2023-03-14 Vnn 8179

Regardless of which country you are from, you might think that those getting into top universities are set for life. Because that means you will probably get high-paying jobs in big companies right out of college, right? But what does it mean to get into top universities in the Philippines and how worried are the students about their future and the local economy? Our Asian Boss reporter was able to visit the University of the Philippines, arguably the most prestigious university in the Philippines, and speak with some of the students there.

无论你来自哪个国家,你都可能会认为那些进入顶尖大学的人这辈子就稳了。因为这意味着你在大学毕业后就能在大公司找到高薪工作,对吧?但进入菲律宾顶尖大学意味着什么?学生们对自己的未来和当地经济有多担忧?我们的“Asian Boss”记者来到了菲律宾大学,这所大学可以说是菲律宾最负盛名的大学,与那里的一些学生进行交谈。

Unfortunately, smart shaming is prent in the Philippines. Just for example if you have a different opinion from the rest, words like "eh di wow" is used or worse they put you down by using ad hominems. Many go overseas where their skills, intellect and opinions are very much appreciated.


Most of our kababayans get defensive and upset straight away instead of having intelligent discussions. I wonder why. We need to listen, ask questions, and obviously, like what Asian boss said, Stay curious.


Nerds get shamed in every country… and then you become an adult and become successful.


As a graduating senior from UP, I'd just like to share my thoughts.
Getting into a job as a graduate from the top universities in the country is easy. Getting a job that you will actually enjoy and is actually aligned with your interests is another story altogether simply because there are no jobs and there is no infrastructure to support even seemingly essential professions (graduates from the college of science, engineering, etc.)
When looking abroad, however, us graduates begin to realize just how valued our fields are in a more developed and diversified economy, thus move, study, or work abroad.
I love my country and I genuinely want to serve as a way of paying back the quality education given to me that so many desire as well, but I have to be practical and realistic. I will not realize my goals and dreams as a professional here.
Moving and studying abroad, gaining experience and hopefully applying it to the country in the future is a goal I have. A degree can only get you so far, but meeting the right people at the right place and time is an elusive luxury that so few of us get.


So true. Well spoken. Facts right there. It's not always about a degree yes it's important but soft skills interpersonal skills and networking is much more important(meeting right people at right time).


My problem with the Philippines is how nepotism destroys opportunities. This is a country where one can get high up in the social hierarchy just because their father is the mayor, or their grandfather was a wealthy business owner.
People who actually work hard for their degrees are exploited and given not-so-favorable work opportunities and we all know why.
That is the sad reality. I also want to live in the Philippines but if that is how the government wants to treat its people, then why should I contribute back?
I am glad I made the move to Singapore as an undergraduate student at NUS and I plan to settle down here. I prefer to live in a country where there are opportunities open to all based on how much effort they give, as opposed to familial connections or social status.

我很高兴作为国大的一名本科生搬到新加坡,我打算在这里安顿下来。 我更喜欢生活在一个向所有人开放机会的国家,能否有个好工作与他们付出多少努力有关,而不是家庭关系或社会地位。

Sad but true in the Philippines:
1. Smart achievers who come from prestigious schools are seen as snobs, often shamed.
2. Many people passive aggressively insist "character is better than education" as if education doesn't shape character.
3. Your high educational background or achievements will be used against you everytime you become assertive. "You have such high education but why is your manners like that?!" is their favorite gaslighting line.
4. Many dreams become frustrated because they needed to choose a course with more practical applications and those that pay high.
5. Many are still highly ignorant of science facts, the law, business, and their own history.


Some of the comments here are just saying that education is not that important because it all boils down to luck and "diskarte," this is a really problematic take. Not everyone can get that luck and diskarte that you've had/you have, a college degree will really help you in increasing the chances of getting a job. If being a college dropout worked for you in the end, then that's awesome but keep in mind that this type of luck RARELY happens. Getting that college degree will help you have more options and better opportunities.


Also if you want to work as a professional overseas, where the big money is.. get all the degrees and pass your professional exams. No country gives work pass to dropouts, except manual labor.

另外,如果您想在海外从事专业工作,能赚大钱的那种……(那就)获得所有学位并通过专业考试。 除了体力劳动外,没有一个国家会给辍学者工作许可证。

Not everyone is privileged enough to get education though. Both are important imo, but in the real world, a college degree could only do so much. It boils down to how you make use of it, your connections, and luck.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

True, this is also why our government really needs to address and solve the current education crisis. How nice would it be if education is really treated as a basic right and not just a privilege availed by people who have the financial capacity to avail it, right? But then again, how would you expect this govt to prioritize making educational reforms when the deped head is someone who doesn't really have the expertise in the field :(

诚然,这也是我们的政府真正需要处理和解决当前教育危机的原因。 如果教育真的被视为一项基本权利,而不仅仅是有经济能力的人享有的特权,那该有多好,对吧? 但是话又说回来,目前的负责人不是真正具备该领域专业知识的人,您又如何能够期望政府优先进行教育改革:(

It’s fascinating to see how strong the influence of the English language is in the Philippines. Especially higher educated people switch from Tagalog into English and vice versa.

