2023-03-23 Kira_Yoshikage 4355

(Serious) People who know murderers- Were there any signs that something was off? If so, what were they?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just out of high school I spent 8 months in Australia. Met a family that I became really close to. We hung out a lot & I worked for him. I liked the wife & kids more than the husband. He was very narcissistic & far too interested in his 13 year old daughter’s friends. He got caught cheating on his wife for the second or third time &, when the marriage was falling apart, described to his soon to be ex-wife how he could kill her & make it look like an accident. Couple years later he remarried, got caught cheating by the new wife. She wasn’t as forgiving as the first wife & threatened divorce before she died EXACTLY as he had described how he would kill his ex. She (the ex-wife) called the police & they reexamined the “accident”, found the chunk of wood he hit her with before he loaded her in the car & pushing it over a cliff. Serving life in prison edit. He died of cancer in prison in 2017


I had a friend who married a guy who treated her like ass. She told me two thing that I believed whole heartedly, that if anyone ever hurt her kids, she would kill them and that some day she would kill her husband. Well, guess who she caught abusing their youngest? He was allowed visitation with the children and he had connections so the child abuse allegations were dismissed. Guess who was shot and killed?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would trust that woman with my life, I know that sounds weird, but she is one of the best people I've ever met.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I asked my last tattoo artist the strangest tattoo he ever did.


He was tattooing a black widow spider on a woman and asked her about it, casually.


She was getting it because she'd killed her abusive ex-husband in self-defense and felt like she needed a tattoo to close that chapter in her life.


A former co-worker tried to murder his girlfriend and spent some time in prison for attempted murder.


Got out, moved to Florida, and promptly murdered his new girlfriend.


Dude was fucking red flags up and down. Needlessly aggressive over small matters, insanely prideful, and willing to argue about basically any disagreement.


None of the women I worked with were comfortable around him, and some straight up called him dangerous and wouldn't be in the same room as him.


We worked an office job and he actually thumped his chest at me with his fists yelling about seniority.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He ate some of the first girlfriends face while stabbing her in the chest multiple times.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

She tried to get him to be kept in prison, and to warn his new girlfriend, but he dismissed her as "crazy" and "blowing things out of proportion".


He cut the second girlfriends throat because he thought she danced with someone else.


My dad would always tell me about the crazy things his work friend would say. Things like how he was going to push his wife down the stairs, or put rat poison in her food. I told my dad that these weren't normal things to say and he should contact the police or at least his HR, but he would defend it saying that was just his sense of humor.


He got arrested trying to hire a hitman to kill his wife which ended up being a cop.


It's a safe bet that at least 90% of advertised hitmen are undercover cops. A real hitman who doesn't want to get caught wouldn't advertise himself over the internet.

可以说在外面打广告的杀手,至少90%都是卧底警察。真正的杀手是不会在互联网上 给自己打广告的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Serious question but how DO hitmen advertise themselves to get business? I've always wondered.


I don't think it's one of those things where it's advertised lol. If you know a hitman then you are probably already in some shady business yourself.


One of my former co workers decided to shoot a house all because a dog was barking in the back yard of a different house, went on a shooting spree killing the entire family except for the infant that was on the second floor


Only thing that was off was his drinking problem


Wouldn't it have made more sense to shoot the dog?


You know I thought the same thing


The kind of people to indiscriminately fire a gun into a house usually aren't the type to have a lot of sense.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For 4 years I worked 4 desks away from someone who was arrested and convicted of a 32 year old cold case murder. Dude was an asshole but didn't give off murder vibes. The general reaction was "huh, I hope his replacement is less of a dick."


My stepmom described this too. She worked a couple desks from someone who had bodies in his basement almost the entire time he worked there but said he definitely didn't show it, he would just disappear from work for periods at a time

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Netflix documentary of John Wayne Gacy shed a lot of light on how often people who have the capacity for heinous things exist in broad sight.

奈飞给John Wayne Gacy拍摄的纪录片,揭示了很多关于那些有能力做令人发指的事情的人是如何在光天化日之下行走的。

Everyone who didn't grow up during Gacy's murders most likely knows of him as the Killer Clown guy, which gives the impression of some sort of horror story character, but while he was raping and killing 33 people, and burying them under his house and in his yard, he was a well respected and liked member of the community. His clown persona was because he dressed up and went to children's hospitals and nursing homes and charity events. He held annual barbeques at his house where member of the city council and prominent church leaders would attend, along with a 100 or so other people, in a yard where some of his victims were buried. When the police finally decided that yes, he could actually be involved in the disappearance of the victims to which evidence clearly pointed to him, it took months of him taunting them and routinely leading them on wild goose chases (they often would tail him when he left the house) before they got around to requesting a search warrant. Then it took a certain amount of time upon finding obxt from the victims in his house before they got around to finally doing a deeper search of the property, and finding remains of the victims. He denied the crimes until his execution years later, and had a significant following of people who denied them as well.


