2023-03-02 西斯摩多 6330

My sister and brother-in-law have been married for more than 17 years. All these years, there has not been any single night when they didn't go for a stroll after dinner.
This is their habit — A rule that can not be violated. In this 30 minutes of walk, mobile phones, children, and guests are not allowed. This is just for both of them.
They walk, they talk, and they discuss various topics, such as their expectations from each other, happiness and dissatisfaction, finances, children, parents, and things that are bothering any of them.
During this time, they will hold each other's hands even if anyone joins them.
I have seen this for the last 17 years and have always found them the most attractive and cheerful couple. They have their share of disagreements, conflicts, and disputes, but these factors never impact the relationship.
Looking at them, I feel that making a relationship meaningful is absolutely in our hands. The only thing that is required is a mutual effort. One-sided efforts

我妹妹和姐夫结婚已经17年了。 这么多年来,他们晚饭后都要出去散步。
这是他们的习惯——一条必要的活动。 在这30分钟的步行中,禁止使用手机、不再关心儿童和客人。 只有他们两个。
在过去的17年里,我亲眼目睹了这一切,并一直觉得他们是彼此相互吸引、最幸福的一对。 他们也有分歧、冲突和争端,但这些因素从未影响过这种关系。
看着他们,我觉得要想让一段感情变得有意义,决定权在我们自己手中。 唯一需要的是相互努力。 单向的努力行不通。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the most important element which most married couples generally not aware is the mutual respect for each other and this respect is earned by the virtue of being honest and empathic towards each other.
I am realizing all this now as i am going through mutual separation. Had i been more empathic and respectful towards the wonderful woman i married 14 years back, for sure this separation wouldn’t have happened.
We all are humans and what binds us together is how much respect we give each other, how empathic towards each other.

我现在意识到这一切,因为我正经历着分离。 如果我对这个14年前结婚的好女人能多一点同情心和尊重的话,这种分居肯定不会发生。

No offence!! But for the sake of parents and society have seen so many couples are staying together without having any communication and respect for each other. In today's world either husband dominates thier wives or vice versa.

没有冒犯的意思!! 但是,很多夫妻在一起是为了父母和社会,彼此之间没有交流和尊重。 在当今世界,要么丈夫支配妻子,要么妻子反过来支配丈夫。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I resonate with what you say and when it became evident that we cannot live together, we decided to part ways as we need to raise our son in a atmosphere which is best for him.
The reason partners try to dominate each other is that they try to impose their thinking on each other.. The communication is more about me and you rather than us. Marriage is a team work where the work load keeps on shifting on one and other.
Also a request to all the married people, when you guys are going through rough patch, please take professional help. Parents or friends are your well wishers but their can also be a biasedness.
Professional help is something which I didn't took on time and when I realised the importance of it, the time was against me.
For a blissful married life, be empathetic not emotional. Be a friend not a judge. Respect each other not react. Trust each other not taunt…Communicate with each other not comment. Love each other not lust.
S tay Happy…Stay Healthy.. Stay Blessed..

伴侣们试图支配对方是因为他们试图把自己的想法强加于对方。 沟通更需要的是我和你,而不是我们。 婚姻是一种团队合作的工作,家庭负担要共同承担。
同时我想向所有已婚人士提出建议,当你们正在经历艰难时期时,请接受专业的帮助。 父母或朋友是你的好的选择,但他们也可能有偏见。
对于幸福的婚姻生活, 理解对方而不是感情用事. 做朋友,不做法官。 互相尊重,互不对立。 互相信任,互不奚落…互相交流,不要批评。 彼此相爱,不要贪欲。
保持快乐…保持健康。 祝大福临门。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The key to any happy, fulfilling and long-lasting relationship is mutual communication, interaction and understanding. Without this, the relationship eventually dies, sooner or later.

任何幸福、充实和持久的关系的关键是相互沟通、互动和理解。 如果没有这些,这种关系迟早会消失。

Aww.. How sweet
My wife to be and I are living together in Toronto. We incorporated a similar practice since last year. Now that we're under one roof it's easier for us to talk. It enables us to be authentic, transparent and emotionally intimate with each other. We can't wait to get married next year.
We hope we will continue to be that way, through the good and bad times.

