2023-02-06 大司空 6168

Ovie Okeh
I was repeatedly raped by a neighbor when I was 7 years old. I didn't want my mother to find out, because she was a single mother working 3 jobs to support me and my brother and she cried enough as it was. We lived in a trailer that had holes in the floor so that sometimes raccoons and opossums would climb through. I was scared of them. The carpet was infested with fleas. I usually had flea bites all over my body. I never felt clean. We got clothes from Goodwill but they were usually old, faded, and stained. My mother did the best she could but we were all alone in the world. We lived in a rural area that was unforgiving of those who deviated from "the norm." My mother tried to baptize me when I was a baby, only to be turned away by the local preacher because I was "a bastard." We were not welcome in their churches, which were an important part of rural life there. I didn't have friends at school. I was "weird" "dirty" "ugly" "too quiet" etc. Even most of the teachers looked at me and my brother in disgust.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I grew up with the understanding that I was worthless. That I should be ashamed of who I am. I barely said a word through most of my childhood. I didn't say a word to anyone when they pushed me around, taunted me endlessly, beat up my brother and I. I never said a word when my neighbor (who, interestingly, was widely regarded as an outstanding member of society) raped me.
I led a very solitary life. My mother was usually gone at work, my brother would devote himself to his own activities, and there I was. I remember I would sit outside of my home and pretend to be a rock, because rocks didn't feel anything and they certainly didn't cry. They were indestructible, I thought.


I overheard one of the other little girls discussing the prayer they said before bedtime and I resolved to remember it. It went like this - As I lay down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I shall die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.
I thought about this prayer for the rest of the day, until I went home and decided on my own version: Dear God, I don't want to live anymore. There are other people begging you to keep them alive. Let me take their place. I'll die. I was about 8 years old.


But I didn't die, much to my dismay. I woke up the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. The days went by. My situation didn't greatly improve, people weren't much nicer to me, and my life didn't get easier. But I got stronger. I discovered books as a way to escape from my tedious existence and by the time I was in 5th grade, I was reading at a college level.
I grew up and gained control over my life. I was no longer the defenseless, powerless victim I had been as a child. I had power. I could do whatever I wanted. I got a job. I studied hard so I could go to a good college. I escaped from my small, unforgiving town.


I have a good job now and good relationships. People who know me now would never guess I was once that hungry, miserable, terrified, beaten down little girl I had been back then.
As for my family, my mother still lives in that trailer. My neighbor is long dead. My older brother still lives with my mother. He has never gotten a driver's license or a job. He doesn't leave the house very often. A part of me understands his reluctance - why let the world do you more harm when it has already done so much? But I wish he would take the chance. I feel sad that our childhood all but destroyed him.
If you want to know how to get through hard things, my answer is probably inadequate, but it is the best I have to offer. My answer is: keep going.


Russell Backman
I was born blind.
All my life, I wanted to do things that others said were impossible because of my blindness. As a child, I used to run around, climb walls, and play PlayStation games. I didn't want to be like normal kids; I just loved to do what I loved doing, and in those years, blindness was not a factor that could prevent me. Not yet.
But slowly, that changed. Somehow I let society dictate what I could and could not do. My perception of my abilities started to shrink, bit by bit. I wanted to study music, but my parents convinced me I couldn't. I wanted to go to the UK, but my family convinced me that I couldn't live on my own. I wanted to learn horseback riding. Nope. Blind people can't do that, either.


