2023-05-09 用功 10598

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

First Republic has collapsed with JP Morgan getting the deal of the year buying the bank at firesale prices! Bank runs are getting worse and as the Fed keeps hiking rates, this isn't going to stop. This banking collapse is worse than SVB or Signature because it shows how fragile and overleveraged the banking system is. And when all things fail, a bailout will come.

美国第一共和国银行破产了,摩根大通以极低的价格收购了第一共和国银行!银行挤兑越来越严重,随着美联储不断加息,这种情况不会停止。这次银行业的崩溃比SVB或Signature更糟糕,因为它显示出银行体系是多么的脆弱和过度杠杆化。当所有的事情都失败了, 紧急(财政)援助才会到来。

We can see that the markets are getting "accustomed" to banks failing. This is a clear sign things are about to hit the fan.


Ya El Z
It is the duty of all freedom loving citizens to do a bank run.


Morman Khan
Freedom is when nothing is left to lose


david Wise


Ya El Z
@Morman Khan
that sounds like when freedom is forced upon you. You can still choose it.


See Trading With the Enemy Act .


Kora Na
Crazy times we live in. Big banks are falling left and right.


CrescentPrince Kronos
We've had a total of 4. In 2020 a total of 4, 2019 4. 2008, total of 25. We're no there yet.


​@CrescentPrince Kronos
just wait a bit

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CrescentPrince Kronos
i didn't say it's over. I said "we're not there yet".


Phil Santamassino
Excellent as always! You speak in reality and don't add “silver linings”.
Keep up the great work you do!


yudhi adhyatmiko siswono
Bail out and print more money are always default US banking solution.


Brian Lowe
No use printing money nobody wants


Arshad Mayet
Well it makes sense, you need a lot of toilet paper when you have the runs ...


@1:48 Yellen is probably the ultimate contrarian indicator. When she says not to panic, it is probably time to panic - Sean Foo (May 2023)

@1:48耶伦可能是最终的反向指标。当她说不要恐慌的时候,可能就是恐慌的时候了——Sean Foo(2023年5月)
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g h
100% agree


Yellow Tunes
To be fair if she said "ship is sinking, we are all fucked" - banks would indeed collapse. Banks work as long as people believe that their money will be safe here, so there's zero reason to ever say anything negative when it comes to financial system


Daniel Hutchinson
@Yellow Tunes
Apparently the BRICS Wall sneaks into a conversation.


She's speaking with a forked tongue, like all US neocons.


Sean, the FED is purposely keeping rates high, and it's not because they care about inflation, they don't. However they do want to start nationalizing banking, transfer more wealth from small banks, businesses and the middle class. They also have to create pain and panic in order to usher in their “solution” to all the pain in the form of a CBDC. Everything is going according to the central planners schedule.


Sean Foo
that's the big fear, the introduction of a CBDC


Yeoh Kok Leong
The FED have seen what China has done in the rollout of the digital Yuan during the Winter Olympics. It was a success. The BRICS organization is in a better position to implement digital over the crypto whereby the West is still struggling with political & corporate corruptions of which is a huge problem least to say to regulate the crypto domain. Even though with the CBDC in mind that would be years to come. Won't be so soon.

美联储已经看到了中国在冬奥会期间所推出的数字人民币。那是一个成功的项目。金砖国家组织在实施数字加密方面处于更有利的地位,而西方仍在与政治和企业腐败作斗争,这是一个巨大的问题,更不用说监管加密领域了。即使考虑到推出 中央银行数字货币(CBDC),那也需要数年时间。 不会这么快的。

Widodo Akrom
Make sense


On the plane yesterday Ireland --> Spain they announced they weren't taking cash only phone or card for snacks and drinks. I only had cash but the missus had her card. She paid and I gave her some cash, at least she is still taking it. Was the service overall faster? Seemed to be. It's impossible to stop digital.


Happy Melon
4-5-2023 PacWest plummets 50%, becoming the fifth U$A bank to crash


DrANZAC Spartan
Well it was bound to happen. USA is being totally irresponsible with their USD. Every country trades in USD. Every country clocks up debt to be repaid in USD. Except for USA.
USA gives countries a piece of paper that is supposed to allow them to buy equivalent trades exchanges anywhere around the World. But when it's time for USA to pay their debt, they just PRINT OFF MORE MONEY, which seriously dilutes the power of the USD for every other country in the world. As a result, USA does NOT pay their debt ... but indirectly ... every other country pays their debt.
USA gets commodities, raw materials, manufactured goods, global food, etc for virtually NOTHING ... they just give countries a piece of paper for their personal imports.
The other thing USA does, which is extremely MEAN, is that USD's are circulated by SWIFT. All Countries have their USD held in SWIFT, which keeps track of the Countries USD transactions. But, USA have the POWER to switch off any Country's SWIFT account so they can NOT do any trade exchanges ...even though its their OWN money.
Look at Afghanistan. USA decides they don't like their Government, so they've switched off Afghanistan from SWIFT so that Afghanistan can NOT get access to their own Trillion Dollars of USD ... forcing all the Afghan citizens to live in 3rd World Conditions because their Government can't build them Civic Infrastructures or Civic Services.
As such, Countries need to off load their USD's ASAP and leave SWIFT. Hopefully the new BRICS Plus World Community with fix the International Trading problem for them.
As of 8/4/2023, there are 85 Countries out of 195 Countries in the World, that are de-Dollarizing the USD turning to BRICS Plus.
BRICS+ Currency, as of January 2023, is called #R5 from the start of the letter 'R' of the 5 Starting Nations currencies:
- Real (BRL) in Brazil
- Ruble (RUB) in Russia
- Rupee (INR) in India
- Renminbi (RMB) in China (China has 2 currencies. RMB or Renminbi for domestic transactions and, CNY or Chinese Yuan for international transactions outside of mainland China).
- Rand (ZAR) in South Africa
And the New Development Bank (NDB) would be replacing USA's SWIFT.


