2023-04-01 大号儿童 3887

There is only one way for me to motivate myself to work hard: I don't think about it as hard work. I think about it as part of making myself into who I want to be. I want to be a hard-working person.


The "hard" part for me is choosing and accepting what it is that I have to do (otherwise known as procrastination, or finding my passion). Once I've made the choice to do something, I try not to think so much about how difficult or frustrating or impossible that might be; I just think about how good it must feel to be that, or how proud I might be to have done that. Make hard look easy. I like that challenge. I like being the kind of person who is capable of that.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Every kind of work has bits that are difficult or challenging or things that might not be so easy to do; try to keep in mind that the icky part is necessary to the whole. If it's not necessary, then you shouldn't do it; and if you can change it or manage and fix it to be less difficult, it stops being so "hard" and instead is just "done". Break your hard work into component parts; it makes it easier to see where the obstacles are so you can be prepared to overcome them.

每种工作都有一些困难或挑战或可能不太容易做到的事情;请记住,讨厌的部分对整体是必要的。如果这不是必要的,那么你不应该做它;如果你可以改变它或管理和修复它使它变得不那么困难,那它就不再那么“困难”,而是“完成了”。 把你的努力工作分成几个部分;这让你更容易看到障碍在哪里,这样你就可以准备好克服它们。

If I fail because I lack time or talent or luck or if fate intervenes to keep me from being able to achieve a goal in quite the way I'd hoped, that doesn't mean I'm a failure. But if I fail because I didn't work hard enough, I'm either a half-assed quitter or lazy or stupid, none of which are what I want to be. I can only blame myself; I can't even claim I was beat or not good enough because I didn't try! I hate blaming myself. I'd much rather blame everybody or everything else; I'd guess we all would.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being able to take on a challenge and persevere and sometimes succeed; being able to transform myself from newbie to capable and experienced; and being able to find Flow (state of mind) or happiness in doing work that's satisfying is a well-earned, hard-won reward in itself. I want to be fully immersed, challenged, feeling really good about my effort all the time. I want to be hard-working; that's how I motivate myself to work hard

能够接受挑战、坚持不懈,有时能够成功;能够将自己从新手变成有能力和经验的人;能够在做满足的工作时找到 Flow(心境)或快乐,这是一个艰苦卓越的奖励。我想要完全沉浸在工作中,接受挑战,对自己的努力一直感到非常满意。我想成为一个努力工作的人;这就是我激励自己努力工作的方法。

Anisha Parikh
Three Simple Rules in Life
1. If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it.
2.If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.
3. If you do not step FORWARD, you will ALWAYS be in the same place.
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.
Motivation is the characteristic that helps you achieve your goal. It is the drive that pushes you to work hard. If you want to achieve something you have to work hard. Have a vision. Believe in yourself.
Work so hard that one day your signature will be called an AUTOGRAPH.


Deepak Singh
3 Golden Rules
1. Make yourself an offer that you can't refuse. It might be a reward (positive motivation) or a dire consequence (fear is a very good motivator). For example, if you want to read a book, set a deadline and a reward. Say, if you love ice-cream, you would eat one as soon as you finish the book before this Sunday. Works every time.
2. Just do it. There is great wisdom in this tagline of Nike. Don't think too much, or else you will suffer from what people call Paralysis by Analysis. Focus on one small step at one time and ready to be amazed :)
3. Read and understand Stanford Marshmallow experiment. It says that delaying gratification is proportional to your success.


Mart Nijland
I don't know if you have ever lifted barbells, but there is a beautiful story I want to share with you. It is about the last rep, where you have to cross the threshold. Where you have to do one more when you have already given up in your mind. Working hard has nothing to do with your body. It is your mind and your spirit which has to grow stronger. It is here were champions are better. It has nothing to do with muscle growth, it has to with your mental growth. You have to bring together all your passion and all your energy for this last rep. What do I try to say with this..
That for anything you want to work harder for, you have to go behind that treshshold . because you grow into a totally different much stronger person who is becoming a Warrior. So go on when you are tired is the best advice I can ever give you, do it for your mental and spiritual results. Because you will feel more powerful than you ever experienced before. I promise you.


Hardik Desai
Let's go step by step. Each day counts. Each hour counts.
I follow below method - I have given name "Every 3 Hour"
In the entire day we have 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm.


On each of these times I remind myself that next 3 hours I will be extremely active, productive, positive and helpful.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is amazing that you would forget this every now and then and sometime when you go to sleep you will realize "Oh entire day went and I forgot to remind myself of my 'Every 3 hour' resolution."


Gradually it will strike you, and as soon as you see watch and find yourself in near any of these time automatically you will recall the positive thoughts no matter how lazy, angry, sad you are.


Automatically your inner power will boost you and will tell you to get rid of negative thougths and you will decide no matter what I will be postitive in coming 3 hours.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You can recall your ideals, Gods, anyone who gives you inspiration during these time.


Give yourself 1 points if you can do for a "3 hour phase". So entire day you have 6 points and then rate yourself.


If you can achieve half, consider that you won; nine hours positive thought can beat any problem!


