2023-03-01 shengjunyong 14817

Is Chinese arguably the toughest language in the world for a westerner to master?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Viktor Jaded
I've been studying Mandarin for 4 months now and I too thought it was hard at first Now that I've familiarised myself with the language, I can say with confidence that Chinese characters are not hard, in fact they are the easy part about Chinese because you know each character is different and it has its own tone and meaning. For me maybe as a VISUAL LEARNER is easier because my visual memory is good and Chinese characters vary in difficulty but with practice and repetition I've been able to master 740 as of today.


And yes, I have put in lots and lots of effort (sometime ago I did 13 hours on a Saturday). Now the difficult part of mandarin? Speaking, listening and yes getting used to Chinese logic! Listening is still hard although I have studied phonetics extensively. Speaking is even harder! There's a flow, a rhythm to the way people speak Mandarin. Some say tones matter, some say tones don't matter — in my opinion, tones matter!! It is important to get this rhythm into your system as early as possible. I still don't have any rhythm to my Mandarin but characters are so easy I can type this from my head:

四个月前,我还听不懂、无法读写普通话。语言学习尤其是自学时很难。因为就像我的母语一样,它蕴含着数百年的历史、文化和不同的逻辑。但四个月后,我可以用汉字写出这样简单的句子,因为我读了很多书,所以找汉字很容易。普通话最难的是口语!不过,我可以很容易地分辨出 在(zài) 和 再(zài) 之间的区别,但是要完美地发音它们需要疯狂的努力。看电影、听播客和歌曲有助于我的听力。对于演讲,我认为熟能生巧。
Final thoughts, don't overthink it. Just do it. Move to China if you can, immerse in the language. Shed all your pride and tell yourself that you want to learn Chinese and you don't know anything about the language and culture. People are more than willing to help you. I haven't been fortunate enough to move to China so that's why my speaking and listening sucks but extensive immersion through movies with practice and repetition helps me a lot. I leave you motivation: 世上无难事,只怕有心人.

It's great to hear that you have made a big progress in learning Chinese.Chinese is an attractive and beautiful language.Hope that you can speak it more and more fluent.BTW,I am an English learner in senior high school.I hope there are no grammatical problems with my comments.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Viktor Jaded
Ha ha ha well, thank you and yes , Chinese is a beautiful language although some difficulties do arise from time to time! (Okay, all the time) but ever since I started learning it, I just feel the need to learn it some more and more.Don't worry, your English is on point. No need to worry about it. You're also doing a great job.


David Ng
Hi Viktor, very good! Chinese is my ancestral language and while I grew up speaking Cantonese at home, I also learned Mandarin in school long ago and still pretty conversational at it. Back when I was going to Chinese school as a kid and teenager, I was taught traditional Chinese characters which is even harder if a student just took the entire character for granted without dissecting what each strokes are called and the pattern of its character, which is what I did often back then.

What I mean is taking this character, for example:龜 That’s the traditional character for turtle which I struggled for the longest time to remember how to write that. Now I can write that by heart but it wasn’t the case until after graduating from college and when I purchased a book describing the patterns between traditional and simplified characters, the traditional character was overlaid with an actual picture of a turtle so when I rotate that character 90 degrees,I can see what part is the head, the shell, the feet and the tail. That’s when it became simpler for me to master the characters that have a large number of strokes.

Best of luck on your journey to become very proficient with the Chinese language and speaking Mandarin. Many children of Chinese immigrants in the USA, like me, struggled learning Chinese writing so I like to share that I am very proud of you and impressed with your valuable efforts learning my ancestral language (Chinese) which is usually challenging for English speakers who never learned a similar language to Chinese.


Jil Wong
Yes.Yes.Yes.In increasing order of difficulty: grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and pronunciation.The grammar is simpler than that of English and there are no verb tenses. Just an extra word before or after the verb to indicate if it happens in the present, past, or future. It's hard to mess this up but if you do people will still understand you.


Memorizing new vocabulary words is part of the processes of learning any new language.Reading will be hard at first but when you start to learn how to write recognizing characters will get easier. Pinyin (the pronunciation system) is written using the Latin alphabet like romaji in Japanese, so this will be easy for an English speaker.


For writing… if you’re just aim to be able to text, send emails, and type documents, all you need to know is how to spell a word using pinyin, like suì jìao (sleep). The AI interpreter in your smartphone or laptop will show you a list of commonly used characters for that pinyin. You tap on the character you want and it shows up in your document.This is how most Chinese people write these days.

