2023-03-21 水滴的思绪 5298
Marc Clamage
That about covers it for the physics jokes, so here are some engineering ones:


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A woman tells her engineer husband, "Go to the supermarket and buy a gallon of milk. And if they have eggs, get a dozen." So he comes back with a dozen gallons of milk.


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An engineer, a doctor, a priest and a lawyer are playing golf when they get caught behind a particularly slow foursome. They see a groundskeeper, call him over, and ask what the hold up is. The groundskeeper says, "Those are four fire fighters who were all blinded in a terrible blaze a few years ago. We let them play here as a courtesy." The priest says, "Those poor guys! I'll pray for them at Mass this Sunday." The doctor says, "I have a friend who's a respected eye surgeon. I'll ask him to look into their case." The lawyer says, "I'll look into their settlement and make sure they got everything they deserve." The engineer says, "Why can't they play at night?"


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Kate Upton and an engineer are cast away on a desert island. After a few days the engineer has things running like clockwork. He's located food and water, he's set up an automatic SOS signal, he's built a little house with hot and cold running coconut milk, the whole nine yards. Kate Upton says to him, "You've done such a wonderful job of taking care of me and you've been a perfect gentleman. Let me show my appreciation." All night long they make passionate love.


The next day she turns to him and says, "So how was that? Was it perfect?" The engineer says, "It was almost perfect, but just a few little things..." "Anything you want, darling," she murmurs.


"Well, for starters, can I take this piece of charcoal and give you a mustache?" Kate Upton is a little surprised but she says sure.

“好吧,那首先,我可以用木炭给你画个胡子吗?” 凯特·阿普顿有点儿惊讶但她还是答应了。

"And is it all right if I call you Bob?" Again she agrees. "Last thing, would you walk down the beach a ways then come back and pretend you don't see me?" So Kate Upton walks down the beach, turns around and starts to walk back to the hut. As she nears, the engineer jumps out from behind a sand dune and shouts "Bob! Bob! I just nailed Kate Upton!"

“然后,我叫你鲍勃可以吗?”凯特继续答应了。“最后一件事,你可以在沙滩上走一段路然后走回来,假装你没有看到我吗?”于是凯特·阿普顿走向海滩,转身开始走回小屋,当她走近时,工程师从一个沙丘后面跳了出来,喊道:"鲍勃! 鲍勃! 我刚刚搞定了凯特·阿普顿!"
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Adam Lantos
1 st
A physicist, engineer and a statistician are out hunting. Suddenly, a deer appears 50 yards away.


The physicist does some basic ballistic calculations, assuming a vacuum, lifts his rifle to a specific angle, and shoots. The bullet lands 5 yards short.


The engineer adds a fudge factor for air resistance, lifts his rifle slightly higher, and shoots. The bullet lands 5 yards long.


The statistician yells "We got him!"


2 nd
An engineer is working at his desk in his office. His cigarette falls off the desk into the wastebasket, causing the papers within to burst into flames. The engineer looks around, sees a fire extinguisher, grabs it, puts out the flames, and goes back to work.


A physicist is working at his desk in another office and the same thing happens. He looks at the fire, looks at the fire extinguisher, and thinks "Fire requires fuel plus oxygen plus heat. The fire extinguisher will remove both the oxygen and the heat in the wastebasket. Ergo, no fire." He grabs the extinguisher, puts out the flames, and goes back to work.


A mathematician is working at his desk in another office and the same thing happens. He looks at the fire, looks at the fire extinguisher, and thinks for a minute, says "Ah! A solution exists!" and goes back to work.


3 rd
An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician have to build a fence around a flock of sheep, using as little material as possible.


The engineer forms the flock into a circular shape and constructs a fence around it.


The physicist builds a fence with an infinite diameter and pulls it together until it fits around the flock.


The mathematician thinks for a while, then builds a fence around himself and defines himself as being outside.


A couple of amusing stories (not jokes) about Dirac:

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dirac said “I was taught at school never to start a sentence without knowing the end of it.” This ex-plains a lot. Dirac’s famously taciturn and precise nature spawned many “Dirac stories”. One example concerns a conference lecture he himself gave, following which a questioner indicated that he had not followed a particular part of Dirac’s argument. A long silence ensued, broken finally by the chairman asking if Professor Dirac would deal with the question. Dirac responded, “It was a statement, not a question.”

