2023-04-13 shengjunyong 24643

There are many more Koreans learning Chinese now than there were twenty years ago. There are two main reasons for this.


Huijian Wu
1.learning Chinese is good for getting a well-paying job, and Sino-Korean trade now accounts for a quarter of Korea's foreign exports.If you include Hong Kong and Taiwan, where Chinese is spoken, the total is nearly 40%.This means that a large proportion of Korean companies need people who are fluent in Chinese.

1. 学习汉语有助于获得高薪工作,因为中韩贸易现在占韩国外贸出口的四分之一。如果加上讲汉语的香港和台湾,总数接近40%。这意味着很多韩国公司都需要精通汉语的人才。

2. More than two million Koreans now live permanently in mainland China, and there are increasing numbers of intermarriages between the two countries.Some experts predict that the total number of Koreans living in mainland China will exceed 10 million by around 2050. At the same time, the entire Korean population will be reduced to 40 million.In other words, in 2050, one out of every four Koreans will be living permanently in mainland China.

2. 现在,有超过两百万韩国人在中国大陆定居,两国之间的通婚也越来越多。据专家预测,到2050年左右,居住在中国大陆的韩国人总数将超过1000万。与此同时,整个韩国人口将减少到4000万。也就是说,在2050年,每四个韩国人中就有一个会在中国大陆定居。

3. There are also historical reasons, because the official books in ancient Korea were written in Chinese characters, and being proficient in Chinese helps to learn and read ancient Korean books.This is very similar to the Vietnamese, as the ancient books of Vietnam were also written in Chinese characters.

3. 还有历史原因,因为古代韩国的官方书籍都是用汉字书写的,所以精通汉语有助于学习和阅读古代韩国书籍。这与越南非常相似,因为越南的古代书籍也是用汉字书写的。

Therefore, it is only natural that more and more people are learning Chinese now.


Michael Ciao
We didn’t know anybody in SK, a lady working in one of our Tokyo supplier’s office gave us a name and contact in Seoul, Steven. Steven is 100% Korean, big strong wrestler build guy, he just returned to Seoul after studying in China for 7 years. he acted as our translator and became our export agent for 13 years.


During those 13 years, he entered our stationery industry, he started to export Korean made stationery products to China, he opened up 7 Korean products stores in Shanghai China.Steven is a typical example of why Koreans study Chinese, his wife is a Korean who majored in Chinese in Taiwan. Both now engaged in trading between South Korea, China, HK, Taiwan and throughout Southeast Asia, it just so happen pretty much all of the importers and retailers in Southeast Asia are ethnic Chinese, what do they speak and write? Chinese.


If you can speak Chinese, all the business doors to China, HK, Taiwan and throughout Southeast Asia are wide open to you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Benson Pe Chua
Am a third generation chinese born in the Philippines. In elementary and high school, I studied half day mandarin chinese in all subjects and the half day almost same subjects in English . I am not proficient in the subject of chinese language and barely pass.


I barely speak mandarin chinese for 40 years . Mostly speaking in Filipino , English and Fujian Min Nan ( our ancestors ) at home. But after going to the canton fair in 2005 and starting w talking in English w the chinese exhibitors , I notice that I can understand their mandarin ( putonghua in china) and started to try to speak to them in this. Gradually , I speak w mentally translating Fujian min nan ( same format in sentence ) into mandarin and gradually and automatically pick up what I learned growing up from 3 to 18 years old.


I feel that our memory cells can absorbed, and retain even after many years those sounds that we hear always - in this case , all of our teachers in those 15 years were mainly using mandarin as the medium of teaching chinese subjects. So even if I’m not speaking chinese mandarin so much , the frequent and daily dosage of the language were deeply implanted. And really human body and it’s ability works wonders. For since 2000 up to now - 20 years , am doing great business w china factories and communicating in improving and advancing Mandarin Chinese .


Hue Tran
Never underestimated what we learnt as youngsters, despite little effort we put in.Chinese (also Vietnamese) in particular are tone languages, and generally need to absorb & used to as a child. I have many western friends who are practically tone-deaf different tones of one sound. They all sound the same (one sound) to them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Amadeus Low
Because Minnan Hokkien is also a Han Chinese language, there are a lot of common areas


Draxle Lee
I think the answer is simple. Biggest concern for young Koreans is getting a decent job after graduation. Fluent in English and Chinese provides better opportunities as Korea’s biggest trade partners are both US and China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alan Long
If Koreans don't learn Chinese, they only have 60 years of history.


Hong Hwa Lee
You are correct in saying that much of Korean history is written in Chinese but you are wrong in making such a drastic conclusion. First, very few Koreans learn Chinese to read historical texts. Even a native Chinese would not know how to interpret them correctly. That is a job for professional historians.


[That is not to say that knowing few thousand Chinese characters would not be helpful in understanding Korean culture and society. That can be done effectively done without learning the Chinese language. ] Second, you obviously don’t know about one of the greatest writing systems ever invented—the Hangeul scxt—[and this is not my contention by what most linguists agree]. We have plenty of texts written in the Hangeul scxt since the 15th century… Needlessly to say 500-plus is helluva lot longer than 60 years

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

OH Hyen Su
Once the Chinese market was opened, Very high expectations were for the Chinese market in Korea. Therefore, there was a trend to learn Chinese.Besides, I think people who are interested in Chinese culture also learn.


for my personal experience,I can't speak Chinese, but I was thinking of learning Chinese because of the Three Kingdoms. I wanted to learn Chinese and visit hometown of my favorite character in the Three Kingdoms. But I gave up because it was difficult...


