2023-02-10 xky 11749

Is the United States in an irreversible state of decline based on economic and moral principals?


Mark Bellamy
In trouble, yes. Irreversible, no.
The US was born in a revolution against money and privilege. The Bank of England, Hudson’s Bay Company, and East India Company were the forces the US was rebelling against. They had reached a point of economic tyranny and the Americans complained to King George and he sided with the corporates and bankers. So they rebelled and withdrew from the British Empire.
About a century later the Bank of the United States was formed. A central private bank that controlled currency. Andrew Jackson used his presidency to disband it as a threat to democracy, which it was.
Now a century later we have the Federal Reserve Bank. A private bank doing exactly what the Bank of the United States did. Plus the corporates are in control again and engaging in economic tyranny just like at our founding.


So we have dealt with all this before. The last time the money people destroyed the economy (The Great Depression) Teddy Roosevelt and FDR passed Progressive laws to curb their ability to harm the country. These policies were weakened under Reagan and every administration since has weakened them further leading to the current condition of corporate/wealth rule. If we put the progressive laws back in place we should see similar results to the last time the wealthy wrecked the country.

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Michael Smith
The US has been in a state of moral decay for over half a century due to liberal policies.


Jeffrey Marshall
Yeah. Our founding fathers warned against taking on debt, and would turn in their graves if they knew we not only took on trillions in debt, we are expecting future generations to pay it back.
Unethical, morally bankrupt greed has turned this country into a fiscal mess we have little chance of fixing without extreme sacrifice. We’re led by zero character politicians who essentially buy votes by promising things we can’t afford and have no intention of paying for.
Most Americans aren’t grounded in any value system besides satiating their immediate self serving narcissism. It’s been a disgusting decline into the abyss.


David Miller
Leftist socialist politicians are indeed pushing an agenda causing great decline in almost all areas of the operation of the US, including:
Emasculating American males
Allowing a flood of illegal immigrants, terrorists, human and drug trafficking through open borders
Encouraging crime in the streets, defunding police, quickly releasing criminals
Promoting legalization of all manner of drugs
Runaway inflation
Discouraging Americans from working and dependency on government handouts


And of course many other evils beyond these. However much can be done to reverse these trends. Just as the US saw the national weakness ushered in by Jimmy Carter, where we couldn’t even protect US citizens from Iranian religious punks with 13th Century minds, and inflation ran rampant while gasoline pumps ran dry…
But this trend was largely reversed by throwing the bums out, and electing strong conservative leaders, with Ronald Reagan in the White House. The military was rebuilt, inflation was reversed, Iranian hostages were brought home, and the Soviet unx crumbled.
Vote very carefully, and never tolerate ballot fraud. Throw the bums out and let’s get some REAL leaders back into the White House and Congress.


Richard Reiher
Not irreversible, but the decline is certainly based on an absence of economic principles, and the Lib’s moral turpitude.


Andres Pedraza
That is a war being fought as we speak. It's playing out locally, at the state level, and at the federal. It's being fought in our courts, and in our schools. It will continue at the polls, in the upcoming midterm elections.
Some geographical areas have been lost, captured by the enemy, such as most of California, and cities like Portland, NYC, and Chicago. But the war itself hasn't been lost yet.
Check again in a generation or two. The US is large enough to allow people and businesses to vote with their feet, too, without fleeing the country.


Bo Thompson
The decline is inevitable. As Franklin succinctly put it -”A Republic, if you can keep it”. We’ve long ago stopped being a Republic, declined into a Democracy and flirted with Tyranny.


Beboboy Mann
There are two wonderful sources of information on how mankind should conduct himself or herself to interact with others we exist with…….one is the Bible that guides our moral aptitude (many of our laws come from the Ten Commandments) and the other is the Constitution/Bill of Rights which define our personal liberties no matter race or creed. It’s as simple as that……two very well thought out written sets of instructions that has served mankind in the darkest of hours……..democrats today would burn these two masterful writings if they could then society would be making up its rules based on what advantage a particular group of people would have over everyone else. Let’s get back to the basics and the decline will be reversed.


