2023-02-21 yzy86 11023


Turnip was the root vegetable of choise before potato


Also swedes were common before introduction of potato.


They're still common, there's like 10 million of them


that and parsnip

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Does that mean there were turnip fries/mashed turnips in Europe before the introduction of the potato?


Strawberries are actually native to Europe. The modern variaties are based on hybrids from South America. The native European species were edible though and were eaten. Many fruits were present in Europe. The Romans spread grapes and likely apples and pears. Brambles and raspberries, currants and many more are naturally found in European woods. Quinces, medlars etc. also grew. Many of these can be stored or dried quite well.


Cabbage, onions, peas and broadbeans, beets, many radish like plants, other greens, carrots and relatives of them are also all native and were eaten in some capacity. Many common garden weeds are native to Europe and edible. Dandelions, stinging nettles etc.


The native European species were edible though and were eaten.
I mean they're still super popular, they grow wild and are pretty small, but super tasty.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Plus all the grains! Wheat, barley,rye, oats. Flaxseeds for oils. Various nuts like walnuts and hazelnuts, plus chestnuts (some of these also thanks to the Romans). Egg. Dairy products like cheese and (butter)milk and butter. Different types of meat.


To add to this: a much bigger variety of grains was used in those times, things like spelt, buckwheat and millet. All those things got killed by the potato and corn as they have a much bigger yield. The sad thing being that those "archaic" grains have more useful nutritients than potatoes and corn, especially proteins. They are making a comeback though, as a healthier alternative.


They're getting pretty popular again


Corn and potato have okay nutrient content, lots of amino acids for corn and vitamin c for potato. That's not really true of high fructose corn syrup and potato chips though.


was about to say like, potatoes are incredibly nutritious, it's sad that in some circles they apparently have a bad rep for "being unhealthy". This is, after all, the plant that ended famines in Central Europe.


If you want to live on two things potatoes and milk provides most nutrients.


Buckwheat is super popular in Russia. AFAIK French consider it bird food.


Potatoes are quite good nutrition-wise (as a starch, etc), but then you have to eat the skin to get the full complement of minerals.


Who eats corn in Europe? I though it was mainly food for pigs. I very likely eat less than 5 corn sticks per year.


In large parts of Europe, corn was indeed mostly grown as livestock fodder. It grows here, but not quite as well as in hotter climates of Central America and even North America. Of course, southern Europe does better for corn, so that's where you'll find it. As the other poster commented, in Romania and Italy for example. But even then, it has long been considered embarrassing "poor people" food.


Eating corn "directly" (not via livestock flesh) is a lot more common in the Americas, and also Africa (as maize, same thing though).
I (Candian here) grew up eating corn and love it. That Europeans don't and consider it cheap pig food or biomass fuel is a bit sad. But it's OK, lots of other things to eat too.


Actually corn/maize is not popular in Europe at all, compared to other grains. It’s mostly used to feed animals.


Chestnuts also are native to the Americas. North America used to be completely covered in chestnut trees until the blight (an invasive fungus from China) took them all out.


Late 1800s to mid 1900s. We had over a billion chestnut trees. They were everywhere and a very beloved tree by both Native Americans and European immigrants. So many streets in the US are called “Chestnut”, yet there are none anymore. It’s heartbreaking and stupid what happened to them.
Most younger Americans don’t know or think about them anymore, but they were a beautiful and legendary tree.
It was a big lesson and why we shouldn’t allow invasive species into our countries.


There are tons of beans native to Eurasia. Peas (pisum sativum), chickpeas (cicer arietinum), broad bean (vicia faba), lentil (lens culinaris), lupin (lupinus albus). These are european/middle eastern/north african ones, and still eaten today. I am not counting plants from China.


Of course gruels from barley, oats, rye, emmer, millet, spelt were a staple food for poor people. Cereals provide carbs, beans provide proteins. For fats, flax, hemp, sesame, olive (whenever possible) was used.
And of course genus Brassica was widely used: not only cabbage, but also turnip (brassica rapa) and rutabaga (brassica napobrassica).


We know a lot about cuisines before that. People ate lots of bread and grain porridges and vegetables that people today have barely heard of, like turnips, which are very tasty but potatoes give more energy, so they've become a fringe vegetable.


And btw, think about what native Americans ate before Europeans came.
Pigs, cows, chickens... all of them came from Europe. They had no milk, no cheese, no eggs and practically no domestic animals for meat.


Lots of venison and bison and rabbits in North America. Guinea pigs and llamas in South America. And fish, both on the coast and lakes/rivers. Plus potatoes, tomatoes, corn and pumpkins. I think they did just fine over there prior to the introduction of domesticated animals.
And in Mesoamerica, Tenochtitlan, the Aztec empire, was arguably the greatest market for foodstuffs in the entire world in its heyday.


Sometimes I wonder how a simple 'Brotzeit' could be the one dish that is more or less unchanged since the middle ages.
Bread, cheese, cured meat, milk based spreads, Radi, Horseradish are all stuff that where known to Europeans in the middle ages.
And just to add: I'm not sure if I found it mentioned already, but don't forget pumpkin calabash (sorry, same name in german) , that was already known during the middle ages and quite popular! I'm not quite sure what climate it needs to grow, at least in Austria it is and was grown a lot. As a bonus it hardly needs any upkeep compared to other vegetables since its leaves just cover all the weeds.



