2023-02-16 种花家一只兔 16471

Thomas Yen Follow
China - the forgotten ally
First Confrontation
Most Westerners often put the start date of World War 2 on the 1st of September 1939, when the Germans invaded Poland.
However, for China, the war started in 1931 when the Japanese staged the Mukden Incident where the track of Japan’s South Manchurian Railway was blown up by supposed Chinese dissidents. This led to the full invasion of the Imperial Japanese Army from occupied Korea. The weakened Chinese state as a result of years of separatism and political instability could not resist the professionally trained Kwangtung Army of Imperial Japan, leading to the occupation of Manchuria by Japan and the establishment of Japanese puppet state Manchukuo.
The League of Nation (similar to the United Nations of today) opposed Japan’s aggressive policy, which resulted in Japan withdrawing from the league and creating their own Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The European powers, crippled by the great depression, could do nothing against Japan’s might. Furthermore, the rich Manchurian lands the Japanese occupied was abundant in natural resources which helped Japan avoid the Great Depression, thus the Japanese civilians were largely supportive of this act of aggression.

大多数西方人经常把第二次世界大战的开始日期定在 1939 年 9 月 1 日,即德国入侵波兰的那一天。
然而,对于中国而言,战争始于 1931 年,当时日本发动了九一八事变,日本称其南满铁路轨道被所谓的中国持不同政见者炸毁。这导致日本帝国主义的军队从被占领的朝鲜对华发动了全面入侵。由于多年的分裂和政治动荡,虚弱的中国政府无法抵抗日本帝国主义训练有素的关东军,导致日本占领了中国满洲,并建立了日本控制的傀儡国家-满洲国。

An unlikely alliance
Between 1927 - 1936, the Chinese Nationalists Government (Kuomintang) under Chiang Kai-shek has been fighting the Chinese Communists (CCP) under the leadership of Mao Zedong due to political differences. However, while the KMT was focused on eradicating the CCP, Japan took this opportunity to further assert their dominance over China.
The January 28th Incident in 1932, resulted in the demilitarization of Shanghai so that Chinese troops could not defend the city. The Tanggu Truce in 1933 caused Jehol province to fall under Japanese control. Finally, the He-Umez Agreement of 1935 and the following Chin-Doihara Agreement effectively expelled the KMT from entering Hebei and Chahar province respectively. Thus, in a span of a few years, China has lost the entirety of Northern China under Japanese administration.

1932 年的一二八事变导致上海非军事化,中国军队无法保卫这座城市。1933年的塘沽停战使热河省落入日本控制之下。最后,日本通过1935年的《何梅协定》和随后的《秦土协定》有效地将国民党逐出了河北省和察哈尔省。因此,在短短几年的时间里,中国就失去了整个华北地区。

Many of Chiang’s advisors asked Chiang to focus on Japan, which is the greater threat. However, he refused and persisted in destroying the CCP. In 1936, a young marshal named Zhang Xueliang captured Chiang Kai-shek in Xi’an, forcing him to sign a temporary truce with CCP and to fight against Japan. The Second Chinese United Front was established. The Chinese Red Army was integrated into the Chinese Nationalist Army under the new Fourth Army or the 8th Route Army.


Second Sino-Japanese War - Initial Phase
Years of distrust and resentment resulted in an exchange of fire between Chinese and Japanese troops on the 7th of July 1937 at Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing. The initial brief and a confused skirmish between the two sides soon escalated into the Second Sino-Japanese War between a united China and Imperial Japan. In China, this war is known as the War of Resistance.
Battle of Shanghai
The Battle of Shanghai was one of the bloodiest battles in the war, often dubbed “the Stalingrad of the East.” Chinese warplanes and soldiers attacked Japanese forces stationed in Shanghai. However, Chinese aircrafts often consisted of outdated Hawk III and P-26/281 Peashooters. The advanced Japanese A5M and anti-air from their navy destroyed 50% of the entire Chinese squadron. The battle soon became one of attrition. China allocated their most professional German-trained Chinese divisions into the battle. However, the better equipped Japanese army overwhelmed the Chinese defenders. The Japanese lost over 70 000+ soldiers, while the Chinese suffered 187 000 deaths. The resistant Chinese forces at the battle shocked the Japanese army, as they originally thought it was going to be a swift and easy war.