Robert Collier
I am not saying’s it’s “irreversible” but the decline is obvious.
Democrats have waged a social civil war on all the principles the US was founded on. Voters have turned to government to manage their lives admitting they are too flawed to do so. Remember… Government is what we fought to get the freedoms we won yet we are handing them back every day as we disgrace the effort of those that died for them. Sad.
I only say it is not irreversible in that we may have to take up arms again at some point.


Owen Paepke
Thanks for asking. The US has broadly declined for roughly the last 20 years, a major reversal from its long period of ascension and particularly its WWII to 2000 experience. Many factors are in play, but few are actually irreversible.
The largest single problem is excessive polarization and partisanship. Republicans and Democrats no longer debate and compromise. They often view each other as enemies, rather than fellow Americans who disagree. With strong Presidential or even Congressional leadership, this might change, but it was a problem in the Bush and Obama Administrations, and it has worsened in the Trump and Biden Administrations.
There are some signs that voters, especially centrists and moderates, are sick of this and will support more unifying leaders, but only time will tell.


Evidence for this claim is irrefutable—Law and order is under serious attack and constitutionally guaranteed civil and human rights enshrined in the US Constitution are being eroded by the Democratic administration and Party. This is occurring in the name of Marxist Critical (Race) Theory. The public rejection of CRT and the Biden administration is the only encouraging sign. Perhaps, if the Democrats are swept from power in Congress in November 2022, the American constitutional order will be restored..


Jack Doersky
US economy is the largest and strongest in history. We are experiencing one of the strongest periods of economic recovery, from the devastation reeked by the virus, in our history. Sure, we have some problems. Inflation is one of them. But, we have been here before and the world didn’t come to an end. We will not only survive this episode but will come out of it stronger than ever. Just as we have many times in the past.


Michael O'Leary
Not Economic or Moral principles….
But there are those would would rid us of the one thing that made America the country it was/is…
Freedom should be protected at all costs!
Censorship is the enemy of freedom.


And most of the moral fights we have are based on one side trying to stifle and muzzle the other when what FREEDOM requires is for all of us to RESPECT everyone’s right to an opinion, everyone’s right to STATE that opinion and everyone right to DISAGREE with the opinion of others without violence or hatred but to engage in respectful dialogue and debate on the topics and if no consensus is formed, to agree to disagree and then treat each other as FREE INDIVIDUALS who are FREE TO THINK in anyway provided those thoughts do not lead to ACTIONS that deny some other FREE INDIVIDUAL their civil rights and FREEDOM.


There are no bad thoughts…There are only BAD ACTIONS!
And yes this would allow Racists and Nazis the right to spew their hatred…
But as long as they don’t act on that hatred they should be free to say what they want just as we are free to deny them any attention for being stupid!
Besides isn’t it better to let a racist speak so you know who the racists are than muzzle them so they only expose themselves in private and remain hidden?
Think about it!


Jack Smith
There's always a percentage of corruption and greed in government and currently it appears to on the upside. But as long as we live in a democracy these things ebb and flow. Democrats were so intent on defeating Trump they weren't paying attention to who they were actually voting for and the current state of affairs is the result. Fortunately mid term elections are coming soon which should begin to bring the country back into equilibrium.


Craig Eckhoff
I consider to some account of the US being an extension of the British Empire. So from the high of the Victorian era to the exchange of hands in the 1940s is close to what the US is going thru. So 100 year from top dog to side kick. So maybe midcentury or beyond.


Kenneth Mcmullen
No, it's based on the crooked idiotic Democratic Socialist party

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Mon Ty
Yes! They have moved extremely far away from their founding principles. They have embraced collectivism and authoritarianism, and discarded individualism and freedom. When there is moral decline, economic decline cannot be far behind.


