2023-02-19 xky 6548

What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given as a writer?


Richard Muller
Vary your sentence structure. At first I had no idea what this advice (from an English professor) even meant. Aren’t all sentences basically alike: subject, verb, predicate? So I picked up a copy of Moby Dick and began diagramming Melville’s sentences.
Sentence 1: “Call me Ishmael.” That’s an imperative. Interesting. Had I ever used an imperative in any of my writings, ever? Nope. OK, I had already learned something.
I got to the third page before I saw any repetition of sentence structure. I had never previously realized what it was about Melville’s writing that made it so enjoyable, but now I had noticed at least one thing. Wow.


Since then I have developed an instinct for varying my sentence structure. Doing so makes the writing more fun to read, certainly less boring.
There are many other tricks to writing. Look up “figures of speech” and ask yourself, “How many do I use in a typical page?” Of course, writing fiction and writing non-fiction are different—but the key concept is make your writing varied.
Note that I began this little response using an imperative.


V. Lakshman
A few pieces of good advice I’ve received. Hope it helps other aspiring writers!:
Write everyday — but to a specific word count… even if your writing sucks. Write and DON’T edit. Just write, everyday. I get up at 5am to do this, and always try and hit 2000 words. When I first started, I gave myself a pat on the back and let myself stop at 1,500… then I stopped doing this. I realized those last 500 words were better than anything else I’d done. I’d been robbing myself of my potential every time I stopped short. You can set any limit you want… but I picked 2000 because I read Stephen King’s book called, ‘On Writing’… not sure if he’s a good or bad example, I just used his wordcount because I didn’t know what was normal. :)

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Trust your reader: I had a bad habit of reminding my readers of what had happened. I didn’t trust they’d remember. In fact, subtlety is lost on those who’d never get it anyway, but for those who do, let them be amazed at the resonance of your prose.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Don’t EVER qualify, he or she said. He said quickly, or, she said softly. Instead, find a way to show it in their actions or behavior. Let them lean forward conspiratorially. Let them have a white-knuckled clench. Basically anything rather than giving yourself the easy way out. This forces you to use all your senses to bring a scene to life.


Avoid white-wall syndrome. I had a horrible habit of creating places just for the interaction of two characters, my ‘white room’. Every place exists before your characters arrive and will exist after your characters are gone. Think how your characters change the environment, break things, clean things up, whatever. The point is — the setting is another character… something you need, ‘show, don’t tell’ to bring to life.


Someone else said, ‘Show, don’t tell’: Agree with this SO much. Think about these two sentences:
The man pulled out a razor, using its sharp edge to slice his own tongue.
Blood spurted, staining bone white teeth red. Nothing said, razor — but the dripping from his mouth definitely screamed, crazy.
This isn’t meant to be great (5 seconds of blurted writing)… but it sets off two distinctly different styles. The first tells you everything you need to know about the razor (it’s sharp).
The second let’s your mind create the scene.
If you can do, ‘show, don’t tell’ well, it can be more evocative because it uses our imagination to complete the picture, and we’re MUCH better at filling in the unsaid with our own expectations.


Alcatraz Dey
Do not read your work once you have written it for 2–3 days. Immerse yourself in the feeling of having written something epic.
Go back to it afterwards and make the changes.
A story will progress only if you feel good about it in your guts.
You know who told me this?


Jefferey Archer.
Yes, I had the privilege of meeting him in Bangalore.
I even gave him a copy of my book and he promised he will not be able to read it and laughed.
I am just happy he has a copy of it.


Dan Birchfield
“Learn to write in the active voice.”
I had given a book manuscxt to an editor friend to review and give me an open and frank, critical analysis.
He made numerous notations, but one in particular he made a point of sitting me down and explaining. He urged me to learn how to write in the active voice. Here are a few examples:


“We are compelled by honor to be good citizens,” becomes… “Honor compels us to be good citizens.”
“We are called by God to be Christ's witnesses.” becomes… “God calls us to be Christ's witnesses.”
“All the work was done by me.” becomes… “I did all the work.”


You get the idea. It took me a few years to grasp the power of the active voice, but once I got hold of this concept, it revolutionized my writing.
Seek to write in the active voice. You will not regret it. Your writing style will become more powerful and you will say more in fewer words.
Active voice. Try it.


Feifei Chen
Be concise.
due to the fact that → because
in spite of the fact that → Although
In order to → to
dexe the word ‘both’
Use verbs to replace phrases or idioms. Not every one knows about English idioms.
Try to dismantle long and complex sentences into shorter and simpler ones. I once read a book filled with >100-word sentences; I threw it away before I made it to Chapter 2. Reading should be enjoyable and smooth, not meandering.
First person is always more clear and straightforward than passive voice and helps you understand who did what better.
My boss always banters that his main job as a professor is deleting words. When you write a 5000-word paper, make it 3500 or even shorter; if you can’t, that means you don’t really understand what you wrote.

