2023-01-29 龟兔赛跑 5259

How can I rise my intuition in life?


Pradnya Pandit
How can I trust my intuition? How do I know if my intuition is accurate?
Intuition will always be “right”.
Actually, the word accurate is not the right word to use here, as we use this word as a measure of someone’s skilled execution / calculation / judgement etc. - be it human beings or machines (which are man-made).
Intuition does not originate from any calculation or a judgement of a human being or a machine. Intuition - is our inner voice.
Intuition is one of the ways the non-physical part of you – your soul (your Higher Self) – or your spirit guides communicate with you.


Can your Higher self be wrong?
Your Higher Self is the complete and true essence of you; it’s whole, perfect, loving, and carries all of your past life memories, as well as a basic “blueprint” of the things you desire to experience in this lifetime.
Your soul communicates with you by giving you intuitive feelings that help keep you on track with your desires and help move you towards joy.
It can not be wrong.


Can your spirit guides be wrong?
Spirit guides are loving spiritual beings who are working day and night behind the scenes to help you achieve what you want to achieve. They love you and are our strong support from another realm. They can not be wrong, as they are having the overall picture of you and your life path.
So if the basic SOURCE from the intuition is coming can not be wrong, then where it can go wrong?
There is only one thing - your inability to TRUST YOUR INTUITION.
Your intuition can help you with huge decisions and also everyday “small stuff”. Right from what veggies you should buy for dinner tonight - to - if it is a right time to buy a new house.
We always have a dialogue going inside our head…and you will find yourself telling your friends and family: —- Something told me to do (or not do) it!——
I just knew that I had to do that!——or ———Something stopped me from (taking a certain action).


I personally like Marie Kondo’s (Japanese organizing consultant and author) simple technique of asking yourself one question - “Does this spark joy?”
Ask that question to everything you are wondering about, listen to what your heart answers and follow it.
Start small. Be aware and listen to your inner voice - in small things. what should you buy for a week’s lunch or what to wear to go for work.
Experience the change in you. Experience what you feel and how you feel when you follow your inner voice.
Once you start understanding how it is helping you - you will be able to listen to it, and trust it.

我个人喜欢Marie Kondo(日本组织顾问和作家)简单的问自己一个问题的技巧——“这会带来快乐吗?”

What is intuition?
Intuition is a heightened, refined sense other than our 5 senses. Intuition is not easily recognized because it is not easy to sense other than when we are in touch with who we are on the inside, the real side the soul if you believe in it. That is why it is more complex than any emotion. Some people confuse it with instinct. But they both are quite opposite. Instinct is the first biological and psychological thought that comes first to our mind when we are faced with certain situation. It is raw emotion and some instincts are not exactly serving our purposes now a days but had better purposes when we were living in caves.
Intuition is a signal that we get whether something is right or not, good or bad for us based on very little information about it. That is why we cannot explain intuition with perfect reasoning. Even when there is good reason for us, ‘other people’ cannot understand it. Since it is ‘felt’ or experienced only by that individual on a deep level.


Intuition has to do with our connection to the world around us. It is more refined and not raw like an instinct. It gives biological or physical signals based on which we decide if something is good or not for us. Intuition is also expressed through our ‘gut’. The way we feel in our whole body especially the stomach during some situations.
Instinct is a common trait in every human and animal. But good intuition is like a gift. Not all possess it or it is not even experienced by many around us. It cannot be developed or learnt that easily since it is not a skill.
We can ‘sense’ and ‘know’ things even before we have enough information about the condition or situation. That is why it takes a brave heart, a courageous person to believe in intuition because a person who is not in touch with who he/she easily ignores an intuitive signal since it is a bit vague and takes some deep level intelligence to understand it. Intuition may or may not be 100% true but it sure gives one an edge in making decisions that one can otherwise may not be able to make.
Thank you for asking me to answer.