第二次中日战争 - 初期阶段

Battle of Nanjing and Nanjing Massacre
The Battle of Nanjing was another major battle in the Chinese theatre, where the Japanese invaded the former Chinese capital Nanjing. Approximately 350 000 Japanese soldiers invaded the city and committed war crimes against civilians. Historians recorded that at least 200 000 Chinese people were brutally tortured and murdered by Japanese soldiers. Japanese officers were killing civilians for entertainment and to also avenge their fallen soldiers in Shanghai.
The Tokyo Government attempted to de-escalate the situation as they wanted to preserve strength in case of a Soviet attack to the North. However, after capturing many Chinese cities, the Japanese generals escalated the war and the Japanese government effectively lost control of their army to the radical generals. By 1938, after another bloody battle in Wuhan resulting in the capture of the city by the Japanese, the Chinese leadership retreated to Chongqing.


Second Sino-Japanese War - Stalemate
Following a series of victories against the Japanese such as the Battle of Changsha and Battle of South Guangxi, the Japanese expansions across China was effectively halted. However, due to China’s low industrial capacity, the nation could not risk counter-attacking the more modern Japanese army, thus both nations did not fight any more major conflicts. Instead, the war became a series of small skirmishes and sabotages as both nations try to disrupt each other’s supply chain and command network.
Furthermore, as Japan conquers more Chinese territories, it became increasingly difficult for Japan to administer. Keep in mind, China had an enormous population of over 500 million people, still massive by today’s standards. Furthermore, Japanese atrocities committed by the imperial army made the Japanese extremely unpopular. Rebellions and sabotages carried out by Chinese civilians were common.

第二次中日战争 - 相持阶段
此外,随着日本占领更多的中国领土,日本的管理变得越来越困难。请记住,中国拥有超过 5 亿的庞大人口,以今天的标准来看仍然是庞大的。此外,日本军队的暴行使日本人极不受欢迎。中国平民发动的反抗和破坏活动非常频繁。

China’s Contribution
Thankfully, the Japanese navy was over-confident in their ability, and also disliked the Japanese army for taking all the credit for the war. Thus, they bombed Pearl Harbour in 1941, and the United States of America joined the war against Japan. As the United States battled Japan across the Pacific all the way up to the Japanese mainland, the Chinese army’s job was to stalemate the Japanese and force them to commit troops into the Chinese theatre.
World War 2 was fought across the globe on a total land area of 22 million square kilometres. The Chinese Theatre alone took up 6 million square kilometres. In terms of time spent fighting, the US was involved in the war for 3 years and 9 months, Soviet unx for 4 years and 2 months, and Britain for 6 years. While China on the other hand has been fighting Japan in small scale border skirmishes since 1931, which escalated to a full-scale war in 1937 and ended in 1945. Thus, China has been fighting for a total of 14 years since 1931.

第二次世界大战发生在全球2200万平方公里的土地上。仅中国战场就占地 600万平方公里。 从参战时间来看,美国参战3年9个月,苏联4年2个月,英国6年。而中国自1931年以来一直在与日本进行小规模边界冲突,1937年升级为全面战争,直至1945年结束。因此,中国从1931年以来一共打了14年。

A total of 200 000 battles, both small and large, were fought between China and Japan throughout those years. By the end of the war, China killed 1.54 million Japanese soldiers, accounting for 70% of all Japanese casualties throughout the war. While the Chinese lost 35 million people including soldiers and civilians.
China also restrained Japan’s elite Kwantung Army, the largest and most prestigious command in the Imperial Japanese, often equipped with the latest military equipment Japan can get their hands on. Initially, the Kwantung Army had a military personnel of 1.3 million soldiers, however, by 1945 it was reduced by approximately 50% in size to 713 000 soldiers.
Overall, China’s contribution to the war effort must not be overlooked. The U.S. president Franklin D.Rossevelt once commented: “If China had not been involved in the war, one could only imagine how many Japanese army corps would have been deployed not only in China but also in other nations such as Australia and India.”