Mel Chen
Actually, I was told, the University graduate from Korea will understand about 2000 words of Chinese, while the Japan University graduate will understand about 1000.They are not really studying Chinese per say, but Chinese Language has been part of their language system. Many of their names (especialy Korea), are still written in Chinese.


Jong Park
I can probably wager that because nowadays, there are a lot more business opportunities out there in China, not to mention, China also has very high potential in many fields of the market. So I feel the reason why a lot of Koreans study Chinese is primarily because learning the language can really help them develop their careers and future plans. It’s also not unique thing to Koreans. I do have couple of Japanese friends studying Chinese for that exact same reason.


Xiangwei Tang
Me for example, non-native English speaker. But I can somehow speak and write in English.To learn another language is always useful.Unless you’re American.


Steve Chen
Isn’t it obvious why we all used to learn English because we want to deal business or move to USA, but now China is considered a new superpower and will likely exceed USA in a few years or within your existence as a human being, so it quite obviously why parents of South Koreans are forcing their kids to Learn Chinese because they are planning their kids to a bright future.


An example would be BTS. You really think there are more Korean fans for BTS than Chinese? You are probably wrong lol China has like 20 times more population than Koreans…. and maybe 100 times richer than Korea. You rather have richer and more audience or poor audience? If you want to do business with China, you better learn their Language and be a pro to show your respect to the new superpower in return of good money returns.


Im Yang Gyoon
Why are so many South Koreans studying Chinese?The question you asked me to answer is from 20 to 30 years ago.Few people are interested in Chinese now.The reason was that if Koreans traded with China, China would become a blue ocean.People I know said they were going to build a soap factory in China when they opened it.


I told him... He ignored my words and laughed at me.But about 15 years later, he returned as a beggar.In the early days of China''s opening and development, it made propaganda as if it would make money by attracting many Koreans. By the way, if Koreans go to China and make money, they could not bring the money back to Korea.The Chinese Communist Party won''t let the bank give you money or...He forced the money he earned in China to reinvest in China.

我跟他说... 他不理我的话,还笑话我。可是15年后,他穷困潦倒地回来了。在中国开放和发展的初期,当时宣传说只要来中国就能赚钱,这吸引了很多韩国人。顺便说一句,如果韩国人去中国赚钱,他们是没法把钱带回韩国的。中国不会让银行给你汇款或者……他们会让你把在中国赚的钱再投资出去。

In this way, they robbed many Koreans of money and stole technology.Investment in countries like China was a very risky investment unless it was a global conglomerate.China has not been able to play this kind of trick in the case of world-class conglomerates, but...


In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, they were robbed by any means.When many Koreans returned from China as beggars, Koreans became less interested in China.So now few people are learning Chinese.It is very dangerous for small and medium-sized enterprises to do business in communist or socialist countries other than global conglomerates.


Effweye Young
Doesn’t change the fact that in both cases (Japan and Korean), the Americans see both as little more than vassal states, for them to station military forces in its “Great Game” against China and Russia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dyson J
If one day Japan and South Korea go to war, the Chinese will help the Japanese step on a Korean like you.The Japanese don't need to thank me. Although China and Japan have historical grievances, the Chinese hate Koreans even more.If one day the sea level rises and floods Japan and South Korea, the Chinese will build a bridge to take in Japan at the last minute and send the Koreans to Alaska to be neighbors with the Eskimos!


South Koreans study really hard and try to make sure they have some advantage to their possible competitors . (Most young Koreans have university degrees) . there were 600 000 south Koreans studying in USA ,300 000 in China, 80 000 Japan ,Indonesia and Philippines (both have a sizeable Koreans students too ) and this was official numbers of 2019–2021.


I don’t think the number of South Korean studying Chinese is really big (it is the second option after English but nearly all students learn how to write and read English). However, most prices in big cities in China are similar to Seoul and small Chinese cities are cheaper so it is feasible for middle to upper class Koreans families to pay the cost of living of students for 6 months or 1 year. At the end, money don’t care about feelings and china is its biggest market. ( Btw, the numbers of the Korean economy of 2022 looks really bad)


And I repeat again they are really competitive when it is about studies. Why would you move to developing countries that are far away of being developed ones to study ( Indonesia, Philippines)? That’s the bad side of the Korean rat race. ( Btw, Republic of Korea is a great place to live in)


Jihee Suh
Because everyone else does lol. Koreans are excessively competitive


Blaine Curcio
Not speaking for South Koreans specifically, I would think that most young people who go to study in China are either doing so because of:Business opportunities. Everyone is talking about how China is the engine of global economic growth, the most important thing is teach your kids Mandarin, etc. By going to study/live/stay in China, South Koreans (or anyone else) is trying to get closer to those opportunities.


Culture/history. Korea has its own amazing history and culture, but for some people, their home culture in general can feel boring or repetitive by the time they hit university age. So, going to another country can be an interesting cultural experience, whether for Koreans or anyone else.


Proximity (more for South Koreans specifically). For South Koreans who want to study outside of South Korea, I guess US/Europe/Australia are very far away, and for non-upper-class South Koreans, they can be prohibitively expensive. China is not only closer, but also far less expensive than most traditional options for studying/living abroad.


Beyond the above, there is a fairly strong network of South Koreans in a number of Chinese cities (I used to hang around a few South Koreans in Shenzhen, they form tight social circles and are supportive of one another in general), so this is also probably considered a plus by aspiring expat South Koreans.


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