2023-03-21 辽阔天空 3757

Why is depression so hard to overcome?


Nell Rus
Depression makes your whole soul feel dead. It’s a tiredness that’s unmatched by anything you previously knew. It wouldn’t seem possible that someone who gets 10 hours of sleep in addition to a 2 hour nap would still be tired but that’s very much the case. When you sleep it means that you can get an escape from the awfulness of your own existence. The days feel dreary and grey and anything more than the essential daily living tasks seem like far too much work. Ironically, the things that are supposed to lift you out of depression seem like the hardest things to do. Exercise is one example, how appealing does 20 minutes of physical activity sound when your body feels like lead and you can’t do much at all let alone have any motivation? What you want the most is to sleep forever and eat comfort food that is awful for you and makes you gain weight.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You feel super guilty for every little transgression that you commit or feel you have committed. If I get into an argument with my mom, for example, I apologize about 3 times and sometimes more. I feel guilty for saying morose things like life sucks or happiness is a fool’s errand (I still think it is because there’s so much pressure around it and it’s emphasized that it has to be a certain way). You feel responsible for negative feelings that someone else experiences that may or may not have anything to do with you. You forget that other outside forces (bad day, something happened, just general pissy mood) can be whats going on with another person. You realize that your life is at somewhat of a standstill and you feel so envious when you see your friends and family following their passions and you want their lives desperately. You wonder what you’re doing wrong, why you aren’t further along and ashamed that your biggest accomplishment was making it through another day.


It’s the multifaceted nature of depression that makes it so difficult to overcome, antidepressants can be of great help and give you more energy but they can’t give you purpose, they can’t make you want to pursue your passions, they can’t give you hope (i also think hope is a foolish distraction that should be avoided because it’s vague and does nothing to actually push you forward). Therapy can help too but the work that it requires is full of 2 steps forward and 5 steps back. Even if you recognize your destructive thinking patterns and work to change them it takes forever to actually believe that you have the power to have a dose of optimism and push forward and to actually believe that you are worth something.
Essentially you are constantly fighting against your depressed brain and body to get better. The fight is grueling and exhausting even with your full devotion to get better and the best kinds of treatment available. It’s very tempting to just say fuck it and not try but you know that’s not what’s best for you. Think of it as fighting a copy of yourself that’s shrouded in black with piercing white eyes pinning you down on the floor and you trying to muster everything you have to kick it’s ass.
That is why depression is so hard to overcome.


Allan James Rogers
When I was 28 years old, I had been married for five years to the love of my life, we had two good incomes and no children and I had moved up the ladder to a supervisor’s position in my trade
On the surface, everything in my life seemed to be going extremely well, yet inside of me was a deep well of constant pain and despair that I could not escape
Most days it felt like I was slowly dying from the inside out
Surely, there had to be something wrong with me! I had felt these terrible, debilitating feelings since I was 16 or 17 years old
Out of sheer desperation, I went to see my doctor, because I had no idea where else to turn
He diagnosed me with clinical depression, what a huge relief!
At last, I had some hope that I could solve the problem and get on with my life
How wrong I was! I continued to go in and out of a deep depression for the next 15 years of my life


It really was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs
But now everything is different! I know exactly why I had struggled for all of those years and I have fixed the problem
But it took a very long time and a lot of searching to put all the pieces of the puzzle of my depression together
Only then could I understand clearly what was going on inside me
Right back at the beginning of my journey, I had no idea what depression was, when I first spoke to my doctor
He told me it was a form of mental illness that would need medication and even therapy to help me overcome it
Not knowing any different, I believed him! After all, I had a lot of respect for him as a qualified medical professional
Now, because I believed it was a mental illness, I looked no further and blindly accepted this as being the absolute truth
I then went on a long journey of trying anti-depressants of all types
Unfortunately, for me, the medications did absolutely nothing
All I experienced were horrible and even debilitating side effects that made the problem even worse


I was one of the unlucky ones apparently, one of the small percentage of people who get no relief from medications
I kept persevering though and trying many different and new medications over the years, because I was determined to get better
That was until a psychiatrist said to me one day; “ You’ve tried all the medications, and all the combinations of medications that are available, there is nothing more I can really do for you”
I was absolutely devastated and heartbroken! That was the absolute lowest point in my life!
I remember leaving his office and walking out into the carpark in a complete daze, where I sat in my car with my head slumped on the steering wheel, crying in utter despair for what seemed like hours
I wanted to give up and crawl into a hole and never come out, I couldn’t face the world anymore, it was too hard, it was simply too painful to go on
I had an illness that could not be fixed because no medication was ever going to help solve the problem
There was no hope of recovery now! Wouldn’t it be easier to just opt out?
But the answer to that is always no!
I picked myself up and decided to keep looking for any possible answer to my depression that might be out there
Only once I had let go of relying on a medical solution only, because nothing worked and it seemed like nothing ever would, did I open up my mind to think outside the box


