2023-03-19 wuhaowsh 3723

Poor people work hard every day. What's the difference between a poor and a wealthy hardworking person?


Hector Quintanilla
Money is abundant. Money is EVERYWHERE!
The government has money, the banks have money, schools have money, restaurants have money …
You have money, your friends have money!
The rich have money, the poor have money!
Money is EVERYWHERE and always moving. Money is “flying” all around us, ALL the time, 24 hours a day — everyday, 365 days a year!
What’s the difference between a poor, hardworking person versus a wealthy, hardworking person?
The difference is in HOW they ‘catch’ money.


Poor, hardworking people invest their limited working hours ‘chasing’ money, while the wealthy, hardworking people will invest the same amount of limited working hours building an asset that will “catch” money for them.
For example, spiders will NEVER work hard chasing flying insects to make a living. Instead, they will work hard building a spiderweb that will catch abundant flying insects for them.
That’s called an asset. It works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, catching flying “money” — even while the spider sleeps.
That’s the secret.
Schools won’t tell you this. They will teach you to chase money, which leads to the paycheck formula:
(College degree) x (Time) = Paycheck
Warning: That’s an energy-draining trap!
There’s only one solution: Entrepreneurship.
Stop making excuses and start building your “SPIDERWEB” today!

(大学学位)x (时间)= 薪水

James Russell
Here are the differences:
First, get the basics right. These fall under the category of don't do anything stupid:
Don’t have a child before you finish school and get married.
Finish school (high school and/or college).
Don’t get addicted to drugs or alcohol. Better yet, abstain from both.
Don’t break the law, especially illegal drug use.
Don’t hang around with losers. Don’t date one. Never marry one.
Second, position yourself to make money. Money is not going to come and find you. You have to go find it. :
Be ambitious. Don’t settle for a life of low pay and low prestige. Don’t hang around with others who are not ambitious. Never marry one.


Learn which careers and jobs make the most money. (This is really basic. Don’t screw this up.)
Pick something that is hard to do. If it is easy or fun, everyone wants to do it and it won’t pay much money. If it is hard, it will pay lots of money.
Strongly consider a STEM degree (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.) There are shortages and starting salaries are high.
Consider being an entrepreneur and running your own business. Research this carefully as it is very risky.
Marry someone who is just as ambitious and as capable of making money as you. Don’t settle for anything less.
Be willing to work very hard. Work harder than anyone else.
Third, learn how to hang onto your money and not lose it or waste it:
Don’t borrow money for college. Find a way to work your way through. Go to junior college first as it is much cheaper. Consider the Army Reserves or National Guard as they offer GI Bill that will pay most of your costs.
Don’t borrow money for cars. If you buy good used cars, you can pay cash. Wait until you are older and wealthier to buy new cars.

强烈地考虑 STEM 学位(科学,技术,工程和数学)。这样的工作很短缺而且起薪很高。

When you do buy cars and if you do borrow, research the best way to buy and finance. It makes a huge difference long term if you are really savvy about this. Car sales and financing is a racket and they will rob you blind unless you know how to avoid it.
Learn to live frugally. There is a lot of info on how to do this on the internet. Learn to live below your means. (Recommend Dave Ramsey info and methods). Make living cheaply your hobby.
Learn to cook and plan meals and eat healthy. It’s a lot cheaper than eating out and it is the only way to avoid being fat. Try to eat out only one meal per week.
Be disciplined. Defer gratification. It’s part of the grit and determination thing. Be an adult.
Fourth, learn how to grow your wealth.
Save as much money as you can. Everyone should save a minimum of 10% of earnings. People who grow wealth faster do much more.
These are the differences between people who start out with nothing and become either rich or stay poor.
Granted, some people are born with low IQs, physical disabilities, or have bad parents. Some are never taught any of these principles. Some are taught that it’s somebody else’s responsibility to take care of them. It can be argued that these are poor due to bad luck.

