2023-04-26 杏子 9400
Wrong, wrong, wrong! Unless you try to sterilize the wood. Don’t soak wood, and never, ever put wooden utensils in the dishwasher. The antibacterial ability of wood comes from the cellulose and the naturally occurring oils, if you strip the oils, you have a problem. Also, soaking wood in water will open-up the pores more than the oil can fix. You can reseal wood by rubbing it with beeswax. Never “season” wood with an oil that will go rancid, such as olive oil. Once the wood has been properly seasoned, to clean it, just wipe it. You can use soap, but rinse immediately. A better way to clean wood is with oil. Bamboo is even better than wood, being a grass, it can stand being soaked in water, but that will shorten its useful life.


Plastic and silicone have a major flaw. When they are brand new, they can be sterilized by soaking in soap or bleach, and even put through the dishwasher, however, if they become scratched, those scratches can harbour bacteria which is nearly impossible to remove.


Under normal use, silicone utensils will last a couple of years; good wooden or bamboo utensils will last for decades.

在正常使用情况下,硅胶餐具可以使用几年; 好的木制或竹制器具可以使用数十年。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One last note, if you are worried that a particular wooden utensil might have been exposed to bacteria, let it air dry for a few days; that will kill most bacteria. If you are really concerned, let it air dry for several weeks, give it a light sanding and then season with beeswax. You can’t do that with silicone.


Beverly Hasegawa
I’m with you, and so is every good cook I know.
And moreover, wooden utensils have an aesthetic appeal that no plastic can approach.


Robin Burgener to Beverly Hasegawa
The dark wooden spoon at the bottom of the picture is over 30 years old, it has developed more character over time. That is also the spoon that both of my children stole when they were teething, the end of the handle is a little chewed … just more character.


Peter Spering to Robin Burgener
Mmm, like a patinated mirror or an ageing beauty, it becomes more interesting to look at.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bobby Rupe to Robin Burgener
I have a wooden spoon that is at least 10 or 12 years old it hasn’t killed me yet.


April Turner to Robin Burgener
I have a wooden spoon that was my grandmothers. At some point she hit something with it (grandpa maybe?) and took a chunk out of it. I remember her “bleaching” it with a lemon, leaving it out in the sun all day and then sanding the chip. She rubbed it with a new beeswax candle and used it for soup the next day. It’s still a good spoon, and I can barely find the chip after all these years.


Jackie Maureen Wells to Robin Burgener
Can you use coconut oil as i use this on my chopping board!


Dana Daniel
I grew up with all kinds of wooden and plastic and later silicone utensils, none of which were treated with any kind of special care— usually thrown in the dishwasher. I can only surmise I must have developed a strong immune system as a result. I am not disputing your answer at all; in fact I will now treat my cooking utensils, especially the precious wooden ones, with a lot more respect and care!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robin Burgener to Dana Daniel
You can just throw your wooden utensils into the dishwasher, however, they will only last a couple of years. I have some wooden spoons that are decades old; they just get better with age.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bjorn Fuln to Robin Burgener
My family has decades old wooden spoons and spatulas that have been treated with no particular care. Used roughly, rubbed with no oils or waxes, thrown in the dish washer. They work just fine.
I’m not sure what you’re on about.

我家有几十年的木勺和锅铲,都没有经过特别的处理。粗暴的使用,不使用油或蜡擦拭,扔进洗碗机。 他们工作得很好。

Robin Burgener to Bjorn Fuln
The dishwasher is hard on wood, and unnecessary. I have a dishwasher and I put most of my dishes, cutlery, glass, and cooking pots (except non-stick, cast iron, and steel), but there are somethings that I never run through the dishwasher, such as wood.
Dishwashers use nasty chemicals that will soak into the wood and then into your food, and, between soaking, sandblasting and cleaners, the dishwasher slowly destroys the wood.
You can put them in the dishwasher if you want, but not in my kitchen.


Bjorn Fuln to Robin Burgener
And yet our frequently dishwashed wooden utensils are just fine after years to decades of use.
And I’m not sure what you’re using to clean your dishes, but dishwashers use soap to clean with.


Robin Burgener to Bjorn Fuln
Dishwasher detergent is not soap, it is a chemical concoction designed to break-down organic matter.


Louie Neira
Don’t forget you can also use food grade mineral oil to help protect your wooden utensils.


Mayank Srivastava
Cooking kills everything. Don't stress about the utensil, as long as fire is on !
Wooden spoons are used for scratch resistant pots. Cooking spoon has to be comfortable in handling hence wooden spoon wins.


Peter Nguyen
Everything can be sterilised with temperature and time, even wood. People aren't dying due to running wooden, silicone, or plastic food equipment in the dishwasher.
They'll be out of pocket when the wood splits, but no significant amounts of pathogenic bacteria will survive being at 60C for a couple of hours


William Wolf to Peter Nguyen
This is a very good point. Although the answer has some good information, the assumptions behind it are that we are putting ourselves in danger if we have any exposure to any bacteria at all. Which of course is untrue. We're exposed to bacteria throughout the day, and most of these are either harmless or even beneficial.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robin Burgener to Peter Nguyen
The point is, boiling wood might kill the pathogens, however, it is unnecessary and will reduce the woods natural ability to be antibacterial while causing it to split.
If using wood for cooking makes you uncomfortable, then don’t use them. If you are that much of a germaphobe, do you fully sterilize your cooking utensils every time you use them?
Are people really dying because of wooden utensils? I would say that cross contamination is a much bigger issue. People will wash a raw chicken in the sink and then wash their lettuce in the same sink. The simple solution is to not wash the chicken; much safer.


Peter Nguyen to Robin Burgener
I think you've made some assumptions that I'm a germophobe without any real evidence.
My point is that the points you mention in your answer are basically irrelevant. You pull a utensil of any material out of the drawer and it is clean. When you've used it you bash it in the dishwasher and it is functionally sterile, antibacterial oils or small scratches make no difference.
Washing chicken is a different topic all together, again irrelevant to this discussion


Robin Burgener to Peter Nguyen
Sorry, I did not mean to offend, however, I don’t ever put wooden utensils in the dishwasher because this will destroy them. The issue with silicone is that deep scratches or cracks can harbour bacteria where it is protected from disinfectants.
I would not count on a dishwasher for sterilization unless you run the sterilize cycle. Most modern dishwashers do not heat the water in a regular cycle, they use hot tap water which should be under 49ºC (120ºF) to prevent scalding.
There is a trend on TikTok, where people boil their wooden utensils and see the grunge that comes out of them and think that this is an issue, only to turn around and drink their homemade kombucha. We live in a mixed-up world.


Deeksha Tare
When it comes to silicone spatulas, I am a bit concerned about their usage on hot pans. From a chemical view, are they safe to use on hot surfaces?


Robin Burgener to Deeksha Tare
Generally, silicone should be fine up to 500ºF, some materials claim they can withstand up to 700ºF. Most oils will start smoking well below 500ºF, so, as long as the oil is not smoking, you should be fine. A bigger issue is non-stick pans; scorching will cause the coating break-down and release chemicals into your food. Silicone is generally safe, silicon is chemically related to carbon. The real danger is the plastics based on chlorine and fluorine, these can turn into nasty chemicals with too much heat.
As a general rule of thumb, I use wooden or metal implements while cooking and then silicone after the pans comes off the heat. A silicone spatula is a great tool for making sure you get all of the sauce out of the pan.
Wood will burn at 357ºF.


Deeksha Tare to Robin Burgener
Thank you so much for your elaborate reply. Very helpful! I always wondered about non stick cookware, and found contrasting opinions online. Thank you!


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