2023-01-30 Kira_Yoshikage 7415

What secret could ruin your life if it got out?


To pass my high-school graduation writing exam, I just wrote the story to Gears Of War because I didn’t study or prepare beforehand


Lol pretty solid story though


If you were able to convey the story on paper well enough without any errors, that's probably all they cared about mostly.


Imagine how many people are typing their secrets just to completely erase on the last sentence and not post at all


When my sister was going through an alcoholic mental health crisis she decided to tell our family and friends all of my secrets. I was trying to convince her to get help, she resented me for it and felt exposing me would take the heat off of her.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A life time worth of sins and regrets that if I could go back in time by I might change. Nothing I did was illegal but some people consider immoral. It was very personal stuff that I never wanted to share.


Well everybody knows now! I was put in a difficult position, it opened conversations I never intended to have with our family. I offered to have an open dialogue and answer any questions. No one cared. It completely backfired on her.


In fact, I received love and support while she’s been completely ostracized by most of outlets family, they found her behavior to be self righteous and deplorable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being found out didn’t ruin me, it freed me


That I was a heroin addict in my 20s. Been clean 9 years, and no one I work with, or associate with at this point in my life (besides wife, kids, and immediate family) realize that 10 years ago I was an unrecognizable shell of who I am now…

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

im currently struggling with addiction not as serious as a heroin addiction but its majorly impacted my life and left me a shadow of my former self. sometimes it feels like ill never get to the point of having a family, good job or friends again but reading that makes me want to keep trying to get clean and live the life i should be living.


Bro you will. I sit here 5+ years off fentanyl, married, dog, cat, apartment, and now pregnant with my first baby. When six years ago I was in jail 50k bail, 3 felonies and 4 misdemeanors.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

YOU ARE MORE THAN WHAT THAT FUCKIN POISON IS TELLING YOU. YOU DONT FUCKING NEED THAT SHIT!!!!! Whatever the hell it is I don’t care man if it’s affecting you and your life like that it’s gone way too far.


I’m mixed up in the fast food game. Sometimes I tell the homeless people around the corner what time we throw out the expired burgers, so they can grab them from the trash. It’s explicitly banned in our code of ethics that we sign when we start.


That’s a good thing that you are doing. Bro fuck that code of ethics. It’s more ethical to give food to the homeless than to throw it away.


Imagine banning feeding the homeless and then calling it the code of "ethics"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This question always makes me wonder about the horrible secrets that people can't bring themselves to talk about, even in a semi-anonymous place like reddit. The people here who have spoken up already have pretty intense secrets. Just imagine the secrets that go unshared.


A cousin of mine tried to rape me when I was young and years later I tried to drown him with a hose (I put the hose at maximum in his throat) but when I heard my parents coming I stopped, after that I said to him: if you tell anyone about this Im going to really kill you, but we didn't saw each other after that because his family moved to another state


I used to masturbate in the school bathroom when I was in 8th grade


I had one of the most intense orgasms of my life in my university library toilet after nearly losing it reading some mildly erotic story online.


When I was 11 I was told to take out the trash and I did but (for context my family had a grill with a box of matches next to it and it was fall) but I burned some dead leaves for like 2 minutes then I stomped on them to put out the fire but all did was push it right next to our house and then the house went up the flames and my parents had very well paying jobs so they were able to pay for the damages but when the authorities came and firefighters put out the fire, they were wondering how it started and the authorities suspected someone jumped to the fence and lit up the leaves to burn our house down. Our parents scared for my life moved somewhere else and they lost the jobs and lost a lot of money moving to our new house and for the next solid 7 years we lived like shit. and my parents still do not know that I'm the reason they have to look like that.


One time in elementary school, there was this really big important test… I was out sick that day, as were a handful of other kids (flu season). There were like 6 of us total who had to make up the test, we were put in a separate room and told to be quiet and focus on our tests, our teacher would be checking on us very soon. A few minutes after she left, a voice calls out “… does anyone know the answer to number 7?”


Next thing you know, we’ve got one kid looking out at the door while we all discuss and tell each other the answers. I think the teacher checked on us once after a while but we were already mostly done and at a lull.


We all got A’s and high B’s.


I know this isn’t a life-ruining secret, but I’ve been holding that in for almost 20 years lol.


I love it when an overbearing authority figure accidentally teaches you teamwork and trust

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The real test all along


I draw furry porn and make great money off of it. I have a normal job but I use the art money for things I want like expensive clothes


I often think of suicide. I have two kids and they’re the only reasons I am here.


Your kids love and need you, but you have worth beyond being a parent.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thank you. I’m going to try and find myself again this year.


Not a secret but if a list of every intrusive thought I've ever had comes out im screwed


You and everyone else


For a brief moment I felt this sense of relief in that I might just be normal.


Oh you are way more normal than you think


Today I was cutting up some snacks in the kitchen during the football game with my family and my in-laws over.


Opened a drawer to grab a large sharp chef's knife and thought... "I wonder what would happen if I went over and stabbed my Father in law in the neck."


Doubly weird because I really like my FIL.