1、因为事实上→ 因为
2、尽管事实上→ 虽然
3、为了→ 到

Duy Truong
Bury your pains.
In Italian, there is a concept called sprezzatura.
Originating from the 15th century, it means "a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it."
Sprezzatura is succinctly defined as “studied carelessness.” Personally, I prefer “masterful nonchalance.”
In other words, whatever work you put out to the public, it must look effortless to the reader even if you put an immense amount of time, sweat and tears into it.

Sprezzatura 被人简单的定义为“刻意的粗心大意” ,就我个人而言,我更喜欢表达为“娴熟的漠不关心”。

They will never know how many words you crossed out.
They will never know how many drafts you rewrote.
They will never know how much frustration, anger and hopelessness you felt as you trudged on the page.
All they know is the piece you’ve put in front of them - polished, well-written, well-edited.
Nothing less, nothing more.
Take infinite pains to make something that looks effortless. - Michelangelo
It is the last gift you can give to your audience.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Jay Bazzinotti
Never stop writing. Never stop reading.
It’s the best advice you can give any writer. You cannot improve if you don’t keep at it and if you don’t read other writers you have no notion of what good or bad looks like… so how can you even guess that your work has any quality at all? I think it was Oscar Wilde who said, “Writing is easy. You just sit in front of the typewriter until beads of blood form on your forehead.” Not everyone can write - though many people think that they can.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Anagha Meera Manoharan
When you write something, you already know what it is about. You know what is coming, and what you want to convey. So it's common for you to feel that the point has been conveyed even when it's not. But the reader has no idea about what's coming. So the amount of details you would need to get the picture in your head is not always adequate for a third person to understand what just happened. This will make the reader unable to connect with the emotion you thought to convey.
I was asked to always proofread whatever I write keeping this in mind.


Sristi Shukla
When you'll write from your heart, it'll touch many hearts.
This is my own experience. Be true with your writing. Do justice with your writing by expressing your true thoughts.


Chandrapal Khasiya
The best piece of advice that a friend gave me, though he was not a writer and not a reader much, but certainly that put me on my track of writing during my initial days.
“When you read your stuff (writing), you should be enjoying your stuff. Or else others will not like it.”


Saurabh Kulkarni
BREVITY: the quality of expressing much in few words.
My father gave me this advice when I was cultivating the habit of writing in 1999–2000.
Before I received the advice, I would often write long, complex sentences. My writing lacked coherence and I used superfluous words.
At the time, I didn’t even know what “brevity” meant. My vocabulary was limited. Ever since he explained its meaning, this advice has stuck with me.
I consider this as the best piece of advice I have ever received.


Katie Anne Holton
Unnecessary words, syllables, and letters do not make you sound smart. They make you sound like you are trying to sound smart.
Many of the writing assignments young students are given encourage them to write for tonnage rather than clarity.
They're told to write a 300 word paper, so they use “is not” rather than “isn't,” because that puts them one word closer to being done.
They are told to write a story using twelve vocabulary words, so they squeeze a horse into a story just so they can use “equine” in a sentence.
They are told that they can't use informal language, so they use convoluted language on the assumption that making their writing difficult to understand will show how smart they are.


There are good reasons for teachers to give assignments like those above, but they often encourage poor writing.
If a one syllable word communicates an idea clearly, don't use a three syllable word.
Use “use” rather than utilizing “utilize.”
If you can say it clearly in one word, don't use three.
Use “to” rather than “in order to,” because they mean the exact same thing.
If a you can say it using common words that your reader will readily understand, say it that way.

用“TO” 不要用“IN ORDER TO” ,因为它们的意思完全相同。

Bala Senthil Kumar
"Don't fight the format".
This came from my screenwriting professor, and he grilled me out of my resistance to the dry format of screenwriting.
Having written a lot of prose, it was so tasteless for me at first, but it was a lesson badly needed. The punishment and the work was well worth it. It was like new muscles were working in my head as I subjected myself to first not falter, then walk, then walk confidently, and finally run.
It helped me as a storyteller and a narrator, and brought brevity and economy to my word usage. It also made me a whole lot more supple as a writer, who could now write in more than one format.


Jennifer Quail
At some point, you have to put it down and walk away. That was advice given me by the late, great Aaron Allston. He was referring both to stopping the process of editing and rewriting, and to sometimes recognizing that no matter how much you may like an idea or how good it obxtively is, if no one's biting, put it down and move on to another project.


Jim Moore
To not be swayed by the opinions of unsolicited criticism, and to write what I know.


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