2023-04-04 超级凉快 11015

Agnivesh Das
Chongqing looks simply fantastic. Its the closest that any city could come to being a cyberpunk like city. Its a shame not many people outside China know about it. All the buildings & lighting look very hypnotic. Very happy to see this, one of your best videos so far.

重庆看起来简直太棒了。这是所有城市里最接近赛博朋克风格的城市。可惜在中国以外的地方知道的人不多。 所有的建筑和灯光看起来都非常迷人。很高兴看到这个,这是你迄今为止最好的视频之一
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Walk East
Finally I visit this city.
It's my first time to visit Chongqing and lots of surprising things for me.


Tokyo or Seoul look more like Cyberpunk maybe? What other cities do you know?


@Álvaro yea and hongkong too. But i do think chongqing gives off a more futuristic vibe. Maybe because everything's built in recent years. But the lights on the roof are a bit unnecessary imo


@Weesodusty I was in Hong Kong. Felt different, like, just tall ugly buildings, no theme


@Álvaro damnn really? I've never been Hong-Kong or China but Hong-Kong looks fantastic in movies, as in the skyline. Guess you got a different view as a tourist actually being there.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Weesodusty I visited Macao also. The biggest casino place in the world (yes, not Vegas). It was awesome. And Foshan was also great


Chinmoy _Bora
@Álvaro SHENJHEN is better looking


na zhou
Thanks for your sweet words, Sometimes we feel hurted and sad when chinese overseas feel negative about everything in China. Youtube videos and posts are always negative so people living outside of China can be easily influenced by these biased views. Thank your for staying long time outside but still taking a fair view. Thank you

谢谢你的夸奖,当人们对中国的一切都感到消极时,我们作为海外华人有时会感到受伤和难过。油管上的视频和帖子总是负面的,因此居住在中国以外的人很容易受到这些偏见观点的影响。感谢你在外面呆了很长时间,但仍然能有一个客观的观点。 谢谢

@Álvaro Hong Kong just tall ugly buildings? What a horrible opinion, and i think you're very wrong!


Cyberpunk like city came to my mind as well watching this city. Quit impressive.


יונה אלי ראשון
Chinese cities are the most futuristic.
Don't compare Tokyo with Shenzhen or Dalian


יונה אלי ראשון
I as a Jew assure you Ganges has been cleaned recently by Indian government and Varanasi has been rejuvenated.


@Álvaro Tokyo cyberpunk ?? Tokyo is more like retrofuturist, it's not a futuristic looking city anymore. Seoul neither in my opinion. Both ugly cities. In my opinion every large city in Asia are fucking ugly top to bottom from China Korea Japan to Phillipines or Indonesia with a few exception like chongqing...

东京像赛博朋克?东京更像是一个复古未来主义城市,它不再是一个充满未来感的城市。我认为首尔也不是。 这是两个丑陋的城市。在我看来,除了重庆这样的少数例外,从中国、韩国、日本到菲律宾或印度尼西亚,亚洲的每个大城市从头到尾都TM的丑陋......

The Babbler
@Álvaro Chongqing is the most cyberpunk city. It has it all.

重庆是最赛博朋克的城市。 它拥有一切。

The Babbler
Chongqing is gaining popularity, it now has the largest expat population in China.


Strange 8
@BobyJooba asian cities are best on this planet ...except from america no continent have comparable cities to asian cities


Beauty China
Nice video. But I think you need add explain about local culture, history and so on. In my China tour series videos, I like to tell stories of local culture and history behind the beautiful view.


Mark Nelson
hong kong is literally the city that inspired the entire cyberpunk genre.


@Weesodusty That was 20 years ago, HK looks really old and run down now.


My city here in Florida is nothing compared to this city.
I'm very, very, very impressed !
Love to China from Florida USA


