2023-04-05 辽阔天空 2838

Why is life so hard?


Arjun A J
Why is life tough?
Let me tell you a small story which relates to your question and I'm sure it eventually gives you something to think and can even give you a proper solution:
A man was leading a happy life with his wife and two children, considerably a rich rife. He was earning a lot of money in his business which was more than enough for a small family like his.
But what happens down the line say, after 5-6 years, he started losing all his wealth because of some unexpected scenarios. And as a consequence of it, his wife and children also started suffering.
Finally, after trying all possible ways to get back to his old times, he fails. He got disappointed badly that he decides to commit suicide when no options were left to choose. He climbs a tall mountain and was about fall from the top of it. Luckily, he get to meet a monk (Sanyasi) there. Out of curiosity, the man goes near the monk. He tells all his life events and his position he is right now. He asks the monk only one question:

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"Why the life is tough?"
Yeah. The same question that you are asking now. The monk tells him to take a deep breath and answers the question:
"Well, you were leading a happy life few years back. Have you ever thought on why your life was so easier or happier than ever?"
The man got stuck right there and could not even dare to open his mouth. The monk now conveys the message:
"My dear son, life is neither easy, nor difficult. It is purely based on two aspects: one is, how you perceive things and another, how you act on them. Perception affects your actions and actions affect the outcome. So, never try to perceive things in negative manner because that affects your think-act process. As of now, stay calm for a moment and get back to your family since lot of good things awaiting you in future. God bless you..!!"
The man learnt the lesson from the monk's inspiring words. He gives away the thought of suicide, instead starts his life in a whole new manner and most importantly he changes his perception on everything so that he can think better, act better and get better.
So, whatever may be the problems in your life, I suggest you to stay calm, think in a better way to solve them and act wisely. Never lose hope in life.
I hope this helps a bit for you.


Richard Muller
Would you say that life is hard?
Yes, life is hard, thank God!
Sometimes I think about life in the following way: I had a prior life, totally different from what I experience today. I was very well behaved, generous and thoughtful, so God decided to send me to heaven. And that’s where I am now.
Heaven is a fascinating and challenging place. Yes it is hard, but that’s what makes it heaven. I am given challenges to accomplish, like having to survive, to raise a family, to do what I can do to make the world better, to try to understand how the world works. These challenges are the primary joy of my current heaven, and I thank God I was not sent to Hell, where probably I would be doomed to the worst punishment of all—not fire and brimstone, but boredom. Why is solitary confinement the worst prison punishment? Because it consists of intense boredom!


My guess is that in hell you are not allowed to do anything interesting, but are confined to sitting on clouds, playing sweet music on a harp, and listening to others play their sweet tunes. It’s a dreadfully boring existence, made worse by the fact that it will go on for eternity.
My greatest joys in my life have come from successfully meeting hard challenges. Does anybody enjoy video games which are easy to defeat? No! Those are no fun. People get joy from challenges.
Thank you, God, for sending me a heaven that is hard!


Dhruvi Agrawal
What's the hardest truth of life?
Physical beauty is valued.
Fake people are loved more.
Reservation system is killing the development of India.
No one thinks good for you except your parents. I repeat, no one!
Very few friends are happy with your success.
Most of the present relationships have no future. They are made to break up one day.


Everyone has feelings which are hard to hide but difficult to express.
We are getting addicted to the internet day by day!
Most of the students are even today forced to pursue engineering and medical.
Marriages are not always happy.
All relatives don't think of your goodwill.
90% people you meet in life , backstab you.
We waste most of our time in jealousy.
You can get good education only if you are financially stable.
Headache really sucks.
Life of a divorcee is too tough. Not for work but for the taunts they get to hear daily.
I didn't mean to hurt anyone or question equality for the sc/st. !!!!!!!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shinam Khatri
Why is life tough?
Life is tough because; it is fragile, it is short, it is unpredictable and it is finite. It tests your patience, it tests your love, it tests your ties with the loved ones. It will show us dreams and then takes them away. It is full of opportunities, we still fail anyway. We don't know what lies beyond. We don't know what lay before. We compare and compete, we backstab and cheat, we yearn for short cut to success. We want glory and riches, we want health and wealth, we want family and love, we want power and beauty. We are green with envy at the success of others. We want our kids to be better than those of neighbors.
In a limited time with limited competencies and bodies that will grow old and fragile we juggle so many things, interact with so many people and aim to achieve so much.
Is it any surprise that life is tough?!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sean Kim
Why is life so bad?
I was born with a rare condition called arthrogryposis. It affects one in a thousand. My parents had wanted to throw me away at sight.
I don’t blame them; who would want such a child?
Throughout my life, I constantly battled my condition and other’s comments. I was going through surgery after surgery, therapy after therapy during the time kids would be out playing with their friends or going to school.
I would look out the hospital window and watch the kids play while I rested my arms and legs inside a stiff cast.
My parents would secretly cry at night, trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn’t hear. I would pretend to sleep but inside, I knew it all. I heard it all. I felt it all.

