2023-02-27 超级凉快 15409

i just can't believe this city really exists. it's so beautiful, clean, modern and futuristic. and people dress so well and seem to be so polite. i'm brazilian and i have huge respect and admiration for China. my biggest dream right now is to visit this amazing country. thanks for this video!


malakie naddaf
Same China is the most beautiful country ever

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Superp0oo0per 2020
iam an indian and we indians wish we were born in china, China is doing far better than any other


Beauty China
Nice video. But I think you need add explain about local culture, history and so on. In my China tour series videos, I like to tell stories of local culture and history behind the beautiful view.


HK.Chinese Canadian
Shanghai is my personal favourite city in China. It has everything a great city should be. History, international culture. Architecture from ancient, Art Deco to extremely modern. The Yuyuan garden is my favourite Chinese garden. The Nanjing Dong Lu is so vibrant. The bund is gorgeous at night all lit up. This place changes so fast with a booming economy. Now that you have been to all four first tier cities, what is your favourite? I love the quality of your videos. Keep safe and have fun!

上海是我个人在中国最喜欢的城市。它拥有一个伟大的城市应该有的一切。 历史,国际文化等。建筑从古代装饰艺术到极其现代的装饰应有尽有。豫园是我最喜欢的中国园林。 南京东路是如此的充满活力。夜晚的外滩灯火通明,美轮美奂。随着经济的蓬勃发展,这个地方的变化如此之快。现在你已经去过所有四个一线城市,你最喜欢哪一个?我喜欢你视频的质量。注意安全,玩得开心!

Walk East
Dear friend, you just describe a charming Shanghai city, thank you very much!
Yes, I have been Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen this year. Personally, my favorite city is still Shenzhen.
I almost love everything there, except the high house price...
I love shenzhen's people, climate, weather, shopping area, and atmosphere more than other cities.
Thank you for asking!
You have a fun day too!


benson dy
i have been to many cities in china but my favorite is guangzhou because of the great food at very reasonable price.


But Yuyuan is absolutely terrible. Super disappointing and a waste of my time. You should check out the gardens in Suzhou


Beautiful, safe, clean, friendly, modern, convenient public transportations, and there is no city in the US could compare to Shanghai.


Gary Brunecz
China has prevailed and made better use of their citizens, which in turn helped the nation as a whole. Our puppets only serve their rich masters and have no regard for the working class slaves well being. The US has too much dead weight and useless eaters that end up being a drain and burden on society. If you are healthy enough to work, then the leaders should make sure to find a niche in society that would help this nation as a whole. But as the world's immigration dumping ground I can see that we are just a number and something our government tolerates until they no longer need us. China will be running the show sooner then you think. there is not a damn thing we can do about it, but try to resist or get on our knees. While the rich cut and run to one of their mansions tucked away in another land. If you think for one minute that China's 1.4 billion people and their strong economy isn't rising to the top of the world echelon, you need glasses. Good Job China. You are taking over the world without military might even though the world is gaining respect for your potential to hold your own or even dominate most nations with force if necessary. You already have enough leverage as a economic power that force will probably not be needed. If you sanctioned us. Our economy would be toast. All our leaders seem to be good at is bickering and fighting with their political opponents and pretending to have our backs when they really serve themselves and their super rich masters. America's inner cities are disintegrating as the world turns. Oh how times have changed. I can see you guys actually get things done. You must not have much infighting amongst your ruling and wannabe rulers America cannot work together to get much done. They are all talk.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sparta Otano
China isn't just developing, they do really have taste.
All of the building design and the cityscape are just stunning and pleasing to watch.
Warm greetings from Indonesia.


I've moved back to Canada from Shanghai a little over a week ago, and this makes me so nostalgic. Such incredible sights can be seen at the Bund, and of course Nanjing Dong Lu is a must see as well. Thank you for making us travel through your videos!


Aron Mendoza
I have a few friends living in Shanghai. I didn't expect this city to be this beautiful. Thanks and more travel videos!


Sun Dew Hup Loy
Shanghai is a modern-day metropolis that I would like to visit someday. It has a long, rich history. There is the sense of nostalgia when walking around the Bund, the architecture of the buildings, the nearby riverbend, the nightclubs, and triads of the 1930's and 1940's. It is what I think about when I watch the TVB series of the 80's.


Vincent G. Fattore
Wow, unbelievably beautiful and modern city. I'm Italian and i have travelled across Europe but i've never seen such a modern big city like this in my continent.