我和我妻子住在多伦多。 我们自去年以来也采用了类似的做法。 既然我们在一个屋檐下,我们就更容易说话了。 它使我们能够在情感上彼此亲密。 我们等不及明年结婚。

so essentially walk down the aisle to be married. and continue walking (together) as partners.
and it makes sense to. because a couple who can endure the days stresses and STILL walk n talk comfortably each evening; speaks volumes as to their love and communication for one another.
not an easy task in this fast paced ever evolving world we live in. definitely gives one something to aspire to in a relationship.
the beauty of simplicity.
walk and talk.

所以走在大厅里走完结婚之路。 然后继续(一起)散步。

Learn to enjoy simple life. Don't be too ambitious for a happy life.
Soon after engagement is done, it is better to come to agreement on roles and responsibilities of boy and girl. It is better to have individual bank accounts and one common account.
There will be always suggestions and advises from relatives and friends. You need to be very careful in accepting / rejecting them for your Long term relationship.
Happy living.

学会享受简单的生活。 为了过上幸福的生活,不要太贪心。
订婚后不久,最好就男人和女人的责任和义务达成协议。 最好是有个人银行账户和一个共同账户。
亲戚朋友总是会提出意见和建议。 为了长期的关系,你需要非常小心地接受/拒绝他们。

I know this secret and you have now published.
I have experienced first hand the benefits in the last 6 months


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That is, spending some quality time with each other every single day


This is called mature understanding and chemistry of two lovely people without it marriage is just worse things. My good wishes to everyone found such type of partner.

这就是所谓的相互理解和情感沟通,两个可爱的人如果做不到这一点婚姻只是糟糕的事情。 我衷心祝愿大家找到这样的伙伴。

I cheated on my wife after 14 years of talk talk talk relationship. So you can cut the crap.
Nothing works. If your partner has genuinely fallen for someone then just figure it out and get separated.
Women - you get a man who is just trying to fulfil his responsibilities but you have lost your partner already.
Men - she is there because she is too scared to tell you she has moved on. Just read the signs and let her go. away. forever. even if she wants to come back don’t take her in.

我在和妻子谈恋爱14年后出轨了。 所以你可以少说废话了。
什么也不管用 如果你的伴侣真的爱上了某个人,那就想办法分手吧。
男人-她没分手是因为她害怕告诉你她已经不爱你了。 只要感受一下她的内心,让她走就行了。 让她离开。 即使她想回来也不要收留她。

Absolutely right. Even if you had a fight go out and walk in the nature. Nature has wonderful ability to cure.

绝对正确的,即使你吵架了,也要出去在大自然里散步。 大自然有极好的治疗能力。

Great thing to hear. While walking is one aspect, listening, seeking and validating inputs, proactive participation in chores and other responsibilities, emotional bonding, caring, loving are important ingredients. While mutual attraction may fade away but mutual belonging keeps growing as we age. This un-separable is the secret ingredient. Agree to disagree, respect and controlling once voices are some elements of success

太好了 虽然散步是一个方面,但倾听、主动参与家务和其他责任、情感纽带、关心和爱是重要的因素。 虽然相互的吸引力会逐渐消失,但随着年龄的增长,彼此的归属感会不断增强。 这种不可分离的归属感是秘方。

This is a very good practice if able to implement it on a daily basis!


My ex and I, too, walked after dinner, but not in the same direction, lol. Jokes apart, I know a 75-year-old couple who do this; you have pinpointed the secret to successful marriages.

我和我的前女友也是,吃完饭就出去散步了,但方向不一样,哈哈。 撇开玩笑不谈,我认识一对75岁的老夫妇,他们就是这样做的;你已经找到了成功婚姻的秘诀。

Well said, Anshu! Marriage love is built when the partners practice being more and more with each other and present and available for each other.

说得好! 婚姻之爱是建立在夫妻双方越来越多地尝试在一起,彼此在身边,彼此可接触的时候。

I had a colleague and best friend at work who used to call her husband every day at lunch time just to ask “ Dear did you have your lunch?”.
And that’s all.
I used to wonder why to call and ask as he would definitely have lunch everyday.
I asked her once “Why do you call him and ask everyday?..”
She smiled and replied “Communication is key to good relationship… we both are always in a hurry because of the jobs and this is the time when we talk.. may be for little time but still it matters a lot ..”
From then on I made a habit of calling my husband and ask.
In the beginning he used to wonder and laugh but later on when I missed or was busy he started calling to find out whether I had my lunch.
At least for few minutes we think about each other in the busy life. And that’s what matters in happy marriage.
Care and communication!

