2023-02-10 fry470 13194

My parents raised me to believe the West was the best and I was one of the lucky few to make it here. They said I'll appreciate being a native English speaker who makes a lot of money and buy a large house in the suburbs.
I'm supposed to feel grateful but I just feel like my parents sacrificed community and love just so I could have a better standard of living. Being a native English speaker is useful for a lot of things but losing your heritage isn't worth it.


I've been working on my mental health and learning more about childhood trauma but I'm just not sure if staying in the West is good for my mental health. I was planning on moving to an Asian exclave but it seems like Asian culture there is so diluted. I'm not saying leaving the west is going to fix all my problems. My inner demons will still follow me wherever I go but I wanted to stay here and do everything I could to improve my life. I feel like the only good thing about living in the West is making more money and working less but I don't see much of a future here. I don't even want to have kids here because it just seems pointless to raise another generation of lost and traumatized children. Even if I try to be a healthy parent at home I feel my kids would get traumatized by the school system and bullying.


After a few years overseeing this sub, my advice has changed. I used to be consistently critical of people thinking of moving, that we should stay and fight.
But my view has modified.
My general view of things is Asians should consider moving if their core social needs aren't being met:
Being able to find a Significant Other
Respect in everyday life


Over time, it's clear that these, not "job opportunities" are the key to happiness in life.
If you move, you must always consider your professional life, but that's one among other things (1st gen over-dramatized it).
1st gen are money-grubbers and over-value the importance of professional success/money compared to the rest; it matters but not as much as they claim, relative to the bulleted list above.
Causes of social dissatisfaction include: not fitting in with white culture (particularly its extraversion, aggression), not fitting white norms (being short, fat, lanky, having differing facial features that whites have an issue with), having shortcomings that white culture makes a big deal out of (stuttering, Tourette's, etc.).


Or you may have none of these things - but the main thing is not fitting with the white-dominant culture.
I recommend Singapore for English speakers for E/SE Asians, Dubai for English speakers who are S. Asians. I've heard good things from E Asians about Singapore and have my own experience in having to stay in Dubai for a relative's sake.
Otherwise, best to consider where you have language skills such as your ancestral country.


I tried moving to India 10 years ago and it was like traveling back 100 years. Health standards, hygiene standards, availability of electricity. It did not work for me. SE Asia may have some, but not all of those problems.
The trauma we experience is not well understood. The way we were raised by our parents put us at an even greater disadvantage then we might otherwise be, being Asians growing up amidst a different kind of people.


Yes, those jobs and opportunities are not the entirety of happiness. But without good amount of earnings to achieve some form of financial freedom could result in stress for obvious reasons.
I’d say save up enough to move in another country if one is not happy in the West(mostly USA). This way, having money and moving into a new environment would be much easier to adapt.


Absolutely not. Will be going back to the Philippines in the next 2 years or so. With constant violence and shootings, I'm too nervous to stay here and especially to raise kids here. It's also way too expensive to live here. I just don't see a way for me to remain in the US and be comfortable, unfortunately.


Always glad to see Filipino diaspora going back.


Definitely! Honestly all the reasons I listed come second, my first reason is just that I love living in the Philippines.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am sure many Asian American guys (or diaspora) think these thoughts - go to the East because of culture or stay in the West and continue to suffer abuse as long as money comes in and the work culture isn't as bad as in Asia.
It is messed up when Asian American guys plot their way out of a white suburb to move into an Asian enclave and they start crying with happiness when they see a bunch of Asian people like this is the promiseland. The only reason why Asian enclave are very Asian is because of new immigrants. Once people start moving to the suburbs, they lose their roots


I understand
you don't want your kid to be that 100% always achieving Asian kid who is forced to overkill on everything just to get the same treatment or result as other people's kid. The school system in the US is just awful and kids are getting worse. Youth beat up adults and serve no jailtime. They don't even care if it is an Asian kid or adult or elderly. People in the US zoombomb Asian zoom meetings about racial justice with racial slurs while Westerners act as if Asians are the most racist and Asian countries are the most racist.


