2023-04-01 大号儿童 2659

Firstly find the purpose why you have to do that work. It may be to earn some money, to make your parents happy, to achieve your goal etc.
2. Now, focus on how important the purpose is.
3. Think if you work really hard, how much will it affect your life in coming years.
4. Remember nothing comes without effort.
5. Also remember that- The joy of success after putting all your efforts is one of the best feeling in the world.
6. So start from now because your success is waiting for you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

MaRina Abaza
lack of confidence and lack of focus are the 2 primary reasons we lose motivation.
*if you want to boost your confidence you have to follow these tips,
1. Be positive.Try to focus on your skills and talents as much as possible. Make a list of all your good qualities and don't dwell on what you perceive are your weaknesses. Building self esteem is about finding out what your strengths are and then developing and building on them. Your employer would not have given you a job if they did not recognize certain skills in you.
2. Take risks. It may sound ironic, but taking risks actually boosts your self-confidence. You just have to adopt the right attitude at the beginning. Assume responsibility for the risk and have clear ideas about where you are heading. Having a positive attitude towards risk-taking is a good way to make great strides forward.
3. Do not fear criticism. Do not be caught up in the emotions brought on by criticism. Your confidence should not be hurt by inflated words like "always" or "never". Do not go into immediate denial or counter-attack mode. Instead, consider the source and decide if the person really has the expertise or knowledge to make his or her comments. If you decide that the words are not just empty accusations, look at it as an opportunity to improve yourself. Forget trying to control what others think of you. Instead, control what you can -- your own thoughts and feelings.
Increase your focus by doing the following:
1.Limiting Daily Disruption and Demands on Your Time
Daily disruptions and ad-hoc requests are a huge problem for most people. We are constantly being pinged; by IM, email, text, cell phone, banners, pop-ups, etc. Rings, pings, and bells from your friends, family, and colleagues aren’t the only problem. Marketers via internet, television, and print ads are using sophisticated techniques informed by brain science to figure out how to grab your attention. If you have trained others that your are always available to respond to requests, you need to retrain them to expect something else. Make it clear to people when you will be available for ad hoc requests and when you aren’t.
2. Stay hydrated - Not only can not drinking enough water leave you sluggish, but your brain needs that hydration to keep you thinking clearly. Aim to get your recommended eight glasses of water daily. Keep a bottle full at your desk to sip throughout the day. If the thought of plain water doesn't appeal to you, try some of the flavored waters on the market, many with no calories and sweetened with Splenda or other sugar substitutes. Low sugar juices are okay for hydration as well.
3. Take short breaks – We can be masters at focusing, but eventually we're going to need a break. Our minds can struggle to focus intensely on tasks for eight hours a day. This is where it can be better to divide your work into one-hour segments, with a 5–10 minute break between tasks. This short break will allow your mind to rest before focusing again.

1. 是积极的。尽可能多地关注你的技能和才能。列出你所有的优点,不要纠结于你认为的缺点。建立自尊就是要找到自己的优势,然后在这些优势的基础上发展壮大。如果你的雇主没有发现你的某些技能,他们是不会给你工作的。
2. 承担风险。这听起来可能有点讽刺,但冒险实际上能增强你的自信。你只需要一开始就采取正确的态度。承担风险,并清楚地知道你的方向。对冒险有积极的态度是取得巨大进步的好方法。
2. 保持水分充足——饮水不足不仅会让你行动迟缓,你的大脑也需要水分来保持思维清晰。目标是达到建议的每天八杯水。在你的办公桌上放一瓶,一整天都可以小口喝。如果你对白水不感兴趣,那就试试市场上的调味水,很多都不含卡路里,还添加了代糖或其他糖替代品。低糖果汁也可以补水。

