2023-04-11 龟兔赛跑 3294

What are the advantages of having a private health insurance in Germany vs a public health insurance?


Stephan Landers
I know that this is some paid entry to lure people towards some kind of service, but just a hint of warning:
Private health insurance in Germany is very good, with many advantages, but it comes with a catch. If you choose it (often at a young, healthy age when it is cheap),Should you ever have a lower or missing income, you still have to stay with them, so your service level can sink below the public one and still cost more. You know that and you'll tell me to buzz off, but hear me out.


Should you ever become old or chronically sick, the rates will rise (or you'll pay more up front) and if something like a, say, global pandemic were to strike, those rates, which are usually kept low through sharing company excess, can climb even higher. It's still cheaper than paying everything yourself, but you'll be a liability to your insurer and they will try to cut their losses.
While publicly insured service is regarded (and very often for real) second class, finances won't be discussed ever (except for dental). Your doctors or pharmacists directly talk to the insurer and get their money. With private insurance, you pay the doctor and you should not be surprised if you encounter random problems with insurance reimbursement every other month. Even if you resolve the issue, next month or the one after, it will happen again. Some time it's 10 Euros, sometime it’s 100.


There will be unexpected reductions, missing receipts, refusal to pay for medicine because you got the wrong vendor, notes of referral being dated wrong, you name it. Even if you need the same things every time. It takes time and willpower to fight against that and should you happen to be sick or a slightly disorganized type of person, you may not find enough strength to do that every time. Should it ever come to a lawsuit though, note that any competent lawyers in the field will usually work for the insurers and medical cases take years to complete.
If you have any kind of risk insurance (loss of income, accident etc.) expect them to come up with alleged contract violations from your side, incorrectly or insufficiently answered questions etc. on the day you need them, not when you sign the contract.
In the end, the laws keep them from outright robbing you and they have a reputation to keep up, so they'll be friendly and accurate and you'll get what’s yours if you persist; but should you be out of luck and e.g, fighting a depression, be old and alone or just unable to stay concentrated and read you will lose money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Deidre Graydon
They're are certainly many advantages to private health insurance. HOWEVER : One really crucial downside is that as you get older, the cost of private health insurance increases dramatically. Ten years ago I was paying 350. At the moment I'm paying 1000 euros a month. And once you're 55 you cannot switch back to the public insurance. What many people don't realise is that the attractive premiums when you're young and healthy increase every year. By the time you've retired, the premiums have increased exponentially.
How do the companies do that? Every five years or so, the private health insurance companies close the plan you're on, meaning it does not offer it to new customers (often younger people whose health care costs tend to be lower). Since health care costs increase as you get older, the companies can use this as a reason to increase your premiums.


There is no limit as to how far they can go as long as they can argue that they're paying out more. Inevitably, your premiums will continue to go up.. Many people who signed up for private health insurance when they were young say that after they've retired, it's really really hard to pay the premiums from their pension. And many have preexisting conditions that makes it impossible for them to enter any other plan. At the moment my premiums take almost half my pension. Civil servants get some financial help for their insurance when they retire,, but no one else does.
Even though the health care is definitively better, you'd be better off getting public insurance and maybe buying additional coverage..


Yonca Tarak
In Germany, there are two main types of health insurance: public health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung or GKV) and private health insurance (Private Krankenversicherung or PKV). Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them will depend on your individual circumstances and needs.
Advantages of private health insurance in Germany include:

在德国,有两种主要类型的健康保险:公共健康保险(Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung或GKV)和私人健康保险(private Krankenversicherung或PKV)。这两种选择都有其优点和缺点,两者之间的选择将取决于您的个人情况和需求。

