2023-04-11 超级凉快 11542

Danny Lam
I was in Chongqing 5 years ago, It's an impressive life explored. Local friends invited me for lunch and dinner, each time ate Chongqing hotpot and hard to moved my ass next day hope you have a good time there ! I love your video, thanks for sharing


Tropical Beach
have to agree no doubt, China is incredible and the cities are miraculous and unique, these are real life cities and make cities like NY, LA, and SF look like a joke in comparison! Lived in china from 2006-2008 around Beijing, and toured all throughout Shanghai, Macau, Hong Kong, wuhan, guangzao, and Tianjin/xian. If I could go back to China, definitely would in a heart beat and live there. Everywhere you go around the city is just perfect for taking pictures. China is so massive and so much to see both modern and historically. These cities in China are real world class cities!

毫无疑问必须同意,中国是不可思议的,城市很独特,简直是个奇迹,而且这些都是现实生活中的城市,纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山与这样的城市相比,就像一个笑话! 我在2006-2008年居住在中国北京附近,并在上海、澳门、香港、武汉、广州和天津、西安到处旅行。如果我能回到中国,我肯定会心跳加速并住在那里。中国幅员辽阔,在现代景观和历史古迹方面都有很多值得一看的地方。在城市周围的任何地方都非常适合拍照。中国的这些城市才是真正的世界级城市!

Tropical Beach
personally, I'm not interested in politics or voicing an opinion against the government. My interest is development, technology, entertainment, and photography. I understand in America; we have free speech, but free speech in USA is overrated because they use their free speech to defame, false light, attack other people; people easily and naively believe anything and everything they're told and just go off gossip and emotion.

个人而言,我对政治或发表反对政府的意见不感兴趣。 我的兴趣是研发、技术、娱乐和摄影。在美国我们有言论自由,但美国的言论自由被高估了,因为他们利用言论自由来诽谤、误导、攻击其他人;人们很容易天真地相信他们被告知的任何事情,只是出于八卦心理和主观的喜好。

@Tropical Beach China does the same thing but you have no way to defend yourself. Just because you're not interested in politics doesn't mean politics will not affect you. You cannot ignore it. And you clearly don't because your comment is political.
People in the US don't just believe anything, that's just false.


This is currently the only city I'd like to visit in the world.
There is something fascinating from its atmosphere.
I want to see for myself.


Wow impressive! I never heard about this city before. I hope to visit China one day.


info killer
Seeing such beautiful and big cities like these make me envy chinese, I am definitely visiting Chongqing in the future.


Chongqing is one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of more than 30 million. Its area is equivalent to six Beijing. The scenery of Chongqing is very suitable for traveling in winter, and it is very hot in summer. I have been there three times and it feels great!


Hype Beastreet
What a beautiful city and look safer than any other city in western society.
The young kids (17-21) doesn’t look like to make problems unlike in the cities from the western countries.

多么美丽的城市,看起来比西方社会的任何其他城市都安全。与西方国家的城市不同,年幼的孩子们(17-21 岁)看起来不喜欢制造麻烦。

It's not a sunny day.... It's a clear night. Nevertheless, Chongqing is a fantastic city by any standard.


a clc
WOW! Great video. Thanks for the walk along. Big city lights, nice clean city.


Rhaul Sparrow
stunning cityscape view. china looks like a city from the future

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is China's best looking city. One of the nicest looking cities in the world. Very impressive!

这是中国最好看的城市。 世界上最漂亮的城市之一。 非常令人印象深刻!

Myriam Pro
Wow, that was amazing! Was that ilumination related to the Autumn Festival, or it is like that every night? Thanks for posting. This city is in my bucket list now, definitely!
poor Moon! Everything was so bright, the Moon looked sad and pale in comparison.


Abu Shwarb
more cities should look like this, there needs to be more neon lights cuz damn they make a city look extremely good at nights, i don't know why neon lit building and streets are so rare around the world


Ryan Gonzales
Because its pretty expensive lol. Both initial & operating cost. That's why you can really tell the Chinese are rich


It also adds a huge amount of light pollution.


Chongqing is a cyberpunk city in real life.


Michał Włodarczyk
Chongqing is a magnificent city. It has this cyberpunkish vibe.

重庆是一座宏伟的城市。 它具有这种赛博朋克的氛围。

Dandelion L
Dandelion L
Really really really want to visit this place! So exciting!

真的真的真的很想去这个地方! 如此令人兴奋!

mat se
I have to be honest, though I know China is powerful, but only now that I have seen this I understand why. Good Luck and Health to the People in China and all over the World.


Budda CORE
Very beautiful city! I would love to visit this place. Thanks for the wonderful video.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is the most amazing night walk you've made so far.


Erdal Aşık
Oh my lord,i never heard about Chongqing before but after seeing this video i definitely want to visit the place.