My ex husband and I were together 9 years and had 3 children together. He had his flaws, as everyone does, and there were a few things, like lying, that were an issue in the beginning. But he was a supportive husband and father and a great employee at a veterinary hospital for 7 years. Clients and animals LOVED him. When our daughter (youngest child) was a few months old, he started having an affair with a coworker of his. Ultimately, it ended our marriage. She had 2 kids from her previous marriage who were very close in age to 2 of mine. Eventually my ex and this person got married and had 2 daughters of their own. 4 years ago he murdered all 5 of them - the new wife and the 4 kids. Literally no one in his life could have said they saw anything indicating he would ever do something like that.


I worked for a guy that went to kick the guys ass that was molesting his daughter. The molestor pulled a gun and in the fight my old boss killed him with his own gun. My boss served 6 years in Louisiana penitentiary. Last I saw him he had full custody of his daughter.


One of my uncles murdered his wife. He was out of jail by the time I was a kid. Yes, there was always something off about him. My mother told me he was always violent and had a sadistic streak - he liked to make people afraid. He mellowed out as he got older but he was always a user and always looking to take advantage where he could. I’m pretty sure he was a sociopath. My mother had a lot of siblings and he was the only one like this.


My former manager killed his wife and attempted to make it look like a suicide. He did this because he was ultra religious and cheating on his wife with multiple women he found online. The church he was a member of frowned upon divorce, so he thought murder would be a better alternative. He was a super strange dude, and when I found out I wasn’t completely surprised. His office always smelled like farts.


I might be wrong on this but I seem to remember churches having a pretty strong stance on divorce and murder


I delivered the baby of a 15 year old girl and her maybe 17-18 yo baby daddy, who I met a few times at prenatal visits. Greasy, but was actually quite polite. The girl behaved like a very young teenager in general.


Several weeks later, I got a call from the pediatrician taking care of the child. He told me that the baby was in the hospital with multiple fractures. My first, rather naive reaction was to assume the baby had undiagnosed osteogenesis imperfecta. The pediatrician straightened me out pretty quickly. I don't think there was anything that could have been done for the baby. Pretty sure the baby daddy was convicted.


Had a Law Professor who was a flippin' genius. Harvard/Yale combo.


A few years after I graduated, he shot & killed his autistic kid & then shot & killed himself in a police standoff.


Still makes no sense.


two theories, caregiver burnout or the apple fell too far from the tree shame.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

caregiver burnout is real and horrible to deal with especially when you’re facing the rest of your life being a way you don’t want, and we have little to no resources for people in forever caregiver situations so it can feel hopeless for some people, especially if you have a severely disabled child that will one day face life without you and you’re afraid of what that will be like for them.


also could be the pride, if this guy was the genius you say he is it could have bothered him that his son didn’t measure up and “held back” his image. Some of the best people put on a charismatic display for the people in their lives but are deeply concerned about how they are seen, stuff like having a disabled kid can drive them crazy because they think it reflects poorly on them.


just my theories


I don’t know a murderer, but I know a guy that ended up being convicted of kidnapping and raping little girls, some as young as 6. He’s doing life in prison now. I dated his twin brother, and lived with them both in college. There were definitely signs. He was super into hardcore porn, and would have porn watching parties in the living room. There was a rumor around school that he raped a girl and video taped it. And, he was also very touchy feely with me and every girl I knew. He even tried to trick me into thinking he was my boyfriend once, but I could tell them apart by smell, as weird as that sounds.


Knew a girl as a freshman in college who was mean, obviously mentally unstable, and not too bright. When her fraternal twin sister fell in love with a good friend of mine, she became enraged with jealousy and could not let it go. Her sister begged her to get help and there was a huge blowout in a hallway on campus where my friend had to intervene to prevent his girlfriend from getting stabbed by her sister. The police were called to campus and she spent a week in jail before her sister decided to not press charges. Her remaining friends dropped out of her life because of her actions and unwillingness to get help. She got kicked out of college shortly after threatening the guidance counselor who was giving her one last chance and moved back in with her parents. When her sister went home for Christmas with my friend to introduce him to her parents, I told him to watch his back. They hadn’t even made it all the way into the house before they were attacked and repeatedly stabbed. My friend died on the porch and she died at the hospital the next day. The murderous sister was beaten to death in a jail fight a few days later.


I met their older brother, who I didn’t even know existed, at the funeral for the good sister. He said he had gone no contact with the family years before for his own protection because his parents refused to do anything about the mental health problems that his little sister always had, even as a small child.


I spent a lot of time at a friend's house when I was 6-9 years old. He had a brother who was like 3 years older than us, who I remember as being generally nice, but I have one weird memory of him absolutely losing his shit when he tried to teach me and his brother to roller blade and I couldn't get it--like throwing things and weeping uncontrollably. When I was in high school, found out that he had joined the military, and while he was deployed he got court martialed for killing civilians and keeping body parts (fingers, ears) as trophies.


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