Chris Ebbert
How do you get over the feeling of being a failure?
Realise that you may not be a failure in the eyes of someone else.
Here’s my story. I was 40, divorced, had left a life in New Zealand behind that had fallen apart in the most dramatic way possible, and was invited at my cousin’s house in Austria to a summer party.
As we ate barbecued things and drank local beer, dreams were swapped and future visions exchanged. My cousin is a sound engineer, struggling as a consultant, doing the odd gig in Vienna or Salzburg.
We talked about happiness.
And I heard myself saying, “maybe some day, when I am successful, I will know what happiness is.”
My cousin looked at me as if I was very, very drunk. And maybe, I was. And he said, “Chris ‘some day when you are successful’?”


That changed my world view.
I realised then and there that it depends very much on whom we ask whether we feel like failures, or not. All I had been able to see was how badly things had gone for me in New Zealand, and how the expat position in China really was only a gap filler till I would be able to find something to replace the life I had had in NZ. That that life in Shanghai was in itself pretty cool was somehow off my radar.
Perhaps you need to ask the right people? Try to understand what the average person’s existence on this planet is like. Success and failure are not quantitative values. They are dangerously subjective perceptions, and require some grounding in basic values.
So, stop comparing yourself to the wrong people. By comparing ourselves to stars or celebrities of some standing, we will always look bad.


Jay Matthews
How can I develop my intuition?
Pay attention to the songs that “randomly” pop into your head. The lyrics usually contain a message from your intuition.
Record your dreams in the morning - this practice can change your life. Life can be a participation in the sacred dimension, instead of a slog through confusion.
When you’re faced with a perplexing situation, grab a card. Do some thinking about how this image or phrase applies to your situation, and write your thoughts down.


Lana Novak
Does intuition really work?
It sure does. And everyone has it, only some people never seem to learn to pay attention to it.
I vividly remember one day when I walked into a furniture store and a guy walked in behind me. Suddenly, the whole of my being, every cell in my body was flooded with the feeling of extreme danger, like I was hit with a wave of frost. I felt the fear at the back of my head, as if I was about to be hit with a hammer. Never felt that way before or since. I turned around and looked at him. He was smiling, but it was beyond obvious he’s a predator. It’s impossible for me to explain what exactly gave him away, it’s nothing physical, nothing you can see, it was just… everything. The smell, the vibe, the deadness in eyes - everything!
I slowly walked over to the sales people sitting behind the counter and told them the guy who walked in seems extremely dangerous. They looked at him and someone said he was in few days earlier, after which they have found something horrible (dead) left outside, near the back door (but didn't connect it with the guy). So I called the police, right then and there. I remember telling the 911 operator that “I’m not easily scared, but this person is seriously alarming”. I was asked to describe him and, long story short, it turns out the guy was very sick and police was after him. Don’t feel like going into details, the whole thing is disgustingly gruesome (he was into satanic ritualistic killings).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are countless instances of people sensing danger well before being harmed or in a situation that is already spiraling out of control. If you can stomach crime documentaries, you’ll hear one sentence repeated numerous times: I could sense something was amiss. Or, I could feel something is not quite right. But - disregarded it. Explained it away in a logical, rational way, like we are generally taught to do (“it’s not you, it’s me” syndrome).
Intuition is priceless. It should be developed to the fullest extent, nurtured and heeded.
It serves to warn you of danger well in advance, and also helps you make better choices. If you hear the small voice inside saying No - don’t do this, don’t go there, don’t stay here, don’t go out with that guy - trust it and act accordingly.


There’s a documentary about 2 girls who were brutally attacked, raped and shot one night somewhere in States. The one who survived - by a sheer miracle, she was shot in the head and left for dead, the left side of her body paralyzed since - was telling the story.
Her friend wanted to show her the place where she was baptized. It was on a beach somewhere - in the middle of the night, over some cliff where there’s no living soul for miles around. The girl who survived said she “had a bad feeling about it”, she didn't want to go, so for a while they were sitting in the car arguing. But, she said, “I didn't want to fight”, so she finally gave in and went along. The horror that followed is hard to imagine.
This is how we disregard our intuition all the time, and the consequences are sometimes tragic. Teenagers especially. Let’s not rock the boat, let’s not make waves, let’s get along, give in to pressure no matter how much we’d like to back out of something… There are times when we need to be stubborn and uncooperative and resist the peer pressure, at the cost of coming across as boring, obstinate and killjoys.