在那些年间,中日之间总共进行了大小战役20万场。到战争结束时,中国军队共杀死日军154万人,占整个二战日军伤亡总数的70%。 而中国则损失了包括军民在内的3500万人。
中国还牵制了日本精锐的关东军,这是日本规模最大、最负盛名的军队,它通常装备日本能获得的最新军事装备。 最初,关东军有130万名士兵,但到 1945 年,其人数减少了约 50% 至 71.3万名士兵。
总的来说,中国对二战的贡献不容忽视。 美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福曾评论说:“如果中国没有卷入这场战争,可想而知,有多少日本军队不仅会部署在中国,而且会部署在澳大利亚和印度等其他国家。”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

James Angelopoulos Follow
The Oddball Axis Nation: Bulgaria.


China, India, and Canada are all excellent answers from the anti-Axis coalition, but I always say that one of the biggest logistic nightmares for the Axis was in their own ranks.
Bulgaria certainly left an impact in the Balkans. They certainly wished to restore their borders from pre-WWI. Macedonia and most of the northern Aegean Coast was still full of Bulgarians. Naturally, the only way to regain those territories was to attack Greece and Yugoslavia.
But Tsar Boris III and the other Bulgarians, unlike their German allies, did not seem intent on eradicating the Jewish people from their country.
When Hitler gave orders to the smaller Axis nations to destroy their Jewish population, the majority of Bulgarian territories that had Jewish populations were stowed away by communities and the government. Very few Jewish people were killed. Macedonia, Thrace, and Dobruja (which were given to Bulgaria upon their entrance into the war in 1941) experienced a decline in Jewish population, but those areas were still occupied by Nazis, as they were considered active war zones.


Boris III was so intent on avoiding Jewish extermination, that he took his population of publically revealed Jews and pressed them into factory work. It was certainly akin to slavery, but considering that the only options were to kill them, press them into working, or being attacked by Germany, I'd find that this was likely the best option for a surrounded Bulgaria.
Most would call Boris III's command of Bulgaria to be inept, but I would wholeheartedly disagree. He remained neutral for the first two years, entered the war, and for the following three years engaged in minor skirmishes with the very weak Soviet Black Sea Navy. Any military engagement the Bulgarians faced in those three years were usually met with inaction or were attacks on Bulgarian cities. It was almost as if Boris III knew that Bulgaria was on the wrong side of the war, and wanted to sabotage it from the inside.


Once Boris III suddenly died in 1943, his son Simeon II took control of the nation at the age of 6. Naturally the boy had no way of leading Bulgaria, so Bulgaria's ability to become an active military force was still limited.
Once Romania had fallen to the Soviet’s control, Bulgaria quickly fell too and joined the Allies in 1944.
So was Bulgaria on the losing side for much of their participation? Yes. Did they capitulate and lose most of their battles? Yes.
But they protected their Jewish population.
They hindered the Nazi Regime's attempts at conquering the East.
They infuriated Hitler to no end.
And to this day, their reward for being the largest roadblock in the Reich's operations in the Balkans was the return of Southern Dobruja from Romania. The only country of all the Axis powers to grow in size after the war's end.
Bulgaria sadly fell to Communism due to the Soviet invasion, and the Royal Family did flee the country in the war's aftermath.

