2023-05-01 用功 21436

Zurin Arctus
At least, there's a realistic Japanese automaker. Toyota and other automakers have been doubling down on the anti-EV hatred.


Angki Hermawan
The history always repeat itself. Once someone become big, they become careless, negligent, and wrong headed.


Mike l
angkih3 · Correct. Toyota is the next Kodak. The rest of them, Nissan, Honda, Mazda, Subaru, etc will either go bankrupt or will be bought by the Chinese.


Gus Levy
“Can you explain what you're saying?” - Nokia


For political and prestige reasons the Japanese government might step in and negotiate a merger of the Japanese companies. A new bloated conglomerate could result. Like a Japanese British Leyland.


Chaz 4
Jai Hinduja. Ice makers from Japanese, Korean, European countries have plenty of opportunities around but choose not to act now. There are hundreds or even thousands of underfunded quality Chinese EV companies with technologies that can be picked up on the cheap. No need to reinvent the wheel.


Ricky Bosephus
So, your electric care is powered by a gas burning generator but honda, who makes energy directly at the source, is bad? I don't get it. Your electric car runs on fossil fuel also, so what's your beef? Oh yea, you are not good at math or thinking? were you sick the day they taught thermodynamics?


Forgotten World
Honda and Toyota: they lost a lot of time into the hydrogen scam, and also doing misinformation and making nothing about EVs.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Remember SONY Trinitron?? That's HONDA


Andy Golesworthy
Honda had a massive factory in the UK manufacturing good quality cars for Europe, then they closed it a couple of years ago. This facility would have been ideal to convert to EV manufacturing.


Yes, Swindon was massive. I did a bit of work there.


If UK were still in the EU


Graham Castle
Brexit knackered that possibility


Larry C
Brexit = Tariffs


Constantine Ding
For what?
Honda doesn't even have a competitive EV model for the factory to produce.


Rozonoe Mi
Honda partnering with GM, is like the blind leading the blind!


Black Knight
It's like joining the Nazi party in 1945!


Michael L
Japan had missed out on trends before. It missed out on the smartphone revolution. Now it's probably going to miss out on the EV car revolution too. This is too bad for Japan. As the saying goes: that train has left the station.


Kenny Lam
Put it this way. Honda suffers from the same sickness of many successful companies. It assumes the world would change at a measured pace that it is comfortable with and can manage. It thinks it has no business in the wild west of the EVs, with crazy gambling of corporate funds on something that is in the future. EVs ventures were nightmares for corporate planners who liked predictable market.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They had documentaries (Who Killed the Electric Car? and Revenge of the Electric Car) from almost 20 years ago, that say exactly what most people think about electric vehicles. They themselves are to blame for everything what happens to them, because they could accurately predict what the future will bee. Yes, you have one of the most advanced technologies for internal combustion engines, but what does that mean if it's not the future. My opinion that it is for theirs current situation is the fault of greedy managers, who have been bribed with big money from the oil industry.


Recurve Archer
Hi Sam,
Hybrid car's are looking a little like , when we moved from horses to ICE , you hitched the horse to the back bumper in case the engine stopped.
It would be frightening to be the CEO of Honda, Toyota and others and realising as you put it Sam we are screwed.
Kodak CEOs felt the same way when we ditched film for digital.
Excellent analogy you catch up to the goal post's only to find they've now moved down to the next field.
Great posts


Lawrence Dunn
It's not unusual for staff from other companies to be interested in what the competition are doing. I've gone to motor shows and literally crawled under the oppositions cars to see things of interest on a competitor vehicle that I've been working on.


Matt Brown
old fashioned Chinese consumers are still buying ICE from foreign heritage brands, but those Chinese consumers of younger generations are looking to get something new, an EV, and Chinese brands are the first thing that comes into their mind, and maybe Tesla, but even Tesla is slowly getting phased out in that regard


Rozonoe Mi
ICE vehicle sales in China, are in big trouble. There are thoulsand of ICE cars sitting in field, because they can't sell them!


Loren Merriman
Western and Japanese brands need to be more aggressive about EV development to keep up with China's rapid evolution, said LMC's Zeng. "The model they bring to China lags behind Chinese models by three or four years in driving range and equipment,” Zeng said ... The equipment has been a key issue against Western and Japanese brands for ICE over the past few years, too

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Martin 11
Cuz chinese automobiles are cheap and innovative compared to european and certain parts of american cars, but a key factor is their affordable price, which makes them accesible to europeans, americans and ppl in developing countries who constitute a large portion of the population. This gives them an adventahe in all aspects when compared to western cars.


