2023-03-14 杏子 10630

It makes me sick to my stomach.
Do you really think city leaders put up "benches" like this to "include" people with disabilities?
I don''t believe a word they say.
Benches with spaces for wheelchairs are the hypocritical form of these:


Benches that already have long been supposed to keep homeless people from lying on them.
But city leaders have always picked up a shitstorm with something like this, and now everyone is excited about it. The net is full of praise.


Of course, the disabled person will no longer be sitting next to the bench as before, but do you think he will be happy to see that the homeless are being excluded and expelled instead?
And that he,. the handicapped, is just the "Velvet Cloak" to cover up this crap?
I don't believe the planners that this is well-intentioned.
It is a brilliant idea to exclude the homeless as before and pretend to be a benefactor.
Best wishes.


Frank Douglas
You’re right - imagining the space for the wheelchair on the left or right end makes it very clear that the bench was designed to prevent lying down. Thank you!


Mike Bell to Frank Douglas
Exactly: the wheelchair user could be at either end, or facing his friends. This is how we do things with my friend in a wheelchair. It has never been a problem.


Carla Prascher to Frank Douglas
Just thinking out loud here….you believe that installing seating with armrests is meant to discourage the homeless from sleeping on it? I appreciate armrests. They make a seat more comfortable and help to establish personal space. Why do some people presume that there’s nefarious intent behind an upgrade to a plain bench?


Richard Brown to Carla Prascher
Those aren't arm rests, you'd have to be crouched in a very awkward manner for your arms to reach that low


Yveline to Carla Prascher
Why do some people presume that there’s nefarious intent behind an upgrade to a plain bench?
Because there is.
There's even a name for it “Hostile Architecture" or “Anti-Homeless Measures". It's a common part of city planning now I'm afraid, this isn't just cynicism — part of the meeting that helped design the bench will have included a discussion on how to make sure it wasn't used for rough sleepers. It will have been part of the designer's brief.


Art Wilkinson to Frank Douglas
Good design. Public benches are for normal people to sit on, not for bums to sleep on.


Wayne Fiddler
This drives me nuts, theres already a space for a wheelchair user at the bench.
they're already in a chair.


Miika Kylander
I don’t think preventing sleeping on public benches is an issue. The fact someone has to sleep on public benches is.


Célia Almeida
I am happy to have homeless excluded from children's parks. They are very frequently drunk or high, they leave trash everywhere, they smell bad, they use curse words, they use up space and moms have to breastfeed sitting on the ground instead of benches and so on.
Signed: someone who volunteered for 12 yrs at a homeless shelter and knows that only 20% of them trully want help.
Ps: but it is a lie to say that that's for wheelchairs. They should just say the truth.


Susan Baker to Célia Almeida
It's true they leave needles all over the childrens parks around the area I live in, even though they have trash bins specifically to put used needles in. They still shit and piss in the street even though the city puts out portable toilets and leave them up year round.


Kerry Peters to Susan Baker
Not all homeless people do I slept rough 20 yrs didn't drink take drugs trust me I understand people who do you at bottom of society but can happen to anyone even u don't judge


Susan Baker to Kerry Peters
Hey, the homeless in my city do, I witness it everyday on my way to work. I'm definitely judging people that leave used needles in a childrens park, having a drug problem doesn't excuse the individual from being a decent fucking human and disposing their gross drug paraphernalia properly. People still shitting and pissing in the street even while toilets are provided. I feel sorry for the businesses that have to deal with their stores being broken into just to supply some losers drug habit.


Mel Lilly to Kerry Peters
I think those may have been different times. Nowadays, most of the people living on the streets are drug addled or crazy or both. Not all, definitely. But a large percentage.


Michael McGlothlin to Célia Almeida
I can sympathize with not wanting homeless in an area for children. Not because they are homeless but because they are addicts, mentally ill, etc. But I’m against intentionally making benches difficult to sleep on - both because it seems hateful and because I might want to lay down while my kids play. I wonder what better methods have been found to moderate this problem?
The obvious solution would seem to be a police presence and creating areas specifically to suit homeless people. And shelters not requiring patrons to leave during the day.
And of course better support for helping people deal with mental illness, addictions, etc. Most homeless people I’ve known were homeless because of mental illness. Often mostly just depression. They couldn’t take the stresses of life anymore so they just dropped out. And often became addicts as they tried to escape the pain. It isn’t as simple as curing addictions. We need to help people with their mental illness and pain.