More flexibility: Private health insurance in Germany offers more flexibility in terms of choosing your doctor, hospital, and medical treatments.
More comprehensive coverage: Private health insurance in Germany typically provides more comprehensive coverage than public health insurance, including dental and vision care.
Shorter wait times: Private health insurance can often provide shorter wait times for medical appointments and procedures.
Higher quality of care: Private health insurance in Germany often offers a higher quality of care, with access to advanced treatments and facilities.
Tailored coverage: Private health insurance allows you to customize your coverage to meet your specific needs, which can be particularly beneficial if you have pre-existing conditions or require specialized medical care.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Advantages of public health insurance in Germany include:
Lower costs: Public health insurance in Germany is generally less expensive than private health insurance, particularly for younger and healthier individuals.
Automatic coverage: Everyone in Germany is required to have health insurance, and if you are employed, you will automatically be enrolled in public health insurance. Private health insurance, on the other hand, requires an application process and may not be available to everyone.
Equal access: Public health insurance in Germany provides equal access to medical care for everyone, regardless of income or health status.
Family coverage: Public health insurance often provides family coverage at no additional cost, which can be particularly beneficial for families with children.
Ultimately, the choice between public and private health insurance in Germany will depend on your individual needs and circumstances, as well as your budget and preferences. It's important to do your research and compare different options before making a decision.


Jimmy Bobbins
It depends on whether you believe in a society where those who are more fortunate help out those who are less fortunate.
Though imperfect, a cornerstone of the German public healthcare funding model is solidarity. You pay (approx 15%) of what you earn irrespective of age or state of health such that those who earn more help out those who earn less. This model means that irrespective of one's circumstances you should never have to fear the financial consequences of being sick.
By opting for private insurance you're in effect sticking up two fingers up to the concept of solidarity and perpetuating a culture of valuing one's own needs over those of society.
Fortunately there are substantial disadvantages to being privately insured that others have mentioned such as the astronomical increases in costs as you get older or if you have a chronic illness; the fact many plans don't cover dependent family members . Hence, many sensible Germans who earn enough to be private still opt to be public for this reason. As for those who to private for short-term greed. Well I think the famous German word Schadenfreude is apt here.
Sadly one group is often forced into private: freelancers who arrive from abroad. To this group I'd advise that if your visa allows it, try to get a part-time job in a cafe or bar or supermarket to get into the public system first, then once you're in you can stay in the system as a freelancer.
I sincerely hope that the private opt-out is eventually abolished

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nothing. You can get therapies at private clinics. Maybe quicker to find a psychotherapist.
already in 50s you could pay ca 600€ every month per person, you can be a financial supporter to a clinic by agreeing to unnecessary diagnostics packages. They love to keep you in a hospital longer. Doctors and nurses handle the private patients NOT nicer. They handle all equally.


Code Learner
In Germany, there are two main types of health insurance: public (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung or GKV) and private (Private Krankenversicherung or PKV). Here are some advantages of each type:
Advantages of public health insurance:
Affordability: Public health insurance premiums are based on a percentage of your income, which means they are generally more affordable than private health insurance premiums.
Comprehensive coverage: Public health insurance covers a wide range of medical treatments and services, including doctor visits, hospital stays, prescxtion drugs, and preventative care.
No exclusions for pre-existing conditions: Public health insurance cannot deny coverage or charge higher premiums based on pre-existing conditions.
Access to all doctors and hospitals: Public health insurance holders have access to all doctors and hospitals that participate in the public health system.


Guaranteed coverage: Everyone in Germany is required to have health insurance, and public health insurance must accept anyone who applies.
Advantages of private health insurance:
More options: Private health insurance offers a wider range of options and benefits than public health insurance, such as coverage for alternative medicine, private rooms in hospitals, and dental care.
Quicker access to specialists: Private health insurance holders may be able to access specialist care more quickly than those with public health insurance.
Higher quality of care: Some people believe that private health insurance offers a higher quality of care, as private hospitals and doctors may have more resources and time to dedicate to each patient.
Lower waiting times: Private health insurance holders may experience shorter wait times for certain procedures or treatments.


