2023-05-06 水滴的思绪 3611

Ruben Kusi


2.Always remember, NOTHING IS PERMANENT. Things WILL turn around someday. BELIEVE THAT


3.STOP COMPLAINING. Complaining is simply giving yourself excuses for your inaction.


4.STOP BLAMING EVERYONE FOR YOUR PROBLEMS. They are your problems for a reason. You could complain for years and no one will solve them for you or you could use a day or a week or months to take care of that issue.


5.BE CONTENT WITH YOURSELF AND WHATEVER YOU CURRENTLY POSSESS. Don't envy. Simply try to make your life better. ACCEPT whatever your life circumstances are currently. Then if you can change it, do so.


6.LET GO OFF EXPECTATIONS. Your kindness and goodness should come from a place love and abundance. Give freely and you will NEVER be disappointed.


7.Stop trying to change what you cannot control and take control over what you can. Stop trying to change people but instead try to influence them.


8.Try to live by yourself. Why? It will teach you how to take responsibility for yourself and how to be self-reliant. Plus you will appreciate people more.


9.NEVER QUIT whatever makes you happy unless you are uncomfortable doing it or it goes against your beliefs or is unhealthy for you. It is what keeps you sane. Mine is playing sports.


10.Help people out in the smallest of ways possible. It doesn't matter. Helping that man out with his load wouldn't be a bad idea. Getting that kid whose mother cannot afford that toy as his Christmas present would be fantastic. If it wouldn't break the bank. BELIEVE IT OR NOT THAT KID WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER and do similar for others in the future. And that's how you make the world a better place


11.Be grateful.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Julie Gurner
As someone who values my brain over (just about) anything else…here’s a quick list of 7 things I do - feel free to replicate it for yourself!


1.Wear a Helmet. I’ll have “helmet hair” happily!! If there is anything that *might* have the potential for a head injury, a helmet is on. Cycling, skiing, etc..you name it! I don’t try to be a hero, I don’t care about looking stupid, and a head injury is just not worth it to me.


2.I Sleep Like a Champ. I don’t know who these people are who go to social events at 10pm, but it’s not me. While I’ll go out periodically (because I have to show up), I don’t stay long and get to bed. I’m sleeping about 8 hours every single night. Great for brain health.


3.Fuel Right. Your brain functions on fuel, and I try not to eat a lot of processed food or tons of sugar…it helps to keep me functioning well in my concentration, focus, without a lot of those peaks and valleys people can experience. Trying to eat healthy also means I think about things like healthy fats - avocados, omega 3s (fish), and olive oil…nutrition is more important to mood & brain health than many realize. I’m not perfect, but I do my best to stay the course!


4.Challenge that Brain! I put aside time every day to read new studies and learn new things. I’m always looking to grow & learn - even trying to do a language on an app! While most people can’t do this for hours (I can’t either), setting aside *some* time everyday to just learn and grow is really important. Harvard finds that, “scientists have found that brainy activities stimulate new connections between nerve cells and may even help the brain generate new cells”


5.No Drugs. I have a latte in the morning (caffeine) and a periodic cocktail or glass of wine (alcohol sparingly), and that’s about it. I’m not a regular drinker, I don’t use any drugs, and I want my brain to stay just the way it is. While not everyone has a bad experience with drugs, gets laced drugs, or has some sort of negative affect by their recreational drug use, the risk just isn’t worth it to me.


6.Regular Exercise. I try to weight train a few days a week, and be sure to do some other things a few days a week - maybe that’s just yoga at home, or walking around downtown, but to have a healthy brain, it’s important to MOVE. Science finds that “Exercise helps develop new nerve cells and increases the connections between brain cells (synapses). This results in brains that are more efficient, plastic, and adaptive, which translates into better performance.”


7.Laugh. I know this sounds cliche, but whether with friends, with my pets, or alone watching a Netflix stand up, laughing is both relaxing and puts me in a positive place - both which are important to brain health. Stress releases cortisol, suppresses the immune system, and takes its toll. Finding ways to relax, unwind, and see things positively can help mitigate the effects of ongoing stress and make the world feel like a better place.