Dandelion L
Chongqing has lots of hot and trendy girls too
Lots of beautiful famous Chinese actresses are from Chongqing.


Haley Wilson
I imagine this is exactly what people 100 years ago expected China to look like in 100 years


Bob Menzies
It’s astounding, the modernization in China in the past couple of decades. These are mesmerizing cities of the future. I’m in USA and sadly many of our cities are in a state of decay. Too concerned with tax cuts and not so much with decaying infrastructure.


That's so cool! China really is a awesome place.


Galaxy 007
I have been there in 2019 and fell in love with it ever since !my wife is from Chongqing and I'm from Algeria..we are expecting a new baby soon
Then by next year maybe we will visit there again
Thanks for the amazing videos you are showing us...it's mind relaxing and it shows me more cities to visit as well!


Tony P
wow that city got character.
Chongqing has now reached 2nd place in the "new 1st tier" business ranking, impressive feat for a city so far inland.


Can't wait to travel to China again! So far I have visited Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou Shenzhen Zhengzhou Kungmin Wuhan Tianjin Suzhou and Hangzhou and I like Hangzhou the best so beautiful but Xian and Chongqing looks awesome my next trip hehe


More cities than I've visited in China. I've only visited Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao (highly recommended if you're into architecture), Macau, and Jilin City. I have visited some random rural places, though, which is something, I suppose.


Nathaniel C
Really cool place! I'd love to go there for hotpot sometime....
Looks like your first night in Chongqing was a success....do you plan on doing more videos of the city? Hope so!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

da man
Beautiful city. Also as an American, I can't help but notice how fit most everyone is. That is, very few overweight locals unlike in the U.S.


eat rice and drink tea...then walk around a lot in places like these.


katie lee
such a beautiful city but I would disassociate so fast, crowded/loud places make me feel like I'm not in reality anymore and it's scary.
So I will just admire from here.


Beautiful, China really needs better PR and Marketing to get more tourists.. most people don’t even know about great cities in China.


Ghost G
Its 100% on the bucket list. Beautiful night city.


Wow all of those lights shining off of the river!


Would appreciate it if someone would provide the information about who is the designer/architect of this place. How did they come up with the idea of building a retail complex on a cliff face which I think was genius?


Walk East
In the old days the local people built their houses there, in the early 2000s, the buildings were too old and too dangerous to live, so the government transform the place to a traditional tourist and commercial area. Many buildings in Chongqing are built on cliff faces, because it’s a mountain city, Chongya Cave style is the traditional style, very typical in old Chongqing and other mountain areas in China


Singapore Untold Channel
This is a must visit for me. China really awesome in developing tourist places


Mountainous Port
This place looks magical! Its like from a cartoons or something.


Real Life Night City. that first part of the video looking over the river and seeing the bridge and the city looks like a scene right out of Cyberpunk 2077


Cool place. Too crowded for me. Glad for this video, now I know it exists.


First and last name
Hello from Yakutsk. Chongqing is my favorite city in China. Thank you for the video!

你好,来自雅库茨克。重庆是我最喜欢的中国城市。 谢谢你的视频!

Chillhop World
The beauty of Chongqing is truly s h o c k i n g.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I miss visiting China. Good food, warm weather, hot girls, friendly people.


pancher T
I live in Japan, where the population is aging rapidly.
What strikes me when I watch this video is the huge number of people in the same place, an even mix of men and women, young and old.


galactic turd
oh gosh what a charming city specially at nighttime


Luis Guillén
I need visit Chongqing. This city are in my dreams, is amazing¡


Amazing futuristic city. How to build a city for 32 million people. Only China could do that. Thanks.for sharing.


mad respect to chinese able to reconcile modern and traditional architecture. In here modern architecture are strictly from minimalism intrepertation, that's why everything is blocky building


The beauty of travelling in China: 1. Nobody cares about being filmed because you seldom meet narcissists who think they are somehow better than others; 2. You seldom have to worry about being forced to have unwanted interactions with strangers because ordinary Chinese people never pretend that they like to socialize with strangers (and if they do, it must be because they sincerely wanna get to know you); 3. You seldom have to worry about being racially discriminated against because Chinese people hate to be viewed as being inhospitable. They care a lot about how others think about them, especially if you look different. Some may charge you more and I believe it is universal for people around the world to try to profit from people who are not local, but you would almost never be physically attacked because of your race. This is very different from many other countries where people of certain race(s) think they are somehow better and are thus entitled to use racial slurs or violence.

在中国旅行的美妙之处: 1.没有人在乎被拍,因为你很少遇到自以为比别人强的自恋者;

Not racist? LMAO. I think you've never lived there. you are not even chinese or asian.
Racism is everywhere.
it's still racist you just don't know it.


korea trip walk
nice to meet you.
It is fantastic to see such a beautiful city at night. I will make friends and come here often. Thanks for sharing a good video.