Maraea Cookson
Up to 9:21 the walk-way around the mountain is beautiful, and then a fairy-tale type castle appears all lit up like gold castle.....wow!!! The caption is correct "The Disney-esque..." And the closer Max walks towards the castle the more spectacular it is 19:51 is more amazing. 13:42 I can only imagine that ship in all it's splendour. 14:14 that food looks so delicious.....mmmmmm. 16:45 the eating area is awesome, and so is the map that way awesome. 16:58 love photos, especially black and white, photos tell a story whether it's happy, sad, a journey or other. 17:31 wow first restaurant/bar that I've heard music......awesome!!! Every vantage point [too many to mention] throughout this vid looking out to the cityscape, and rivers is amazing and really beautiful and adding to that the reflections on the river.....takes it to the next level amazing and beautiful. 30:55 who's that General? Or is it just a statue? 34:50 ok who's that man singing? And where is he? Lol 36:54 awesome more singing from a couple this time, soundz niiice. 37:30 they are amazing singers..... they are wow, her harmonising is on point. 40:46 more singing.....whoop, whoop!!! 43:50 another singer that would be so awesome walking aroung this amazing Hongya Cave hearing the different voices. 45:18 that boy is awesome, no fear, total courage and bravery I pray he will continue in this manner to become someone great and amazing, the father is funny trying to get his son to go with him but son wants to play lol. 46:43 I'd buy jade and get a foot massage. 49:05 nawww I wish she was playing her zither. 49:24 that is so crazzee awesome. 50:23 wow that wall is so kooool!!! I prefer the old part of Hongya and that bus ?? at 51:46 that is incredible. 53:27 oh my gosh to kool. 57:46 those carved supports are absolutely amazing, beautiful, awesome. 1:05:37 this couple are sooooo cute may they have a loooong beautiful life together where they work things out together as a loving couple. Thank you for another amazing vid, really appreciate the time you take.

9:21,环山步道美不胜收,然后一座童话般的城堡出现了,灯火通明,犹如黄金城堡...哇!标题是正确的,这是“迪斯尼式的......”而且越靠近城堡越壮观。19:51,景色更令人惊叹。13:42,我只能感叹那艘船的金碧辉煌。14:14,食物看起来真好吃.....16:45,用餐区很棒,地图也很棒。16:58,喜欢这些照片,尤其是黑白照片,无论是快乐、悲伤、旅行还是其他,每张照片都会讲述一个故事。17:31,哇,第一家我听到音乐的餐厅/酒吧......太棒了!在整个视频中的每个有利位置[太多了,无法全部提及] 俯瞰城市景观,河流非常美丽,再加上河流上的倒影......将它的美丽提升到一个新的令人惊叹的水平。30:55,那位将军是谁?或者它只是一个雕像?34:50,好吧,是哪个男人在唱歌?他在哪里? 哈哈。36:54,这次又有一对情侣唱歌了,听起来不错....37:30,他们是很棒的歌手.....哇,她的和声很到位。40:46,更多的歌声.....啦啦啦!43:50,另一位歌手在这个令人惊叹的洪崖洞中漫步,听到不同的声音,真是太棒了。45:18,那个男孩真棒,没有恐惧,充满勇气,我祈祷他会继续以这种方式成为一个伟大而了不起的人,父亲很有趣,试图让他的儿子和他一起走,但儿子还想玩,哈哈。46:43,我会买玉石,做足底按摩。49:05,现在我希望她弹奏她的古筝。49:24,这真是太棒了。50:23,哇,那面墙太酷了!我更喜欢洪崖的老城区和那辆巴士。51:46,这太不可思议了。53:27,哦,太酷了,我的天。57:46,那些雕刻的支柱太美丽了,绝对是惊人的和令人敬畏的。1:05:37,这对情侣太可爱了,希望他们能在一起度过美好的生活,像恩爱夫妻一样一起解决问题。非常感谢你抽出时间制作了又一个精彩的视频。

PLEASE, do more of Chongqing, it's such an unique city, even the residential neighborhoods with the hilly roads have a cyberpunk vibe to it.
the only bad thing is that you'll have to walk up and down the hilly roads, but it's good exercise anyway =)


Walk East
It's really not easy to walk up and down the hill roads in Chongqing ...


HK.Chinese Canadian
Max, I can't believe that you made it to one of my favourite must-see cities in the world. Chongqing is quite literally the most unique city in China with the rugged mountainous terrain crisscrossed by fantastic infrastructure. The food is spicy and delicious just like the women. You lucky man. Please go to Chengdu, Jiuzhaigou and the Panda reserves and fulfill my Sichuan dream of visiting that incredible province. Max, you are so lucky and so are we viewers to see so many places with you.


Walk East
Unique! Super unique!
I didn't realize Chongqing is super unique before.
Yes, I'm lucky, my friend. I'm so lucky that I can have chance to visit this city and I'm so lucky that I can have friends like you!


Greg Halter
As an American who has always thought we had the best cities, none of them compare to this place! What an amazing place. Thank you for sharing!

