2023-03-25 达tothe洋 6990


Gina LaMacchia
Only if they’re suicidal. Did you miss the part where BLM called for the death of cops? Fry ’em up like bacon? They make whites their enemy and target. Unless you have some serious self-hate issues, stay away and let them do whatever, because violence is their creed and they’ve shown they’re not hesitant to use it, even against each other.


Linda Bradley
As a white female, why should I be involved with them? Because of the colour of my skin I am considered to have some sort of mythical privilege (I have to work for my living), I am the enemy, I am considered part of the problem and not the solution, and they are able to make threats against my life without fear of prosecution. The movement in question practices more racism than its adherents have ever experienced (in my country) and it is descending from a peaceful protest group to a terrorist organisation

作为一个白人女性,我为什么要和他们扯上关系?由于我的肤色,我被他们认为拥有某种神秘的特权,我被他们视为敌人,视为问题的一部分,而非解决方案的一部分。他们能在不用担心被起诉的情况下,威胁我的生命 。BLM运动践行的种族歧视比它的拥护者们所遭受的种族歧视还要多。它正从一个和平抗议组织堕落为一个恐怖组织。

Chris Burnett
White people like to say that there isnt much racism in the usa ..it so obvious that people like you live in a bubble. Ive traveled this WHOLE COUNTRY…all 50 states and ive witnessed law enforcement targeting black and brown folks in all 50 states firsthand . You need to get out of your bubble..


Linda Bradley
I don't live in the USA. Britain is not perfect but equality is enshrined in law. Of course there is racism here but it's nothing like the scale you face. If a POC is killed it is most often due to gang violence (drugs) rather than true racism, and is still rare enough to make the headlines. Nobody here would think of going out and killing a POC just for giggles - those psychopaths choose defenceless targets - usually the disabled

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No they should not. Nobody should be a part of it.The BLM movement has a noble goal of reaching a state of racial equality. But sadly, it's turned into a race-baiting, hateful, and detrimental movement.As we saw in Dalla tonight, a peaceful protest turned into a premeditated terrorist attack on innocent officers. Even before that, it was a disaster.


Sam Watson
Not sure if you mean “Should a white person take the time and energy to get involved?”, or “Should BLM encourage white people to get involved?”.
first: “Should a white person take the time and energy to get involved?”
If a person feels that BLM has an agenda that is consistent with theirs, then they should get involved if they want to put forth the time and energy to do so.
second: “Should BLM encourage white people to get involved?”
It is to BLM’s advantage to have anyone involved that is willing to contribute their time and resources. It is to BLM’s advantage to involve people with a wide range of perspectives to add legitimacy to the movement. Excluding people cause they aint black would be racist.

第一个问题:白人是否应该花时间和精力参与其中? 如果有人觉得BLM的议程和他们相一致,并且他们也愿意为此投入时间和精力的话,他们就该参与其中。

Ilana Halupovich אילנה חלופוביץ Илана Халупович
No.Everybody should be involved in the movement “Human lives matter”,But first we have to define exactly what kind of people can be considered human beings. It seems to me that when someone resorts to violence in order to kill another person, he has lost his right to be human.


Elliott Mason
White people ARE involved in Black Lives Matter, and absolutely should be.What they shouldn’t be is in charge of it, or in the center of it, or the first people the press interviews about it.White people in anti-racist movements should be the megaphone, not the speaker; the sword, not the warrior. We need to use our skills and our ability to be heard by people in power to amplify, to multiply, the speech of the unheard: the ones who actually have the grievance at hand.


Don Miller
I think that “white people” should be members of “Black Lives Matter”. My lady and I are members and my lady has live-streamed the actions law enforcement officials as well as protesters at various protests. My lady and I are convinced that there is very strong evidence for discrimination and inequality for African-Americans in this country and are dedicated to change the situation.For those who think that there are others who are also discriminated against in American society I agree with you. My lady and I are also active in keeping American Muslims from being discriminated against. We are also working to see that refugees from the middle-east are not discriminated against and gain the new start in this country.


Sarah Brown
I believe that black lives matter but I do not support the black lives matter movement. Most of what those people are doing is promoting black people’s lives in front of others. Why would a white person support that? Even if I was black I would not support that. It's racism.


It makes no sense what they are trying to accomplish when they have just as many rights as the rest of us. People say the whole movement is based on white cops killing black people (and putting black people in jail) as if it's the cops fault. The reason cops put black people in jail is because they commit crimes. The same goes for every other race. Obviously there are some corrupt cops, but black people are not the only victims to that.


The Liberal media only casts cases of black people being killed by white people, and any other cases of black people being some sort of victim,But the reality is clearly the opposite of what they want to portray. Fact: Blacks Murder More Whites Than Whites Murder Blacks.If you really believe that police are corrupt, and are trying to stop police brutality, do it for all races, not just for black.


Jason Ollorgaard
No they should not. It is hypocritical! Considering the obvious racism displayed by this group, it is foolish for a white person to be involved in it. Black on white crime is much more significant and common than the other way around. Most black on white crime is hushed by the media because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the left wing media, although it is the second most common(black on black being most common).


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