那么,保加利亚的大部分参与都是失败的一方吗? 是的。 他们投降并输掉了大部分战斗吗? 是的。

But Bulgaria's total lack of contribution to the war effort outside of their occupations saved not just the country itself, but probably helped keep the Axis from becoming stronger.
Way to go, Bulgaria. You are the only Axis power I have any resemblance of appreciation for.
EDIT: Thank you all so much for all the upvotes and comments! I have never hit 1k upvotes on an answer before, so this was quite exciting!

编辑:非常感谢大家的所有投票和评论! 我以前从未有一个回答得过1000点赞,所以这非常令人兴奋!

Sutekh Follow
I'd say the Chinese United Front helped the most (Yes, it's not a country, but let's pretend it was) for how little it's recognized.
China killed around 1.5 million Japanese soldiers and tied up millions more in the stalemate, thereby allowing the Americans and British to make a counterattack on the Japanese from 1943–1945. Chinese forces and civilians also sheltered the pilots and crewmen of downed American and British planes; a good example of this would be the Doolittle Raid: the bombers from the raid didn't have enough fuel to make it back to their carrier, so they had to ditch over China. One of the largest manhunts of the war was the Japanese trying to find the crewmen of the bombers of the Doolittle Raid so that they could bring them back to Japan and publicly humiliate them before killing them.


William Rance Follow
The question should expand to ‘countries’. Great Britain and France called upon support from a number of their African colonial outposts. Great Britain also relied heavily on the British Indian Army. And as far away as the Pacific Islands. Those colonial troops gave the war effort a tremendous boost — yet very little is said or given to the memory of those men who gave their support to a war far removed from their homeland. Quite rightly. The role that Commonwealth troops played is well documented — alas, not so for the many colonial troops involved in the conflict. My father in law’s British Army unit was attached to the African Rifles in west Africa during the war. He said that the African soldiers did a great job protecting the huge logistical ‘milk run’ throughout the continent during the war — releasing the British army from over extending its own personnel that were needed in the North African desert campaign and later the invasion of Sicily and Italy. Colonial units also popped up on many a road leading to the frontline — sadly, many a colonial soldier never made it home. When nations gather to remember their fallen comrades. Should we not lay a wreath at the Cenotaph in remembrance of those fallen colonial soldiers too?

这个问题的答案应该扩大到“国家”。英国和法国向他们在非洲的一些殖民地寻求支持。 英国也严重依赖英属印度军队。远至太平洋岛屿。这些殖民地部队给战争的结束带来了巨大的推动,但很少有人提及或缅怀那些远离家园的参加战争的人。也对,英联邦军队所扮演的角色有据可查——唉,对于卷入冲突的许多殖民军队而言,情况却并非如此。二战期间,我岳父隶属于英国陆军部队西非的非洲步枪队。他说,在战争期间,非洲士兵出色地保护了整个非洲大陆的巨大后勤通道-“牛奶通道”,使英国军队得以在北非战役以及后来反攻西西里岛和意大利时能够大量扩充自己的人员。殖民地部队也出现在许多通往前线的道路上——可悲的是,许多殖民地士兵再未回家。当各国聚集在一起纪念他们逝去的战友时,难道我们不应该在纪念碑前献花圈,以纪念那些牺牲的殖民地士兵吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wes Frank Follow
Canada, certainly.
They were stalwart in their defense of the West Atlantic shipping lanes against the U-boats for five and a half years.


Canadian corvettes leaving Halifax in 1941 to escort convoys.
The Canadians mobilized their manpower to create a large army for the European war, beginning in 1939. They had the only organized, fully equipped infantry division in the British Isles in those fearful weeks after the Dunkirk evacuation and the French surrender.
In the perilous months that followed Dunkirk, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King played a vital double strategic game. On the one hand, he had to put forth every possible effort to keep Great Britain in the war, to save its government and its navy from German control. On the other, he had to prepare for the worse by developing a working relationship with President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States. The unified air defense command Canada and the United States set up in 1940 still exists today as NORAD. The prodigious aid that Canada provided Britain helped sustain her through the war. After the war, Canada and the United States both worked to ease Britain’s debt load and created a five billion dollar loan program to sustain British finances through the first difficult years.