Brian Roemmele
All that you and I can ever own, is just this single moment. We do not own the past and no one is promised a tomorrow. We just have the moment. This is not a religious statement, but it can be, this is not a philosophical statement, but it could be and this is not just a scientific fact, and that it is, this is our reality.


You are not, and never can be your past, nor can you be your future, you are creating your now.


In this moment we hold the same powers that build planets and the stars. The same energy that created this universe courses through your body and your mind, your very essence, your very being, is this endless power. Look around you, this is what this power has created. That power creates the flutter of a butterflies wings on a beautiful spring day and the creation of just about all matter from the explosions deep in the belly of dying stars.


You are in full control of this power. In your hands you can build the tallest building and in your hands you can destroy the tallest buildings. In your hands you can hold another hand or you can slap it away with equal grace and power.


In your hands in this moment you can choose to heal or to hurt. And you get to choose where you stand on this reality every moment of your existence. To ever believe that you do not own this power, is the greatest, heartbreaking lie ever told.


Many people have come to show you the examples of what just one person can do. They stand with you and they offer up the living proof that our possibilities are endless. They hold a torch high up and stand witness to your music. And it does not matter what song you sing, what matters is that you have given that song your truth and the passion that can be found in the heart and in your mind.


Own this moment, and every moment you can find.


Stan Hayward
Don't bother
If you have no motivation to work hard then it is unlikely that you will.


Most people want to diet. Most fail
There is little evidence that those who succeed are much better off for it.


Most people want to be fitter than they are. Most fail.
Just staying reasonably healthy and taking care of yourself is good enough.
There is little evidence that those who have to be motivated to stay fit can keep it up for long.


Most people want to be better educated than they are. Most fail.
There is little evidence that being educated beyond what is needed for your work and vocational interests has any benefits.


Most people want to be more attractive than they are. Most fail.
There is little evidence to suggest that being more attractive offers more benefits than being more reliable, honest, generous, trustworthy, kind, or have any of the attributes that we value in others, and are the basis of good relationships.


Most people want to be more famous than they are. Most fail.
There is little evidence that fame in itself promotes a better lifestyle unless the lifestyle is itself dependent on fame. In which case it is a very fragile lifestyle to sustain.


Most people want to be richer than they are. Most fail.
There is a tendency to spend extra money in compensating for the effort and demands required for making extra money if you have to earn it. If the money comes without working then fine, but winners of lotteries are notorious for regreting it.


Unless you have a passion, a dream, a goal, an inspiration, a desire, or a purpose to reach, then working hard (beyond what you would do in a normal course of events) is a waste of time.
The worst thing you can do in life by far is
waste time.


Divide your time into two sections
Committed time
Disposable time
Committed time includes
Your work
Your travelling time
Your study time
Your duties, obligations, routines, and upkeep of belongings
Disposable time includes
Social events


Any time where you can
Choose to do something or not do it
Choose to do it now or later
Choose to do it or get someone else to do it
Analyse your Committed time Work
Can you spend less time to earn the same money?
Can you earn more money for the same time?
Can you get more than money from your work?
Can you organise your work to do it with less effort?
Can you use your work to gain benefits beyond your workplace?
Can you use the contacts you make at work beneficial outside?
Can you extend your work experience into your spare time?
Look at your work as a place to earn, a place to learn, a place to socialise, a place to test yourself, a place to explore ideas, a place to identify with, a place to develop your personality.


Committed time Travel
Can you make your travel time shorter?
Can you make it cheaper?
Can you make it more pleasant?
Can you make it useful?
Can you incorporate other things into your travelling?
Committed time Study
What is the least you need study to achieve your purpose?
What is the fastest way to learn what you need?
What are the best aids available to you?
What are your main costs in equipment and materials for study?
Can you reduce the study costs?
How soon can you apply what you have learnt?
What are the main benefits of your studies?
Are the benefits ongoing or do you stop studying?


Committed time Duties, Routines, etc.
Shopping, cleaning, repairing, upgrading, and all the tasks that need be done to keep your life in a running order.
They fall into two categories of
Urgent (must be dealt with quickly)
Important (must be dealt with properly)
These are divided into:
What you can do yourself
What you can get someone else to do
You can also see if any of these tasks can be eliminated, shortened, done more quickly or cheaply, or done temporarily.
In all, you should not be looking for ways to motivate yourself to work harder, but looking for ways to work less (or Smarter, as they say)


April Gunn
I'm going to go out on a limb here and not assume that the only reason for lack of motivation ever is laziness, moral failing, or not being "inspired" enough. Asking this question is itself evidence of a motivation to better oneself, so I am going to assume that anyone wanting an answer is willing to take the steps to help themselves become more motivated.
There are a lot of factors that can affect a person's ability to get and stay motivated, from the company they keep to mental illness. So my advice to you is to take a step back and look at every aspect of your life for things that might be stressing you out, sapping your energy, fogging your brain, and making it hard to stay motivated.
Look at your health:
Are you tired a lot? Do you get enough sleep? Do you experience some constant unpleasantness, such as poor sinuses or a constant pain? Are you sad or upset or just lethargic all the time for no reason you can pinpoint?
It's really hard to get and stay motivated to work hard if you're not feeling your best, whether it's because you don't take care of yourself or because you're suffering from a chronic condition such as depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Get to a doctor if you can for a routine physical, just to make sure everything is working properly. Try your best to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Listen to your body when it's telling you things, seek out the causes of your discomfort, and deal with them as best you can.
Look at your environment:
We can't all have mansions in nice neighborhoods with perfect lawns...but is your living space reasonably clean? Do your appliances work? Are your neighbors, if any, nice? Is there an unpleasant smell? Is it dark? Do you get much sunlight? Is it cold, or very humid, for most of the year?


