2023-02-11 遐怪 13708

Joe Biden’s announcement of tank supplies to Ukraine came with boasts about boosting American jobs


Amid soaring inflation and other economic woes, the administration of US President Joe Biden has been obsessed with emphasizing any shred of positivity they can find. That’s especially true with that typically American buzzword: jobs.
Last Thursday, the president tweeted a graph showing the the latest four-week average number of joblessness claims vs what it was when he took office. Apparently the number has shrunk more than four-fold. The previous day, Biden quote-tweeted a post by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, showing job creation for blue collar workers is supposedly attributable to his clean-energy agenda, that “climate action” equals “jobs.”


These two examples are fairly innocuous, but then on that same day as the latter tweet, another series of posts followed. One of them said simply, “American manufacturing is back.” Another was official confirmation of news that the US is now sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, which he described as “evidence of our enduring and unflagging commitment to Ukraine and our confidence in the skill of Ukrainian forces.”
The latter was important because it represents a major escalation of US involvement in the conflict in the Eastern European country. Only a handful of countries have been graced with this weapons system, and the US is sending an entire battalion's worth of them to Ukraine. It's an indication that there are potentially no limits to what Washington is willing to give Kiev.


It leads naturally to questions of whether high-end American warplanes or surface-to-surface missiles will end up in Ukraine. It also leaves us to ponder what these systems would be used for. For example, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he would defend Russian territory, including Crimea, “by any means necessary”. Meanwhile, Ukrainian officials have vowed to retake the peninsula.
So Biden’s tank announcement – which follows a string of others by Western capitals – shows the potential for a war that could span well outside of Eastern Europe and go global. It could even mean outright nuclear annihilation. That is a truly terrifying prospect, especially for those of us in close proximity to the action right now.


It doesn’t seem like Biden is all that afraid, given his tweet that “American manufacturing is back.” Not only are Abrams tanks manufactured in the US in Lima, Ohio, but they’re also made by unx workers. Check, check for the Biden’s administration’s made-in-America and unx-made priorities.
To note, we have seen a similar line before from some other prominent folk. For one, Jack Matlock Jr., the former US ambassador to the Soviet unx, once told Putin to his face that the Washington-installed missile defense system in Romania – on Russia’s doorstep – was not designed to attack, but to create American jobs. Putin laughed and replied, “Why would you “create jobs” in an industry that has the potential to put the entire human race in danger?”


Just days ago, speaking to the National Association of State Chambers (NASC) in Boca Raton, Florida, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that there are “big business” opportunities in his country for any American company interested in working there. That also naturally includes the defense industry, which Zelensky was sure to give a special shoutout to.
Perhaps I am misreading Biden’s tweet and it was actually tied to the clean energy business. But the fact that a new Green New Deal hasn’t been established and the only major climate legislation undertaken during his presidency is just now being implemented, raises doubts about this position. If he was referring to something else, I think it is evidence is clear that most manufacturing is certainly not in the United States and nor will it return to the country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The US – or at least its politicians – don’t have the general political will for initiatives in economic spheres outside the so-called defense industry. And that is what’s so ironic about Biden’s tweet, that he’s cheering about how good the latest jobs report is or how a tank factory in Ohio might hire more unx workers despite inching the world closer to nuclear armageddon.
I am reminded of another American nation, Cuba, that counts medical services among its greatest exports and routinely receives Nobel Peace Prize nominations for its heroism. Now-deceased leader Fidel Castro once said that Havana would send “doctors” and “not bombs” around the world. That is quite a foil for Washington, which is content with producing nothing but bombs while anything of practical use is made literally anywhere else.


Sub Atomic Particle
Debt and Death are the only two things left America has to offer the World.


Sub Atomic Particle, All countries in the world SHOULD STOP SELLING anything they have to the US/UK. This would be a REVERSE SANCTION against all they have done to enslave humanity.


The US government is so f-cked up and corrupt to the core.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Allan Quatermain
Eisenhower warned us about this and we did nothing. Kennedy tried and was killed.


Max 777
Isn't that like saying, People have to die so that Americans have a Job ???


James Rowlands
Max 777, Yes. That's precisely what they're saying.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, was the most decorated Marine in US history. In 1935 he let the cat out of the bag: “I spent 33 years in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism." And again, "War is a racket. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."


Adonis Cirillo
The US Is Heavily Reliant On China And Russia For Its Ammo Supply Chain - DefenseNews 8 Jun, 2022
The United States has relied almost entirely on China, and to a lesser extent Russia, in recent years to procure a critical mineral that is vital to producing ammunition.
The mineral antimony is critical to the defense-industrial supply chain and is needed to produce everything from armor-piercing bullets and explosives to nuclear weapons as well as sundry other military equipment, such as night vision goggles.


Chris Drencrom
War is such a clean energy policy...all the cross dressing Nazis agree on this


Col Douglas McGregor said that the M1's being sent will be brand new made especially for Ukraine. Why new when they have so many in storage? Well the defense department doesn't want to take a chance of an M1a2, with all it's high tech top secret armor falling into Russian hands or being sold on the black market. SO all the tanks being sent to Ukraine will have the original armor from the 70's and much less of the high tech equipment. So it's a new tank built to 70's specifications. Anyone that thinks this tank with a poorly trained crew will last long on the battlefield is delusional.


Rebels65, Less than a minute!


US economy has always been based on war and rumors of war


Bonanzaman, Ndont forget slavery coal mines and indentured servitude. It is literally named leviathan from John Locke's book. The founders all read it. What do you think?


Max 777
So what's the difference between Terrorist that kill for Fun and American Military that kill for Profits ?
Somehow we have been brainwashed into thinking one is bad and the other is okay


Shamus McDonald
Of course, they got rid of their old stock to use Ukrainians as cannon fodder...


