2023-02-15 jiangye111 9380
No plan, no exit strategy: the UK government is losing face on strikes – and millions of votes
-While local pay bodies are settling with striking workers, Tory ministers are foolishly refusing to back down, and will pay the price


(Nurses at St Thomas’ Hospital in London strike over pay and conditions on 6 February.)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is deeply embarrassing. Today the Fire Brigades unx called off its planned strikes after being offered 7% for this year backdated, plus 5% next year, by the National Joint Council that negotiates for local authorities. Its members have yet to agree, but council workers settled for a similar deal because local authorities jointly are free to make their own sensible settlements. Wales and Scotland are also in the process of settling with their health workers. That leaves those in charge of services in England left looking even more obstinate, unreasonable and ideologically fixated.


The GMB’s public services national secretary, Rachel Harrison, yesterday morning told me that the offer to the fire brigades was “massive” and said that if her ambulance workers and other strikers were offered that, “we’d definitely suspend action and call it off immediately”. Members would have to decide, but the view around the unxs yesterday was that a similar deal would settle these strikes.


The government hoped strikers would be weakening by now. Ministers assumed that low-paid public workers, some already using food banks, would surely be hurting from the many days’ pay struck off their payslips by now. A new payslip system in the NHS deliberately highlights their strike day deductions.


They also hoped that by now the public would have turned against strikers. Surely the resolute prime minister and chancellor would bask in a little 1980s Thatcher glory for their firm stance against “militants”? But that’s not how things are working out, not at all. That leaves the government with no plan and no ladder to climb down from their adamant stand.


NHS employers have made their views known, say the unxs: the confrontational strikes (minimum service levels) bill is an affront to local managers, who have worked well with their staff to ensure emergency cover during strikes. Ambulance delays have been fewer on strike days, as all the shifts are there on the picket line, and if a category 1 or 2 call comes in, more staff than usual are available to answer it. “Responders got there quicker, discharged patients into A&E quicker and there were fewer ambulance queues outside hospitals,” Harrison says. The bill allows politicians in the Department of Health to specify, by name and job, all those they can ban from striking, instead of leaving it for local managers to arrange with unxs, a fundamental breach of the right to strike.


The outrage caused by Grant Shapps’ claim last Sunday that ambulance staff were putting lives at risk by “refusing” to provide information on where they were striking, creating a “postcode lottery” for people having heart attacks, hardened the determination of strikers. “A blatant lie,” says Harrison.


What Shapps and the government prefer not to draw attention to is the average 1,000 extra (non-Covid) deaths a week, for fear of exposing the effect of the underfunding of the NHS and social and community care for more than a decade.


Instead of fading away, more are joining the strikes: on Wednesday, the East of England ambulance service trust was the last to vote to join. On budget day, 15 March, another 100,000 civil servants are coming out, along with 30,000 from HMRC – presumably losing the state sizeable sums for every day they are not collecting taxes. unxs are balloting and renewing their ballot mandates, with soaring inquiries by the public to the TUC about joining.


unxs are infuriated by ministers, including the prime minister, who are claiming their “doors are open” when absolutely no negotiations are happening. Paul Nowak, the TUC general secretary, says this cabinet doesn’t understand negotiation: in public, ministers say they will talk to him – but no talks happen. “It will end, as all disputes do, around the table with an agreement.”


“They misjudged the public mood,” Nowak says. Repeating the mantra that it would be inflationary to give an inch to public workers only influences a third of voters, according to TUC focus groups. That’s because it’s not true, says Paul Johnson, director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies: “A public sector pay rise is not in itself inflationary” as, unlike in the private sector, there are no prices to rise. And the private sector has seen wages rise far faster than for public servants. He regards the sums required to settle as relatively modest: “Each 1% on the public pay bill costs £2.5bn.” Meanwhile, the unx leaders I spoke to said the spectacle of Shell and BP’s grotesque profits had also strengthened strikers’ resolve.


The longer the government delays an inevitable settlement, the longer NHS waiting lists will grow, and Rishi Sunak will struggle to meet his pledge to cut them by the next election. The plan may be to wait until April and try to hide a climbdown in a fudged deal for next year that will in fact include pay, backdated for this year. But this climbdown will be more embarrassing the longer they delay.


Meanwhile the Telegraph has published a large poll of 28,000 voters, presumably designed to terrify the living daylights out of the Tories. It finds Labour would win an unthinkable 509 seats, the SNP would be the official opposition with 50, Tories would be third with just 45, and almost every Tory you’ve heard of would be swept away. The Electoral Calculus poll of polls has Labour on 47.5% and the Tories on 26.3%. There’s a way to go yet to an election, but this does suggest that provoking strikes and revoking the right to strike has been a gamechanger with voters.


It’s almost funny how bad they are at this. They let it escalate to create an enemy to look tough against but forgot that the enemy was almost universally liked by the rest of the population.
The only way the governments position could look less sympathetic is if Santa and The Easter Bunny took to the lines.


Their enemy is the population. The conservatives are the party of classism, they represent landowners and the wealthy, not the people.
They are trying to stoke culture war divisions to distract the working class from the fact that they are not running the country for the people and never have.