Micha Kaufman
Working hard is important, but it's important to protect yourself from burning out. You will soon enough if you work too hard. Here are some lessons I've learned over the years that helped me stay motivated & avoid burn out:
1. Make a plan to achieve what you want and stick to it. With reflection, solid planning, giving yourself rewards for each step of your plan, and constant reuation, you should be fine. Of course, this step requires the most work.
2. Quit comparing yourself to others! A case of the Joneses is about the best way to make you feel like you’re worth nothing. When such comparisons enter your head, recognize that these are just negative thoughts and let them pass.
3. Done is better than perfect: It’s good to have high standards, but it’s worse to not finish tasks because you want them done perfectly. Either say no to tasks that you know you won’t be able to implement, or finish important tasks on time, even if they’re not perfectly manifested.
4. Adjust your expectations: If you are holding yourself up to impossible standards that you will never be able to meet, give yourself a break.
Identify what’s important to you and protect it. Marisa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, believes workers burn out when they grow resentful. Figure out which personal commitments are important for you to keep and never let work get in their way.

1. 制定一个计划来实现你想要的,并坚持下去。通过反思,切实的计划,对计划的每一步都给予奖励,不断地重新评估,你应该会没事的。当然,这一步需要做的工作最多。
2. 别再拿自己和别人比较了!攀比是让你觉得自己一文不值的最好方法。当这样的比较进入你的脑海时,要意识到这些只是消极的想法,让它们过去吧。
4. 调整你的期望:如果你给自己设定了一个不可能达到的标准,那就给自己一个喘息的机会。
确定什么对你来说是重要的,并保护它。雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marisa Mayer)认为,当员工变得愤愤不平时,他们就会筋疲力尽。弄清楚哪些个人承诺对你来说是重要的,永远不要让工作妨碍他们。

Ravikiran Shetty
Simple thoughts to get motivation in life.
1. Believe in yourself
2. Have faith in yourself
3. Don't think about others
4. Build self confidence
5. Never criticize anyone
6. Always think positive
7. Be independent
8. Be happy and have a smile
9. Love yourself
10. Don't fear anyone

1. 相信自己
2. 对自己有信心
3. 不要为别人着想
4. 建立自信
5. 永远不要批评任何人
6. 总是积极地思考
7. 是独立的
8. 开心点,面带微笑
9. 爱自己
10. 不要害怕任何人

Bud Hennekes
This is obviously a loaded question, as there are literally thousands of ways to go about this, but I'll share what has worked for me.
1. Realize that motivation itself is a LIMITED RESOURCE. It's very easy to think "if only I had more motivation" I'd be able to do X. But the reality is, you have a set amount of motivation. Just as you can build muscle by working out, you build your "motivation muscle" but installing positive habits.
2. Think habits, not motivation. Because motivation/willpower is a limited resource, it has helped me to instead try and build habits which once installed, don't use willpower. Start with small habits that help you be more productive and make you feel good. For example, you could aim to walk 15 minutes a day or work in short bursts of intense focus.
3. Surround yourself with hard working people. The saying goes, you're the average of the 5 people you hang out with most - so surround yourself with HARD workers! Who do you know that is going places? Start hanging around them.
4. Motivate yourself daily. Famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said - "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." Read uplifting material. Listen to audiobooks that challenge you. Have conversations that inspire you.
5. Do meaningful work. All the motivation in the world won't help you, if you don't care about what you're doing. Make it a priority to consistently do that brings you alive.
Don't give up. Keep pushing through the ups and downs of life.

1. 要意识到动力本身是一种有限的资源。很容易就会想“如果我有更多的动力”,我就能做某件事了。但现实是,你有一定的动力。就像你可以通过锻炼来练出肌肉一样,你也可以通过培养积极的习惯来练出“动力肌肉”。
2. 考虑习惯,而不是动机。因为动力/意志力是一种有限的资源,它帮助我尝试建立习惯,一旦养成,不使用意志力。从小习惯开始,这些习惯可以帮助你更有效率,让你感觉良好。例如,你可以每天步行15分钟,或者在短时间内集中注意力工作。
4. 每天激励自己。著名励志演说家齐格勒·金克拉曾经说过:“人们常说动力不会持久。嗯,洗澡也一样——这就是为什么我们建议每天洗澡。”阅读令人振奋的材料。听一些有挑战性的有声读物。进行能激励你的对话。
5. 做有意义的工作。如果你不关心你在做什么,世界上所有的动力都不会帮助你。优先做那些让你充满活力的事情。

