2023-02-03 翻译熊 6233

(8) Recessions and Depressions
One of the nastier advantages of the foreign ownership of a country’s central bank is that the Jews have total control over those economies.
Since they control both the money supply and the interest rates, they have easily the power to whipsaw economies and profit immensely at every cycle. They do it the same way every time – by lowering interest rates to zero or nearly so, while hugely inflating the money supply, thereby creating large bubbles in debt, in the stock and housing markets, and so on. Then, they severely contract the money supply and all credit while simultaneously raising interest rates, thus bankrupting countless thousands of banks, businesses and families, and buying up for pennies on the dollar every manner of assets when the blood is running in the streets. After accomplishing their task of relieving a nation of a significant portion of its assets, they again expand the money supply and open the credit taps while reducing interest rates to give economies time to recover, then rinse and repeat. It is not a secret that all such recessions have been deliberately inflicted on Western economies by these Jewish bankers for the past 200 years or more.

8. 经济衰退和萧条

The 1929 Great Depression was one such, with euphoria based on the Jewish owners of the FED expanding an almost unlimited money supply and easy credit with low interest rates, building a huge bubble which was then burst. Thousands of banks, tens of thousands of companies, and millions of families, all went bankrupt, with all those assets mostly flowing eventually to the Jewish owners of the US FED and their closest friends. This was done many times prior to 1929, and has been done many times since. The bitterly savage recession in 1983 was similarly created by the US FED – on orders from the City of London, with Volcker even boasting openly about what he was doing. The 2008 housing and financial crisis in the US was identical, and in no way accidental. It was so bad that an executive of Goldman Sachs said at the time, “Things will never return to normal after what they have done.”


The collapsing of the industrial economies in 2022 is the same. A sudden and deliberately-contrived “energy shortage”, created in large part by the sabotage of Nordstream II, a reduction in the money supply, and the stiff raising of interest rates “to combat inflation” (which was entirely self-induced), and soon blood will be once again running in the streets. And an almost unlimited number of industrial corporations, especially in Germany but also in the weaker European nations, will be facing bankruptcy and takeovers, the news of which will never reach the public thanks to the almost-total media control by these same people.


There is no accurate way to definitively calculate the looting that takes place during these contrived “recessions”. 1929 was certainly in the trillions of dollars, as was 1983, which were perhaps the two worst, but the others weren’t so far behind. 2008 was also in this category, the housing losses alone being in the trillions, which I have included elsewhere. Given the lack of detailed data, I won’t try to isolate and estimate the financial result of each contrived financial recession, and will ignore the smaller ones, but that still leaves us with 1929 and 1983 being worth a very conservative $3 trillion each. It seems unreasonable for our purposes to not compound these two amounts with interest for the 90 years and 40 years respectively, but the totals become fantastic and almost incomprehensibly large, and thus very difficult to accept as rational. At 5%, $3 trillion in 90 years (since 1929) will accumulate to $240 trillion, and even over 40 years (1983) will become $21 trillion.


Senator Robert Owen, a co-author of the Federal Reserve Act, testified before a Congressional Committee that the bank he owned received from the National Bankers’ Association the “Panic Circular of 1893.” It stated: “You will at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one-half of your loans.” And that is how these central bankers create the recessions: an instant reduction of 35% or more in the nation’s money supply and a 50% reduction in total credit. The inevitable result is the bankruptcies of thousands of corporations and banks, and an enormous plunge in stock market values and corporate assets of every descxtion which are now available for pennies on the dollar. Wait ten years, and repeat. The purpose is the immense transfer of wealth available in each such cycle, and not only from small banks and corporations but from the general public as well, many of whom also lose everything they had, those assets eventually filtering up to the few oligarchy bankers who planned the events.