Chinese cities are way better they have both ultra modern and historical sites, which European cities do not have.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jun Cube
The city looks so awesome at night with all the glittering neon lights. Some visitors and locals prefer to do their sightseeing at night. There’s so much to see on both sides of the river.


Ajay N
It’s so impressive inspite of being so crowded it looks so clean and people look so polished and well dressed!!


Cecille Celestial
Shanghai is indeed beautiful and the crowd is no joke. I got lost several times but i was happy coz I’d see more of the place. Remembering this experience, together with my adventure in Great Wall, makes me smile on this depressing period.


Carl J
Thank you very much for taking time in your busy schedule and to allow the whole world to see this beautiful city. This is magnificent and the Chinese are so beautiful, and the streets are so clean even with all these people walking around I can't see a single trash.


What a beautiful nightscape! It looks like a city from the future.


Japan Travel Rec
It's so fascinating to see that Shanghai looks so beautiful! It's not only modern and highly developed but also a great mix of old Chinese culture & taste, which makes the city and its atmosphere totally unique and magnificent!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

toni galloway
This is so beautiful! Shanghai was so amazing at night and the light show was pretty cool!


Mario M
Shanghai seems to be a beautiful city. I hope one day I will be able to travel there


Alceu Baptista
Video maravilhoso,que nos motiva em muito a conhecer essa cidade espetacular.


Sreelal Sreedhar
Being an Indian I just wana say something... I really loved it.. It's soo beautiful... Wish our cities are like this modern... Anyways it's a beautiful city


Oberst leutnant
But people in Mumbai said Mumbai is more advance and beautiful than Shanghai and remind themselves to be on guard or Shanghai will catch up.


Joan Fortnite 3991
@Oberst leutnant even the most advanced city in india cant beat the most poor city in China..I'm not indian, not chinese either..China is 1st world country, even if the chinese freeze their city from improving their infrastructural for 20 years India still cant catch up..i bet you my money..India forever be India if they always be the western puppets and servants..


Acumen Gamer
@Joan Fortnite 3991 tell me most poorest city of China name then we will compare


Lb chen
@Acumen Gamer guiyang


Crimson Ray
@Oberst leutnant as an Indian , I would say that our cities suck due to the government . If we try to criticize or change the country for the betterment of the people and thr nation , well we get branded as "anti-nationals" hence most smart indians immigrate . I shall be leaving soon cause my effort towards my country is going to waste cause the government doesn't want smart people . The circumstances don't support us .

作为一个印度人,我想说的是,我们的城市由于政府的原因很糟糕。如果我们试图批评或改变国家,以改善人民和国家的现状,那么我们就会被打成 "反国家分子",因此大多数聪明的印度人都移民了。我很快就会离开,因为我对我的国家的努力会被无视,因为政府不想要聪明人。印度的国内环境不允许我们发展。

HK Sun
@Crimson Ray Good strategy..it is better for you to migrate where you are needed and appreciated ..India is a gone case where 90% of the population don't pay income tax and the 10%
will try every.means to under declare their income to avoid paying more takes. India will only be progisive if it adopted a socialist system of Government


nymeria frost
@Crimson Ray same. It’s sad to see my home country like this but things don’t seem to be changing anytime soon, so it’s best to leave


Justin Simon
thanks for the comment.
India and China are both biggest country ahead of developing countries.
hope we can be friendly forever and develop together.


Emperor Gaming
It's not only about India But there isn't any City in this world to Compete with Shanghai in any statics.


@Emperor Gaming Maybe Tokyo


Emperor Gaming
@Prasanth No,It's developed but infrastructure, economy, cheaper than Japan also cleanliness,safety,there lightning show,their skyscraper's - is make Shanghai Futuristic world class all over the Globe


@Emperor Gaming I didn't really get you. In terms of gdp and per capita Tokyo is much much ahead of Shanghai. In terms of cleanliness Japan takes first place so there is no question is about it. Sure Shanghai's skyline is cool and futuristic but it's not like Tokyo is years behind Chinese cities.


SR Millar
Before watch the video I didn't expect that shanghai is so amazing and after watching the whole video I would say, it can easily beat the western cities


High Plains Walker
Thank you for the great video, my friend! Shanghai is one of my favorite cities in the world, and hope to return there this summer. Always love walking there. The night ambience on the Bund is really magical


Sook Ling
The light show makes the city looks super modern. Great video!


Familiar Faces
I’m from Los Angeles, California, USA and amazed at how perfectly clean this city is!