Pamela Storer
American manufacturing is back??? Are you kidding??? There is NO manufacturing worth the name in America, they exported it all so the oligarchs and corporations could make more money running sweatshop labour at a penny the day and no bathroom breaks. It will take more than years, more than billions of dollars to get manufacturing in America, It will take a complete change of the ruling Paradigm, away from "we are the exceptional people, and we lead the world in finance finagling and invading and theft for our wealth"' to one of '"we a nation equal among all others and we need to make things for our income and our existence"' And god alone knows where or when you are going to dig that out of your cellars.


The US is using this conflict to demilitarize NATO and rearm it using American weapons. This will allow American arms manufacturers to make trillions and make NATO countries dependent on American weapons and parts.


Henry Redbird
This is the Biggest reason the West wants War. $Money!


Tim D
To line the pockets of congress..say no more on that subject!


Krzysztof Borkowski
That how USA got so rich during and after WWII.


Andrey Vershinin
Krzysztof Borkowski, It's good money blowing up civilians.


Hitler also created many jobs after the great depression started


Captain Nemo
So US will produce tanks and send them to Ukraine. Ukraine cannot pay for them, so US will simply have to increase its debt by 180 mln or so.
Russia will simply burn these tanks within a week or two after they get to the fronline.
Can anyone remind me - does it make any sense?


more people will start growing chickens in their backyard and vegitables in their frontyard by the day. let's grow, make, share, barter, repair, recycle, conserve, simplify and most of all reduce our consumption of corporate poison and junk!!!


antiparasites, Time to go back to bartering. That way we don't have to pay tax!


Josef Liebel
All my life I thought US was my hero. I almost volunteered to go to Vietnam until a returned volunteer told me to make one right decision in my life and back off. Now with this going on, I noticed my hero is a warmongering crazed imbecile. What a embarrassment USA has become


Boom..Boom - the constant beating of US war drums for profit. Initiate a global BAN on the $US.


their (us-eu-us-5eyes) time is already over. no matter how many weapons your gang manufacture the multipolar world is here. there is no going back to your era.


With a fake president that's completely void of any mental cognitive ability it's up to the deep state communists in congress to make these decisions, but as it looks this system of government and it's tyrannical ways of governance is being exposed and may not last long with any hope at all.


Warmongers & Medias= Criminal Enterprise
i told you, a european world war is good for jobs here in america and britain...... we can keep selling war machines to europe while europeans give us money and take our loans offer....... after european destruction, we can rebuild europe, and their people will pay back the loans and reconstruction costs for another 50yrs - 70yrs, and make america rich again for another baby boomer quality of life.


Actually nothing is working well in America, except the Military Complex and The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Multinational corporations ! Everything else is just minimal !


Hansen Steyben
neeckoo, It doesn't matter if they are making garbage, they still get PAID and the salesmen, lobbyists, politicians still get paid for stuff that is going to get blown up anyway. But image if that money was put into assets that would move the country FORWARD - no, the Repubs would never go for that!


John Brown
neeckoo, You think the America Military Complex is working well?????? The F-35 is garbage, they can't get the magnetic catapults to work on their aircraft carriers, which China has already perfected, a whole new class of very expensive destroyers are lemons etc., they can't make hypersonic missiles which even Iran and North Korea now have, and the list goes on and on.


neeckoo, Highly inefficient and corrupt but making the 1% richer classifies as working well in America?


Ultraw Magnumaga
The US won’t be back in our lifetimes!


what do you expect from a country that praises the military, is highly over competitive in everything they do,winning at ALL COSTS no matter the consequences..cheating at nearly EVERYTHING THEY DO...sports, banking, war, diplomacy, agreements, degeneracy shcooling... nearly EVERYONE IS CORRUPT.
a true CESSPOOL worse with every generation


We are no longer a manufacturing nation here in America. Only things we export any more are kidnap/torture prisons, assassinations, coups, bio-weapons labs, bio-weapons viruses, big brother surveillance electronics & social media platforms, mass murder, global resource and asset theft, weapons designed to kill human beings faster and more efficiently, and good old fashioned propaganda... we don't even print much cash any more... as we own the banks and just add a zero here and there with a click of a mouse to make our trillions.


cold Water
MichaelGeorgeHartley, Are you using a Mac book to write that? Lol.


Bashar Bodhisattva
Does this entire timeline of the past decade up to now remind anyone else of the runup to WWII? The Syrian war (called the Syrian civil war, but actually an actual unprovoked war of aggression of state-sponsored terrorism waged by the U.S.-led Western bloc against Syria) was the Spanish Civil War equivalent. The global coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic disruption, inflation, shipping and supply chain turmoil was the Great Depression equivalent. And this current Ukraine conflict is the eruption of WWII in Europe, even though the beginning of it started at least as early as late 2013 (Euromaidan civil unrest). Wars are often used as a creative chaos maneuver to try to climb out of mounting economic problems and stagnation. The biggest difference is that this won't end the same way because it's a post-WWII, post-atomic age world and Russia has nuclear weapons, so the U.S. can't just do whatever it wants.


Donald W.
Actually, the plan was to modernized NATO/Allies military for the coming WAR with CHINA.


USA has only one main battle tank design, compromising it by sending them off to Ukraine is a very risky move based on sheer desperation (if they ever enter the battlefield).


I've been saying it all along. War is big, big business in the USA. They won't pass up an opportunity to cash in for as long as possible.


N.O.T.A.None_Of_ The_Above
The Empire of Lies has no morals whatsoever. If they can make a quick buck eliminating life on earth, they will go for it...


These are just moving targets on the steppes of Ukraine. The west has not learned from the battle of Kursk in WW2, looks like they need a refresher lesson.


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