2023-04-18 水滴的思绪 19855

You are literally proving Elon right by not posting the part where he questions the BBC.


We all know how the interview actually went.


So extraordinary of a conversation that BBC had to cut the best parts.


I love how the BBC thinks they can just edit out all the most embarrassing moments. It's like no one told them about the internet.


Love how the edited out all the bad parts about themselves Great work BBC you arent hiding anything.


Apart from editing out the meat of the interview. Making the Twitter algorithm open source was a seriously underrated move. It establishes a level of trust and credibility which the other social media don’t have.


This is one of the most embarrassing interviews I've ever seen. Love how the BBC just edited out the stuff they don't want you to see.


This is one of the best examples of what BBC is currently doing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The fact this is edited the way it is shows exactly what musk was pointing out.


Let's all support Twitter and help him.

让我们支持 Twitter 并帮助他。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This perfectly exemplifies why I feel uncomfortable watching mainstream news these days

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

BBC just proved Elon Musk was right by editing the interview


I would urge everyone to watch the unedited version without BBC bias


Elon totally gave this chap a good lesson in interviewing! The BBC will probably never show it the full interview.


Someone should start a petition calling on the BBC to post the full interview


I love how you edited out the part when your reporter majorly screwed up and made an utter fool of himself!


The second hand embarrassment I had for the reporter was insane. Lol. Y'all need to watch the part that was edited out


Got to love this unbiased reporter. His body language says it all


I loved how he called out the BBC for misinformation, but of course they wont post that part...


You're proving Elon right. Post the whole interview. Nothing to hide, right?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You left out the best parts. You're proving his point


we all seen the real unedited interview and you guys did nothing but prove him right


3 million people listened to this interview live. A day after, BBC has 250k views. We all know what happened between your edits. Elon was smart to broadcast it live to prevent you twisting his words.


Elon is doing an amazing job with Twitter, finally there's some open honest discussions instead of descent just being shut down. I was unsure of him when he first bought Twitter but after seeing him in the interview I'm impressed and would definitely continue to use the app


"You just lied." Why would they edit that part out? It was the best part of the interview


This is the perfect example of "sextive editing". Good job BBC you've done it again.


Remember guys...if the media ever wants an interview, make sure it's on YOUR terms and record it yourself!
You know how happy they are to 'edit' you.


I laughed my ass off listening to this interview


Perfect reason why not to have a TV licence right here


Release the full interview BBC. We will make our own minds up what Elon thinks in the context of an unedited interview . . .


This is example why other people’s feelings shouldn’t be used to determine if something is hateful or not. It’s a opinion when facts feel hateful


Perfect example of media only showing one side of the coin in a flip the coin match. Love the BBC question


People should watch the full version….BBC is so funny

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If the BBC wanted to be legit, just post the whole interview. Raw. Uncut. And let the audience come to their own unbiased conclusion.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Y'all proving his point by showing an accurately edited version of interview


Honestly the BBC would have earned much more credibility if they put entire interview on air.


This makes actually makes Elons point, why cut out the most important part of the interview. Its called censorship, by not keeping that part in you played right into Elons hands.


I would love to see the full unedited interview. That would be brilliant


I wonder why BBC don’t show the full interview, you must see it, you must!


Love how you’ve cut all the good bits that make you look bad, and just show the nice bits


It wasn't even an "exclusive" as she said at the start. It was live streamed on Twitter spaces, thankfully!
This reporter thought he was the knife at a lemon party, when it slowly dawned on him that he was actually the lemon at a knife party. Beautiful to watch the true uncensored full version on Twitter. I'm not sure why the Singapore reporter has such a smug expression, they don't understand the damage they have just inflicted on themselves!

这甚至不是她在开始时说的 "独家"采访。谢天谢地,这是在推特上的直播!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They cut the bit out where Elon embarrassed this journalist


how you edited out the moments where your interviewer had to get embarassed for making false claims


This is why I love this Man.


I uploaded the full version as soon as it was available here in Britain this morning. However, I've been informed it's not being recommended on Google. The BBC have edited this version quite a bit but they can do that because they can't legally upload the full interview due to television licencing. However, they haven't blocked the full version (or even claimed copyright) on my channel.


People: "We want the FULL interview!"


They still tried to make him look bad to the average mind. How disrespectful to the world of them to clip this out like this.


It's like watching a mature man talking to an immature child.


I love Elon Musk. This was great.

我爱伊隆 马斯克。这太棒了!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sad to see the BBC not showing a couple of the questions that Elon put to the interviewer


they left out the bit where elon hilariously challenges BBC policy lol


BBC should play the whole interview.


Elon: Twitter was 4 months away from closing down, unless action was taken.
Interviewer: Yeah but why did you fire a lot of staff though?
I mean what?

伊隆: 如果不采取行动,推特还有4个月就要倒闭了。
采访者: 是的,但你为什么要大量裁员呢?