Hans Dybkjær to Célia Almeida
It is truly great that you have volunteered to help out for so many years, and saved those who need help to get a normal life again. The world would be a better place if more were like you.
Still, making benches awful is a bad solution. Why not make a space where they would prefer to be, compared to the children’s parks. With no additional requirements, no harassment. Where they can have at least a sliver of dignity. Of course they don’t belong at playgrounds, not even on the street.
“only 20 % of them truly want help”: Want and want … I guess most of the last 80 % are mentally ill and/or drug addicts. Neither group can be expected to do the “right” thing. Helping those requires a vast amount of competent resources. Were one of them my family member (or yours), we could only hope that the public health care and public social authorities could provide at least some help.
The society becomes a poorer and more barbaric place if we reject the mentally ill and addicts as somebody who do not “want” help.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dominique Edwards to Hans Dybkjær
Understanding that the rest may have their reasons for not being able to accept help goes a long way. For instance mental health conditions like schizophrenia are one of the main causes of homelessness. Unfortunately society in most countries does not do enough to support them and even with the new drugs they are not good enough to stop all the symptoms. These people fall through societies cracks. Then get blamed for it. In Australia a lot of people are now homeless just due to the rental crisis we are having. There are literally not enough houses for people. Houses are laying empty by overseas developers and being rented outed as holidays rentals instead. People who need homes have no where to live. Rental prices are sky-rocketing. People are choosing to eat lean in order to pay rent. And buying a house is out of most people's market. With houses now costing so much.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jarkko Holkkunen
Imagine trying to enjoy a nice park with drugged-up hobos sleeping and vomiting on the benches.


Sam I Am to Jarkko Holkkunen
I live in NYC and have actually experienced this. It's really not a big deal. You don't like the sensory perception you have of someone? Move to another bench. Simple
Your sense of disgust is tuned too high. You're effete.


I find it funny that most of you call it a disgrace yet I bet few if any of you do anything to help the homeless, and probably ignore them in the street


Safetyspoon to Topkek
Meh. I know the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a disgrace, I know Singaporean drug laws are a disgrace, and I know that the Saudi Arabian war in Yemen is a disgrace, and — guess what — I'm doing absolutely nothing about any of it.
Does that mean I’m a hypocrite if I state that these things are a disgrace? Should everyone just shut the fuck up about everything they are not directly doing anything about?
That's basically tantamount to silent assent. It's a bullshit argument.
I imagine most of the people who disapprove of hostile architecture and other such things, at least vote for people who don't advocate it, at the municipal, regional, state or federal level.
The assertion that you should be an activist in order to have an opinion about anything is risible.


Shaun Phillips
Community areas are for the community, not for people to set up permanent residence.
When all the benches become filled with people who are homeless, it takes away from the community. Besides, what sympathizers refuse to admit is that many of these homeless people you find in downtown areas prefer it that way because they want their personal freedom to do whatever they want all day long.
They don't want to be bound by rules such as those that might be found at shelters, or if they use any other public services. They don't even want to be bound by the rules that come with having a job. They want to do what they want, when they want, and don't want anyone ever telling them what to do.
Instead, these bench areas become drug infested, crime infested, locations to interfere with the rest of the citizens right to use and enjoy these downtown public spaces.
That's why they put arm rests & other devices into deter people from making downtown benches a permanent home. It's for the betterment of the community, including the homeless people.
If they really are homeless, they should be utilizing public services and shelters that are available to them, not tying up public benches in public downtown spaces to turn into their own private, personal homes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Célia Almeida to Shaun Phillips
This “oh poor homeless" crowd is just virtue-signalling for strangers online. I am absolutely sure that they wouldn't want a drunk/high, smelly homeless guy sleeping on their children's Park.


Phil to Shaun Phillips
What a completely narrow minded view.
It's easy to criticise and pass judgement on people when you have not been in their position. Your comment reeks of snobbery and closed mindedness.
There are many psychosocial, medical and mental reasons a person may find themselves without a home. Negative internal thoughts can lead to a person from seeking health, be this depression, guilt, regret, anxiety, etc.
To state that a person should be utilising these things, without any other thought to the reasons why they have not, can not, or feel they should not, is asinine.
Basically, get back in your box and stop worrying that your perfectly manicured parks are made to look untidy because an unfortunate human being is seeking comfort.


Shaun Phillips to Phil
You're the one that has a completely narrow-minded view.
Almost every major city that has these type of benches also have services and shelters for the homeless. Like I said, the overwhelming majority who choose to ignore these services do so because they want their independence. They can spend the night in a shelter, but they choose not to.
They want to come and go as they please. They don't want to be bound by anyone's rules.They want to be able to do drugs. They want to be able to do whatever the f*** they want all day long and not have anyone tell them what to do.
The rest of society should not have to deal with that. Public spaces are public spaces. Public spaces are there for the enjoyment of everybody who needs to use downtown areas or working downtown areas. They're not private property for somebody to set up a permanent home


Christopher Briggs
Why don't you just invite those homeless people to come and lay down on your couch, if you are so concerned about their comfort?


Charlotte Light
The funny thing is, as a wheelchair user, I will never need to sit on a park bench. Stuff like this is just ridiculous.


Josh Meredith
Some attitudes towards the homeless sicken me. Yes there are some who are addicts or who are generally bad people but they make up the minority, regardless I only ever offer to buy the homeless some food or a drink if I'm passing and buying lunch anyway.
Some of us don't have families we can rely on, never have. I was homeless, lost, sad and confused at 16 as my last remaining family member that cared passed away just as I was finishing school. Whilst most were getting their first car or going to uni I was left wondering what I had done wrong to have so little and nobody to care. I've learnt the hard way that anything in this life I have to earn for myself, if I can't make rent in back to living on the streets. I do relatively well for myself nowadays living in higher standard than many which I am thankful for but it's always a constant reminder when I see the homeless that I really am not that far detached from their position. One long bout of illness or losing my job without being able to find another relatively quickly and I'm then in their shoes…


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