狄拉克说:“在学校我学会了如果你不知道如何收尾,就不要急着开始一句话。”这解释了很多事情。狄拉克出了名的沉默寡言和严谨的天性产生了许多 "狄拉克故事"。一次在他自己做的一次会议演讲上,有一个提问者表示狄拉克推导的某一部分他没有听懂,然后就是长时间的沉默,最后主席打破了这份寂静,问狄拉克教授是否会回答这个问题。狄拉克回答说:"这是一个陈述句,不是一个问题。"

William Vietinghoff
A hydrogen atom walks into a bar. The bartender says, “You don’t look good.”
The hydrogen atom says, “Yeah, I lost an electron.”
The bartender says, “Are you sure?”
The hydrogen atom says, “I’m positive.”


Peter Mills
A chemist, an engineer, a mathematician and a physicist are riding in a train in Scotland. The chemist points to a sheep and says, “Look, there are black sheep in Scotland!” The engineer corrects him and says, “Well, there’s at least one black sheep in Scotland.” The mathematician goes further and states, “There is at least one sheep that’s black on one side in Scotland.” The physicist, who had been staring out another window this whole time is pulled from his reverie. “Suppose we model the sheep as a sphere…”


David Rupp
So… there’s an engineer, a biologist, and a physicist sitting in a bar.


The three are reading the paper and discussing horse racing.


The engineer says “Hmm… we’re all good scientists, why couldn’t we put that to use and accurately predict the outcome of the horse race? It could be a chance to get some big money!”


The three agree to partake in a brief study of horse racing, and the next time they met they would share their models of which horse might win before making their winning bets.


The next time they meet, all three scientists are eager to share their theories.


“Well”, said the engineer. “I measured the leg length of all the horses and also measured their mass. I have a good idea of which horse is most likely to win based on a basic comparison of these mechanical factors.”


“Hmm”, said the biologist. “I took stool samples and checked the veterinary records of the horses, and I checked the cardiovascular systems and also the respiratory systems of them. I have a good idea of which horse is healthiest, and has the best stamina so is therefore most likely to win.”


The engineer and the biologist nod excitedly and turn to the physicist.


“What have you got for us?” asked the biologist.


The physicist replied.


“So I started by modelling the horse as a sphere, but I can’t quite get it to go around corners.”


Gabriel Vicario-Castrejón


Nikhil Thomas
Here’s a really funny one I heard:


Why are quantum physicists so poor at sex?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Because when they find the position, they can’t find momentum. And when they find the momentum, they can’t find the position.


Steven Haddock
A physics professor was charged with running a red light.


However, at trial, he explained how, when you approach a light source, the light waves shift towards the colour blue. The judge understood the concept and believed the professor when he said he saw a green light.


However, one of the professor’s students told the judge how fast the professor would have had to be going to shift the red light into the green part of the spectrum. The professor was convicted of speeding instead.


Swapnil Jai Upadhyay
***If you were in a vehicle and you were travelling at the speed of light , and then you turned your lights on , would they do anything ?


***A mathematician , a physicist and an engineer were all given a red rubber ball and told to find the volume. The mathematician carefully measured the diameter and uated a triple integral. The physicist filled the beaker with water , put the ball in the water and measured the total displacement. The engineer looked up the model and serial numbers in his red-rubber-ball table.


***A physics professor is giving a lecture on lighting. ‘ The moon is more useful than the sun because the moon shines at night when you want the light , whereas the sun shines during the day when you don't need it’.


***A seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago.


***A mathematician , a biologist and a physicist are sitting in a street cafe watching people going in and coming out of the house on the other side of the street. First , they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three people coming out of the house. The physicist says , ‘ The measurement wasn't accurate’. The biologist says , ‘ they have reproduced’. The mathematician says , ‘ If now exactly one person enters the house , it will be empty again.’


***What's a quark ? The noise made by a well bred duck.


Cheers :)


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