2023-02-13 杏子 9722
Joseph Parisella
I hate this.


This is not a meal. This is not a main course and this is certainly not worth over fifty fucking dollars.
When I go to a restaurant I don't only expect the food to taste good; I also expect that I won't have to order a big Mac afterwards because I'm still feeling hungry.
I get that ingredients may be expensive and I get that you’re not just paying for the food, you're paying for the experience but if the food doesn't fill me up then I see no point in going there in the first place.


Isn't that kind of food is served if you pay for like a 7 course meal?


Joseph Parisella to Yaseen
It is and all seven courses when strerched out across the hours it takes to get there would still fail sate my hunger.


Yaseen to Joseph Parisella
Oops. I didn't go consider the waiting time. Yup, better eat at Subway or somewhere fulfilling!


Jesse Cooks and Reads to Yaseen
The time, and the portion size, are carefully factored into the experience. I am a professional chef and restaurant manager. I have dined at this style of restaurant many times, and have never ONCE left hungry. Not once.
And I can polish off 2 huge burritos like it’s nothing, I’m no snob. It’s in the restaurant’s best interest to make sure the customers are happy. Usually, making sure people don’t get TOO full is the challenge.


Zachary White to Joseph Parisella
Maybe fine dining is not for you haha. An all-you-can-eat buffet like Golden Corral or Chuck A Rama sounds more fitting

也许高级餐饮不适合你哈哈。像Golden Corral或Chuck A Rama这样的自助餐听起来更合适。

Mechael Kanovsky
I was once at a “fancy” restaurant and I ordered soup. The waiter first gave me a huge soup bowl and then proceeded to pour into the bowl exactly one ladle of soup from a tureen. We then ordered some other dish and again a very large plate was given with three small edible items positioned on the plate at 120 degrees from each other separated by a line of different color sauces.
Needless to say, we left the restaurant still hungry after paying a hefty bill and went to some fast food place to eat.


Joseph Parisella to Mechael Kanovsky
Bloody hell that would be comical if it wasn't so aggravating. I get that people want a food experience, I don't begrudge them that but I go to a restaurant to eat, get full and go not to sample a meagre morsel and pretentiously exclaim how the smoked pear complimented the blue cheese and honeyed fig perfectly.


Mechael Kanovsky to Joseph Parisella
Exactly! and the pretentiousness of serving everything in huge dishes just accented the fact that there was nothing there.


Zachary White to Joseph Parisella
I mean sure, the quantities should be decent. But you gotta keep in mind that fine dining should involve a plethora of plates, no a single entree. I've never been to a fine dining restaurant where I left hungry because of small portions.
Sure, I've had plates like the one in the picture, but it was one of 7 different dishes. Part of the experience is to sample a variety of flavors that compliment each other from plate to plate.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Samantha McCormick to Mechael Kanovsky
At the end of the meal you should have asked the waiter to please scrub the table clean because you want to leave him his tip. Then proceeded to leave three dollar bills, each positioned 120 degrees from each other separated by a line of pennies.


Mechael Kanovsky to Samantha McCormick
Excellent idea!! I really like it and hope never to have to use it.


Michael Cheng
I used to think the same way, until I truly understood. Fancy restaurants serve customers who aren't hungry for a meal or in life. They're pretty full all the time and have more money than need to eat.
So when I go, I make sure I'm not hungry. After all, I'm there to experience the decadence it takes to cajole some food down some rich man's full gullet. Try it and you'll find the 2-4 hours while away as easily as the $100–300 per head.


Shoshanna to Michael Cheng
Still, I don't see the logic and I love cooking gourmet dishes!


Kushal Bhardwaj to Michael Cheng
I don’t quite agree with this. To be able to enjoy a meal, you need to be at least a little bit hungry. The way you need to be a little bit thirsty to enjoy a drink. And the way you need to be a little bit (or more) horny, to enjoy sex. Your reasoning makes it seem like I eat little because I’m not hungry.


Ron Wiseman
Yeah, I’m afraid you went to a place that sells a food experience when you were looking for a meal. These food experience restaurants are for a particular kind of customer, like me, who seeks out the one-of-a-kind food experience. I don’t go there when I’m really just hungry.


Sumon Sinha to Ron Wiseman
well, when one wants to find his happpiness in food, I believe it is not a normal situation.


Ron Wiseman to Sumon Sinha
It’s like art, which makes some people feel happy. Food can be presented as art, just as house paint can be presented as art. The experience is what you make of it.


Helen Cruise
It is called the “hunger experience”. You pay big money, you remain hungry. You get to feel both rich and poor.


Kapil Yadav
Such restaurants are not for family dinner rather having some formal or semi-formal dinner or lunches. Those people are not there to fill their tummy but to have discussions and meetings in a decent environment with soothing ambiance. If you are going outside with your friends or family always go for a average to middle class restaurant, you will get enough food to fill your stomach.


Satish Geddada
Dining plate rental cost 45$
Food cost 5$


Jennifer Quail
If you are just looking for a filling meal, this particular kind of restaurant is not for you. There is almost zero chance you could get reservations at this style of dining without knowing what you’re signing up for. Here dinner is probably going to take 2–3 hours, with very small, super-stylized dishes and the meal planned to be eaten in a particular order. If anything expecting to feel comfortably full, rather than just not hungry, would be a bit gauche.
(Also depending on where that lobster or whatever shellfish that is came from, and what amount of prep of it was required, and the amount of waste generated by the knife work required for the garnish/vegetables, yeah, after you’re done with food and labor $50 seems fair.)


Keith Strickland to Jennifer Quail
I love comments like this. It reminds me of a blind wine tasting for a bunch of pretentious wine connoisseurs who couldn't tell the difference between a 1000 dollar bottle and a 20 dollar California wine. Some people are just so full of themselves it's comical.


Esmée Van Oorschot
You aren’t supposed to go to places like that hungry anyway.


Mike Down
Frigging art on a plate, cannot stand that pretentious nonsense. How are you meant to fulfil your hunger on a couple of morsels on a plate.


Peng Peng Zheng
I tried this kind of restaurant once. I am amazed that I can still remember the taste of the food today. It is not meant for hunger, it is meant for luxury.


Shradha Bhopale
Glad someone said that. This just doesn't make sense to me either.


Vijay Venkataraman
In this type of restaurants you are not going to have a plate of Biryani / Double-cheese burger to satiate your hunger. Here the chefs are being creative to present you their version or concept of food. These are usually part of multi-course tasting menu ranging anywhere from 10 course to 30 course and costing anywhere in between $200 to $500+. Few would love to tryout different variations of the food and experience something different and fewer have the money to afford the experience.
Not all those who spend their money on such things are evil capitalists.
Watch chef’s table, Netflix originals, to learn more about who cooks in such and such ways and why they do so. It is a wonderful little world.
P.S.: I haven’t had the chance to try out in any such restaurants. The thought of spending $200+ for a meal is not quite relatable to me. There are folks who do that and I am totally fine with that.

观看chef 's table,或者Netflix的原创节目,了解更多关于谁用这样那样的方式做饭,以及他们为什么这样做。这是一个奇妙的小世界。

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