在敦刻尔克战役之后的几个月里,威廉·里昂·麦肯齐·金首相进行了一场至关重要的双重战略博弈。 一方面,他必须竭尽全力让英国继续参战,使其政府和海军免于德国的控制。 另一方面,他不得不与美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福建立工作关系,以防万一。加拿大和美国于 1940 年成立的联合防空司令部今天仍然作为北美防空司令部存在。 加拿大向英国提供的巨额援助帮助英国度过了二战。战后,加拿大和美国都致力于减轻英国的债务负担,并制定了一项50亿美元的贷款计划,以维持英国财政度过最初的艰难岁月。

While Canada made a steady contribution to the Allied War effort in military production and finance, it built up its ground strength in Britain over the course of the war. Canadian infantry and armor served in both Sicily and Italy. A Canadian division led the way ashore on one of the five beaches of the Normandy invasion. The Canadian Army fought during the Battle of Normandy and the breakout that swept across France. It cleared the Scheldt Estuary in brutal fighting to allow the Allied Expeditionary Force to use the vital port of Antwerp. In the Battle of Germany, which saw Western Armies breach the Rhine River and drive eastward to Austria and Czechoslovakia, the Canadian 1st Army held down the left flank, cutting off vast numbers of German troops in coastal enclaves and liberating the Netherlands.


Canadians using a borrowed wagon to celebrate the liberation of the Netherlands in 1945

1945 年,加拿大士兵使用借来的马车庆祝荷兰解放。

Will Jessop Follow
I think there is a partial case for Canada as not everyone realizes the significance of their role however at the same time most people at least know that the various commonwealth nations were participants. Arguably the countries with the most unrecognised contribution are the latin american countries as many people don’t even know the fact they took part. And then alongside those there is Sweden. To most people Sweden was just a neutral state or worse a collaborator because it traded with Germany. Except that wasn’t the full picture. Though officially neutral Sweden was also feeding military intelligence to the Allies throughout the war and further to that leased part of it’s merchant navy to Britain. As an added footnote some individual Swedes also went to fight in Norway. Finally I would say the role of the junior axis countries like Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania is often overlooked as well. And also I suspect that not many people in the west are aware of the role of Mongolia.

我认为加拿大是有部分理由的,因为并不是每个人都意识到他们角色的重要性,但与此同时,大多数人至少知道各个英联邦国家都是参与者。可以说,贡献最多但未被认可的国家是拉丁美洲国家,因为许多人甚至不知道他们参与了二战这一事实。然后除了这些还有瑞典。对大多数人来说,瑞典只是一个中立国家,或者是一个糟糕的合作者,因为它与德国有贸易往来。 但这不是事情的全部。虽然瑞典在官方上是中立的,但在整个战争期间,瑞典也向同盟国提供了军事情报,并进一步向英国出租了部分商船。作为补充说明,一些瑞典人也前往了挪威参战。最后我要说的是,斯洛伐克、克罗地亚、匈牙利、保加利亚和罗马尼亚等小轴心国的作用也经常被忽视。而且我怀疑西方没有多少人意识到蒙古所起到的作用。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Joshua Desautels Follow
Finland was invaded by the Soviet unx in the Winter War, which they held off as long as they could. This meant that they received much international admiration and sympathy, but it also led to them assisting the German invasion of the Soviet unx, because having just been invaded by the Soviets, there was no way they were going to then turn around and help the Soviets fight off the Germans. They were required to make minor territorial concessions to the Soviets, but avoided the total occupation that Eastern Europe was subjected to.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Steinar Vilnes Follow
I think that Norways contribution is overlooked. It is correct that in terms of combat, Norway did not contribute that much, but we did contribute in other important ways.
In this period Norway was a major shipping power. We have 7 percent of the world tonnage and were the fourth largest civilian maritime power in the world. The large majority of this fleet was outside Axis control when Norway got invaded by Germany, and the norwegian merchant fleet continued to carry supplies for the allied nations thru out the war. This was especially important before the US entered the war, as merchant tonnage was needed to keep the British isles supplied during the height of the battles for the Atlantic.