Ed McCann
I don't think it's irreversible but yes it's definitely in decline. Crime is rampant , morals seem to be slipping away as pedophiles are everywhere. People no longer want to work and expect everything to be free. Drugs are killing the youth off and people just seem to be wandering like zombies. And it's all done on purpose by groups to control the populace. Unless it's reversed the nation will fail.


Mara Obelcz
Until we can find the balance here. Right now, a false morality is covering /distracting from the culture of greed/economic favoritism that currently runs our government


A strong nation is made up of strong and resilient individuals. What of the synergy between individuals, the collectivism, some ask? Patriotism is our collectivism, and tangible infrastructure is our synergy. We are a practical people.
If we return to our strength, our tradition, we will be strong again. Trying to turn a hammer into a screwdriver has not worked well. Our core culture is written into our founding documents, our morals and values are there, and our elected leaders swear an oath to defend it, as do government employees, and the military. If we have integrity we will return to our oaths and strength will be restored.
Federalism and local control provide freedom, which allows individuation and innovation, happiness and prosperity. Voters demand less inflation, improved economics and law enforcement. This is federalism and freedom, though some are not wise enough to grasp the connection. It is our job to explain how federalism and freedom provide the fruits of liberty.


Kevin Lee
Only on economic principles. The moral decline is a consequence of economic decline ie theft in the market by the state. As Locke said the only purpose of govt is to protect private property.

都是因为经济。道德滑坡是经济衰退的结果,即国家在市场上盗窃人民财富。正如 Locke 所说,政府存在的唯一目的是保护私人财产。

Thomas Shenstone
If the political system isn't fixed to restore majority rule, and if one party doesn't return to wanting to govern when it has power, the USA is doomed.


Michael Durham
Americas decline is caused from wealth hoarding by the wealthy. This tax reduction on the super wealthy is the root of all our problems. Koch, Fox News , assorted billionaires putting money into politics. But the bottom line is cult fanatic voters.


David Winslow
Don’t know if it is reversible.
Social changes that rise not from great philosophers or great sociologically based knowledge, but people with an ax to grind, politicians and others.


Imani Burrell
Pfft… we have more money in this country than we ever have, and morals evolve with the changing times. The u.s. is right on track. You can relax.


David Hanks
ABSOLUTELY. 99% of this is thanks to trump. Hell's thermal energy will increase Ten billion fold when this piece of shit enters.


Lee Sheen
Yes. Whether you like religion or not, it provides a structure and value system and rules to function within a society. We are replacing a predominantly religious country with a lawless/rules society in which nobody wants anybody to judge or tell them what to do. Lack of respect for any type of authority, rules or laws. That is leading to mass chaos and destruction. We don't even want to punish any type of criminal behavior. The end is coming sooner than later if this trend is not reversed. And yes, I am an educated black man.


Francisco Campos
There is no decline in either economic or moral principles. You shouldn’t make accusations that are not backed up with examples or facts.


Robert Hafetz
America is in decline directly caused by progressive ideology imposed by a small number in power. Progressives grow by destroying the old like cancer. They oppose the two parent family, limited government free speech, normal sexdual behavior and gender identity, hard on crime policies, the authority of the family, and while they claim to believe in science they create their own science thats used like a religion with no basis in fact. ITs fitting that the leader of the progressive movement Joe Biden is impaired corrupt and incompetent and not fit to lead.


Tim Dibble
One of the amazing things about America is its resilience. Many times in our history, America has been proclaimed a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, bound to fail or to be destroyed by God. Each time the forces that oppose each other so strongly, conservativism and liberalism, come together to realize that there is strength in adversity when it ends in agreement. Right now we are in a phase where the sides are not looking for any agreement, but full domination. The Russia Crisis is actually a good distraction from our own internal conflicts but I hate to think that it will take a few nuked cities to get our collective heads out of our hindquarters to remember that we are a country built on conflict but conflict that ends in compromise.


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