Juan Martin


steve taylor
Seems like Japanese car companies are all in a similar boat: waste a decade on hydrogen, realize that they're screwed, and start talking about magic battery tech that will somehow leapfrog the competition while they slowly die.


free lance
To be honest, legacy industry cannot fight back.
They are like human, they gets old and they die a slow death or a quick death.
And new industry replaces them. Example: Kodak gone, Nokia gone, Netscape gone, MySpace gone ... etc


Larry C
Blockbuster, taxis, sears, bbb...


Steven Gouletas
it's like racing Usain bolt when he's got a 20-meter lead and he's racing against high school students

(译者注:尤塞恩·博尔特Usain bolt,是男子100米、200米世界纪录保持者)

Black Knight
20 meters? Steven? I think it's at least 60 meters ahead.


Florestan Trément
The only hope to save Japan economy is probably to invite Tesla and Chinese brands to come and build factories there.


Na it will be not to ban petrol in there country


Daniel Stehura
Wrong Again


Hermes Literatus
Japan is a country that's living in its past glories, and so are their automotive corporations such as Honda.


Ted Chandran
Jai Hinduja. After the Plaza accord, the Japanese had lost decades of economic development. On the other hand, we Indians landed our spacecraft on Mars years ago while the Japanese had just crashed their spacecraft onto the moon.


past glory of war crime atrocities !


Black Knight
They still use Fax machines....no kidding!


Doug M
In addition to the worst national debt in the developed world, Japan's birth rate is now half of its death rate…they have fewer and fewer productive people to support the future economy….it's not a rosy picture!


Another great perspective. Enjoy your vids. All best wishes for your wife's beating her illness

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alan Cane
It's like appointing someone Captain of the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg.


Liam Porter
Most of the traditional ICE brands may not be around in the future as EV takes over the world.


Tom Roche
The big question is is why is research and development in Japan so far behind?


One factor might be that their population, and thus also their leaders are old. And old people tend to loose touch with the ever changing world, and become too conservative because they don't know/understand things that are too new. So they can't judge these things correctly. Then they make bad decisions. It's definitely like that in Germany.
Another factor might be that japanese companies have strict hierarchies and a strict corporate culture. Disagreeing with a higher up is career destroying. So the old leaders are surrounded by yesmen.


Faheem Abbas
Hardware over software.
That's what Japanese companies prefer for some reason


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

mel leblanc
China is very rapidly becoming automaker to the world, with the largest home market base Chinese brands will completely displace the legacy Japanese and Korean brands as world export leaders.
Accepting newest ev design and production along with by far the largest battery makers, Chinese brands have leapfrogged legacy automakers and will very quickly take a huge share of the global auto sales. Japan and Korea will lose much of their export market to better and cheaper Chinese brands...very clear!


Zhang Yi
You're right. According to the first season of 2023's trading data, China just took down Japan as the world number 1 car exporter. Chinese car associate predicts that by 2030, China will reach 8 million car exportation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And the winner is…
Most car manufacturers trying to catch up but China is ahead in terms of technology and price. Not hard to predict some companies might disappear, because they have limited access to (cheap) technology for BEV. Think of Mazda, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Suzuki, Stellantis. I think it will not take long.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Larry C
+VW, Porsche, Mercedes, bmw, Aston, GM, Toyota....


David Inkster
Remember the WW2 concession by the emperor: "the war has not gone entirely our way".
Honda has just upxed that as the understatement of the century: "we are a little behind the Chinese"


I do think that two things will work to some advantage. One the auto makers sitting on the side, will learn from other people's mistakes. To. Governments will enact protectionist measures to allow their industry to be saved.


Hans Witvliet
True, but the point is, can (will) they dare to start their EV-development from scratch? Instead from tinkering and slightly adjusting current models?
Developing & producing battery and powertrains.
Basic automobile techniques (drag, suspension) should be present.
That, and and fully robotic production line, should be their focus.


The Japanese government may act to protect Japanese car manufacturers in Japan, but they can't do that across the rest of the world. The US is already acting to protect its own car industry against foreign EV competition.


David Post
We'll see how reliable the Chinese EV's are in a few years. They certainly haven't done well with their ICE cars. Honda has had reliability built into their car designs for decades. I own a 2012 natural gas Honda Civic and a 2018 Honda Clarity plug-in hybrid. Both of those cars haven't had any problems. I hope the Chinese car manufacturers do well. I lived in China for 8 years and have a Chinese wife. We need more competition especially in the lower cost area.