能省多少钱就省多少钱。每个人至少应该把收入的10% 存起来。财富增长更快的人做得更多。

Charlie Smith
“What’s the difference of a poor hardworking person vs a wealthy hardworking person?”
The difference is simple, but massive. They both work incredibly hard, but they work hard on different things.
In the early 80’s I was a box boy at a grocery store in small town USA. There were two janitors, Dennis and David.
Dennis was the senior guy, David was the apprentice. Dennis treated floor waxing like an art form. He studied it and perfected it. He was known as “the best floor guy” in the town. He once showed me a gizmo he fabricated to allow the broom to scrape crud out from the seam between the floor and the shelf. He also had some special wax concoction that would make those floors shine like you can’t imagine.
Dennis took David under his wing. David learned to do good work but it was clear he was no floor waxing prodigy. He worked faster than Dennis but was not as meticulous.
I moved out of this town a long time ago. About 35 years later I ran into an old friend who still lived there. We got to talking about the good old days. Amazingly he still had tabs on Dennis and David.
Dennis is still doing the floors at the grocery store. In fact he picked up the hardware store as well. He works crazy hard, does an outstanding job, and seems to make a good living. He’s a great guy and well respected in the community.


David started a janitorial service business. At first he did all the work himself. His first customer was the other grocery store in town. He soon hired someone to do most of the work so he could free up his time to work on the business. This of course meant that he was not making much money himself, if any. But it allowed him to find and close customer number two which was a supply store in town.
Soon David won contracts with the movie theater and a couple of small retail shops. He added carpet cleaning services to his offering because some stores didn’t have much linoleum, they had carpet. This allowed him to pick up many of the restaurants and shops in town.
The business continued to run like this for the next few years. He was barely surviving but getting really good at sales and managing operations. He pretty much ran out of market in this small town, so decided to start selling his services in the neighboring town which was about 10 times bigger. It had real office buildings. Many of them. Over the years he won a good amount of market share in that town.
Then he moved on to the next town, even larger than the second. His value proposition and offering was fine tuned, so were operations. He was still nearly broke because he was reinvesting everything into his business.


Over the next few years he continued to win market share in these towns. He actually started making a decent profit. He eyeballed several other markets in major cities. He decided that it would take too long to win customers the organic way, so decided to try his first acquisition.
He bought a small office services company in the big city for a song. These companies don’t command much valuation. He added his special sauce of service offerings, pricing, brand and quality. They got a cool new logo, professional uniforms and vans.
Lather, rinse, repeat. Over the next 10 years he was in 20 markets in 3 states.
They say he sold this business for close to $100 million. It took 30 years of hard work to build it. He lived extremely frugally and invested every dime back into the business. He almost went bankrupt several times. Had the company failed, he would have written off decades of his life he spent building it.
In summary, David and Dennis probably worked equally has hard. Dennis is probably making a respectable $100K a year. But David probably ended up with something like $50 million after taxes on his exit, and at a modest rate of 5% on a blended portfolio it is probably earning another $2.5 million per year. Forever.
It is not about working hard. It is about working hard on the right things.

总之,大卫和丹尼斯可能工作得一样辛苦。丹尼斯可能一年赚10万美元。但是大卫可能在退休后得到了大约5000万美元的税后收入,按照混合投资组合中5% 的适度利率计算,他每年可能还能赚到250万美元,一直都能赚。

Anthony Andranik Moumjian
When you have enough capital, you can hire people to take your problems away.
Let’s use $10,000,000 as an example.
You can think about this horizontally across industries spanning virtually anything. The stock market, for instance; Carl Icahn’s fund, IEP, yields a 12% dividend right now. 12% of $10,000,000, per year.
Let me just give you two people in a thought experiment. One person has nothing, but works every single day. The other person has $10,000,000. That $10,000,000 is all in stocks that pay dividends. I’m not talking growth or anything of that nature. I’m strictly speaking dividend payments. At the end of the year, this second person who doesn’t actually work makes $1,200,000 doing absolutely nothing except parking their money in an equity.
Median household income is approximately $65,000 a year. That’s household income, not per person, mind you. You are earning $1,200,000 without any growth in a company by doing nothing. That’s about 20 times the median household income, without working. You could look hardworking without doing any work at all.
For a poor person and a rich person, if you assume a similar amount of work and a similar set of problems, the rich person can afford to think and stress less. We constantly hear about how the rich have more problems, but it’s the farthest thing from the truth.