I think that in Finland they ate a lot of porridge and rye bread and turnips were super important. They also apparently ate a lot of salted herring, at least in more coastal areas. At least according to what I remember about a book of Finnish food history. Porridge is useful for soaking the herring so that it becomes softer.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Before the 18th century Finns diet was pretty simple:


Grain: oat, rye, barley
Vegetables: Turnip, swede, cabbage, carrot, onion, peas, beans
Berries: lingonberry, bilberry, cranberry, wild strawberry, raspberry, arctic bramble, stone bramble, sea-buckthorn, cloudberry, rowan,
Dairy: butter, buttermilk, cheese
Protein: pork, cow, small game, deer, elk, bear, seal, fish, chicken eggs, wild bird eggs
Spices: juniper, caraway, marjoram, chives, meadowsweet, tansy, field mint, hops, pot marigold, parsley, horseradish, estragon, lovage, rosemary, dill, garlic, garden angelica


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hello, trained historian here, who worked extensively with the medi era. So, what did old-timey people eat?


In Denmark, we're mainly talking about a diet without much meat. Only the richest nobles could afford to eat meat dishes every day, and for the vast majority of the population, meat-focused dishes was a luxury, largely reserved the major holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. Ofc. meat was eaten, but not in the same style and context as today. It was mainly dried, smoked, or preserved in other ways. It wasn't a fresh roast or piece of steak. Contrary to nowadays, beef and mutton was, for a long time, the main eating animal in Denmark, before pork took over, pork being regarded as a luxury in medi times. Poultry wasn't really viable, not even for the richest, outside of special occasions. The only widely available meat, was fish. Particularly herring, which the Danish belts floweth over with, so much so that the main income for the Danish state for a long time, was taxing the Scanian herring-markets. When the small silver suckers stupidly migrated through Øresund, you could practically pick them out of the water with your bare hands.


So, if meat was off the table, bar at holidays, what else did people eat? Ofc. fish, but also porridge from barley, or oats if you were fancy.
The first price however, was cabbage. Cabbage was so important in medi Danish cuisine, that the oldest Danish word for garden is kålgård, meaning "cabbage plot." Peas were also extremely important to Danish cuisine, in multiple forms, but not the modern green ones, most people think of... Mainly the hard yellow and grey ones, that were dried and needed to be boiled or stewed for a long time to be edible.


Ofc. there was also things like bread and such.
Onion and garlic were known to be used as sources of flavour, since spices weren't a thing most people had access to.
Various fruits, apples and plums and such, were also popular, particularly the apple, with many of even the poorest farms having an apple tree.


One thing I heard was that particularly in cities, people would raise pigs as "living trash cans", feeding them with all sorts pf scraps. There's an idiom in German, "die Sau rauslassen" – "to let the sow out", which means to party without restraint, and it apparently goes back to people letting their pigs out onto (closed off segments of) the street, where they would eat all the garbage and possibly excrements that were out there.

(回,德)我听说的一件事是:人们会把猪当成“活的垃圾桶”来养,用各种残羹剩饭喂它们,特别是在城市里。在德语中有一个成语,“die Sau rauslassen(把母猪放出来)",意思是放纵地狂欢,这显然可以追溯到人们把猪放到(封闭的某几段)街上,在那里它们会吃掉所有的垃圾,可能还会吃排泄物。

Essentially, the pigs provided the service of getting rid of all sorts of scraps and things people wouldn't eat, and a relatively easy source of meat for city folk.


probably stemming from 19th century livestyles, but a Dutch chef described the pig as the savior of many farmers. A pig can be fed table scraps and while it is not up to modern animal welfare standards at all kept quite well in just a garden shed or walled of corner. Even a relatively poor farmer could feed one up and have a lot of meat and sausages for winter and sausages, hams and bacons keep very well if conserved.


I remember reading somewhere that one of Polish chronical writters once wrote that Danes ate blood sausages. He was scandalized and disgusted. Funny, because now they are part of our classic cuisine. Lol


The Colombian exchange actually brought more food to the Americas than the other way around. Apples, wheat, sheep, cattle, bananas, honey bees, rice, etc...


Most people ate porridge made from barley and/or rye. Three times a day.


Before the discovery of America, the Italian diet had not changed much since Roman times, people ate mainly bread, soups and polenta (made with cereals and logically not with corn). The staple foods were vegetables and legumes. New plants were introduced by the Arabs in the Middle Ages: cane sugar, almonds, rice, mulberries, aubergines and citrus fruits. Pasta was already widespread. Fish was a poor food, or limited to the period of Lent. Meat was very expensive, there was chicken, but the most consumed was always pork. In inland areas, olive oil was not used for frying (available only in warmer areas) but lard was used (and this has remained until recent times). Eggs, milk, dairy products and herbs were also common.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In southern Europe dry meat and fish, desiccated with salt. Jamón, chorizo, bacallau, are typical in Spain and Portugal. You had a slaughter (matanza) once a year and preserve the meat until next year.
Salt was then a very important commodity, hence the name salary (payment in salt).


Poultry and eggs available all year. Eggs are so important to trade that English took the name from the Danes they traded with.
Not only engineering came from the Middle East, mostly Persia, but also plenty of fruits and legumes, which were first cultivated in Persian gardens (paradaisos): apples, appricots, melons,... all taken by the Romans and spread to Europe.
In remote "uncivilized" areas, less quantity of fruits was compensated with nuts, specially chestnuts, also introduced by the Romans to feed their legions in Western Europe (except some tiny areas where it was already present).
And then of course, the mother of all food, wheat/bread, with other cereals and vegetables.


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