in your Soul. Remember that knowledge and wisdom you will take with you, after you pass over. Possessions and material in life, means nothing. They are just a creation to enjoy, it is all about evolving and growing your awareness into a more experienced (higher) and a more positive awareness to become enlightened. So when you pass over, you can return to Heaven immediately. Still it is your choice.
Choose well.
With best regards,


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