But when I was 15, I got fed up by those limiting circumstances. I decided to just do what I loved and fail and learn. That would be the worst outcome, and knowing this gave me confidence. I wasn't trying to be awesome. I just wanted to do what I loved doing.
So from then on, I changed again. I wanted to study mathematics. Everyone said I couldn't. But I did. I wanted to study software engineering. Everyone said I couldn't, and some professors even went as far as acting like i didn't exist. But I did. I wanted to get a job. Everyone said no one would hire me, but I was hired. I wanted to write a blog, but everyone said no one will read a blog without images, and then I wrote The post called Tools of a Blind Programmer and it proved, to me at least, that people do read posts without images.
Most of the time, when you lack something, people will smartly note all those things you can't do, and if you listen to them, you wouldn't ever be able to do it. However, if you have a plan B, it would give you the power to try, and either succeed or learn.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mitchell Kenyon
My mom was a drug addict. Never met my dad. Heard he was a drug dealer, but i’m not sure.
Growing up, I spent a lot of time incarcerated. Was in Juvenile Boot Camps, Juvenile Detention Centers, and drug treatment more then a dozen times.
I wasn’t a bad kid, but my mom just couldn’t handle me.


As time went on, I found myself in more precarious situations. I got married when I was seventeen, and joined the military.
I went to war when I was seventeen, and seen a lot of things that I shouldn’t have. A lot of things that changed the way I perceive life. I tried to forget about them, but I just couldn’t.
Subconsciously, I was dead inside, but I fought. I fought, gripping a bottle for 15 years every waking day.


I somehow managed to survive and hold a job for a long time. I ended up in the oilfields, and then in Arizona. All over the place, running from my pain.
All of my relationships faded, and I found myself having fewer and fewer ways to cope.


I ended up homeless at 27. I tried treatment again, but it only made things worse.
I remained homeless for 3 and a half years. I went to PTSD treatment several times, and tried so hard to find out what my purpose is in this life.
My friends from PTSD treatment started killing themselves, one by one. It became a common recurrence in my life. It seemed like every time I turned around, someone was killing themselves.
I knew if I didn’t change, I was going to die too.


I was asleep at my Aunt Kerry’s house, after an 8 day meth binge. I started on coke. 6 months later I ran out of money so I started using heroin. And finally meth. Anything to numb the pain really.
My daughter wanted nothing to do with me. I hadn’t talked to my stepdad for 8 months. I had cleaned out my mom’s garage on a pawn run, so she was upset with me. Basically, they were sick of being my babysitter.


Everything was gone. I had nothing left.
I had worn the same clothes everyday for a year. My face had aged 10 years in 6 months. I knew that in order to survive, I had to change ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about my life. So that’s what I did.
I learned a lot of valuable lessons in a short period of time.


Nobody cares about you as much as you think.
Every time you get a craving to use drugs and alcohol, it is really and escape mechanism and the same result can be obtained by talking about your feelings.
Men do cry, and it is necessary to cleanse your soul.
Always take care of your mom, because no matter what happens in life, she will always try her best to love you.
I quit smoking.
I started eating healthy and working out.
I worked diligently to improve the relationships with my family members.
I told myself affirmations and meditated on a daily basis.
I enrolled in college and made it a commitment to continue to learn on a daily basis.


The main point i’m trying to make here is to never give up. I truly believe that a higher power is leading our journey, whatever that higher power may be. To me, this life is everlasting, and I will spend the rest of my time chasing the light at the end of the rainbow that I was shown in my darkest times. I was put through these tribulations to be shown that you cannot have light without first having darkness.


Lorri Robinson
The hardest thing I went through in life was September 13, 1969.
I was living at my childhood home in Ohio with my parents at the time. I had recently married my high school sweetheart, Doug Kempf, in January of 1969.
In our hearts we were still newlyweds, but Uncle Sam had other plans for Doug, a trained Army combat medic. In May, he was sent to Vietnam.


Doug and I shared a beautiful life from January to May. During the months before he left for Vietnam, we lived in a mobile home on base at Ft. Bragg, Fayetteville, North Carolina.
We were military-poor but we didn't care. We were together and we were happy. There, we loved and laughed and planned our future for when he returned.
We would buy an old Victorian with lots of bedrooms, oak woodwork, a huge kitchen for entertaining family and friends, and a large front porch with a wooden swing. There we could cuddle and talk, read a book, or just swing and watch thunderstorms together.