Jacky Dror
Can we live our lives without intuition?
Yes of course. Many people do not possess intuition. Let me rephrase that. Everyone has the ability to attain intuition but not everyone has the capacity or the skills to fine tune that intuition and make it work for them.
Let us look what intuition actually is. It is the ability to instinctively understand something without the need for protracted reasoning. It is the gut feeling we get deep within ourselves to tell us something is right or wrong. It is our instinct born from years of experiences that shows us in a split second which road to take. Which partner to chose. Which job to take.
Of course, that is not to say there should not be some formal reasoning and logic along the way in any decision. But sometimes if we rely on our intuition, our first instincts could set us on the right road.
That is not to say our intuition cannot be wrong. Of course it can. But the thing to do for those of us that rely on our intuition quite considerably is to look at our own past history. When has it worked for us, when has it not? Then one has to weight up the percentages and judge if it is a bonus in your life or just a hindrance.


Chris Vaughn
What are real life examples of sensing vs intuition?
Sensing vs. Intuition?
It's the difference between observation and realization. What am I looking at vs. What do I see? Same tree. Different section.
A real life example would be to take a drive down a familiar road in a familiar place and reach a familiar intersection.
The sensing aspect is the real time awareness of your location. The intuition aspect is to know where each potential path may lead from that particular point, regardless of which direction you choose to travel.
Intuition is the application of using the pieces that sensing provides in order to gain insight to the available possibilities, risks, liabilities, consequences, contradictions, inefficiencies, and endless variables that the INTJ mind conjures and churns through.


Sensing is a conscious thought. Intuition is a subconscious realization. To put both together? “Hmmm.. perhaps it might not be a great idea to put this can of soda in the freezer.. and forget about it.”
Sensing is all of the readily available information that bombards us. Intuition allows us to take that information and compare it against what we already think, or believe, or know.
INTJs have a tendency to question everything. Why? We are internally wired to keep feeding our intuition in some kind of convoluted quest to optimize efficiency, or make sense of things, or seek results - without adding further complication in the process.
A real life example of Sensing vs. Intuition? If it was the middle of the night and the power went out, could you walk through your house without tripping over any furniture or walking into a wall?

感知是一种有意识的思想。直觉是潜意识的实现。把两者放在一起?“嗯. .也许把这罐汽水放进冰箱不是个好主意。忘了它吧。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No cheating with using that cell phone light!
Sensing helps us to understand where we are. Intuition shines the light on the path that leads us towards where (we think) we want to be. Sensing returns to let us know that something isn't quite right with the plan. And, we gain insight, modify the plan.. and move on.
Because intuition is the core strength of INTJs, we have a way of understanding the delicate intricacy of things to a depth that few can reach, or relate to. Such a frustrating gift that can often be!


Kalli Noble
How do you recognize more intuitive types in real life?
By “intuitive types” I assume you mean in relation to MBTI - the xNxx types.
I’m much better at detecting Sensor types because I encounter them more often. So when I’m interacting with an Intuitive, there’s a subtle feeling of “coming home” or “I’ve found my own kind”. ??
I can recognize an Intuitive type after talking with them for a while. There’s a feeling of “they really get me”, of being understood, and an in-sync sensation.
How I recognize an Intuitive type (based on personal experience)-
seems to have an easier time following my conversations
better at understanding metaphors and symbolism during discussions
they may skip ahead in my conversation because they see where my thoughts are leading
comes up with hypothetical situations based on a current situation - what-if type thoughts


may create random stories about strangers as they walk by - imagining what a person’s story might be
imagines the bigger picture, the larger scope, instead of seeing only the smaller details or facts
enjoys double meanings, innuendo, and sharing in-jokes
might envision all the possibilities connected to a choice or event - potential roads leading away from a situation
not really a collector of material possessions - isn’t all that important
likes to brainstorm ideas for inspiration
stops to internally reflect on situations - possibly withdrawing to do so
makes connections between concepts
predicts what might happen next based on cues and previous experience - a sixth sense
gets bored with too much surface interaction - wants to take thoughts deeper
also, gets bored with continuously repeating the same tasks - needs variety


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