2023-02-16 龟兔赛跑 5055

What are the 10 habits that can destroy your relationship?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alisha Talks
Studying in bed - Your bed is made for sleeping, it is your comfort place. Try finding a new environment, other than your bed to study in.
Aimlessly scrolling through your social media accounts it is of no benefit to you
Stop drinking, smoking and doing drugs
Avoid watching porn
Stop letting people take advantage of your kindness
Start learning how to say “no”
Avoid leaving your deadlines til’ the last minute
Stop ‘forgetting’ to take your make-up off before going to sleep
Avoid looking at your phone before going to sleep
Avoid sleeping late
Try not to doubt yourself too much
Stop surrounding yourself with negative people
Stop gossiping
Stop slandering


Don't stick your nose in other people’s business
Stop making every aspect of your life public - nobody wants to see what you ate for breakfast
Don't lie because you’re afraid to hurt the other person’s feelings. Speak the truth.
Don't skip meals
Stop snacking when you’re not hungry
Stop overspending and start saving money
Try to avoid watching too much TV
Start using your time wisely
Stop forgetting to wear sun screen
Stop pondering about the past and start focusing on the present
Stop procrastinating
Stop forgetting to upvote a post after reading it :P
Some of these habits are for me to follow first and foremost. If you don't want to take the advice, that's up to you, I'm not stopping you :)


Jenny Keating
In 20 days time, my husband and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary and whilst it’s been an amazing journey together, there have been some tough times and I think I can identify at least 10 areas where we went wrong and some where we did well.
Betrayal - this is not just about cheating. There are many ways in which you can betray your partner and it’s a lot of hard work to regain that trust. If it does happen and you’re forgiven, make sure that you don’t do it again!
Money - I think this often causes a relationship to fail. I think I can honestly say that in the entire 50 years, we never once fought about money. We rationalised every large purchase together and respected fairness, always.
Your kids will grow up and move away and suddenly you may be looking into the face of a relative stranger. On a regular basis, take stock of the relationship. Make time for each other and let your children fend for themselves occasionally - it makes them tough and independent.
Don’t become bad friends - I don’t think many relationships can survive the loss of the friendship. Good friends have each other’s back, are supportive in good and bad times and can be relied on to tell you when you’re bad!


Effective communication - this is a biggie and I believe that most relationships suffer at some point because of poor communication. Take a moment to ensure that preconceived notions are correct and that your expectations are not unreasonable or misunderstood.
Speak to each other respectfully - never say anything that you cannot retract! It’s really hard sometimes, but think before you say something, as you would do in most cases, with a good friend. Another aspect of this is bickering - it’s still an area of concern to us. We both find it hard to think first and speak gently and I’m still inclined to over react.
Support each other’s careers - we spend an awful lot of time at work. Make the effort to understand what your partner does for a living and what his/her aspirations are. I was fortunate in that I really love aviation so I was completely engaged in my husband’s career. On his part, he was incredibly supportive when I started studying and would happily stay up helping me solve a problem until 2am if needs be.


Don’t forget to remember - all relationships go through periods where you’re a bit scratchy with each other or just not getting on. During those times, remind yourself of the reasons why you’re together and why you love this person so much. It’s a bit like a re-boot.
Never forget to say you’re sorry, sincerely - I remember how hard this was when I was young but we both learned that a sincere apology when transgressions have been identified, can quickly restore happiness.
Take time for yourself - this is important. The partnership should not be all consuming. Having separate interests and activities creates much needed space and gives you both lots to chat about.
It drives me crazy that he doesn’t put things away but at the risk of being criticised here.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lauren Ramesbottom
Ineffective Communication — because I truly believe this is the most integral piece to any successful relationship. If you don’t have the tools, willingness or simply the capacity to communicate effectively with your partner, you will have a hard time building the foundation you need to thrive, romantically, over time.
Jealousy — Take it from someone who has grappled with jealous partners in the past. It will quickly poison the well of your relationship and, almost always, it is indicative of internal work you need to do, in order to pinpoint the root of that jealousy and insecurity. Of course, none of us are perfect, hints of jealousy might surface from time to time. Why? Because humans are innately ruled by their egos and arguably nothing is more influenced by our ego than our romantic relationships; in the world of our ego emotional vulnerability is a scary thing. However, if jealousy is a trait that defines you and your relationships, get to the bottom of it before you enter another relationship.
A Penchant for Pettiness — Rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? But seriously, finding ways to take little jabs at your partner when they frustrate, disappoint or hell, even infuriate you, will do more harm than good. And for the record, it’s easy to do in relationships. We know our partner better than anyone, so we also know how to lash out, or ‘get back’ at them with ill-intentioned, petty comments or behaviour. Resist the urge — there are (far) better ways to identify and work through any bubbling conflict or disconnect in your relationship.