她微笑着回答:"沟通是建立良好关系的关键……我们俩总是因为工作忙得不可开交,现在正是我们谈话的时候。 也许时间不长,但仍然很重要……"
在忙碌的生活中,我们至少会彼此思念几分钟。 这就是幸福婚姻的关键所在。

Ohh, we both have been doing the same since our relationship began much before marriage..9 years and counting!!


Just as each person is unique and different, so also is every marriage, because marriage is between 2 different and unique individuals.
What might work in one marriage may not work in another.
I can say communication is the key to a happy marriage. But if one spouse is uncommunicative in spite of all efforts by the other spouse, then there is nothing that the communicative spouse can do.
I can list any number of relationship habits, but there is no guarantee that they will work for all couples.
Every couple will have to improvise and find what works best for them in their marriage. It will have to be a joint effort. Effort by only one person will not work.
Relationship habits like communication, caring, understanding and making little sacrifices and adjustments for your spouse are basic necessities of every marriage.

可以说沟通是幸福婚姻的关键。 但是,如果一方配偶不顾另一方的一切努力,不与人交流,那么交流的配偶就无能为力了。
每对夫妇都必须找到最适合他们的婚姻。 这必须是一项共同努力。 只靠一个人的努力是行不通的。

Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires effort, patience, and compromise. It's not always easy, but if you and your partner are willing to work together, you can have a happy and fulfilling marriage. Here, we will discuss some relationship habits that can lead to a happy marriage.
Communication: One of the most important habits for a happy marriage is communication. It's essential to talk to your partner about your feelings, concerns, and needs. Communication can help you both understand each other's perspective and work through any issues you may have.
Trust: Trust is the foundation of a strong and healthy relationship. You need to be able to trust your partner and believe that they have your best interests at heart. Trust can take time to build, but it's worth it in the long run.
Respect: Showing respect to your partner is an essential habit for a happy marriage. This means treating them kindly, listening to their opinions, and valuing their feelings. It's important to remember that you are a team and that you need to support each other.
Compromise: Compromise is key in any relationship. You and your partner will not always agree, but it's important to find a middle ground that you can both be happy with. This means being willing to make sacrifices for each other and finding solutions that work for both of you.

婚姻是一生的承诺,需要努力、耐心和妥协。 这并不总是那么容易,但是如果你和你的伴侣愿意一起工作,你可以有一个幸福和满足的婚姻。 在这里,我们将讨论一些能够导致幸福婚姻的关系习惯。
沟通: 幸福婚姻最重要的习惯之一就是沟通。 和你的伴侣谈谈你的感受、关心和需要是至关重要的。 沟通能帮助你们理解彼此的观点,并解决你们可能遇到的任何问题。
信任:信任是牢固健康关系的基础。 你需要能够信任你的伴侣,并且相信他们的心中有你的最大利益。 建立信任需要时间,但从长远来看是值得的。
尊重: 尊重你的伴侣是幸福婚姻的基本习惯。 这意味着善待他们,倾听他们的意见,珍视他们的感情。 记住,你是一个团队,你需要相互支持。
妥协: 妥协在任何关系中都是关键。 你和你的伴侣不会总是意见一致,但重要的是找到一个双方都满意的中间点。 这意味着愿意为对方做出牺牲,并找到对你们两个都有效的解决方案。

Quality time: Spending quality time together is essential for a happy marriage. This means carving out time in your busy schedules to do things you both enjoy. It could be as simple as watching a movie or going for a walk. The important thing is that you are spending time together and enjoying each other's company.
Forgiveness: No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Being able to forgive your partner and move past any issues is an essential habit for a happy marriage. Holding onto grudges or resentments can damage your relationship in the long run.
Intimacy: Intimacy is an important part of any relationship. It means being emotionally and physically close to your partner. This can be achieved through things like holding hands, hugging, or spending time together. It's essential to maintain intimacy in your relationship to feel connected and supported.
Hence, a happy marriage is possible if you and your partner are willing to work together. By following these relationship habits, you can build a strong and healthy relationship that will stand the test of time. Remember to communicate, trust, and respect each other, compromise when needed, spend quality time together, forgive each other, and maintain intimacy in your relationship.