Hendrik Botha Follow
South Africa.
More specifically the Afrikaans speaking people…
Especially Jan Smuts the then prime minister of South Africa. He was Churchill’s advisor and instrumental in planning the Normany assault.
Jan Smuts, Winston Churchill and D-Day
Churchill also regularly consulted the South African Smuts.
Winston Churchill’s Great Contemporaries: Jan Christian Smuts
South Africa also played a vital part in the formation of the UN and the preamble to the UN was also drafted by Jan Smuts.


Grahame Muscat Follow
I can think of 3 countries actually China, India, and South Africa. As far as China goes WW2 had started alot earlier for them when Japan had invaded it back in the late 30’s however no one really did a thing about it until finally the US put some trade sanctions on Japan which eventually resulting in Japan attacking the USA. India contributed quite a lot of soldiers to the war effort mainly in North Africa, however India also was the prime target for the Japanese once they invaded Burma fortunately the allies kept them out. South Africa had an interesting disposition because alot of the Africana’s who were of Dutch abstract were very supportive of Hitler where as the English who controlled South Africa were all for supporting Britain. Most of their troops fought along side the allies in North Africa which included Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Indian, Nepalese.


Richard Mathers Follow
The USSR. They had the most casualties, and are almost always demonized in history textbooks. Many of their contributions also go unnoticed, and others claim that they won due to their weather and/or human wave attacks. This is straight up wrong.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Magnus Johansso Follow
1.China. Tied up a large part of the Japanese military.
2.Canada, as pointed out by another poster.
Romania. Its defection in 1944 cost the Germans 50 000 soldiers and most of their oil.
India would definitely be on the list if it had been independent, so gets a mention as well.


Randall Withell Follow
China, from 1928–1945, with their on-going opposition to Imperial Japan, which never wavered, despite the immense material & human losses - greater than that of the Russians in 1941–1945.
If China had negotiated a peace with Imperial Japan, any time in the Thirties, the Japanese would have had much more powerful forces in place to bleed the US in the Pacific, & push back the British farther into north-east India.
Forgotten Heroes, indeed.
As of 1945, there were about 2,000,000 Japanese troops tied up in China. Think what damage they could have inflicted if they had been deployed to Iwo Jima, Tarawa, the Phillipines, Imphal, Kohima …


Craig Borley Follow
New Zealand.
Hands down.
Because of a chap called Ernest Rutherford who came from a tiny town near Nelson, on the South Island.
Near the end of World War One, he was researching atomic theory. And in 1919 he published his work. He’d split the atom.
Sure, New Zealand contributed heavily in other ways too. In fact on a percentage basis our human contribution and sacrifice in both world wars was incredibly significant.
And sure, we contributed financially, and with equipment and food and the like.
But via the mind of a kiwi nerd, the atomic age began. And we all know how that impacted WW2.


Lars Nygaard Follow
The two most underrated contributions were, in my opinion, China and Spain.
China did not do very well militarily, losing pretty much all battles, but the fact that it did not capitulate, even when it was almost without allies, bogged most of the Japanese Army. As a result, Japan could not attack The Soviet unx, and US forces faced light resistance in the Pacific.
Spain was in fact not a combattant at all, but the Spanish refusal to join the Axis, even though Franco was in power only because of the interventions of Hitler and Mussolini, was crucial in the battle for the Mediterranean. Actually taking Gibraltar would have been difficult (but not impossible), but German air and submarine bases could have tipped the scales.


Terry Baird Follow
Canada. Their war production was stupendous for a nation of their population. They ended the war with the worlds 3rd largest Navy. Of the five beaches assaulted on D-Day, One, Juno was assigned to the Canadians. They act all nice…until its time not to be nice.


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