Strange how the BBC didn't add the other parts of this interview to the video. Almost like they are trying to limit what you actually see of the hour and a half interview. Wonder if there could be a reason for that? Good thing we have the internet at our fingertips and can just go watch the full interview to get the real story from it.


When you talk about layoffs at Twitter, it would be good to mention the layoffs at other tech companies as well so the audience gets a fair reporting.


Loved the way he streamed it twitter so you couldn't crop it. What else hit the cutting room floor over the years one wonders

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Haha! Brilliant! Respect Elon ❤️


Let's talk about something else, let's talk about something else, let's talk about something else....this entire interview was fun to listen to.


The irony of sextively editing the part out where Elon calls them out for media bias…

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Incredible editing - total joke - confirming everything


I feel nothing but pity for those duped into paying the TV licence over the years.


Whole truth and nothing but the truth, show it all, love him or not, he wiped the floor


Post the WHOLE interview - please!


“You just lied” lol, clearest example of how media feed us what they want


“In what was quiet a lengthy interview” edited the best bit out. BBC, where the truth went to die.


"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers" - Voltaire


BBC having a hard time desperately trying to discredit Elon musk. We've all seen the part BBC has cut off.


Such an intelligent reporter. He asks every single question from his phone. Not a single scxted reply from the guy. The few sentences he spoke on his "own" was just the same lines the left repeat over and over.


This interviewer is going to struggle after this


I love how everyone in the comments has listened to the full masterpiece of an interview...Elon is legendary! Totally schooled the reporter (who's questioning was questionable)


For anyone who saw the whole interview! This is not an interviewer he is a child mumbling after being caught in the cookie jar! I have never seen anyone back pedal and be afraid of answering coherently as much as this guy

对于看到整个采访的人来说! 这个采访者就像被抓到偷吃饼干的孩子一样,口齿不清地含糊其辞。我从来没见过有人像他这么害怕回答问题,这么频繁地反复解释。

That unedited interview was so funny the BBC should be defunded


BBC really worked hard to shape the narrative. Watch the FULL interview.


Lmao, they removed the part where Musk questioned Clayton about BBC spreading misinformation themselves.
Musk asked Clayton for one example of Twitter spreading hate speech and misinformation and Clayton couldn't give an answer. Well, Musk now has his example for BBC.


Truly some REAL journalistic integrity when you straight up chop up the interview. Particularly leaving out the part that makes you look totally full of crap. Doesn’t even really matter if you’re govt funded or not at this point, just a truly sad “organization”

这个人在表达对BBC的不满,因为BBC剪辑了Elon Musk的采访视频,删除了一些重要的部分。他认为这样做缺乏真正的新闻工作道德,而且BBC是一个悲哀的组织。

This interviewer should get a job as a McDonald’s manager. He’s definitely out of his element as an interviewer.


You didn’t show how he made James out to be a really bad interviewer by not knowing facts and actually telling lies.


Honestly editing media to only show one side should be classed as a crime.


It's not unusual for people to be laid off in a corporate take over. I worked at ATT and they literally fire thousands every year and the only notice you get is a meeting the day of about a surplus.


hehe my heart is laughing inside when i see people losing trust in media...what a beautiful joy


Илон Маск настоящий мужик, не прогибается под повестку дня


People should watch the full version of this interview


Elons first interview since buying Twitter and the interviewers first ever interview!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This interviewer dropped the ball


Reminds me of JP and the Kathy Newman interview. Putting personal opinions and approaches before professionalism and being called out about it in front of millions


I m sure he is working on something he is a genius.


Thank you for proving the Elon's point about the role of media and free speech.


Elon rocked, BBC shocked


“It is one of his first interviews” I thought she was referring to the reporter


Good job Elon


this just showed how out of touch with the world bbc is. This interviewer deserves too be sacked or not going further with the questions Elon musk was asking him. everything Elon said made sense.


Elon Musk is a Living Legend.


Amazed to see how a reporter could be so bad at his job


Good job Elon. And that was funny, the interview guy said many times: let's move on.. since he didn't know what to say.. so funny...


Even in the parts BBC decided to show, Elon is holding his own against the terrible interviewer trying to poke holes in him. I watched the 57 minute interview (Which according to the deterring host here is "quite lengthy") over on Tesla Intelligence UK, and it's only galvanized my views more that mainstream media is no longer trustworthy for information.

即使在BBC选择播出的部分,伊隆仍然可以抵抗这位糟糕的采访者试图攻击他的行为。我在Tesla Intelligence UK上看了这个57分钟的采访(据这个主持人说“相当长”),这只会进一步加强我的观点,即主流媒体不再可信。

Heres the truth about the twitter staff firing
It had loads of staff members, way too many, so elon thankfully came in and fired all the pointless staff.


I pay a TV licence so I demand the full interview


很赞 4