至于写作,如果你只是想发短信、发邮件、写电子文档,你只需要知道如何用拼音拼写一个字就行了,比如suì jìao (sleep)。你的智能手机或笔记本电脑中的人工智能解释器会向你显示该拼音的常用字符列表。你点击你想要的字符,它就会出现在你的文档中。现在大多数中国人都是这么写的。

To formally learn how to write characters with a pen it takes years of practice because you will need to learn the stroke order when writing the character. If your stroke order is wrong people will look down on you and treat you like some kind of backwoods hillbilly (trust me, they will shame you). So, to learn how to properly write with a pen requires years of practice.


Lastly, the pronunciation. It is very hard. The best thing you can do is to develop good musical pitch and a good memory for the different tones.I have seen one American guy in his 30s on social media teaching Chinese phrases. He has lived in China for over 10 years and he STILL has a strong accent. The guy is just not musical; he can’t hear the different tones! On the other hand I worked with a concert singer once years ago who had perfect pitch. He didn't know any Chinese and I taught him a few phrases.


He could say them perfectly like a native speaker.He was able to impress our Chinese customers and make sales. He was so good that the customers started conversing with him thinking he was fluent. The only reason why I bring up the issue of pronunciation is that Chinese people are hypersensitive to it. Perfect pronunciation means you're accepted as a Chinese person, you can get promotions, advance in your field, and become a leader. Incorrect pronunciation no matter how good your grammar and vocabulary are will always mark you as a foreigner without opportunities for advancement where you work. Just like in the English-speaking world!


Hang on, I thought it was “shuì jiào”. Also, there are plenty of people with English as a SL who make great progress and advancements in their career pursuits regardless if their accents aren't perfect, so long as they are intelligible.

等等,应该是“shuì jiào”。此外,也有很多英语作为第二语言的人在他们的职业生涯中取得了很大的进步和成就,即使他们的口音不完美,只要他们能听懂就行。

Jil Wong
forgot to mention that about 20% of the world population is of Chinese descent, so yes Chinese is a major world language.Also: developing listening skills is tougher than memorizing vocabulary but easier than reading and writing. Listening comprehension can be difficult until you grasp the 4 tones.


Jil Wong
I'm from Taiwan, so we are terrible at differentiating between the “s” and “sh” sounds. I do think you're right—it's shuì jìao. From my own experiences working in the U.S. if you want to advance professionally your accent in English will need to be very good or close to native. I work in tech and I have met many software engineers with strong accents but they don't get promoted to management at very senior levels. My guess is that this will also be true in China, HK, Singapore, Taiwan unless you can bring a set of valuable skills can't be found in us.

我来自台湾,所以我们很难区分“s”和“sh”的发音。我认为你是对的,它是shuì jìao。从我自己在美国工作的经验来看,如果你想在专业上有所提升,你的英语口音需要非常好或接近本土口音。我在科技行业工作,我遇到过很多口音很重的软件工程师,但他们都没有被提升到非常高级的管理层。我猜在中国大陆、香港、新加坡、台湾也会是这样,除非你能带来一套在美国找不到的有价值的技能。

René Mongeau
This is related to your expectation, the easiest language for some people are the American slang. You don’t need any teacher


Rafael Tan
It is arguable because it is actually hard for a Chinese speaker to pick up Japanese.The Japanese has 2 sets of alphabets and also include a good number of old Chinese character as part of the languages.These character could have multiple pronunciation similar to the Chinese language.In fact, a single character could be 3 syllables which is different from Chinese Language.


Jil Wong
Chinese and Japanese are from completely different langauage families that are as different as English is to Finnish. So, I think Chinese speakers find Japanese very difficult to learn and vice versa. As someone who minored in Japanese in college my guess is that it's probably easier for Japanese speakers to learn Chinese. If you know 2,000+ kanji already mastering 1,000 more is manageable. The biggest obstacle is probably pronouncing the 4 tones.


To know the perfect answer to your question,I would highly recommend you to visit BLCU (Beijing Language and Cultural University) in Biejing, China. There, you will meet students/scholars from diverse parts of the world who are quite efficient and surprisingly pro in spoken, written and reading part of mandarin Chinese.


I would also quote an example of myself here.I have learnt basic Chinese for four months, just to fulfill my degree requirements, and after almost 4 years, I am confident enough to find myself at ease alone in its busiest streets.