Living in constant discomfort can cause stress and sap your energy, making it that much harder to motivate yourself to do anything. Granted, most of us can't afford to just move somewhere else if the environment we're in isn't great for us (or else I would not be spending another winter in New England). However, if you identify major causes of discomfort, you may be able to do small things to lessen their impact (such as laying in a tanning bed for a few minutes every couple of weeks during the winter if you live in a dark area and suffer from seasonal affective disorder, getting a dehumidifier for your bedroom, or getting a bigger laundry hamper so your dirty clothes don't start to spill over onto the floor after a week).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Look at your friends and family:
Are you surrounded by positive people, or negative people? Are the messages you hear from them words of encouragement, or discouragement?
We all like to think that we're independent little islands who don't need validation or support from other human beings, but that's patently bullshit for most human beings. We're social creatures. We live in an interdependent society. We need people, and most of us have people whether we want them or not anyway. And it's really hard to stay motivated and positive and proactive and optimistic if all you ever hear around you is discouragement.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Growing up in a very poor, rural area, I saw it far too often: smart kids who failed classes and eventually dropped out because no one in their life was expecting them to do better, or else was actively discouraging them from "reaching too high." Meanwhile kids who were perhaps not as blessed with native intelligence were making good grades and applying to good schools, because they had parents and friends who encouraged them in that direction and set expectations for achievement.
So take a good look at the people you spend your time with. If they're sapping your motivation, maybe you should re-uate how much time you're spending with them.


Look at your activities:
Do you do what you love for a living? Probably not. The harsh reality is that many people never do what they love, and most who do didn't start out that way.
When we're little we all want to be heroes, artists, or leaders of one descxtion or another (fire fighter, pro baseball player, teacher, ballerina, rock star, president, etc). As we grow up we slowly realize that not everyone can make a living being a hero, an artist, or a leader. And that sucks. It's even worse if the economy's in the tank and it's harder and harder to get and keep even the "practical" jobs we settled for instead of our pipe dreams.


But it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to do what you get paid to do and nothing else. You don't have to give up on your dreams just because you're unlikely to ever go pro. I know people who work day jobs that they're ambivalent about, and then spend their nights and weekends on their passions. And they're happy, hard-working, motivated people. I also know people who began by doing that, and ended up getting to live their dreams after all, because eventually the passion they devoted themselves to in their spare time became more lucrative than their day job.


So look at the things you do every day, the things you spend your time on. Most of us have obligations, but what happens after those are fulfilled? Think of it as a reward for getting all the necessary stuff done, and spend some time, even if it's only a little, doing what you love.


Look at yourself:
Because when all other factors are eliminated, the last possible reason for a lack of motivation is you. You have to be the one to change. Even if only in small ways, even if inconsistently, even if it's difficult.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Realize that being motivated doesn't always mean you're super-excited to do things. What it does mean is that regardless of how excited you are about it, you get up and do them. Redefine motivation in terms of your individual actions, whether than how you feel about completing those actions.


Note the consequences of not following through with certain actions, and use those to give yourself a push if you need to. I know very few people who are gung-ho about taking out the trash and doing the dishes, but I know even fewer people who let that alone stop them from doing so, because they're much less gung-ho about bugs and bad smells invading their living space.


Remember, motivation is about action, not the feelings behind the action. The feelings may fuel the motivation, but it's the people who keep doing whether they're "feeling it" or not that really get things done.

记住,动机是关于行动的,而不是行动背后的感觉。感受可能会助长动力,但无论是否有 "感觉 "都坚持做的人,才能真正把事情做好。

Jemis Jivani
Some of the rules you should follow:
1. Don't make any excuses.(This is the most effective way to motivate yourself.)
2. Compromise more.
3. Complain less.
4. Live cheap.
5. Spend less.
6. Save more.
7. Make friends who motivate you.
8. Be happy.
9. Work hard.
10. Just because some asshole said that 'Work smart, not hard', doesn't mean you shouldn't do hard work.
11. Work fucking hard.

1. 不要找任何借口。(这是最有效的激励自己的方法。)
2. 妥协了。
3. 少抱怨。
4. 住便宜。
5. 少花钱。
6. 存更多的钱。
7. 交能激励你的朋友。
8. 很高兴。
9. 努力工作。
10. 仅仅因为一些混蛋说“聪明地工作,而不是努力地工作”,并不意味着你不应该努力工作。
11. 好好工作。

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