Toxic Tendencies — Partners are meant to challenge you, but if the entire relationship feels like an uphill battle, it might be more toxic than it is positive. Does your partner bring out the best in you? Or the worst? Do you spend the bulk of your time fighting, or problem solving when issues do arise? Have you built a solid foundation, or are you both on a rollercoaster ride of elated highs and explosive lows?
An Inability to Compromise — Look, no relationship is perfect. Each partner will have to pick and choose their battles, and take the time to determine what their ‘nonnegotiables’ are within a relationship. However, beyond that which is deemed as a nonnegotiable, both partners will encounter moments (arguments, decisions etc.) in which they have to compromise. A partnership is, ultimately, a collaboration, after all. So ask yourself, are you willing to meet in the middle and maintain an open mind, or is it always your way or the highway?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dishonesty — Be open with your partner. Not just when it’s easy, or when it feels natural, but also when it’s hard. Oftentimes, it’s dishonesty (even in small, seemingly insignificant cases) that erodes at the trust within a relationship, and that can be hard to recover from. Beyond lying itself, we have to also consider the avoidance of certain, harder topics. Those conversations which help you and your partner determine if you’re on the same page (whether or not you want children, what you want for your future, where you want to live etc.) should not be avoided or neglected. Don’t turn a blind eye to an obvious or potentially major incompatibility that isn’t likely to shift, in favour of temporary, blissful ignorance. Have those hard conversations, and ensure you’re both on the same page throughout the course of your relationship. Once again, transparency isn’t always the easiest path to take, but it’s often the right path.
Infidelity — I mean, this feels rather obvious. When you enter a relationship, and as you continue to evolve it, both partners should be comfortable discussing and agreeing on the ‘container’ of that relationship. If the decision is to be monogamous, honour that. While most things in life aren’t black or white, I think that should be. If your needs or desires change over time, revisit it — see if you can establish common ground, if you’re on the same page (after all, it’s not entirely uncommon for couples to transition to open at some point) or if it’s time to separate. Otherwise, don’t complicate the one aspect of a relationship that should be rather simple to navigate.
Selfishness — In any relationship, you should advocate for the success and happiness of your partner in equal measure to your own. There will be many cases in which your immediate expectations or desires might need to take a backseat, in order for your partner to thrive. That’s okay. That’s life, and love, and it’s a matter of finding the balance. Operating with a selfish agenda, especially within a romantic partnership, is a recipe for disaster — or a very short-lived relationship, at least.
Now for the not-Coles notes version:


My current partner and I have been together for just over a year. While I do not consider that to be a long period of time by any grand measure, I am acutely aware of many of the lessons we’ve both learned (and applied) over these months together. Funny enough, someone recently upvoted my answer in which I described our first date, and it was that notification that brought me back onto the platform. The infatuation I felt at that time is apparent in my answer, and the love I feel for him now has certainly evolved.
Here’s the thing, my partner and I are very different people. Not in the sense that he prefers chocolate cake while I would opt for vanilla any day of the week — I mean, at our core, we operate very differently. Sure, certain surface level realities about our lives are, in fact, very aligned. We both work in the health and fitness industry, him full-time and myself part-time, and both of us would happily trade a night out at a bar for a night in, a great meal at a restaurant, or even a training session at the gym. We are both fuelled, in large part, by our need for creative expression — although we both showcase that creativity via different mediums. We share a love for stand-up comedy, and while he doesn’t seek out horror movies the same way I do, he is almost always willing to watch them with me. So, from a glance, our lifestyles are certainly very compatible. But, with that said, the way we communicate and show affection, is often entirely opposite. The way we process and deal with information and conflict is, in many cases, entirely opposite. The way we cope with stress? You guessed it, opposite. As you might imagine, once the rose-coloured glasses of infatuation wears off, these are the things that become not just noticeable — but impossible to ignore, and important to address.


If any relationship could affirm my beliefs that effective communication is everything, it’s this one.
I know that my partner loves me, deeply, and would never do anything to intentionally upset me. No part of me has every questioned that truth.
However, where I crave words of affirmation, he expresses himself through physical touch and struggles to verbalize his feelings. Where he wants time to process emotional conflict and revisit it later, I want to unpack it head on, in the moment, so we can find resolution quickly. In those moments where I react logically, he often simply reacts, with an emotional response. Where I process and work through stress through various (more private) outlets and methods, he wears it on his outside demeanour. Where I want to talk things through, he would rather sit quietly.
Neither of us are ever unequivocally right or wrong. We both have our short-comings as well as our strengths. The important part is, we are learning and working through it, together.


Ultimately, our relationship has forced me to realize things about myself — and the way in which my childhood shaped who I am today — that never occurred to me before. It’s made me realize that I still have some serious sh*t to work through, in terms of my compulsive need to immediately squash emotional conflict and confrontation across all walks of my life. It’s made me realize that I too readily take on the emotions and problems of those around me, especially those I love, and that terming yourself as an “empath” is just a totally BS way of admitting you don’t have boundaries. On the other hand, he’s realized that he often struggles to see beyond his own agenda, needs and preferences. He has existed, for years, advocating only for himself professionally and otherwise (fiercely, at that) and now has to take a step back, and prioritize the needs and wants of others as well. He’s realized that his emotions often overtake logic, and that he needs to better cope and react to stress and articulate his feelings.


There have been nights where I have completely unraveled over the effect one of his moods had on me — even if it had nothing to do with me. And it’s those times that he’s looked at me, heartbreak etched into every detail of his face, simply because he knew he had hurt me in some way, unintentionally. There have been times we can’t keep our hands off of each other, times where “I love you” barely scratches the surface, and there have also been days we felt distant or disconnected. But amidst any conflict or disconnect, whether his fault or mine, we’ve forged common ground. We’ve held each other. We’ve acknowledged our wrongs. We’ve forgiven each other. We’ve agreed on a better way to do things. More than anything, we’ve loved each other.
And yeah, more often than not, it’s the little things that drive us batsh*t crazy. I have anxiety if I don’t make my bed every morning, he could care less. He likes the sheets untucked, I like the bed to remain neatly intact. He refuses to microwave food, I do it all the time. I never order juice at brunch, but always ask for a sip of his. He never leaves the toilet seat up, but he often forgets to buy toilet paper. He prefers the room cold, I’m constantly freezing. I think my dog is the cutest four legged creature to ever exist, he would happily trade him in for a Rottweiler (or literally any breed other than a pug, for that matter). You get the point…


But in the end, none of that actually matters.
Love and intimacy is a complicated thing. There is no ultimate blueprint or path to success. My partner and I share an incredibly intimate bond, but it’s a relationship that requires continued work and patience from both parties. We operate with complete, transparent honesty, we call each other out when we’re being a*sholes, we play devil’s advocate, we laugh, we cry, we make mistakes, we compromise. Will we be together years into the future? Time will only tell — but I have no doubt that I will carry these understandings with me for the rest of my life.


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