Rohit More
People generally think that they deserve better than what they have and try to mold this as their motivation.
I personally think the opposite way.
I have always thought I am not as worthy of whatever I have and I have tried to make myself work harder. This urge to make myself a better, well suited person to my accomplishments has always worked for me. This is a continuous process, because one always ends up having more achievements.
Crooked way to use guilt as motivation. ;)


Eduardo Matos
The best advice I can give you is that you should NOT rely on motivation to accomplish any kind of work, instead you should rely on habits.
Let's say you wanna study for an exam. Chances are you won't feel motivated most of the time, regardless of the outcome. It's better to build the habit of studying X hours/day, and do it religiously, and very soon you're going to be studying automatically. For more on this topic, I recommend the (free) e-book Transform Your Habits.
The advice above works reasonably well for recurrent tasks, like studying, working, going to the gym... In case you're having problems with non-recurrent tasks, here are some techniques you can use:
If it takes less than 20 seconds, don't even think, simply do it right now!
Schedule the task to a specific date and time. "Tomorrow morning" is bad. "Tomorrow at nine sharp" is good.
While doing the task, FOCUS on it. Turn off your phone, TV...
If it takes too long to finish, schedule 3 min breaks every 30 min of activity.
Get positive. If you're negative about the activity, then it'll be quite difficult to start doing it. Guess what? Once you simply start, things won't be that boring (as long as you stay focused).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indu Priya
First you can start by realising the difference:
Then you five minutes ago had five minutes to live and learn."
Second make a good plan:
"Good plan executed today is better than a great plan ececuted someday"
Third calculate the worth of your work:
" What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it"
Fourth get clarity between Talent and Hardwork:
" Hardwork beats Talent... When Talent doesn't work hard"
Finally find out what is the result of your hardwork:
" Temporary Pain, Permanent Gain"


Kevin Key
I think the requirement for constant motivation is a negative side effect of modern society. In the case where daily food and water are a rarity, motivation to gain them probably never ceases. On the other hand, in modern society, in a middle to upper class existence, we are comfortable. Yet we are bombarded with images of a better life. Upon waking, illusions of an ideal existence, filled with wealth and material goods, an existence apart from our own, fills us with a primal desire to change course. Yet, we are comfortable. And we stay inactive. And we label this inaction as mediocrity. But I call it sanity.
Remember, hard workers aren't better than you. Don't strive to work hard, because then you will need all the hogwash motivational rhetoric to keep you going on the hamster wheel you hate. Strive to find something that you enjoy. Then you never feel hard work. You just do all the time that which you enjoy. So society disagrees. What you have chosen is absurd. But you're content.
Now, the satisfaction of completing that marathon will never surpass the daily satisfaction you get from doing what you love. Life is to short to waste it achieving things that only make you look good to others. Think how silly a 26.2 sticker on the back of a car really is? But if you love running, would you ever do it for the sticker?
Be compassionate, be content, find that which you enjoy. I think you'll stumble upon this motivation you're lacking.


David Frank Gomes
find something that doesn't feel like work find something you enjoy, and then hard work becomes a foreign concept

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Devansh Malik
I believe one should spend more time with incredibly smart people. Incredibly smart people here would mean, people who know way more than you about anything and everything.
This will encourage you to learn more and to achieve that you'll automatically work hard.
And always keep in mind, if you think you are the smartest in the room, you're in the wrong room.


It was very difficult to motivate me to do anything in life.I used to just sit in front of my laptop doing nothing.Then I learned this little trick-I started to use my anger,I used my anger of all the people who bullied me,passed disparaging comments on me.I use this anger to wake up early in the morning and to finish late.And at this moment I am chasing my dreams.Use the anger to motivate yourself to excel and win will be yours.