很高兴见到你。能在夜晚看到如此美丽的城市真是太棒了。我会经常来这里交朋友。 感谢你分享精彩的视频。

BBnX_ 78
Why Havent I heard about this city before? Underrated.

为什么我以前没有听说过这个城市? 它被低估了。

lily 273
because I always watch your videos, I am even more excited to take a scholarship to China for next year. Thank you for making a video about China wish me success in pursuing my studies in China. And I hope you are always healthy and successful for your videos in the future.


Francisco Lugo
So beautiful imagine been there with family


32 million population btw. That's more than Norway + Sweden + Finland + Denmark + Switzerland


Boniface Banta
32mil? Thats the size of entire Malaysian population


Lalita Rao
True, but China has enough land area to accommodate even more plus it's a really unique innovative sort of a culture anyways coming a long way as one of the strongest economies now!!


Toni Davis
If any city wants to learn how to redevelop their city & society. Then just watch videos touring China! Their downtowns, and cities Be "Breath taking!!" Their Architectural designers R AMAZING!!!! "I tip My Hat to you!!"


Robs T
my god the crowds, massive high rises, and neon .... reminds me of Bladerunner!


Chongqing suffered heavy bombings during the Japanese invasion. So good to see present chongqing in its glory

日军侵华期间,重庆遭受重创。 很高兴看到现在的重庆
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Walk East
Luckily, the history has gone and new Chongqing is developing


Simon C
People are all friendly and get along and safe. In Britain and America night out involving less than half the number of people often end up with fights, drunks, robbery, begging, etc.


The Walking Camera
Great video. Can't wait to visit! Best wishes from London


Kevin Asp
I love this city lifestyle. Unfortunately I’m living in a boring country


Rudolf Espinola
Chinese have a Chinese lifestyle and a perfect life. Thank you for your videos and let us see the true beauty of China city.


In China everything really lights up, you feel like you are in a cyberpunk film.


To me it's more ghibli-esque than disney-esque. It reminds me of that bath house from spirited away.


That gold lit building is pure eye candy.


This city has more people than A LOT of countriesthat’s crazy


For natural scenery, stay aeay from big cities lol. Go for Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai.
For the place where Avatar was filmed, it is called Zhangjiajie.
There is also Yellow Mountain.


Luís Direito
It's both fascinating and depressing, to be honest, meaning no offense. In the sense that I would love to get to see this city in person, but I am sure I would feel utterly miserable and depressed if I spent more than a week there. I don't know if it's because I am European and more used to small cities, small buildings, small everything, lots of mountains in the background and green landscapes. I am sure that the people who were born in Chongqing or have lived there for the most part of their lives are perfectly happy and content with their lives (I would too probably), but that's the thing, you have to be born in a place like this in order to truly appreciate it, to feel that you belong there, to feel that it's your home. Foreigners, though, depending on when they come from, may find it an "alien" hostile environment, however fascinating, and feel like a stranger in a strange land. Honestly, I think I would feel completely lost and overwhelmed by this city, and I think that is the beauty and the magic of places like this!


luong h
In fact, Chongqing is also a city located in the mountains, but it is too big.
One more thing, I don't know which European country you are from, but I know your family must be rich. Because for the poor, the poor only hate the mountains around their homes, which isolate wealth and development, and they just want to get out of the mountains.

其实重庆也是一座山城,只是太大了。还有一点,我不知道你来自欧洲哪个国家,但我知道你家一定很有钱。 因为对于穷人来说,穷人只恨自己的家乡被周围的大山隔绝了,阻碍了发展,只想走出大山。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Luís Direito
My family isn’t rich whatsoever and, in fact, I live in the largest city in my country (Portugal). I understand what you mean, and I believe it’s true or that you believe it's true in your country. But in my country it isn’t like that at all. No one “hates mountains” here. Although it’s true people tend to flee from rural areas towards the shoreline due to socioeconomic reasons, Portugal is such a small country and cities are generally so small that you never feel like you’re truly away from the countryside or that you are stuck in a a concrete jungle hours away from the nearest village or rural area. You can literally be in the countryside in half an hour, by car, if you are in the shoreline. Inland regions don’t hinder wealth and development, and I would say they actually promote it. I understand in rural China the reality is much different, though.


Cali catus
how absolutely beautiful, modern and clean. i live in nj. i have no idea why people visit nyc when it's dirty, noisy, ugly, expensive, has horrible smells, is dangerous, etc. if my mother didn't still live in queens, i'd never set foot in it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dandelion L
Paradise for spicy food lovers! So much fun in exploring those places!


incredible how all chinese cities are so mordernised best wishes from india hope we can learn from our neighbours so that our cities can be like this in anytime in future.


Toni Davis
I Swear! China is One of the Prettiest Places in the World!! I Love China!! Unbelievable!!!


Bearded Lonewolf
I wish we had lights like this at night in Canada on bridges and skyscrapers, cities here look so boring compared to overseas.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 3