作为一个一直认为我们拥有最好的城市的美国人,我认为没有一个能与这个城市相提并论!多么神奇的地方。 感谢你的分享!

Nik Nak
Sorry to say this but America is living in the past compared to other countries... A lot of countries already surpassed the US


Victor Monte
​@Nik Nak uet they jave theis funny obsession with us and many keep wanting to live here.


I’ve been to NYC, Miami and these cities are NOWHERE NEAR as nice as this city.


Dm So
Well it depends I'm sorry to say this but Chinese big cities like this and Shanghai are really nice but it's like the same as cities like Tokyo or Seoul. Also half of China is just extremely poor


every american needs to see the world in real life


Nik Nak

@深夜 they think having the strongest economy and military makes you the best country at everything

@Dm So Tokyo is definitely nice but Seoul is not on the same level with Tokyo. Even some Chinese cities nowadays are better than Seoul. And many smaller cities (in Chinese standard) and towns in China are also quite nice now and this channel has also showed some of them. It would be better if you could visit them in person. Lastly, I have no idea what your definition of extremely poor was, but half of it is extremely poor? I would say it is a little bit exaggerated. Check out the recent poverty lifting in China. Of course, China is a developing country with 1.4 billion population and it is definitely not well-balanced developed everywhere; however, it is improving step by step.


Dandelion L
Personally, I like Chongqing more than Shenzhen. Chongqing is so unique, a cyberpunk futuristic city built on mountainous terrains, breathtaking dreamland.


Shenzhen is more pristine. It's like newly opened house while it's more clean and tiddy but lack of personality.


shenzhen lacks any history. I am a fan of historic China and its architecture specifically so looking at these images is very cool


The Babbler
Chongqing was the capital of China for the longest time; that is why it is the cultural mecca of China. Shenzhen is boring in comparison in all categories.


Bowen TIAN
Personnally I'm from Chongqing, born there, and grew up there. And I'm now studying in europe, and everytime when i come back to Chongqing, it's like a new city for me. Everything changes so fast, hiowever the culture in my city never changes, and I do like it. Everyone is so friendly and willing to help others. I will always introduce my city as a must for visitors, for its food, its view, its culture and its people. Welcome to Chongqing!

我来自重庆,在那里出生,在那里长大。而我现在在欧洲读书,每次回到重庆,重庆对我来说就像是一座新城市。一切变化如此之快,然而我所在城市的文化从未改变,我喜欢它。每个人都非常友好,乐于助人。我将永远把我的城市作为游客的必游之地来介绍,包括它的食物、它的风景、它的文化和它的人民。 欢迎来到重庆!

Ben hey bro,just go there no matter if u could speak chinese,Chinese people there are so friendly and comprehensive.surely, some simple Chinese words will help you to better interact with the locals and discover some fun.good lucky man. Love from Argentina

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bowen TIAN
Ben The younger generation speaks better English than the older one. But even without speaking any Chinese, we are always willing to find out an solution to chat with you, for example through some transition apps on your phone. When you want to order something, just point to it, like what I did when I first came to France. You know, the gesture is really a commun language that everyone could understand! And wish you a lovely journey in Chongqing !


The most important thing about entertaining a place is the atmosphere and this is quite alright, I really feel like being there.
It reminds me of my favourite place, the Oktoberfest in Munich, or Stoppelmarkt Vechta in the rural prairie in Germany, which on the one hand only exists for a few weeks a year and is not surrounded by such impressive permanent architecture, but the show is made here by the citizens present.


Team Tryxgg
The nightlife in China is absolutely amazing and the best in the world.
And Chongqing skyline and the lights is just incredible. People are happy.

中国的夜生活绝对令人惊叹,是世界上最好的。重庆的天际线和灯光简直令人难以置信。 人们都很快乐。

China is always jealous of Korea, one of the 8 major power countries in the world and keep copying Korean brands and entertainment cultures but always caught by Korea lol.
What a kids' country :)



I can't even read my name in Chinese character which is copy of ancient Korean character 骨刻文 that is invented in Korean peninsula and discovered 1,000 years before the Chinese letter 甲骨文 cuz I never use Chinese copycat character in real life :)

Roland Deschain
How about pickpockets there? Or also general crimes? Since one can only partially believe China's official information, I would be happy to receive information from someone who is familiar with it.
Would you say it's more or less of a problem? Or comparable to major western cities?