Based on my personal experience, I shouldn't be saying Chinese to be the toughest language, at least to its spoken and reading realms. However, its writing is expected to give serious goosebumps.If an aspirant is serious enough, mere 4 years are enough to attain proficiency in all aspects of Chinese.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Bobby Chong
I am English educated, I am A Singaporean Chinese. My grandparents are from China, I am consider the 3rd generation Chinese in Singapore. Chinese Langauage, Mandarin is my 2nd language. My worst subject is Chinese language, during my primary school days I failed and quite badly. During my schooling days I hate Chinese langauge. Because it is so strict, missed a stroke or wrong stroke is consider wrong and have to memorise hard. But now atvthe age of 59 I find Chinese lanaguage very interesting and unique. Never too late to learn. Thanks to my Chinese friends.and Colleagues and GOOGLE.

Chinese language character is pictographic calligraphy. Everyword Is like a picture. You must remember by memorising it first compare to English language a word is form by 26 alphabets A to Z is easier to spell, to write. Chinese character for example the word “l” or “me”. By missing one stroke or wrong stroke is consider wrong. Is a very discipline language. Come to speaking, the way of pronounciation 发音Fāyīng or like some use to say bitting of the words 咬字 differs from English.

That's why you see the Westerner struggle to speak Chinese with proper pronunciation same as the Chinese born and bred in China speak English, those I came across eg my emboss from Beijing and other colleagues from different province have difficulty with the alphabet R and words ended with S. One of my Chinese colleague from Wuhan cannot pronounce THANKS, “SANKS.” instead.


Though Chinese language is one of the very difficult langauge to master, with the heart to learn it can be achieve. Chinese language is a very interesting language which has its beauty if you read deeper. Idioms of 4 to 8 characters can tell a story, a situation in Chinese is call Chengyu. Chengyu are originally derived from Chinese ancient classics or historical stories, so that they are quite meaningful. In Chinese culture, Chenyu are previous generations' wisdom.

铁板磨成针 Tiě bǎn mó chéng zhēn - iron plate ground into fine needles means With perseverance and patience nothing is impossible.官字兩個口 guān zì liǎng gè kǒu - official has two mouth means Official is always right, because commoner only has one, official has two mouth.You cannot win them.一丝不苟 yīsībùgǒu - even the finest can never get through means To be meticulous; to attend to every detail.

Chinese is one of the most difficult language compare to other languages I know namely English, Malay.I am still struggling learning but I am getting better partly inspired by some Westerner speaks Mandarin so well that you thought you are listening to a Chinese without looking.Chinese is a difficult language if not the most but a meaningful language worth learning. I am sure there are other difficult languages too.

後會有期hòu huì yǒu qī Hope to see you again.

Steve Leung

Bobby, I am a Chinese American and I have similar experience with you. I found the unique feature of Chinese that is different from any of the alphabetic/syllabic languages is that it is a pictural language and the visual part and audio parts are both engaged in the comprehension of the language. Also, the construction of words has set rules that helps you remembering the language. Furthermore, the multi-character phrases limited not just your examples of 成语 but also translation of foreign concepts such as 雷射 (laser) using the combination of the words thunder and shoot shows the ingenuity of person who made up the phrase (since when I read the word 雷射 the visual image of a red laser pointer comes directly to mind).
Chinese is a living language with many newly added concepts which is require for any language that have a future. You can write a complete scientific and technical article in Chinese as well as you can write one in English, or Japanese, or German, or Russian, or … and just as someone from Shakespeare’s time cannot read a Physics Today article with comprehension, someone from the Song Dynasty cannot read《科技中国》with comprehension.

Chinese words follow the rule that you can guess the meaning and pronunciation of the word by looking at the combination of the radicals that made up the word. This is the advantage of a uniform Chinese writing since no matter you speak PuTongHua or Cantonese or Taiwanese, the same holds with guess the meaning and pronunciation of the word from the radicals.


I disagree with you that if you get one stroke wrong, you are wrong — this is the hangover from your teachers who is too strict. You can write Chinese words with many wrong strokes, but the meaning of the writing can still come through just as misspelling does not detract from comprehension in English. Yes, your word is wrong, but the communication of the idea is invariant.


Bobby Chong
Hi Steven, I am impressed comment from an American Chinese of this subject, you changed my perception of American Chinese interest for Chinese language..As you rightly said Chinese is a living language.What I mean if the stroke suppose to be stroke down from left to right and you strike it opposite down from right to left is consider wrong. That's how strict I've gone through in my Chinese class.Good Day


Ryan Giannamore
For westerners there is a significant learning curve in the beginning, but by the time you get to intermediate and advanced levels it is much easier than western languages. At least in my opinion.


Hanson Hsu
As with all languages, it is not a matter of where you are from. It’s a matter of how early you get started on learning the language. Kids are much better at learning new languages than adults.


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