看到英语在菲律宾的影响力有多大,真是令人惊奇。 特别是受过高等教育的人在他加禄语和英语两种语言中转换。

I have a friend who graduated in UP. He is not a Filipino, he's vietnamese who grow up in the PH. He's successful and a CEO of his own comp. He's down to earth, kept his feet in the ground and find a way to give back to the PH. He supported poor kids who are very smart and game them scholarship. He's not expecting in return out of his good deeds. I know many successful UP graduates are doind this as well.


Man, I love how intelligent and insightful these youths are. It's almost impossible to hear opinions as such from locals in Malaysia.

伙计,我喜欢这些年轻人的智慧和洞察力。 在马来西亚几乎不可能听到当地人的意见。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As an alumni, I am so proud of these students. Quick thinking, comprehensive responses, and compassion for people - trademark UP student qualities.

作为校友,我为这些学生感到骄傲。 他们有着敏捷的思维、全面的反应和对人的同情心——菲律宾大学学生的标志性品质。

A college degree from a prestigious school can definitely attract the attention of employers and increase your chances of, but don't expect that it will be that easy, because employers will always choose someone who is experienced and has a wider skill set. So it doesn't matter what university you came from, if you want a high paying job, build your portfolio first.


Super interesting video, as always. Sorry for the maybe silly question, but do people in the Philippines always speak mixing full English phrases with their own language and what is the reason for that or maybe the origin of this way of doing? Thanks to whoever will kindly reply! I'm very intrigued!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes we do,the reason why we speak English is bcuz of the Americans colonizing our country back then


English is one of our official languages. It's so common for us to mix English and Tagalog/Filipino. You can barely find a Pinoy who can speak 100% Filipino.

英语是我们的官方语言之一。 混合英语和他加禄语/菲律宾语对我们来说很常见。 你几乎找不到会说百分百菲律宾语的菲律宾人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

College degree is important irrespective of which university you obtained your degree from. Most employers dont care what university you graduated from. If your career requires licensure to practice, get that license and find employers that would pay most for what you do. UP graduate doesnt mean a thing if you obtained a degree and worked in call centers to make ends meet.

无论您从哪所大学获得学位,大学学位都很重要。大多数雇主不关心你毕业于哪所大学。 如果您的职业需要执业证书,请获得该执照并找到愿意为您的工作支付最多费用的雇主。菲律宾大学的毕业生并不意味着什么。

Getting a professional job in the Philippines is scarce as you will most likely get it at the government rather than a company or independent work. That's why college graduates are more likely to go abroad.


Brain Drain & Educational Crisis is real. Not everyone has the opportunity to study, some are held by their circumstances in life. Worse, those that have power to change that focus on other things. Also, there's corruption in the department so the budget to improve the quality of education is wrongly spent & fair access to it is not achieved. Further, politicians don't like educated voters that's why they veer away on projects & platforms geared towards improving quality education for all. They prey on easily manipulated gullible people who are less educated & don't have the experience & exposure to think critically & make informed decisions.
As mentioned by the interviewees, the current economic situation in the country does not make it appealing for many to stay & work here. The minimum wage is very low while the prices of basic commodities rise. There is also less job opportunities. Local employers ask too much like experience & other qualifications from job seekers. There's also discrimination in terms of where they graduated from instead of looking at the skillset.

人才流失和教育危机是真实存在的。 不是每个人都有学习的机会,有些人会受到生活环境的影响。 更糟糕的是,那些有能力改变的人专注于其他事情。 此外,(政府)部门存在腐败,因此用于提高教育质量的预算被乱用在其他地方,并且没有提供公平的机会。 再者,政治家不喜欢受过教育的选民,这就是为什么他们转向旨在为所有人提供优质教育的项目和平台。 他们的目标是那些容易被操纵、上当受骗的人,这些人受教育程度低,没有批判性思考和做出明智决定的经验和能力。
正如受访者所提到的,该国目前的经济形势并不能吸引许多人留下来并在这里工作。 最低工资很低,而基本商品的价格却在上涨,就业机会也较少。(但是,)当地雇主对求职者的经验和其他资格要求过高。存在学历歧视,学历胜过了能力。

Just looked it up, apparently the university ranks within the top 500 in the world, which is impressive, but it would pale in comparison to the likes of Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, all of the biggest names in the West. If the 10% acceptance rate is to be believed, then it is certainly very sextive, close to the admission sextivity of the American Ivies. But it wouldn't wow the socks off employers abroad. And of course brain drain is going to be an issue with most developing countries. All the brightest minds will seek greater opportunity elsewhere if they have the ability, that isn't their fault. The country needs to do a better job of retaining their best talent.


After getting a degree theyll ask you for experience, after having experience a person with "backer" gets the spot.


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