Two Bears
I always wanted to go too Tokyo Japan, but Shanghai is starting too look appealing as well.
I didn’t realize China was so advanced and this not the only city in China that’s got my attention.


China and Chinese cities are much more modern and advanced than Japan and Japanese cities, the US feels like it's stuck in the 60s/70s while Japan is stuck in the 80s/90s.


wow. this is ridiculously amazing. the greatest plus of social media is this kind of stuff, letting us see that other amazing places beyond imagination actually exist.


New Zealand for Holidays
Been there twice. Shanghai keeps changing its skyline so fast. So large a city and beautiful too. Hope the pollution problem has eased a bit!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes, it all looks impressive, but what is more impressive is if you look up what Shanghai looked like 20 years ago and see just how far it has come in such short time.
20 years ago my parents brought me from China to Canada, and while life here has been pretty good, things feel stagnant, nothing really changed in this country over the 20 years that I have been here. Meanwhile back home, life has been improving at an exciting pace and everyone is super motivated and has a positive outlook for the future. I really envy that kind of positivity and motivation that permeates the society, something that is really lacking here in Canada.


Hoang Ha Phan
I have the same feeling as a fellow Asian (Vietnamese) in Germany. I love Germany, my parents migrated here to escape poverty and give me a better life. But life feels a bit... boring here. Nothing has really changed in 20 years. Asia on the hand has transformed. It's no longer the poor continent I left when I was a kid. It's so lively and booming. And I have to say, China probably is the most miraculous transformation of all Asian countries.


Human Right TOOL
Same feeling from Australia


LasVegas Nevada
Same in Las Vegas...Yeah we now have an Arena and Stadium and few buildings (Hotels) here but nothing compared to cities in China. not an exciting vibes and foods everywhere sucks...unless you are a tourist but as a local, there is no lively, it just wears you off....


Prabudh Ghpk
I've been to Shenzhen Twice and can say China is very beautiful and people there are so loving and caring be it a unknown Shop owner or a Police Man or a common man on street, they respect, help and support visitors from everywhere


i wanna go china some day but im from Mexico and is hard to have the chance to travel around the world, I will do my best to visit that wonderful country one day, greetings from Mexico


Just Ven in China
Shanghai is really an amazing place they have good a transportation,clean place, wonderful & awesome structure, delicious food and one of the safe place. New subscriber here! Keep it up! Looking forward for more amazing videos


សុខុមសទ្ធា កែវ
i can watch this great city in my little phone only. Maybe, I don't have fortune to reach there at all in this life. It is the paradise city in my dream. What a mega city it is ! Very very supreme modernized city in the world. Real Glorious heaven on earth.
i do love you Shanghai
Huge loves from Cambodia

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ramón Ibáñez Mascarell
I visited Shanghai in 2009 and 2016 and in this last trip Nanjing Road had changed a lot, especially the part that empties into the Bund, where in 2009 the tallest building was the Jinmao Tower, which now seems small to the side of its neighbors, despite its 88 floors.


Tim Gretzky
This is the most beautiful city on earth. I have no idea how people can overlook this place in favor of Dubai.


I’ve had the pleasure to visit the Bund while working in Shanghai for Proton/Lotus cars. Absolutely amazing city. I’m from England in the UK.


Jorge Fernandez
Went to Shanghai during winter 2019, spent New Years Eve in the Bund, it was so damn beautiful. We had tickets to a big party after but were exhausted after spending tje day in DisneyLand great memories


Detrick Guillory
Thank you for this great video. So happy to read people are opening their eyes & hearts to true China. The media in many countries paint beautiful China as dirty, country & miserable people. I spent 70 days between 2017 & 2020 in Beijing, Changsha, Zhangjiajie, Nanjing & multiple villages in between to experience most people are happy, curious, very intelligent, like to laugh & love their country just like the other 14 countries I visited. The cities are very clean with numerous shopping, beautiful sites (traditional & modern) & very safe. Follow the laws, respect everyone, use the trash cans & keep an open mind for a wonderful experience. I look forward to my next visit to beautiful China.


Other countries are jealousy of China thus try to demonize it, so they would look better.


Lmao. This is just CCP's propaganda, these buildings are empty inside, and some lights are installed outside. The building in the distance is just a front wall, and the windows are painted on the wall. I have been to China, I know.


@OCEAN GANYMEDE I doubt you've actually been China, you just watch the western media about China. I know that, because I'm a American living in China. And these buildings are not empty. I'm a introvert, and I'm always afraid to go in there, because how much people are in there


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