Prashant Sannakki
As i have recently learned you can motivate yourself with number of things like watching successful people talk, reading answers on quora, reading rag to riches stories. But this is just 1% of journey into what your trying to achieve.
Rest 99% of journey is all about maintaining that motivation until you achieve what you want to achieve! Being consistent and disciplined over a period of time is more important than motivating yourself repeatedly and that's how you achieve success.
For example, if you are highly motivated to build a great physique and you start working out everyday by waking up at 6 every morning. You continue this for a week or max for a month, then you slowly start loosing interest and everything comes to standstill one fine day. Then again you feel demotivated and start reading motivation stuff here on quora and the cycle continues!
So my friend, great people were motivated only once in their lifetime but they achieved greatness by being consistent, disciplined and sticking to healthy habits.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Glen Robinson
Nature abhors a vacuum.
When I was in graduate school, I realized that in order to survive I would need to be efficient with my time. It was then that I realized that much of daily life is filled with unnecessary activities. It comes down to one question: what do you want most? When you have to give up watching TV or another couple of hours of sleep in order to get what you really want, it doesn't seem like much of a sacrifice.
But first you have to ask yourself: (1) What do I want? (2) What am I willing to do to get it?
If you are willing to do what it takes, nothing can stop you.


Harry A Gavin
Now what can you do to keep your inner fizz high everyday?
I think you got to answer first "Are you doing something which you like? or Love?" IF NOT, then chances are nothing will keep you motivated.
Now if you are in something which you love, then following techniques might work:
1) Prioritize you work and finish in order of importance.
2) Finish the most difficult task first.
3) With every task completion your endorphin levels go high and you get a sense of achievement. Which in turn helps you to stay motivated to finish other tasks.
4) Don't be judgmental about people around you. Accept them the way they are.
5) Do not expect too much from yourself.
6) Healthy mind stays in healthy body. Dedicate half n hour of the day for well being of your body. Exercise daily.
7) Learn to let go!
8) Develop some passion for a thing or two outside your work area. It could be sports, music, painting, writing, Anything. Follow you passion with rigour.
9) Be assertive than aggressive.
10) If you are stuck at something, don't keep spinning your wheels. Leave that task and move on to another. When your mind has rested, come back and try a new approach to that unfinished task.
11) Keep your mind filled with positive thoughts. Even in the darkest place, there's some light.
12) Keep plenty of friends. Whenever feeling down, pick up a phone and speak to 1 or 2 of them. That's the most free way to get motivation.
13) Keep yourself away from the whiners !
14) Keep your mind filled with positive thoughts. Even in the darkest place, there's some light.Above all, the first person you should love should be "Yourself".
15) Write it and Pin it on your board "SCREW IT, LET'S DO IT" - Richard Branson


Rand Strauss
There are 3 parts to your question: "I", "motivate", and "work hard"
My answer is: Don't do it.
To motivate yourself, discover what's important to yourself. This is not as easy as it sounds. Often what's important to us is covered by resignation, thinking we can't or its flip side: thinking it's too hard. Start with blue-sky thinking, giving yourself permission to want stuff, and write it down. Write it all down, including resolutions with any issues you have between you and the people you love.
"Work hard" - don't motivate yourself to work hard. Motivate yourself to achieve a result. Most results that seem to require hard work actually don't, in two ways. First, there are often ways around the hard work, such as finding a partner or creating or joining a team. Second, there's no such THING as hard work- that's a judgement that people ascribe. To some people it's probably fun. Or a challenge. Or exercise. Or interesting. The judgement CAN be totally up to you, once you figure out why you're seeing it as hard work. To do that, you have to understand your view of both yourself and life. Later I'll tell you of a course you can take for about $550 in about 80 hours (notice I didn't say "of work") over about 15 weeks.
"I" - This is a myth that is very, very, very real to almost all of us. Sure, you exist. But "what you think you are" and "what you really are" are very different things. Do you know anyone that thinks inaccurately about themselves? Maybe they think they're a loser but you think they're great, or they think they're great and you think they're a jerk? You're that way too. Mostly, we all are.
So here you are with an inaccurate assessment of yourself trying to manipulate yourself to do something you don't want to do, the "hard work." It's not a formula for success. It DOES WORK SOMETIMES. Maybe 10% of the time, 20%? Take a hard look at your life- what's your percentage? Why does it often not work?
It's like using a hammer to drive in screws- it'll work somewhat, sometimes.
So another answer is, discover yourself newly, concentrate on what you want, and find a way to the result that works for you without all the "hard work" drama.
A very powerful way to do this is to rediscover who you are and how you created yourself and what you really want through The Landmark Forum, given by landmarkworldwide dot com given in many cities worldwide. It's a full 3-day weekend and a Tuesday night and includes a 10-session seminar where you take what you learned and apply it in your life and get weekly coaching. To take the course, you need to first write down at least 3 big things you want. Anything you want for yourself and your life you can get out of the Forum.
And, you're welcome to keep trying to manipulate yourself to do something you clearly don't want to do.
This is life. I know it seems to be the way it seems, but it needn't be. It can be a fun, playful, loving adventure.

