2023-03-24 辽阔天空 5412
Why is depression so hard to overcome?


Val Yamamoto
Because it takes everything from you.
Depression takes your happiness, energy, life, and identity away. It starts with not really enjoying things like you used to. Maybe you’ve started having trouble sleeping. It takes an hour longer to fall asleep. When you wake up, it feels like you haven’t even slept at all. You know you won’t feel anything from your job or your studies or even your favorite pastimes, so why even do them? It takes so much energy to talk to people or to make plans, so you just don’t. You miss more and more. Get behind in everything, your social life, your work life, your relationships. They have all been neglected. So now the people that brought you happiness are avoiding you just as you have been avoiding them. You isolate yourself even more. Even food has started losing its flavor. You can’t even remember what it is like to be happy. What is happiness? You used to think it was finishing an assignment for school, hanging out with friends, watching your favorite television show, doing something artsy. You tried all those things a couple months ago, when this all first started happening. You felt nothing. Who are you even anymore? You used to be a dreamer, a perfectionist, an artist, a friend. Now all you know is being depressed. You are no longer an artist, a friend, or even a person. All you are is a jumble of shitty emotions that can’t even get out of bed in the morning or eat breakfast. Why even exist anymore?
So how do you dig yourself out of that? Just go for a run? Drink some smoothies and eat some kale? There is no way you have the energy to do that and it’s so much effort to even think about eating anything. It’s not quite as simple as some people make it appear. It’s not just a friend coming over and talking to you for an hour and suddenly everything is better. It’s possibly taking medications, and having to try 10, sometimes even 20 different medications at different doses to see if any of them have good effects with limited side effects. It’s therapy, and going through all of the painful parts of your life again. It’s putting in a lot of energy and effort you don’t have to get better. To not just end it all. It’s a continuous battle to stay afloat.
So if someone reaches out to you and confides in you about their mental health issues, listen to them, take them serioudly, and see if there is anything you can do to help. Because every little thing you do and take for granted, a depressed person probably wishes they could function that well.


Andie Beauregaurde
Why is it so hard to cure depression?
There’s two reasons that popped into my mind first. The first one is that it’s hard to cure it because depression is basically a chemical imbalance. You can’t just force your brain to create something (serotonin, endorphins, etc.) that you don’t have the capacity to. If it could have, it would have done that already. That’s why many people take medication. It supplies us with the things we cannot produce on our own.
Another reason it’s so hard to cure is because people who are depressed are often lacking in motivation, interest, and hope. When you lack the ability to find joy in anything, you’re only going deeper down the rabbit hole where it’s just harder and harder to climb out. You’re not being able to engage in the things that will help you get better. There’s also a stigma with depression and other mental illnesses, and many people don’t like to ask for help because they don’t want to be seen differently or to be seen as “weak.” Depression is nearly impossible to cure on your own which is why we need love and support from others. If we aren’t utilizing those around us and the resources at our disposal, we may just be setting ourselves up for a more difficult time.


Susan Morrow-Johnson
Because depression is a “downward spiral”, it feeds on itself. The worse you feel, the worse you feel.
When I am in a bad depression, I find the bad in everything. I find myself saying inwardly, “Nobody cares. Nothing matters. This will never get better.” and other terrible, negative things.
I have been very fortunate not to succumb to suicidal ideation and to get treatment for my depression. I have finally accepted that I will need medication for the rest of my life and I am absolutely fine with that. I am also in therapy. Both have been tremendously helpful to me in recovering from depression.
I also meditate regularly (although that did not stop me from falling into the last depressive episode).
My daughter suffers from depression also. She takes medication but has not been to therapy for some years. She also reads and watches a lot of dark stuff. And she sometimes has a day or two when she just can’t get out of bed. It’s really hard for her. She will be going to therapy very soon! And I know she will respond, as she did in the past.
I have a niece who went through a bout of depression and she binge-watched a sit-com that she enjoyed. She laughed and laughed. She also did yoga and meditation every day and was able to recover without medication. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or therapist and I am not advocating for or against any treatment.)
I believe that my daughter would benefit from reading and watching funny things, but she has to choose that. When I was really sick, I probably wouldn’t have chosen that either. In fact, I can imagine feeling so bad that something you love or used to laugh at would actually make you feel worse.
It’s not an easy battle, but it is not impossible either.


