2023-02-06 xky 6600

Why do people on average get progressively more conservative as they get older?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Balaji Viswanathan
When you are younger you have more liberty to talk about wealth redistribution, because you have not built any. As you get older, you realise the wealth distribution talked about is your wealth (unless you are an academic and have not built much wealth). Then you get more protective.
Again when you are young, you can be iconoclastic. You didn’t make the rules and you feel constrained by the system. As you get older, you realise you are the system. And that means you have a natural propensity to conserve the system.


When you are young, you might feel religion as bondage. As you grow older, you might still not found have your God, but realise that religion is more than just God. It brings structure, connections and stability to your life.
When you are young, you move around the world and feel the borders as stupid. As you grow older you settle down and feel that unrestricted movement of people for settlement is not as romantic as you thought it would be.


When you are young, you think of family as a chain that holds you. You try to break free. As you grow old, you cling to that chain as things start to get more lonely.
Over time, as you move from teenage to middle age your attitude towards wealth, religion, nation, social customs, family values all tend to go more conservative (Ceteris paribus). At really old age some of them tend to go back to being liberal when you are in the second childhood.
In my experience the age group with most conservatives tend to be in 30s-60s. The one exception seems to be those in or around academic circles as they interact with younger people on a daily basis and can thus contract some of the younger values from them.


Jacob Chen
Imagine a line that represents the Left / Right continuum (purely on social issues):< -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 >
Let’s say you’re 30 years old, and right now, you’re at -2, a liberal. Not super progressive -5 liberal, but still a liberal. In today’s society, at -2, you probably support gay marriage, but not polygamy or incest. You support legalized marijuana, but draw the line there. You’re fine with people being vegan and vegetarian, but you also think they’re pretentious and wish they would leave you alone.
Now let’s fast track 30 years into the future.

想象有一条线,它代表着社会上的左/右:< -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 >
假设你30岁了,现在你是-2 的自由主义者。不是超级进步自由派——-5,但仍然是自由派。在当今社会,在-2时,你可能支持同性婚姻,但不支持一夫多妻或乱伦。你支持合法的大麻,但要划定界限。你对吃素和吃素的人很满意,但你也认为他们很自命不凡,希望他们不要管你。

Imagine if the line … shifts<-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 >
But you .. don’t. You’re still against polygamy and incest. You still support marijuana only. You still love steak. You’re now 60 years old.
The people who grew up in the last 30 years though … they have different opinions. They cheered Jon-Dany and are totes okay with incest. Especially because of advances in genetic engineering that have made it possible for incestuous couples to “fix” dangerous recessive genes.
There's a ton of new drugs out there, and the young people now believe in legalizing all recreational drugs. And the … new liberals are now fiercely opposed to eating meat for both humanitarian and environmental reasons and it’s seen as inhumane to consume any meat. The majority of 30 year olds these now are -7 or -8 … and you, who used to be a “liberal” have become a conservative.
Not because you changed your viewpoints.

想象一下,如果这条线随着时间的推移,发生了改变:<-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 >

It’s actually just the opposite. It’s because you didn’t change your viewpoints.
There are people who are 60 today who 30 years ago held pretty “mainstream” views. Tolerating gays so long as they stay in the closet for example might have been liberal at one point in American history. Our line has almost certainly shifted significantly leftwards over the last several decades. On social issues anyway.
Of course some people's viewpoints do change with age and they continue moving to the left over time. But if half the people stay the same 1/4 move left, and 1/4 move right, then in general, 3/4 of people move to the right relatively to the population as a whole over time. Even though only 1/4 actually move to the right relative to that specific population.


Prottay M. Adhikari
I reject the premise of the question.
I think that the statement - ‘people on average get progressively more conservative as they get older’- is untrue.
Pranav is sixty, and he lives in an Indian city. Most of us will identify him as a conservative. He is married to his wife- a corporate executive- for 30 years , and has raised a son and a daughter together.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

In 1989 when he married a young ambitious woman from corporate world, Pranav was 30 years old. The society around him lost their sh*t. Why couldn’t he marry a nice domestic girl ? Doesn’t he know the advantages of having a home-maker mom when raising a kid ?
Everyone gawked at his extremely liberal life-decision to get married to a professional woman.
He was painted as a bleeding-heart liberal by his friends, family and acquaintances .


Cut to 2019.
Pranav’s daughter is a successful Engineer today. Pranav and his wife raised her to be a strong independent individual. She is 27 years old. Yesterday, she introduced Pranav to her girlfriend.
Pranav is shattered ! He is not okay with his daughter’s sexual orientation. It is extremely difficult for him to accept her entire humanity.
2019-liberals look at Pranav and paint him as ‘just another old conservative’.


Has Pranav changed ? Has he become conservative from liberal ?
No !
He still thinks women can join any profession as men, just like he believed in 1989.
He thinks women should marry men (only), just like he believed in 1989. He was unaware and ignorant of same-sex relationships back then, he still is.
He hasn’t changed a bit. Something else changed.


The gauge to measure liberalism has changed considerably.
The answer to the question ‘how liberal is liberal enough ?’- has transformed in last three decades.
Hence, the same person with exactly same social viewpoints- who was a raging liberal in a 1980s’ point of view, is perceived as a conservative in a 2010s’ point of view.
People do not change, at least not significantly.
The scale used to measure their socio-political leanings, do change with time, significantly.
That is why it feels like- people get progressively more conservative as they grow older, while the reality is - both the definitions of conservatism and liberalism have changed in their lifetime. They, as human beings, haven’t changed.