Well, there was the time, only last year, when the UK Minister of State for Mental Health expressed "pleasant surprise" at nurses getting even a derisory 1% rise.
So they really are going for the "NHS staff are worthless scum" attack line


Meanwhile MPs pay rise continues


The UK government have consistently said they won't negotiate because there is no money to pay out. I believe Steven Barclay was reported to have said in private that he'd support a pay rise of 9% for NHS staff, but that Jeremy Hunt had made it clear that there would be no more money for pay rises, and they'd have to come out of the existing NHS budget.
For what its worth firefighters got an immediate pay offer of 7% plus an extra 5% later this year, and I've seen it speculated that this is because there isn't a pay review board for the government to blame for their decisions, so there was nowhere for them to hide. Tbh if we have another hot summer they really cannot afford any strike action by firefighters to drag on.
The overall approach to these strikes baffles me though, because it's very clear that they will sooner or later have to make a meaningful offer - the unxs seem quite prepared to drag this out as long as it takes, and they have majority public support. If the government are even half seriously considering that they can win the next election they need industrial action to stop sooner rather than later.


Energy prices: we can't cap costs to avoid creating a shortage. Market prices!
Wages: we cap wages and then create massive staff shortages.
Why don't they increase nurses wages until we don't have staff shortages? Isn't that the market forces the Conservatives like?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They let it escalate to create an enemy to look tough against but forgot that the enemy was almost universally liked by the rest of the population.
I think with the number of sectors on strike concurrently and the number of workers involved, they didn't think their usual scapegoating and demonizing isn't going to work in the media when the message is now about people's parents, their spouses, their kids, their relatives, or even just their friends affected. Worked so well when it was immigrants, benefits claimants, the disabled, or refugees they didn't even think how crass it looks when the same messaging is applied to folks like doctors, nurses, and firefighters.


I think it helps that more industries are striking, when it's just rail workers its easy to point at a bogey man, but when it's nurses, and teachers and more still to come there's too many targets.


Antikas-KariosCounty of Bristol
It's embarrassing how stupid their logic was.
Back in the 70s a Labour government failing to manage a wave of strikes was a huge boon to the Tory opposition and managed to be one of the primary factors in them returning to power.
They are so fundamentally stupid that they somehow came out of this history lesson with the conclusion not that a failure to resolve large strikes is bad for the Party in Government and good for the Party in Opposition, but instead drew the conclusion that a failure to resolve large strikes is bad for the Labour Party and good for the Tories.
They were so busy trying to find a way to be Thatcher and latched onto being hostile to strikers as a solution that they failed to notice that Thatcher was in opposition when the strikes started and campaigned on a platform of ending the strikes better than the sitting government could. You can't be the one currently failing to end the strikes and also campaign on how good you are at breaking strikes.


I've said it before on this platform but i'll say it again. It's not a money issue, it's a "we have forgotten how to deal with this" issue and now they are being broadsided by strikes every week that it's going to be a mammoth task getting round the negotiating table with so many different interest groups all wanting pay increases but also better working conditions etc.
It really would be a free hit for the government to lose a bit of face, annoy their backers but also to maybe win back a bit of support from the public.
Back in "the day" it really was simpler, unxs would strike because X reason or the workers felt neglected or mistreated, the government would appear to favour action against the strikers but in a week or so they would say "alright lets thrash out a deal", you know, to save face with the public but also to get the job done and the country back to work. Nowadays it just seems like the balancing act has been upended and the skills forgotten, purged with the "intelligentsia" of the party during the harrowing of the Brexit votes.


My wife who is a teacher wrote to my local MP and he wrote back saying he was disapointed in teachers for striking and they have had the biggest budget increase ever. I couldn't believe it! That increase is probably covering all the rising gas and electricity bills in every school.


Sadly looks like they’re just sticking to the party lines and not deviating on this issue at all. They gave the teachers a pay rise from existing school budgets, which is very disingenuous. Less funding for other things at school, even though it’s a gain for the teachers, they’ll probably be paying out of pocket to ensure kids have the best class experiences, as always…


I’ve heard 4 stories of teachers paying out the nose for educational equipment because the budgets gone

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My mums been a teacher for over 30 years, she’s probably spent a small fortune on extra things for the kids over the years and she would say she doesn’t regret it for a second, but the schools should have the budget for these sorts of things… I’m currently teaching abroad and my school will provide pretty much anything we need, within reason of course but we aren’t rationed on coloured printing, which seems like a luxury back home in the UK.


From what I’ve heard and seen it seems budgets are far too constrained for what’s needed as well as being drained faster and faster by rising prices


Its really interesting, generally as strikes go on longer, the tide tends / public mood tends to turn against strikers- but it doesn’t seem to be working this way now.


I just hope that's because people are realising that it really is a "Today you, tomorrow me" world now.


Young people aren't becoming bastards as they get older as we're all have nots


We're not all bastards though. And I've been through various have/have not times in my my life. It's always about the very rich taking more for themselves. They really don't give a shit about the other 99%, except as useful labour.


Shut the unxs down. No more strikes. Seems quite straightforward really.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's strange listening to gov talking heads about this. On the one hand they're saying that the people striking are holding the country hostage and making life difficult, probably throwing in how it's "vulnerable" people who they're hurting the most, then they're saying that the gov isn't going to do anything because the strikes aren't that bad, mitigation plans are working and it's only a minority on strike.
Their points are contradictory and yet both are misleading at the same time.
They'll say people on strike are causing problems and they shouldn't. That's the whole point of a strike! If no one listens to you while you're performing your job because they don't care while they're getting their service, you stop doing your job until they do care and do listen.
At the end of the day it looks like what the government wants is to allow people to protest and strike as long as no one has to see or hear them and no one is negatively impacted.
We need to bring back protest around parliament.


I hope with all my being this will be the end of the Tory Party, that it is utterly disbanded and resigned to history.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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