I’d love to know what you all do to improve or maintain your brain health!


Stacy Gallagher
Staying mentally healthy requires the ability to detach, but help at the same time. I read a great book called the Four Agreements a couple years ago that had some great life advice when it comes to this process. These agreements are:


1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.


2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.


3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.


4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.


Sakshi Mundra
1.Start your day with a breakfast.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2.Switch from drinking coffee to a more healthy alternative; green tea, fresh juice.


3.Stop being a perfectionist. Establish an end date to all your remaining tasks.


4.Pursue a hobby.


5.Start your life handbook.


6.Ask for feedback.


7.Cry when you’re really sad.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

8.Find ways to protect yourself. Take an occasional Mental Health Day.


9.Read something new.


10.Go to bed earlier.


11.Finish things ahead of time.


12.Eat whole-food.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

13.Write down three things you are grateful for, everyday.


14.Never argue with strangers.


15.Become a better listener.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

16.Spend some time alone regularly.


17.Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.


18.Drink lots of water.


19.Do one thing at a time. Do it slowly and deliberately.


20.Do it completely.


21.Put space between things.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Happy Reading.


Aga Hołda
Here are my top 7 tips:


Sleep 8 hours per day.
Unless you are one of less than 5% of population with modified ADRB1 or DEC2 gene, you need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every day in order to power your mind and restore your body.


Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet, don’t drink coffee after 2PM, put your smartphone away half an hour before going to bed and do not work or eat in your bedroom so your body knows that when you are in that room it is time to sleep.


2. Hydrate yourself.
Your body needs hydration in order to regulate your body temperature, deliver nutrients to cells, keep your gut functioning, keeps you from getting headaches and improves your sleep.
Carry a glass bottle water with yourself wherever possible and remember to drink some green tea instead of black (black one is dehydrating).

2. 给自己补充水分。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3. Sweat daily.
The daily sweat will help you with releasing the toxins, keeping your body in shape, making your immune system work better and last but not least the daily exercise will release happy hormones (endorphins in your body).
Try doing at least of 20 minutes daily of any kind of exercise that brings you joy and makes your blood pumping.


4. Eat local and organic products.
Organic products are free from pesticides (which are lixed to cancer), artificial colours and preservatives.
Local farm foods do not go all the way from other continent to your fridge (most of veggies loose half of their nutritional values before they reach the store because of that!).
You do not need to follow latest superfood trends which arrived from the other end of the world i.e. you do not need to eat Quinoa from Peru if you have perfectly good Pearl Barley in your home country.


5. Experiment with Intermitted Fasting.
Intermitted Fasting is a very trendy word nowadays, however, it is nothing new in the world. Do you remember when your grandma was telling you not to eat dinner after 7PM? Fasting for 12 hours is also a variation of intermitted fasting. Moreover you are already fasting every night when you sleep.


Try experimenting with different lengths of fasting to check in with your body. It will help you differentiate between real hunger and emotional hunger. Did you know that majority of people who are suffering from eating disorder can’t tell the difference between feelings of anger, fear and hunger?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

6. Learn something new.
Read one chapter of a book daily or listen to 15 minute TEDx podcast.
It will help you to establish your own opinion on every aspect of life and enhance the quality of your own life. Don’t be afraid to change your mind about some subjects, this is part of evolution.

6. 学习新东西。

7. Spread kindness.
Start with yourself. You can’t share your energy until your own cup is full. Give yourself recognition for what you have achieved.
Practice gratitude, write 3 positive things that happened to you everyday.
Advocate for yourself. If you stop being harsh on yourself then you will still get the shit done. When you stop being afraid of failing at something you will start doing more things that you always wanted to.
Then start practising kindness towards other people. All of them. Start with one act of kindness per week and you will soon see how addictive it is.

7. 传播善意。

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