It is bad for mental health due to all the hypocrisy and gaslighting. The people who talk about equality and justice only wants sextive equality and justice, not for Asians. BIPOC, NAM (non Asian minority), underrepresented minority, and the constant negative media depiction or non-existent positive Asian male characters.


Money can only do so much. You can make 6 figures in a low cost of living area like Arkansas or Oklahoma but if everyone hates your guts and you get passive aggressive microaggression all the time in the store, at school, in the hospital, on the road, then it isn't worth it. The parents think by making sacrifice that things get better, but if America is going downhill, they have a hard time coming to terms that they put all their effort in vain.
You can't assimilate when the host culture treats you as "other" based on physical appearances.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Out of curiosity which state and city did you grow up in assuming you are in USA. As an adult in NYC and Florida, while didn't experience a racist comment free life, didn't experience the level of harassment of the sub. Wondered if it's because there are Asian immigrants who brought their kids into communities that may have mainly formed because of segregation or racial flight. Or are rustbelt communities

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

【I understand you don't want your kid to be that 100% always achieving Asian kid who is forced to overkill on everything just to get the same treatment or result as other people's kid.】
I appreciate you writing this essay, and I agree with the overall sentiment in your writings, but I have to comment on the effects these hard upbringings have on some of us.


As hard and superficial as it may sound from me, money IS everything. Especially now growing and experiencing life as a guy approaching 30, I noticed some remarkable changes in people's life priorities and (subsequently also) their dating preferences. People my age are now working their professional careers, and (trying to) starting families. People in more recent dating pool (both men AND women aged 18-30) aren't looking anymore for just mere looks or just pleasure. They are actually looking for peers/equals that they can start a life with, and I noticed this trend getting only more prent with the current inflation and the fact that our generation(s) will be the first ones to be WORSE off than our parents. People are now actually looking for stability.


And this is where my observations of my upbringing, and many like us as a diaspora comes in. Yes, most of our upbringings were hard. I'd say mine might have been a bit worse because me and my single mom came from poor beginnings and even had close shaves with becoming homeless on several occasions, when we arrived in Europe as immigrants. Now, this right here is a crossroads/breaking point in one's childhood for many of us brothers and sisters out there, both overseas and back home, that will either make or break a person for the rest of their lives.


In my case, it turned out for the better fortunately; as hard as my mother was on me at times, she also was a huge inspiration for being a relentless fighter, in spite of some of our hopeless situation at times, which also spurred me to do better as well by the time I attended highschool. And this is where I noticed that one of the fortunes our misfortunate upbringings brought with us, is that you will came out a much stronger person, both emotionally and intellectually, than most of your peers by the time you start attending University and/or started working (the time of your life where ALL of your decisions will actually start to matter) if you managed to survive the aforementioned pressure. You will be able to handle pressure better, get to appreciate your achievements more and most importantly KNOW when to be humble and when to be assertive at times.


Given, I had to sacrifice much of my early childhood and give up on senior highschool life, where I was busting my ass off while my (white) peers were out playing, drinking, having teenage romances etc. But now being in my late twenties, I am probably the first one of my entire social circle being able to fully purchase a house as a SINGLE ASIAN GUY, with some smart/right decisions and connections I made in university and my current job. Meanwhile, I noticed (?) that I am also getting a lot more advances from my female counterparts both at and outside of work. Maybe it is the clothes I am wearing (I am usually in suit or a peacoat), but I jokingly sometimes say it is probably me as an East-Asian guy riding the K-pop wave lol. But yeah, can't say I am not content with life at the moment; I can afford (most) things, have my own place, drive a nice (mother's ) car and can help out my mom and her family back home financially.


In the worst case, money won't buy you hapiness, but it sure as hell makes your life easier. You might still be an outcast making 6 figures in some racist backwater in the west, but that 6 figure salary can afford you to move somewhere more pleasant, this wouldn't have been possible if you didn't have the sufficient resources (money) to do it in the first place. That case, it is an uphill battle.


In my case, it just took me 28 freaking years (of which the first 9 was just practically hell) to get there. I can totally understand that this kind of life isn't for any of the other brothers and sisters out there who experienced the same and at times did succumb to the sheer pressure.


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