We wanted three children. Two boys and a girl would be perfect. Our sons would be tall and handsome with their daddy's bowed legs, legs that loved to dance, and they would have his sense of humor and infectious laugh.
Our sons would grow up to be good men, looked up to for their strength of character. Like Doug, they would be smart, kind and gentle husbands, loving and playful with their children, as well as proud and fiercely patriotic.
Doug decided our little girl would be, (in his words), "Pretty like her mommy, with big blue eyes and just a hint of tomboy to defend herself from her big brothers." In my heart, I knew she would always be daddy's little girl.


Saying goodbye at the Columbus Airport in May, was soul-crushing. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but it was a foolish promise and one I wasn't able to keep. One thing I can truthfully say is, it never once occurred to me that Doug wouldn't return home safe.
Our letters were happy and full of love. The intimate moments we had shared and memorized were yearned for and always included in the letters between us. But on September 13, 1969, my world stopped.


I was working as a secretary in the office of a manufacturing company a few blocks from my parents' home. That afternoon, mother called me at work. "Honey, you'd better come home. There are some men here from the Army and they need to talk to you about Doug."
I couldn't say a word. I dropped the phone on my desk and with my heart in my throat, I ran out of the building. I didn't stop running until three blocks later, in front of the house where I grew up, the home where I had always felt so safe and loved.
I was filled with fear and dread. Parked in front of the house and looking out of place, was a large black car with something printed along the side. I gathered my courage and climbed the front steps to the front door.


Just inside, in the foyer stood two uniformed men locked to attention. Their hands were behind their backs, hats tucked under an arm. Their faces were somber.
Daddy and mama stood nearby. Daddy had his arm around Mama's waist and she was crying softly.
[No. No. No. Dear God, why are they here? No, wait, I don't want to know. Go away! Please, please just go away.]
"Mrs. Kempf, we regret to inform you that your husband, Sp4 Douglas S. Kempf, was killed in action while performing his duty as a combat medic in Vietnam on September 5 ..."
I didn't hear the rest of what the man had to say. Daddy said I fainted where I stood, just inside the front door in the foyer.


When I came around, I was lying on the couch in my parents' living room -—and then I remembered. Oh God, I remembered, and I wanted to die, too. I was devoid of all feeling, except soul-numbing grief.
My whole world had turned upside down. How could everything still look and sound so normal?
The sun still shined through the front windows with Mama's white curtains swaying in a light breeze. The birds still chirped outside in the old apple tree I used to climb as a child. Somewhere, a neighbor was mowing his lawn, and I could hear children laughing and playing in their yards.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Only a few minutes ago, that had been real. Now it all clashed with a new reality and I felt I was losing my mind.
Why? Why?
Then I focused hard, until only the couch was real. I was on the couch where Doug and I first held hands and hugged; the couch where we had our first disagreement, then kissed and made up. The same couch where I often sat in front of him on the floor while we watched TV and he ran his fingers gently through my hair. The same couch where he nervously asked me to be his wife and I said I would.


No, nothing would ever be the same again. My life was changed forever and I felt helpless and so alone, though I was surrounded by people who cared and also grieved.
All I could do was cry, and I remember fighting a growing anger, as well. God, how could You do this? Why would You reach down inside me and rip out my heart? And always, the question, Why?
There was so much grief and hurt and I went through the following weeks, months and even years in a fog. There are some things about that time I can't remember at all, but there is one thing I will never forget. That was the first and only time I ever saw my father cry.


That day in 1969 was the worst day of my life. But, in the years since, that day has carried me through some other bad times, too.
There have been things that happened since then when I've said, "This hurts. Yeah, this really hurts -—it hurts like bloody hell! But I will survive, because I know what REAL hurt is."
For the rest of my life, that one day became my yardstick for measuring pain. I knew with a final certainty that nothing else could, or ever would, hurt me that bad again.
When I look up in the night sky, it isn't stars I see, but little openings in heaven's floor where the love of my lost one pours through and shines down to let me know he is happy ...
C.J. Heck's answer to What is the most humane gesture you have ever encountered?


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