一个非常有效的方法就是通过Landmark论坛重新发现你是谁,你是如何创造自己的,以及你真正想要的是什么。Landmark论坛由全球许多城市的landmarkworldwide dot com提供。这是一个为期三天的周末和一个周二的晚上,包括一个10节的研讨会,你可以把你学到的东西应用到你的生活中,每周得到指导。要参加这门课程,你首先需要写下至少3件你想要的大事。任何你想要的东西你都可以从广场得到。

True motivation lies within oneself. The success lies in discovering what you really lies. Hard work requires spending innumerable number of hours working on a problem. Success arrives only after a succession of failures He who has never failed can never succeed. So when you fail, when you are down how do you get up? Where does the motivation actually come from? It comes from within. The zeal comes from your love for the work you do.
You can try out different things For once:
Trying out new areas of work is important. Till the time you do really find peace even after failing you should keep re-inventing yourself. Once you get comfortable in a certain area, you should pursue it whole-heartily.
Do not measure success by what others say. Quite a few people underestimate the outcome of their efforts, feel depressed at a supposed failure and thereby stop trying. Hard work requires motivation an motivation requires a strong healthy feeling when you try. Believe in your efforts. Every failure is a success in itself. At least you got to know one method that does not succeed.
Never get overpowered by what others have achieved. Quite a few people will call you crazy and oppose your ideas and methodology of work. You can keep ignoring them for some of the greatest minds have worked in the most eccentric manners. Once you develop a strong faith in what you believe you will remain motivated to prove others wrong and thereby strive hard.
Have great hopes and dream big. "If your dreams are not big enough, they are not worth pursuing." At the same time break your targets into small steps.
Enjoy every little success and challenge every little failure.
Never stop and keep pushing hard believing that God gave us same powers.


Guangyi Zhang
People’s fear of losing $100 than is even stronger than the desire of $100 windfall.
Rewards are somehow hard to maintain.
If you can get the rewards at any time, why not get it right now? It’s hard for you to set up continuous rewards. Even if you do, when you fail to meet the expectation, it’s not very painful to not get it, because you just don’t lose anything.
So the best way to motivate yourself is to set up punishments for your tasks.
Something I can think of are followings.(you guys' good ideas are welcome :-P)
take out a fixed number of money. Once you fail to accomplish your tasks in time, give it to the poor area for charity or give your friends a treat.
Choose one of your favorite blog or articles in Zhihu or Quora. Once you fail, dexe it without any backup.
Once you fail, Give yourself a crazy haircut.
Choose one of your nice clothe and Once you fail, cut or burn it.
Get some food that you extremely hate to eat, and Once you fail, eat it.
Though they seem a bit cruel, but that is the goal of punishment, to destroy sth you care.
Though the power of certain motivators are strong, as I see, the most important thing for people to keep hard working is the ability to be able to focus for a long time.
Not to be distracted by so many trivial things like SNS, news, and movies, etc.
Learn to concentrate on reading, thinking or writing.
You will be able to take control of yourself better.
That's where the true power lie on.


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