I had no other choice!
Over the next 8 to 10 years, I went on an amazing journey of self discovery that opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities of healing
As it tuned out, the underlying cause of my depression was not a medical problem at all!
From my experience, here is why depression can be so hard to overcome;
Your depression may be a chemical imbalance, but there is no test or scan to prove it, so it remains a clinical diagnoses from a medical professional
But even if it is, did the chemical imbalance come first or was it a result of you being depressed in the first place?
Your depression might be hereditary, or a result of childhood trauma, or psychological, or partly emotional, or a combination of all of these
But again, there is no test to prove any of this, so it gets back to being a clinical diagnosis from a medical professional’s training and experience
There is no way to test or tell which medication will work for you, so it is all trial and error with anti-depressants


How people respond to medications can be different too, as we are all unique and so is our physiology and biological make up
It can take time for you to find the right therapist and therapy, that you will relate to and respond well too, so this can take time as well
It’s important to keep going with your treatments, especially if you see no progress in the short term, or even medium term, because you could improve rather quickly when you do
There is always hope, remember that!
Your current life situation, past experiences and your daily stress levels are unique and different to other people, so no one person’s depression is the same as someone else’s
How you handle stress, deal with feelings of overwhelm, make decisions and problem solve in your life are all unique to you as well
Your life story and what you have had to endure in your past is different to any other person too
So, there are many variables to how you developed depression and therefore many variables in trying to treat you depression
It can all sound a bit overwhelming can’t it? This is why you must be determined to find the solution that will work for you and keep going, when it might seem hopeless


Just look at my story
I have fell into a deep pit of despair several times over the years trying to find a solution and could have given up and thrown in the towel, yet here I am!
That old saying; “it’s always darkest before the dawn” was absolutely true for me and it can be for you, so always keep searching and asking questions
If things aren’t progressing for you, read about people who have healed from their depression and find out what they did to get better
If you aren’t happy with your therapist or doctor, then talk to another one, then another if need be, find someone you resonate with and feel comfortable being around and keep going

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Eat a healthy diet, get some regular mild exercise, stay in contact with friends and family, or make new friends, and stay involved in life as best you can
Allow yourself to have fun and enjoyment in your life and stimulate your mind and energy by discovering new hobbies or interests, like taking an art class or doing yoga for the first time
You can also read up on the different ways of looking at depression; from a medical point of view, to an alternative and even a spiritual point of view
This is what I now know; the more you fill your mind with new possibilities, the more inspired, energised and hopeful you can become, that you can heal completely
It took me many years of research and reading widely to wrap my head around this idea, but I’m so glad I did
This is what I discovered about my depression that might stun you!
There is knowledge and understanding of what makes up a human being that science and the medical world does not understand
Having said that, I have the utmost respect for psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and medical doctors who treat people with depression and other mental illnesses
They do very important and necessary work in our community, and you should never ignore what they say
But the fact is, from what I have discovered, they do not know everything that there is to know about being human on every level


Here is why I have dedicated my life to helping people become free from their depression
I have discovered there are three realms of human life, that may be at the root cause of most people’s depression
These can be even more reasons why your depression has been hard to overcome
Your natural energy could be depressed, not just you
Your mind, not your brain, and how it has been formed from an unhappy childhood, could be contributing to your depression
You have lost touch with your natural connection to mother nature and therefore you have lost your true natural identity
So the underlying solutions for your depression could be; healing your mind, reinvigorating your energy and finding your connection to life and the natural world, so you know who you really are


I can tell you with my hand on my heart right now, and look you square in the eye; these areas of human life were the solutions to my depression!
But again, none of these can be tested for, to prove them to you
You can however discover what negative beliefs and sabotage patterns you hold in your mind, so that you can begin to dissolve them to help give you inner peace
You can also reinvigorate your natural energy to feel more alive, self-confident and optimistic for your future
You can also uncover your true identity and work towards building a fulfilling life from your own natural talents and abilities, that you may not even know you have
These are the things that I have successfully achieved and will continue to build upon for the rest of my long and happy life


Yes, your depression might be hard to overcome, but never give up!
Keep searching for answers and keep an open mind;
Look at it from many different angles and read as many stories as you can of how people have dealt with their depression, or at least how they learnt to live a great life in spite of it
Fill your mind with positive stories about any person who has won the battle over their depression and how they did it
Find someone like you, who understands the mind, the natural world and human energy and discover everything they know to help you heal from your depression
Develop the inner strength and determination that you can win out over your depression and never stop looking until you do
I hope this inspires and helps you in some way to move forward towards healing, because life can truly be rewarding, fulfilling and enjoyable if you keep going, no matter what you are faced with right now!


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