It looks very futuristic and traditional at the same time! I love it

它看起来非常传统和具有未来感! 我喜欢它

Hi from Virginia, I absolutely love these kinds of videos. It gives me an opportunity to see a China that we here in the U.S.A. never get to see. I love Chinese culture and history coupled with the bustling modern city of Congqing. I wish both of our governments would get their shit together so we can be friends with eachother.


I am literally speechless at the beauty of this city. I am determined to visit Chongqing at least once in my life.


Great Aussie Drives
VERY cyberpunk and yet traditional at the same time. I would love to walk and drive here!


bar de
Or do a photoshoot there.


Gilda Batista
Happy Autumn Festival ‼️ Chongqing is an absolute beauty. It's so relaxing watching crowds of people enjoyi g themselves.


Stephan Krüger
Hard to believe that this has been your first trip to Chongqing, but I'm sure it's not your last one. That city is really unique.


travel visuals
Such a pleasure to see what this place looks like now thanks to this video, been there a few times a few years ago, and HongYa Dong is developing and getting still better-looking and more charming


I am so thankful for videos like these. They allow me to see new places withouth traveling and it really feels like im there. I grew up with not much money and still live on budget as a student in germany and when i had a pretty stressfull day or dont feel like living my life i can really escape through these videos. I always watch them before i go to sleep and yesterday i accidently while watching this video and found myself with some friends in chongqing!so thank you for letting me experience this .. kind of. When im done with my studies and earn grown people money i will defintly travel that place


Walkaholic Adam
Wow this place is really amazing. I have never visited mainland China and this is really making me want to visit!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

W Hunger
Chinese Cities are like fantasy or science fiction movies... a mixture between unreal and fantastic, far from earth on a distance planet... this mix of old fashioned culture and ultra modern skyscrapers is stunning. So many architectorial highlights... illuminated skytowers... people must love it...


I've spent months in China after I immigrated to the US at 4, but almost all of that time was spent in Beijing and my mom's hometown in the northeast. I'd love to go city-hopping around China one of these days.


Chongqing is soooo beautiful, the rapid development of this city is beyond compare!


Lionel liétard
It's really beautiful, with this futuristic and magical atmosphere .... I love it !


Team Tryxgg
Chongqing is one of my most favourite city in China and the world. There're thousands of modern skyscrapers in this beautiful mountain city.


Whoa, you come to this majestic city! So many people have been asking and looking forward to this. I am sure there were many special experiences during your tour. Happy walking!

哇,你来到了这座雄伟的城市!很多人一直在询问和期待这个视频。我相信在你的旅行中有很多特别的经历。 步行快乐!

Ray H.
amazing city! just been there! skyline is insane with the rolling hills in the background! really want to stay in Chongqing

很棒的城市!我刚刚去过那里!背景是连绵起伏的群山,映入眼帘的是高耸入云的天际线! 我好想住在重庆

Jay Toh
as an overseas Chinese it is almost touching to witness the peaceful rise of China, especially seeing so much ramification from Western medias and those nasty and baseless comments against China on the internet


Ivan Alexeev
I miss Chongqing so much, hope to visit it again some day.


Logan Ross
wow, this city looks spectacular! When I get a chance to visit China this city is at the top of my list!


Wow super cool!! Wish more buildings could be this beautiful! Downtown core looks epic too but that Cave is truly a gem

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

absolutely gorgeous! great mix of traditional and modern and everyone having a good time. thanks! will be adding to my travel wish list!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

SHOEWALKER - City Sounds
Wow! what a lovely place its so amazing the color , the people and the buildings it is fantastic to watch in 4k HDR love the quality of your work always.

哇!这是一个多么漂亮的地方,它的颜色、人民和建筑都令人惊叹,用4k HDR模式观看真是太棒了,我一直喜欢你的视频质量。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

45:00 that futuristic area looks so cool! It looks like the inside of a spaceship!


JinTheGod Tech
What a dream place!! As a photographer lover i could be all day taking pictures whatever exist there..its a paradise! Thank you for sharing such great contents!


Mr. Shy
china is amazing but I still love my country . I hope china and indonesia not conflict anymore about Natuna or southeast china sea


This was a spectacular visual treat. The red lighting on the bridge is so eye catching. What a beautiful city!


First time i hear of this city, look awesome, greetings from Mexico.


Federico Giorgetti
I miss Chongqing sooooo much, best city and most welcoming people in China!!


THIS is the sort of China i dream of visiting, not the other stuff ive been seeing recently.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 5