你可以横跨几乎所有的行业来思考这个问题。例如,股票市场;卡尔 伊坎的基金,IEP,目前的股息收益率为12%,每年1000万美元的12% 。

Those problems are almost always artificial or overblown.
If I have $10 million dollars, and I’m running a company or am running several, I don’t actually need to run them at all.
At each stage, I can hire a manager to overlook the segments of the business I don’t want to. I can slowly become a bystander watching my company grow from the sidelines while I rake in the majority of the money.
If you are poor and you work as one of the managers of that business, you are pretty much doing the same work. You could argue since your boss isn’t working at all anymore, you do most of the work. If something goes wrong with that specific location, you’re screwed. You don’t have the capital to think about the luxury of time. You need to get back to work and pay your bills.
When you’re wealthy, those kinds of thoughts don’t exist. The more capital you have, the more exclusive the club you’re in, the better proportion you can rake in from investments.
The dollar might be equal to a dollar, but, depending on how many dollars you’ve made previous, each dollar more becomes more meaningless and sets you farther ahead without actually working.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Zeb Mattey
I’ve lived with a few hundred people. Some who’ve been on minimum wage for 10 years, other friends of mine who graduated college and moved straight in to 80k+ jobs, a Multi-millionaire CEO, and I’ve tried to observe them all.
What I’ve noticed with poorer people, or low performers is that the moment they have time to themselves they spend it on pleasure. Alcohol, tobacco, videogames, browsing instagram, the time is always spent on pleasure. To them it seems to be a relief from the day, and usually something they’re looking forward to the whole day. They’re counting down the clock until they can get their goody. I’ve lived with these people a number of times and always:
They’re getting paid very little and in a poor professional position.
They’re getting paid OK but in an awful professional position, working long hours, or in essence, being given grunt work.
They’re failing their classes.
Stressed as they have few savings.
Live in a room sharing an apartment with several others.

我注意到,穷人或者低绩效者一旦有了属于自己的时间,他们就会把时间花在寻欢作乐上。酒精,烟草,电子游戏,浏览 Instagram,时间总是花在快乐上。对他们来说,这似乎是一种解脱,而且通常是他们期待了一整天的事情。他们正在倒计时,直到他们能得到他们的好东西。我和这些人一起生活过很多次:
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Some people choose a different course of action. The moment they get home from work they begin investing their time in activities that have a long term pay off. They exercise, play sports with some friends, or read for a few hours, write, study, work on a side project/business to make a little extra cash, research a company to invest in. Then usually around 9pm they clock off and enjoy a few hours of leisure. These people
Are always in professional positions they’ve somewhat chosen and enjoy. Professions with room for growth and impact.
Have a comfortable income and live in a nice apartment (unless saving).
Are calm as they have savings
Have hobbies and skills they’re interested in building.
Have a vision.


I’ve only really lived with two ultra high performers, and they were quite different. One, arguably more successful than the other, worked incredibly hard - but they worked for a vision of their overall life. They enjoyed life more than anyone I knew, travelling constantly, meeting people everywhere - at coffee shops, on the street, at events with other people having a huge impact in their fields (art, business, technology, climate change) they had a fantastic quality of life. Their life seemed to supply the energy for their work, it was a symbiotic relationship
This individual founded a company and works with some big names you’d recognise, is a wonderful person, and is never ‘off’. Occasionally parties, but maintains a very strong sense of discipline and rigour. Never seems to be escaping anything, meets life head on, invests time and money, takes advice from experts, etc.
The other individual is just really smart. Smokes weed, plays tons of games, makes all the same mistakes as Class I, but is just smart so makes 6x their salary. But he did get one of the best private educations my country offers, so there’s that.


So I’d say in most cases there are predictable differences. Poor people often don’t invest their time, they seek relief and rarely have vision.
However some wealthy people fall into this category merely because luck or pure intelligence got them by.
The really high performers stand out, very obviously, in almost everything they do. They apply their entire energy reserve without compromise, and the results are spectacular.
It’s for these reasons that I sometimes question the endless conversations about inequality in wealthy countries. I’m sure it is there, but in almost every case I’ve observed the people who perform at a lower level do so because they aren’t willing to sacrifice pleasure. They make a choice and know full well the consequences, whereas those who do well make a sacrifice.
There are exceptions however, some people really have had a difficult run, which lead to mental issues, painful traumas, and such people deserve compassion and help, and should not be quantified by the number on their bank balance.


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