As long as you continue to categorize these as “fucked up intrusive thoughts” and not “ideas/goals”, I think you’re fine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Saw a therapist say this -


We all have wild thoughts. You can’t control your thoughts. They come and go. What you can do is control what you do with those thoughts and whether you act on them. Even if they feel scary like you MIGHT act on them, if you’re scared that’s probably a good and healthy thing!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you haven’t done anything with those intrusive thoughts so far, you’re probably going to continue that. They’re more normal than you think!


I skipped my brothers wedding. Told him I had strep throat. I just hated his now wife. Cunt.




He probably knows.


He knows for sure.


One time I accidentally stole a pack of balloons from Walmart. I put it in my pocket & was gonna take it out to pay for it but I forgot & walked out with it


I accidentally stole a bag of shredded cheese. I was 7 or 8 months pregnant and had my 2 year old with me. He was sitting in the seat part of the shopping cart. I gave him the bag of cheese to play with and didn't realize he ended up sitting on it somehow. As I was loading my groceries and putting him into his car seat, I saw the contraband. Considered going back into the store to pay for it for about 2 seconds and then realized that I was completely ok with being a criminal. Way too tired at that point to walk back into the store. Sixteen years later I'm still sleeping well at night.


Edit to add: looks like we're all criminals or raising little criminals. All of the stories of shopping with toddlers were great, really reinforces why my mom NEVER took us to the store. I'm 1 of 7, so it was her only alone time.


Also, sounds like toddlers are the perfect accomplices if you want to steal!


i accidentally stole a sandwich from the airport. i was in line with one of those cold wrapped ones from the refrigerated section and suddenly it dawned on me that i left my suitcase in the bathroom i'd just come from. frantic, i ran back to the bathroom to grab it. it was still there and i recovered it without issue, but once i calmed down i realized i was still holding the sandwich i'd been in line to pay for. i went back to explain my situation and pay for it, but they'd already closed up for the night. so i just sat down somewhere to eat it and nothing bad ever came of it.


I've been making 3D NSFW content for years and during peak pandemic it became my main income. Now it's both my wife's and my full time job.


Proud of the work, but it would ruin our relationships to family and friends if it got out.


Me and my wife make porn and watch them together. Then make more porn.


When I was 11, a friend of mine tried to steal a candy bar from a store and we got caught. We were told that we were banned for life. I went back in 40 years later and walked around like a boss.


My brother was banned from a big time tourist store in our city for stealing some little trinket when he was like 12. They banned him for life and took his picture with a Polaroid and put it in their book of banned customers. He finally went back like 25 years later with his kids and said something to the person working. They went into the back and brought out an album that still had his picture in it, he took a picture and texted me immediately. Everyone had a big laugh


I nearly shit my pants in a Walmart but didn’t quite make it. It landed in front of the toilet as I squatted midair. I ended up getting some on my pants and shoes. An employee walked in mid-shit and commented that the smell was the worst they ever smelled and swore when he saw the shit droplets on the ground. I cleaned up as best as I could, but instead of leaving immediately, I kept on shopping.


I kept on shopping


Since you successfully marked your territory, that's totally understandable. In fact, it would've been kind of weird if you didn't stick around....


I almost shit my pants in my car once. I pulled over on the highway so I could run into the woods, but a cop pulled up behind me so I couldn’t run out. He came up and asked me what the problem was so I yelled at him “I have IBS and I’m about to shit my pants!” He told me to follow him, ran back to his car, turned on his siren and gave me a high speed police escort to the nearest gas station. I’m sure he had a laugh with his buddies later, but that cop helped me that day.


I am a truck driver. One time I had to shit super bad… drank so much the night before. Pulled into a Walmart parking lot, shit my pants in the truck. Waddled my way into Walmart with liquid shit running down my legs. Went to men’s apparel, grabbed a pair of pants. Took said pants into the restroom, clean up my legs and ass, left my shit stained underwear and pants in the stall, then walked out of the Walmart with stolen pants.


Prolly the worst thing I have ever done….


I'm only working half of the time at work.


I have managed to create a facade that makes it look as if I would work full time on the project I was assigned to but it actually takes only half of the time. Sometimes it gets a bit stressful but most of the time I manage to organize everything in a way that allows me to do anything but my work at the office. On home office days I mostly play video games.


If I get asked how it's going, I lie and deceit to make it look like I am fully tied to my work and the schedules and deadlines etc... I got really good at this, I guess I could lie about nearly anything now and most people would believe it.


If my coworkers or my boss would find out that I get paid for a full time job while only working roughly 20 hours a week I'd get fired immediately. Additionally I live in a small town and that would probably ruin my reputation at any potential new job.


I've been doing this for 2 years now...


Edit: alright, after getting some resonance I realize I might be a bad person in my bosses' eyes, but so ARE MANY OF YOU. But hey, hate the game, not the player right?


Edit #2: Just want to make clear that I don't feel bad for my behavior at all. I don't get paid enough to look for more work only to fill my 40 hours a week.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm a software engineer and I do the same, they simply don't expect us to work like robots, you have your tasks and time for it, do it good and don't be late with them and you'll be fine.


But recently I saw a post on reddit about a guy who knew how to code and he automatized his entire work, he created program so good that he had to make few mistakes on purpose. Basically he would be "stressed" and they wouldn't bother him...but the dude worked for an hour a week. He said if he told them that he made that he would get a pat on the back with "good job" and shit ton of work with that, so he found the alternative.


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