美好时光: 共度美好时光对于幸福婚姻至关重要。 这意味着在繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间去做你们喜欢的事情。 这可以像看电影或散步一样简单。 重要的是你们在一起,享受彼此的陪伴。
宽恕: 没有人是完美的,我们都犯错误。 能够原谅你的伴侣并克服任何问题,这是幸福婚姻的基本习惯。 从长远来看,保留怨恨可能会损害你们的关系。
亲密程度: 亲密是任何关系的重要组成部分。 这意味着在情感上和身体上与伴侣保持亲密关系。 这可以通过牵手、拥抱或一起度过时间来实现。 在你们的关系中保持亲密感是至关重要的,这样才能感觉到彼此之间的联系和支持。
因此,如果你和你的伴侣愿意一起工作,幸福婚姻是可能的。 通过遵循这些关系习惯,你可以建立一种经得起时间考验的强大健康的关系。 记住相互沟通、信任和尊重,在需要的时候妥协,一起度过高质量的时间,互相原谅,保持亲密的关系。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Explicit communication - it's important that you talk to your partner about your wants, likes, and dislikes. You may not like the same thing as that of your partner, but that's okay. You should understand that your partner is a different person with different likes, dislikes and ideologies.
Mutual decision making - One partner should never take decision for the other without consulting. There might be times when you will have to compromise on what you want. That's okay but that should be mutually discussed and agreed.
Resist the temptation to cheat - You should never ever cheat on your spouse/partner. It's better for you to walk out of the marriage or relationship. You will always find someone to be more attractive than your spouse but that spark for fraction of seconds can spoil your marriage which is built over the years.
Never speak ill about each other's loved ones - speaking ill about your partner's parents or relatives is a big no. Even if they don't react, it's better to keep such conversations to yourself.

明确的交流——重要的是你要和你的伴侣谈谈你的愿望、喜欢和不喜欢的东西。 你可能不喜欢和你伴侣的喜好,但没关系。 你应该明白,你的伴侣是一个不同的人,有不同的爱好和意识形态。
共同决策——一方未经协商,决不应替另一方作出决定。 有时候,你可能不得不在你想要的东西上做出妥协。 没关系,但是应该互相讨论并达成协议。
抵制欺骗-你永远不应该欺骗你的配偶/伴侣。 你最好退出婚姻或关系,因为你总能找到比你的配偶更有魅力的人,但是那几秒钟的火花会破坏你多年来的婚姻。
永远不要说伴侣所爱的人的坏话——说伴侣的父母或亲戚的坏话是一个大忌。 即使他们不在意,最好还是要记住这一点。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Happy marriages are built on a foundation of love, mutual respect, trust, and effective communication. Here are some relationship habits that can help foster a happy marriage:
Regular communication: Effective communication is key to a happy marriage. Make time to talk with your partner regularly, and be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and needs.
Practice active listening: When your partner speaks, give them your full attention and listen to what they have to say. Avoid interrupting or dismissing their thoughts or feelings.
Show appreciation: Make an effort to express your appreciation and gratitude for your partner regularly. Acknowledge their efforts and contributions, and let them know how much you value and love them.
Practice forgiveness: No one is perfect, and conflicts are inevitable in any relationship. Learn to forgive and let go of past mistakes or hurtful actions, and work together to find a solution and move forward.
Respect each other's individuality: Remember that you and your partner are unique individuals with your own personalities, interests, and goals. Respect each other's individuality and support each other's pursuits.
Make time for each other: Make a conscious effort to spend quality time together, doing things you both enjoy. Regular date nights, weekend getaways, and shared hobbies can all help strengthen your bond.
Prioritize intimacy: Physical intimacy is an important aspect of a happy marriage. Make time for regular affection and intimacy, and communicate openly about your needs and desires.
Remember, building a happy marriage takes time, effort, and dedication. By practicing these relationship habits, you can strengthen your bond and build a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life together.

幸福的婚姻建立在爱、相互尊重、信任和有效沟通的基础之上。 以下是一些有助于促进幸福婚姻的关系习惯:
经常沟通:有效的沟通是幸福婚姻的关键。 抽出时间定期和你的伴侣交谈,坦诚地表达你的想法、感觉和需求。
积极聆听: 当你的伴侣说话时,要全神贯注地听他们说话。 避免打断或忽略他们的想法或感觉。
表示赞赏: 努力定期表达你对伴侣的感激。 承认他们的努力和贡献,并让他们知道你有多珍惜和爱他们。
实践宽恕: 没有人是完美的,在任何关系中冲突都是不可避免的。 学会原谅并放弃过去的错误或伤害行为,齐心协力寻找解决方法,向前迈进。
尊重对方的个性: 记住,你和你的伴侣是独一无二的个体,有着你自己的个性、兴趣和目标。 尊重对方的个性,支持对方的追求。
为对方留出时间:有意识地努力一起度过高质量的时间,做你们喜欢的事情。 有规律的约会之夜,周末出游,以及分享的爱好,都会有助于加强你的纽带。
加强亲密关系: 肉体上的亲密关系是幸福婚姻的一个重要方面。 抽出时间进行有规律的爱和亲密,并公开地交流你的需求和愿望。
记住,建立幸福婚姻需要时间、努力和奉献。 通过实践这种关系习惯,可以强化纽带关系,一起建立幸福、健康、充实的生活

