2023-02-24 UP机器人 14735

No doubt, Avatar2 = 2/10 and The Wandering Earth 2 = 9.5/10.

毫无疑问,满分10分的话,《阿凡达2》 我给2分,《流浪地球2》我给 9.5分。

Clement Yap
Avatar 1 reminds me of the anglo Saxon colonialism in the American Land, killing and slaughtering millions of natives.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

dOob Tom
Believe it or not, first film was more legendary. If you read the story of how director Gwo pull the first Wandering Earth film and funding together, itself is an amazing story that made me tear.He had no money, no indusrty background, the salary he could offer to the main character was only $7k usd. That money was from his roommate. He was literally broke, and he kept trying, made his dream happened.


Deep Dive Movie Reviews
Great story. Love seeing a filmmaker's dream materialize


you're definately right. the most intesesting is that Wu Jin suppose to be a special apprearing gust cast for free for 3 days of filming, then turned into be the main cast of the movie and also brought in almost US$10 mil of his own money to invested into the production because the project was nearly broke. End up the WE1 brought Wu Jin himself a NET profit of nearly US$20 mil and the whole project came up with a US$180 mil NET profit.


Can definitely make a movie out of that!


George Martinus
Luckily, the movie became China's box office 2019.I just curious how come famous actor like Wu Jing and other filming team wanted to give it a shot?And how come they gave trust to Frant Gwo who was a newbie to handle such massive expensive project, yet they still didn't know that this movie would be succeed or not?If it was me, they will just laugh and underestimate me. Haha


Dannie C
It’s amazing how his team pulled everything together for 1 & 2. If there is a documentary of how they made these films, I’d pay to watch it. The Wandering Earth 2 is epic. Hopefully they will start the third movie soon.


carrie li
Thanks for your fair review. As for the broken English/Russian language in this film, we can safely say that Chinese audience have been suffering from Hollywood blockbusters' broken Chinese for a long long time (Even in ShangQi) , so it's an opportunity to stand in other people's shoes to view the whole thing.


Deep Dive Movie Reviews
That's a good point about the language skills and thanks again for watching


Peter Zeng
lol, that's fun. True for poor mandarine for Asian actors in many Hollywood movies.


Visual and music are definitely top-tier.Especially the moon scene. Giant moon engine, silence of the vacuum, solar storm, and the nuclear explosion(which is also silent) at the end. It gives you a bizarre vibe similar to Space Odyssey 2001.Also, the wandering earth2 definitely shares some vibe with neon genesis evangelion, despite the story and settings being completed unrelated(people who had watched that would probably get what I mean.


I am eagerly waiting for an official release of an art setting book of this movie. So many detailed robot, exo-skeletons, gigantic structures, etc are only shown in the movie for few second.I am a huge fan of those realistic sci-fi props. I used to watched the first 20 minutes of Avatar for tens of times just for the space ships and big robots in it. Avatar 2 kinda ruined my fun but wandering earth brought my fun back!


I feel you bro I did that too


Lola Lee
many of the robots and exo-skeletons were borrowed lol, they're existing tech and that makes this movie feel that much more exciting!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jj Liu
My husband and I watched Wondering Earth 2 in Detroit, US. Loved it so much. Will go to cinema again this weekend for second time. The movie is awesome.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think the most exciting hidden plot of the movie is the duel between human leaders and AIThe Title Cards have a hidden meaning. They always count down to an impending disaster, even before the film's human characters are aware of it. It's only at the mid credit scene you realised you have been watching the movie from MOSS's perspective. MOSS planned all of those disasters, so of course, he knew how long before disaster strikes.


(MOSS has evolved into a 4 dimension AI that transcends time. Those security cameras are MOSS watching. Zhou is aware MOSS is watching. Hence, he is the only one who looks back, its also why he knew the Beijing connection will suceed. Someone screen capped the time and found Andy Lau's character had connected the internet around 18min before the countdown reached zero. Who was doing the countdown? 550W)


Dannie C
To be fair, that’s an easy miss. The creators buried so many subtle, but arguably very interesting and important clues in the movie.


Ai is not completely Any lau. The first generation of the AI (550A)grew self consciousness. It’s purpose to protect human civilization by destroying human life. It took responsibility of the drone attack and made human to upload the 550c. So Ai maybe the antagonist of the whole movie. And the surveillance camera shots indicate it is watching human(I understand you western think it that is a sarcastic way but for me I don’t feel it). then it crafted the moon fall crisis by destroying the propeller. At the end Zhou realized the existence of Ai so he insisted to start the earth engine without the internet fully restart.


Andrew Cheng
The bad english lines stood out to me too. The funny thing is that a lot of times I would hear atrocious Chinese lines in holywood films or western games, which are clearly not performed by native speakers and are often laughably bad or even completely incomprehensible. I find myself wondering why didn't the creators just find some Chinese college students and have them do the gig for free pizza or something.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Deep Dive Movie Reviews
Totally agree, when I was a student in Beijing in 1991 I helped dub a Chinese film into English. I got dinner every night and enough "kwai" to get me through the next month


Alen Wesker
The 3 body problem is so dark, chill to the bone, hard to read, but after finish reading that, you feel like you have done a bomb shot. It's definitely as good as other HUGO award winners I read. Keep reading to the second one of the series, I think that's one of the most mind-blowing angle of view in sci-fi.


Tayson Tay
The wandering earth 2 is one of the better movies that showed in cinemas. This movie is like Interstellar + moonfall combined with chinese characteristics. The action is more than that of the first movie, along with the story being well-told. The effects were almost flawless, intriguing the viewers during the movie.


Story: It is quite realistic given the nature of humanity, since we would throw out any solution possible should an emergency occur. This movie used the music so well to evoke emotions in the audience about hope. However, the science of the movie can be somewhat questionable at times, as well as the probabilities of success. Overall, its a pretty good movie. Now, the only thing, make a TV series about what happened after the Jupiter Gravitational Pull Crisis of 2075.


I give TWG II 8/10, with 6 for the movie & 2 for Frant Gwo & the production team.

10分的话,我给《流浪地球2》 8分,6分给电影,2分给郭帆和制作团队。

Deep Dive Movie Reviews
That's interesting about the use of amateur actors - even if their inexperience does show. I first discovered Frant Gwo back in 2011 with his film LEE'S ADVENTURE, which is a really imaginative genre-bending love story starring Jayce Chan that so few people have seen. I was very excited to see what he would do next, so it's great to see him emerge as one of the country's true blockbuster directors.


I bloody envy all of you who can watch it, whereas I have been stuck at work and I prob could only watch it online by the time I get home, what a cluster of fnck!


Werner ZeitRaum

in China, everyone will learn a word from Menfucious (an important philosopher next to Confucius) in middle school: “老吾老以及人之老。幼吾幼,以及人之幼”

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