《联邦储备法》的合著者之一、参议员罗伯特·欧文(Robert Owen)在国会委员会作证说,他拥有的这家银行收到了来自全国银行家协会的“1893年恐慌通告”。上面写着:“你将立即收回三分之一的发行量,并收回一半的贷款。” 这就是这些中央银行家制造衰退的方式:国家货币供应立即减少35%或更多,信贷总量减少50%。

(9) Looting the Oil Industry in 1983
As a detailed example, let’s look at the FED-induced 1983 recession and its effect on only the oil industry in North America. To begin, let’s assume we have an oil well with a constant steady production (which many are), but in this case of only one barrel per year for 40 years, with the oil price at $100 per barrel. That gives us a total value of $4,000. However, since $1 next year is worth less than $1 this year, we discount our future production at some interest rate, with this result in terms of value (if we want to sell our oil well):
0% – $4,0003% – $2,5006% – $1,50010% – $1,00025% – $400

9. 1983年洗劫石油工业
作为一个详细的例子,让我们看看1983年美联储引发的经济衰退及其对北美石油行业的影响。首先,让我们假设我们有一口产量稳定的油井(很多都是这样),在这种情况下,每年只有一桶,持续40年,油价为100美元/桶。我们得到的总价值是4000美元。然而,由于明年的1美元价值低于今年的1美元,我们以某种利率贴现(折扣)我们未来的产量,其结果是在价值方面(如果我们想出售油井): 0%——4000美元;3%——2500美元;6%——1500美元;10%——1000美元;25%——400美元。

Immediately prior to the 1983 recession, The New York Times proclaimed that a sudden and inexplicable “oil glut” had arrived, such that oil became nearly worthless, prices dropping from US$40 to less than $10 almost overnight. Of course, if the price of oil drops by 75%, the value of our oil well drops by 75% as well, so our $4,000 oil well is now worth only $1,000. But we had a double whammy, because the FED wasn’t idle during this period. After causing a massive burst of inflation in the 1970s to prepare for this eventual result, the FED suddenly felt a need to “fight inflation” by driving interest rates up to 20% and even 25%. The result was that oil wells were then selling at a discount of 25% on cash flow, and I know because at the time I was in the oil business and was buying and selling oil properties, some quite large, at this discount rate. This means that our $4,000 oil well, which was now worth only $1,000 due the collapse in the price of oil, was then hit with the FED’s interest rate sting, and was now worth only $100. And, with the blood running in the streets, this was when our Jewish Khazar bankers in the City of London sent in their agents to buy.


Then, the “oil glut” somehow miraculously evaporated and it seems we actually had a shortage, pushing the oil price back to its original $40, and quickly on its way to $100. And then, just as miraculously, inflation seemed to have been “tamed”, and interest rates declined from 25% back down to the 6% and 3% where they had been before. And our “$100 oil well” was back up to $2,500 and on its way to $5,000. And that means that a mere handful of people purchased producing oil and gas properties for almost pennies, and then watched their “investment” multiply by maybe 50 times. That’s not bad. There are few places where we can obtain a return of 5,000% on an investment in only a few years, and with no risk whatever. When you have the power to control the price of oil, and when you have the FED controlling interest rates, you can work miracles. There is no way to calculate accurate totals, but countless thousands of small and medium-sized oil companies either went bankrupt or were taken over, and the purchases in North America alone would have been in the trillions of dollars. I have ignored the rest of the world, and assumed a conservative $2 trillion for only North America, adjusted at a growth of 5% for 40 years from 1983.
Leger Entry: $14 trillion in today’s dollars


(10) Looting Americans 1975 to 2022
The situation is not different with the 2008 financial meltdown in the US. We had clearly deliberate attempts to inflate the housing market to almost atmospheric levels, with nearly zero interest rates and the removal of all restrictions and requirements – to the point where unemployed homeless people were buying $500,000 homes. This was again done with the full cooperation of the FED. Then, they simply collapsed the bubble, resulting in tens of millions of foreclosures. And again, when the blood was running in the streets, firms like Blackrock and their ilk were busy buying up these foreclosed homes at perhaps half price, as rental properties – often, to the same people who lost them. There is no accurate record of the total purchases, but the buying was almost frenzied. At one point, one agent in Florida for one “investment firm” alone, was bidding on more than 200 homes per week. With even conservative estimates, the transfer of housing assets alone from the American middle class to these same few people, would have been $7 or $8 trillion, all within two or three years.