Andy Freeze
it takes five years to get up to speed. Using tesla as the main example. Everything has to be rethought from the ground up. Its clear tesla has a strategy of driving manufacturing costs down by " design". Even their battery tech is focused on ease of manufacture and cost of manufacture. They havent chased the very very best of chemistry, rather whats a good compromise with cost. New drive trains will have no rare earth materials. Its not only about being better than an ICE powered car, its about leap-froging the engineering into the stratosphere of brilliance. Gigacasings, parallel assembly and vertical integration of the software with the hardware. These are foreign concepts to the japanese oems. Sure they were brilliant with "just in time" manufacturing but that has proven to be a false new horizon. It means the japanese have locked themselves into a system that wont allow a quantum leap forward. At some stage, they will be on their knees. Can they make the transition in time is the only question I have.


Jim Graham
Good observations


joe black
Dont forget the supply chain which is owned by Chinese almost exclusively!


About time Honda nissan and all other small fries sell themselves to chinese conglomerates like toshiba and hitachi and a few other wise japanese companies in the past did to evade bankruptcy.


Don't worry. I know the Japanese culture. It will take Honda and Toyota another decade to discuss if EV is really the future. Look at their mobile phones. 20 years ago, Japanese mobile phones with their i-Mode was way ahead of the rest of the world.


Rozonoe Mi
Yes, however they will not win this race. They are to far back to catch up!


Enrique A Thiele Solivan
They have no time for waiting. No one can wait on today ev market. Change is happening to fast for many to comprehend. By 2026 most developed countries will be at 50% of more on ev sxales. Less than 3 years later its over for all ICE cars. EV's will be a lot cheaper, better, and with longer range than any IVE car in the world. Carging will be done in 5 min. only.


Jorge Robles
I believe in Honda than in any other Japanese car maker in the sense that they can have a sudden change and start doing EVs that could be very good. And I use as basis of this when the USA implemented the Emissions regulations in the 1970s, most car makers used the Catalytic Converter to control emissions, but Honda's answer was the CVCC engine, that provided the same to low the hydrocarbon emission by engines. So in the same way they did that, they could appear with something good and really competitive, but they must stop doing what Sam is saying, wasting time in Hydrogen stuff..........


Doug Diamond
If I was the CEO of Honda, I would invest in Tesla stock.


Dan Buckles
What you do is deconstruct your competition and then copy what you like and make it better. That's what all companies do if you want to survive. They could also use the CATL batteries for now and while working on advancing it themselves.


Nostra Damus
Who would buy a Honda in 2023 ? The Power of Wet Dreams.


Japan's strength resides in the innovation sector, regenerate value is the key for a country whose core materials are imported. I don't worry about Japan's innovative power, but its market! As Japan sides with US in the ever growing political and military tensions complicates its auto exports to China.


Hi Sam, I hope your wife gets back on good health soon.
Sam, didn't you recently say that some of the Chinese motor car companies were on the point of bankruptcy?
Maybe Honda could buy a complete car factory with all the bells and whistles?
Just a thought.


Enrique A Thiele Solivan
A good one. True most Japan automakers can buy a few closing EV factories today, but most likely will not. That window of oprtunity will close very fast, but Japan companies are too proud to go thatroute.


Ralph Brooks
If Honda think they are behind then where is Suzuki. I asked my main Suzuki dealer in Cornwall, UK about any forthcoming bev Suzuki's and was told hybrid only.


ivan cai
Not just the power train they are behind, their software is dated too. They are so behind that it will take a miracle to catch up to the competition.


Kaby Summit
Japanese cars come with terrible software. I just don't believe they are capable of turning this aspect around themselves.


My dad last left Shanghai for the US in 1948 to get a Physics PhD. I showed him the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show walk around YT videos inside and outside the convention center and he was blown away. He didn't even recognize Shanghai. He said Shanghai was only full of beggars in 1948. Really Nice job CCP!! Giving credit where credit is due!! American haters gonna hate I understand.


Larry Evans
Looking at BYD's recently announced 1Q net profits up 5X and sales growth YoY, in addition to the new product at Shanghai, it will be hard for Honda to catch up.


HebrewGod Israel
Toyota's obsession with hydrogen is bizarre. Clearly the powers that be elites want society to go to EV. So totyota is a fool for thinking they could go against the grain by themselves


Toyota / Honda etc for the last 10 years - "Electric Vehicles are a fad, nobody needs a big battery in their car, come buy our 'self powered' hybrids, hydrogen vehicles, or wait for our solid state batteries". Toyota / Honda etc. now - "we are so fucked"


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