Jane Bree
In Germany, having private health insurance provides several advantages over public health insurance:
More choices: Private health insurance companies offer more flexible plans and a wider range of services than public insurance, allowing people to tailor their insurance coverage to their specific needs.
Shorter wait times: With private health insurance, patients generally have access to quicker appointments and treatments compared to those with public insurance.
Better facilities: Private health insurance often covers treatments in better equipped, more comfortable facilities with more amenities.
More cost-effective: In some cases, private insurance can be more cost-effective in the long run, as people pay higher premiums but receive better treatment and avoid long wait times.
However, private health insurance can be more expensive, and it may not cover all medical treatments or procedures. It's important to carefully consider all options and choose the best insurance coverage that fits one's needs and budget.


Somsong B.
In Germany, there are both public and private health insurance options available. The main advantages of private health insurance versus public health insurance are:
Greater Choice of Doctors and Hospitals: With private health insurance, you generally have more choice in terms of doctors, hospitals, and clinics. You can often choose a doctor from a larger network and have more flexibility in scheduling appointments.
Faster Treatment: Private health insurance often provides faster treatment times for procedures and surgeries, as well as shorter waiting lists for specialist appointments.
More Comprehensive Coverage: Private health insurance plans typically offer more comprehensive coverage for things like alternative treatments, dental care, and rehabilitation services.
Higher Quality Care: Private health insurance often offers access to higher quality care, including more comfortable hospital rooms, private nursing care, and premium services.
No Queues: Private health insurance typically offers less waiting time, especially for specialist consultations and procedures.
More Customizable Coverage: Private health insurance plans are often more customizable, allowing you to choose the level of coverage that works best for you.
It's important to keep in mind that private health insurance in Germany is typically more expensive than public health insurance. Additionally, not everyone is eligible for private health insurance, as there are income requirements and other eligibility criteria that must be met. Before switching from public to private health insurance, it's important to consider your specific needs and budget, and to weigh the costs and benefits carefully.


Feather insurance
In Germany Public insurance and Private Health insurance, each have their own distinct pricing and requirements (for Private Health) to be eligible.
Public health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung GKV) is available to almost everyone and is mandatory in Germany. It's also partially funded by the government. This provides a large enough security net for the people who are part of the insurance plan.
Germany's public health insurance costs 14,9% to 16,3% of your gross income (on average 15,9%). The prices vary between different providers (Krankenkassen); however, the maximum you can pay monthly if you’re a high earner above €65k per year will be capped at €461.99 per month.
You can find out here with this online tool that provides a price estimate for those who are interested in knowing if it will be interesting to make the switch:

公共医疗保险(Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung GKV)几乎对所有人都适用,在德国是强制性的。它的部分资金也由政府提供。这为参加保险计划的人提供了一个足够大的安全保障。

Private health insurance is different because it’s the individuals who fully fund it. This is possible because private health insurance premiums depend on a person’s general health and age when signing up and include old age savings, so monthly payments don’t drastically increase as someone gets older. Private health insurance also comes with a guarantee from the government, so if anything were to happen, someone will still have coverage. With private health insurance, monthly payments can also be significantly lower than with public insurance. Costs are determined by factors such as your age, health, and occupation rather than your income.
There are a number of factors that go into determining if private health insurance makes sense for someone. If you’re young, single, healthy, and earning more than €65k, then we can say with a pretty high level of certainty that you would benefit from private health insurance.
After switching, you can expect more comprehensive coverage, lower monthly payments, shorter waiting times for doctor’s appointments, among other benefits.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you have children, our rule of thumb is that it makes sense to get private if you plan on having three or fewer. Otherwise, it might get to be too expensive.
For people who have been through therapy for mental health reasons, for example, you’ll need to wait before getting on private health insurance because this would be considered a pre-existing condition.
If you only plan on staying in Germany for a few years, it also makes sense to be on private insurance because you’ll have overall better coverage with lower payments if you’re earning more than €65k.


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