Emmett Hunt
It differs for everyone.
My depression is chemical, and situational.
Chemical depression in my case means that the chemicals in my brain are unbalanced, specifically serotonin. My serotonin levels are lower than most people, serotonin is the chemical in there brain that makes you happy. So, I take 50 milligrams of serotonin every day to keep my mood balanced.
Situational depression in my case is due to being molested and bullied as a child, the bullying continued till I… actually till I got into my new school. The molestation was a one time occurrence.
Because depression is different for everyone, the is no one cure. Both forms of depression don't go away. You can't simply get over that trauma. Mental or physical.
That's why depression is so hard to overcome, because you can think you're done with it. Then one night, you wake up in a cold sweat remembering every feeling of sadness and emptiness.
You never overcome depression. You learn how to cope.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Zsolt Hermann
Depression is extremely hard to overcome, because there is only one true remedy that treats depression - except perhaps to small number of truly clinical cases - curing depression at its root.
Right now depression is spreading like the greatest plague Humanity has ever seen, because we haven't identified its root, thus we have no chance of finding and using its only remedy.
Depression arises when one losses one's purpose in life, when tomorrow, the future looks darker than the present, thus one can't see the point in waking up and continuing with life.
In our generation we are fast running out of the chances in finding meaning, purpose truth the usual desires of food, sex, family, with, power and knowledge. We reached the stage of Human evolution when Nature's intelligent evolutionary plan is expecting us to search for and find our “truly Human” purpose in life, our unique Human role in the system of reality.
The only working treatment for depression is a unique, purposeful and practical educational method, that can give us the tools for identifying and fulfilling that role, thus reaching our Human purpose, justifying our existence.


Hunter Gwin
How does one know they have depression, and how does one cope with it?
Depression is an asshole.
Depression is feeling like you are alone in the world, no matter what you have and who is there for you.
It’s a hole inside of you—it’s starts off small, but over time, it turns into the size of a golf ball.
Then it grows and grows, then it’s the size of a pot.
It keeps growing, and growing, and growing, and more growing, and it’s a fucking sinkhole.
Depression is something people cope with differently; I dealt with it by going to therapy—he helped me step by step, and I have to say… I think it’s the best thing you can do.
Sure, sometimes they might cost a bit of money; or they may seem like they don’t know what they are talking about, but trust me.. they do. They also listen to you—they let you talk out your problems, and release whatever feelings you have.


Virginia Hanlon
I have some ideas about your question, the caveats being that these ideas apply to my own life, and that the social rejection/isolation in my small rural community of the 1950’s was unlike the horrific depths of the present.
Why is depression so hard to overcome?
I think depression is difficult to overcome because at least initially, the person really is perceiving a terrible situation accurately. In our striving for happiness or just some peace, sometimes there truly is no way forward at that moment…leading to discouragement profound.
Then next, some brain patterns can form and take hold; cascading neuron pathways that return you into the depths whenever they get triggered. These engrams must be weakened - hopefully dismantled - for depression to resolve.
Third, our digital society no longer has as much camaraderie, humour, mutual support; the social bonds that traditionally maintain mental health.
Fourth, the modern therapeutic approach to depression tends to treat it as ‘a form of individual madness unconnected with social pressures;’ and so the depressed person is viewed as flawed, diseased, genetically impaired. This approach is often inaccurate and thus tends to perpetuate depression and simply manage it.
One approach I myself appreciate was an early sociology text by Emile Durkheim, ON SUICIDE, published 1897.


Grahame Cossum
Why can't someone just snap out of depression?
Anyone that thinks a person can just ‘snap out’ of clinical/chronic/major depressive disorder would need to be living on a different planet from the rest of us.
It’s so ridiculous it’s not even worth commenting on.
Nobody is going to move on from major depressive disorder by listening to music, thinking positive or going for long walks. It requires serious intervention, not distraction.
Expecting someone to just ‘snap out’ of true depression shows a profound ignorance of the illness


Ellen Vrana
I cannot describe what it feels like. But I can tell you what it looks like.
There is a lint ball, under our hallway chest, right next to where the lamp is plugged into the wall. It moves slightly from a miniscule breeze I cannot feel. It has a hair in it, long, mine. Hmm, now it moves back under the chest and behind the leg. And then out again. It’s very active, this lint ball.
Why do I know this? Because I’m lying on the floor. On our 2nd floor landing at the top of the stairs. My head is pressed against the wood floor, my body might be on the carpet, not sure. I didn’t plan to lie here, I just got overwhelmed in sadness
All depressions are different, this is what mine looks like
To cry. To grieve for nothing and everything. At first images that flash through my head.
And then, there are moments of joy. And then I think of my husband and how closely I’m connected to him.
Then the tears stop. Just like that, stop. But I’m not ready to get up. I want to lay here, forever. I normally choose the floor, or corners, to go into when I am depressed.
It could last a day, a few days, or weeks. I’m completely useless, not thinking, not feeling, just breathing and sleeping. But every once in a while I’ll start to feel again, and it quickly overwhelms me, and then I’ll seek out the floor. Or a corner.
This is the cycle I'm in and where I was a few moments ago. And then the lint caught my eye. The way it keeps moving when I cannot. It seems to have a life force. How does it do that? Why can’t I do that?
I don’t know. Many things I don’t know.
I do know, however, that this isn’t my fault. There are chemical imbalances in my brain
So I just lay there, empty of tears, empty of everything.
Then, I don’t know how long—a minute, an eternity— I felt a warmth, like when you think of a person you want to see smiling at you. The warmth turned into an urge, a happy urge. I felt compelled to write this down and share with people, make it ok to talk about this stuff.
I wrote it down and am here, posting. Because it is ok to talk about this stuff.
That compulsion didn’t get me over depression, it didn’t solve it. It will come back, perhaps in a few hours, perhaps tomorrow.
But it made me care about something, and that got me off the floor.


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