10. 从1975年到2022年掠夺美国人

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is a surprise to me that so few people seem to want to see such events as having been planned, and yet the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. There is no possibility that these events, and so many similar, could possibly have occurred “by accident”. There were simply too many threads all working together to accomplish this one result, and those threads could not possibly have been independent. And it is not possible that the US government itself was unaware of the eventual outcome. Economists working for the US government are not stupid, and so many private economists were describing the events and predicting the only possible outcome. The only thesis that fits all the facts is that the 2008 meltdown was planned and that the US government, so totally controlled from the City of London, knowingly permitted it to happen. Again, in summary, a relative handful of people profited to the tune of trillions of dollars in a few years, in this one enterprise alone.


And it wasn’t only homes, and not only in 2008. In an article titled Destroyers of US Democracy Chris Hedges quoted a RAND corporation report that stated: “These establishment politicians and their appointed judges promulgated laws that permitted the top 1 percent to loot $54 trillion from the bottom 90 percent, from 1975 to 2022, at a rate of $2.5 trillion a year, according to a study by the RAND corporation.” For those who don’t know, RAND is a despicably Satanic corporation that spends most of its time on planning wars, designing torture regimes (Vietnam Phoenix, Guantanamo Bay, Baghram, Diego Garcia), and scheming for world political control. But the people at RAND do know how to calculate, especially considering they planned the methods for the looting they now boast about. Note that the euphemistically-named “top 1%” is not really the top 1% but a tiny group of Jewish bankers and industrialists, including the (Rothschild and other) owners of the US FED. A huge portion of this looting occurred in 2008 and subsequent years; I won’t bother accumulating this with interest.

,克里斯·赫奇斯(Chris Hedges)引用兰德公司的一份报告称: “根据兰德公司的一项研究,这些建制派政客和他们任命的法官颁布的法律,允许最富有的1%从最贫穷的90%那里掠夺54万亿美元,从1975年到2022年,每年的速度为2.5万亿美元。” 有些人可能不了解兰德,兰德公司是一个卑鄙的撒旦公司,把大部分时间花在策划战争,设计酷刑制度(越南凤凰城,关塔那摩湾,巴格兰姆,迪戈加西亚),并策划世界政治控制。但兰德公司的人确实知道如何计算,特别是考虑到他们为现在吹嘘的抢劫计划了方法。请注意,被委婉地命名为“最富有的1%”并不是真正的最富有的1%,而是一小群犹太银行家和实业家,包括美国美联储的(罗斯柴尔德和其他)所有者。这种抢劫的很大一部分发生在2008年及随后的几年。我就不费事加利息了。

(11) The Great Gold Robbery – Part I – The US FED
In the early years after the creation of the Rothschild-owned FED, the US was still on a gold standard for its currency; new money could be issued by the FED only if it had at least 40% of that amount in gold. But, as the Jewish bankers have always done in every country, they issued paper currency far beyond the permitted limits, which was the prime cause of the 1929 Great Depression. By 1933, the FED had only about 6,000 metric tons of gold in its vaults, and was about 50,000 tonnes short for the paper currency it had issued. The public were aware generally of what was happening and, with concerns of US paper money becoming worthless, were spending the paper and hoarding the gold coins and bars, while small banks and companies were hoarding gold bullion. There was no way out of this trap. The FED needed a huge infusion of gold to prevent a collapse of the currency, but its owners had no intention of investing their own money to prevent the financial collapse of America. Their solution was to convince Roosevelt and Congress that the real problem was citizens preventing the economy from naturally prospering, by holding gold. On their advice, Roosevelt passed the famous 1602 provision which confiscated all the privately-held gold (in all forms) in the US, all citizens forced to turn over their gold to the FED, under penalty of a $10,000 fine plus a 10-year prison sentence. Note that the gold was not surrendered to the US Treasury Department, but to the privately-owned FED.

11. 黄金大劫案,第一部分,美国联邦储备委员会

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

图:《总统行政令》——1933年4月5日 所有人必须在1933年5月1日及之前,将所有金币,金条和黄金证明交予联邦储备银行、分支或机构、或任何联邦储备体系加盟银行。


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