我出生时患有一种罕见的疾病,叫做关节挛缩症 。它只影响千分之一的人。我父母一见到我就想把我扔掉。

I knew I was a burden on my parents, on my family, on my relatives. I knew the only way out was to improve myself as much as possible to become “normal.”
So my journey began. I would try my best at therapy sessions and cope with the doctors as much as possible. I stopped crying and began to cooperate with it all. I knew I had no choice but to travel the road up. And so I did.
By five years old, I was doing everything a normal kid should be doing. My doctors had concluded that I was the best case with this condition he had ever seen. I began to go to school and live as normal of a life as I could. Time passed.
Seventeen years later, here I am today. I conquered all my fights and I am a stronger person today; someone who has a clear goal. What did I learn from my journey?
Life does suck, but it sucks only for those who give in.
Seventeen years ago, my parents could have given up and thrown me in the trash can outside the hospital. I could have resigned and accepted my condition. But this didn’t happen. We fought on and we won.
Continue through life and fight everything that comes your way. In the end, you will be a better, happier person. There’s no other way out.


Jim Stone
Why is life hard?
Life has always been hard, but the modern world presents special challenges to human contentment.
According to Self-Determination Theory, human beings have three basic psychological needs:
When we lived in a tribe or village, it was probably easier to get these psychological needs met.
Today it can be more difficult to get these needs met.
How the modern world frustrates our drive for competence
When our tribe consisted of 100 people it was easy to be the best in the known world at something.


If someone else was the best hunter, we could try to become the best spear maker or story teller. There was always a niche available at which we could be the best in the known world, and it was a broad enough niche that everybody valued it.
Today we compare ourselves to 7 billion people. If we want to be the best in the known world at something, we either have to be extremely good (unreasonably good), or find a niche so narrow that no one we grew up with even understands what we do.
How the modern world frustrates our need for autonomy
Autonomy is not the same thing as independence.
Autonomy is a matter of feeling free to act according to our own values.
In the tribe, we tended to share the values of the tribe, and there weren't many social forces conflicting with our sense of what was worth working toward.
Today we interact with a relatively diverse set of people who have very different sets of values. And we must find a way to get along with all of them.
Personally I think this is good. But it is also somewhat disorienting for humans who come pre-loaded with psychologies that were designed for simpler circumstances.
Today we are also more likely to have jobs that require us to act out of step with our values.
And we are more apt to change our values as we grow up and move away from our families and childhood friends. This can cause us to be out of step with people in our lives who still might have considerable influence over our well being.
And so on.


How the modern world frustrates our desire for relatedness
It's easy to imagine that in many tribes everyone felt that they were valuable members of the tribe. And it was easy to define who was in your tribe.
Today we have our sense of relatedness spread out over many overlapping groups.
Again, this is good in some ways, but there is a part of many people that longs for those close bonds that used to happen naturally when life was simpler.
And that's not all . . .


In addition to those things, life is just more complicated. We have to keep track of more things to function in modern societies. And if you live in an area where jobs are scarce, life will be hard in the good old fashioned way it's always been hard
Life is also easier today in many ways than it was in tribal or village life We have running water and electricity in our homes. If we ARE out of step with the values of our families, we CAN find people to be with who accept us or share our values. We have better medicine, more consistent food choices, an so on.
Personally, I would not trade modern life for tribal or village life. Tribal life was no picnic, and not every tribe matched the romantic ideal we might fantasize about when we want to retreat from modern complexity.
But it's good to acknowledge the obstacles we face when trying to make a tribal psychology work in our large rapidly changing cosmopolitan world.


Tejasvita Apte
Why is life tough?
Because life takes effort. Because life takes Discipline.
Life is tough because we have to do things that delay temporary pleasures. You want excellent health, you've got to control eating your chocolates and exercise everyday.
You want to have great relationships, you have to develop the skills. You have to work at it.
You want freedom, you bloody well take responsibility for it.
You want truth, you need life long integrity and dedication to it.
You want to learn to be happy? It takes lifelong commitment to something other than your own self.
All of the above, requires mindfulness and discipline. Something you have to constantly work at.


Laura Cody
I think life has always been difficult but once upon a time we lived in small clans who helped each other and everyone had to contribute and usually had something they could contribute. And that is what makes life worthwhile, to know you have value.
That was then, your asking about today and you worded it correctly, asking why life is hard. And there is a big difference between life being difficult and it being hard.
With a few exceptions, most humans live in cities with thousands to millions of people crowding all around you, most of them strangers.
It's unlikely that you live within an extended family these days so you have way less support and help from people you have known all your life.
You probably don't know your neighbours, even the people next door.
Instead of learning your skills from your father or mother, you have to go to school where you are expected to learn exactly what everyone else is.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you had a talent, it was most likely ignored in the public schools.
Eventually you graduate, then look for a job for which you have no experience or go on to college where you might get to study what interests you but your probably pushed to take classes that can earn you a living even if you hate it.
Then your in the same boat as your high school friends who took the work route, you have to interview for jobs you have no experience in. Nobody just gives you a job unless your lucky and a family member owns a business. For everyone one else it a competitive rat race.
Then you have to deal with co workers and your in a constant race to get the next promotion.


Nothing is for sure because anyone can lose a job or get sick or in an accident and really find yourself in a financial pickle.
And what is worse is that underneath it all, your probably not good or not invested in your job making work hard work.
They say the to master anything you need 10,000 hours, close to 250 / 40 hour weeks practicing. I don't know if a job where you probably have many different tasks allows you to really master it. You just hope you don't get fired.
Then if you have a family, your expected to raise your kids without the assistance of anyone. And you probably don't see much of your extended family.
Basically what I am saying is in the U.S., independence is valued too highly so its all on your shoulders and that's why life is hard because nobody seems to be looking out for each other rather everyone is out for themselves.


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