David Tufte
I’ve taught macroeconomics to university students for 30 years. And I’ve lived in a small city for 18 years, where I get to see a lot of those students grow into middle age. (And, I personally also started liberal and got more conservative).
I have 3 insights about this that I hope others find helpful:


They young tend to see the world in black and white, rather than shades of gray.
The young tend to judge the actions of others more on the basis of motivations rather than consequences.
The young have insufficient exposure to the reality that you have to let others live the way they choose.
Here’s how the passage of time works on those.


When you view the world as black and white, there’s a tendency to see an injustice, and presume that it exists because previous ways of approaching were incorrect and need to be changed. So there’s an appeal to liberalism when it presents itself as addressing outstanding problems. More life experience clues us in to the fact that a lot of outstanding problems have been addressed many times in the past, and they’re just tough nuts to crack. The conservative view is to not rock that boat too much when it isn’t clear that it will work.


It’s part of adulting to realize that good motivations do not always lead to good consequences, and that good consequences can sometimes be produced from bad motivations. There’s an aphorism that conservatives think liberals have bad ideas, and liberals think conservatives are bad people. If you’re young and focused on motivations, it’s a lot easier to hold that second viewpoint.


The young are coming from an environment (family and school) where they are steered hard to behave in certain ways. As teenagers they react to this, and realize that others can’t make them into something they don’t want to be. Fair enough. But, for most of the young, while they’ve internalized that message, they still have an asymmetry in presuming that other people can still be steered or changed. This feeds straight into the liberal mindest of managing peoples’ more troubling impulses through policy and programs. A lot of people get the limitations of that in a therapeutic sense: you can’t help people who don’t want to help themselves. Growing older and life experience leads many to the view that you have to extend that mindset to the policies and programs themselves: it’s unfortunate that people get into some of these situations, but sometimes you just have to let them live the life they choose.


Jon Bogdanove
I am 61. I have seen many people in my generation, and the baby boomers before me, ossify into conservatives as they got old. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but it happened to enough idealistic kids of the 1960s to cause a perilous shift in American politics starting in the 1980s.


I think there are several factors that cause people to get progressively more conservative as they get older—some of which are biological. I think when we are young, our perceptions are more fresh and our feelings and experiences are more intense. It may be hormones, or other aspects of brain chemistry not fully understood yet—but we humans do seem to get more mentally inflexible and increasingly fearful as we age.


Since fearfulness is the root of all anger, and anger is at the core of right wing reactionism, it may be that we are biologically programmed with a tendency to get more conservative as we get old.
It seems like a worthy scientific question: What physiological changes occur in human brains and bodies as we age that contribute to changes in cognition and mental flexibility as those may relate to empathy, sympathy, compassion etc?
It’s well established that human brains tend to become less flexible and agile as we age. We tend to gain greater mastery over whatever we’ve specialized in the longer we practice it, but our ability to learn and incorporate new information, skills and attitudes actually diminishes after our teens. It is possible that our ability to empathize and sympathize also diminishes due to these changes in our brains as we age?


Mark Harder
Just turned 72 today. The older I get, the more leftish I become. That’s partly because I remember the time after WWII when unxs were strong, many New Deal economic policies were still in effect, the minimum wage was adequate, the financial sector spent its capital on lending to businesses, small businesses were plentiful and downtowns were full of them, the US produced all sorts of goods for export, civil rights of all kinds were just beginning to be honored (except for McCarthyism), wages followed the growth of productivity, and the country was prospering. The right wing today would have us believe that our economic policies will ruin us, despite the lesson of history. I think that what happens when we age is that we can remember a time when, at least in some ways, things were better. Those who become more conservative with age and those who become more ‘liberal’ just interpret those things differently.


Susanna Viljanen
On my own personal experience, no. I have stayed true to the ideals of my youth. It is the society around me which has slid more and more right-wing when I have grown older.
What I was when I was young, cocky and uppity (and horribly immature INTJ) was considered very much right-wing decades ago. In today’s Europe, it is now mainstream. So my own thought has become mainstream - and that is what terrifies me. Either I was precociously correct on my thoughts when I was young - or the society has become just as cocky, uppity and immature what I was decades ago.


Brian Blose
Society tends to become liberal more quickly than individual members of the population.
Take Bob. Growing up in the 1960’s, Bob’s parents raised him to believe that interracial couples were just about the worst thing ever. Then as he grew into adulthood, Bob made friends with more liberal-minded people. He even became friends with a black man who was married to a white woman. After some introspection, he realized he didn’t really believe the ideology he had been raised on and shifted his viewpoint to be more inclusive.


Many years later, Bob raised his own children to be accepting of interracial relationships. However, he made sure to teach them that it was completely immoral for homosexual couples to get married. As his kids grew into adulthood, they made friends with more liberal-minded people — even a gay couple. His kids decided that they didn’t buy into Bob’s morals regarding gay marriage.
Now, did Bob become more conservative as he aged? Compared to the social definition of the times, he was liberal when he was younger. Today he qualifies as a conservative even though he believes all the same things he did back when he was 20. So if you use a relative measure (which is what this is), then people get more conservative over time because they aren’t keeping pace with society as a whole.


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