Dedication and hard work are needed to keep a happy marriage. While there is no one set recipe for creating a solid and enduring partnership, some practises can support a happier marriage. The following healthy dating practises can result in a successful marriage:
Communication that is Honest and Open: Honest, open communication is crucial in any relationship. As a married pair, it's crucial to understand how to communicate on a variety of subjects, from the routine and ordinary to the serious and challenging. Open communication like this promotes trust and lessens misconceptions and miscommunication.
Spending quality time together is crucial to a successful marriage. Making time for one another is crucial, even if your schedules at work and with your family are hectic. Make an effort to schedule couple time as frequently as possible, whether it's a date night, a weekend getaway, or just eating dinner together at home.
Show Your Appreciation: It's simple to take your spouse for granted, so it's crucial to let them know how much you adore and value them. Give them a complement, express your appreciation for the small things they do, and don't forget to thank them for their efforts.
Respect: An essential component of your marriage should be demonstrating respect for your partner. Respect your partner's opinions and pay attention to what they have to say.
Keep the Romance Alive: The romance can quickly lose its spark as time passes, so make an effort to maintain it. Write a love letter, surprise your sweetheart with a gift, or do something special for them.
A couple can build a solid, enduring, and content marriage by actively putting these behaviours into practise.

为了维持幸福的婚姻,需要献身精神和努力。 虽然没有固定的方法来建立牢固和持久的伙伴关系,但有些做法可以支持更幸福的婚姻。 下列健康约会方法可令婚姻成功:
诚实和开放的沟通: 诚实 、 开放的沟通在任何关系中都是至关重要的。 作为一对已婚夫妇,理解如何就各种问题进行交流至关重要,从日常的、普通的到严肃的、富有挑战性的。 这样的公开交流可以增进信任,减少误解和沟通。
共度美好时光对于成功婚姻至关重要。 为彼此腾出时间是非常关键的,即使你的工作和与家人在一起的时间安排很繁忙。 努力尽可能频繁地安排情侣时间,不管是约会之夜,周末度假,还是只是在家里一起吃晚饭。
表达你的谢意: 把配偶当成理所当然的事情很简单,所以让他们知道你有多崇拜和珍惜他们是很重要的。 给他们一个补充,表达你对他们所做的小事的感激,别忘了感谢他们的努力。
尊重: 你婚姻中一个重要的组成部分应该是尊重你的伴侣。 尊重对方的意见,留意对方说的话。
让浪漫永驻: 随着时间的推移,浪漫会很快失去它的火花,所以要努力保持它。 写一封情书,给你的爱人一份礼物,或者为他们做些特别的事情。

I think I have narrated this before and those who can recall my old answer are requested to bear with me if I repeat myself.
When I was asked what is the secret of our happy married life this was my answer.
Me: We have an agreement. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays my wife does whatever she wants to do.
Questioner: How about Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays?
Me: On those days I do whatever she wants me to do.
Questioner: Oh I see! Does this guarantee a happy married life?
Me: It sure does. She stays happy. I stay married. Together we live a happy married life.

我:我们达成了协议。 星期一,星期三,星期五我妻子想做什么就做什么。
发问者: 星期二,星期四,星期六和星期日怎么样?
发问者: 哦,原来如此! 这能保证幸福婚姻生活吗?
我:当然有。 她保持快乐。 我保持婚姻。 我们在一起过着幸福的婚姻生活。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

First - Regular Sex
Sorry to be so open but it's true
Age differences of 7–8 years means that the peak period of sexual desires are always apart in most married couples
When the wife has her peak desire, the husband must cooperate and vice versa
Plus in the early days, almost 90% of ego fights can be dexed by sex
Mostly applicable between 25–45 years of age for both couples


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