Great economic analysis. No politics, no BS, just hardcore data and impact potential. Most American economic influencers are playing the partisan game still.


Great video! My three favorite channels: Sean Foo, Stock Brotha, & The Economic Ninja. Make my week complete!

很棒的视频!我最喜欢的三个频道:Sean Foo, Stock Brotha和The Economic Ninja。让我的一周充实!
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Happy Melon
IMF 1-5-2023 raised its Asian economic forecast to 4.6%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from the previous forecast.
China and India are expected to grow by 5.2% and 5.9%, respectively, China's contribution to global economic growth ranks number 1.
At the same time, it warned that the plight of the Western banking industry has led to continued inflation and global market volatility will bring risks in the future.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Daniel Hutchinson
Colonial exploitation appears to face a BRICS Wall?
A lot of the former Colonial Nations seem to seek shelter behind that Wall?
Are Colonial Empires a thing of the past?
Does the effect of a few African Nations asking France to leave,
imply that French exploitation has become a problem that the Colonies no longer want to contribute to?
The US faced a similar Cash crisis in 1968.
Nixon fixed it, they thought
Here we are again......


Happy Melon
@Daniel Hutchinson
In 2008, China's actually paying for US reckless spending - -Warren Buffett
But in 2023, China NOT in the mood.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Daniel Hutchinson
@Alvin Rodney
We might benefit from discussing the next step after Capitalism expires?


Mike Huynh
This is one the best videos Sean has posted in a while. Thanks!


wu mao
The way US banks are failing now reminds me a couple of years back when Gordon Chang on Fox news prediction of how Chinese banks will close after the Chinese housing bubble burst.

美国银行现在倒闭的方式让我想起几年前,章家敦(Gordon Chang)在福克斯新闻(Fox news)上预测中国房地产泡沫破裂后,中国银行将如何倒闭的场景。

And whose banks is collapsing now ?


Gordon chang is like Yellen. The Ultimate Contrarian Indicators.

章家敦(Gordon chang)就像耶伦。终极逆向指标。

Gordon Chang has biggest crystal ball given by a US witch..


james teh
Sean, you are really informative. Well said


Hong Luong
We're already in a recession.


Urim Tefiki
I am in recession since three years from now, but the bullshiter was laughing.


Squidus Giganticus
Exactly, now brace yourselves for a full blown depression. Many say the "Great Depression" of the 30s was a walk in the park compared to what's coming!


We are in a recession but the worst has yet to come - global depression or worse than that.


DrANZAC Spartan
The initial USD had printed on it how many ounces of gold it was worth so that the holder of the USD could swap it over. Countries loved this CONTRACT idea. However, over time, USA removed the Gold Swapping portions from the USD and it was totally fiat money. So countries complained. After many decades USA made a deal with Saudi Arabia for their Petrol to be the back up for the USD. This was OK ... except that USA just kept printing USD's well beyond the Petrol reserve. The turning point for the World was when USA decided to freeze Trillions of USD owned by Russia (and they say USA is spending Russia's USD to buy their own Military Weapons to give to Ukraine ... with no permission from Russia).
Just recently, the Countries of the World were disgusted with what USA did and they're getting rid of their USD's and converting them into tangible assets. Even Saudi Arabia was disgusted with what USA did, so now Saudi Arabia is NO LONGER backing up the USD with their Petrol ... they are not turning to China to back their Yuan with Petrol, so now we have USD which is totally fiat currency, and China's Yuan which is now the PetrolYuan.


Tony Chia
Still can recall that upon the aftermath of 2008 crisis, those too executives responsible for the whole fiasco did not have to face consequences, continuing to reap fat bonuses and same govt regulators got roped into the next White House administration to oversee the same mayhem they created. Don't see lessons learnt. Sad and frightening...


The question is, who are the beneficiaries of this fallout - by design

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Alex D
The fed organization, or the WEF.

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Cathy Chan
Wall Street


gim pee
is like killing the mom n pa shop n give it to big corporation.

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g h
Financial Assistance (not bailout) Sean you are sooo funny!!! lol....the taxpayers are on the hook again because of this. Printing $, raising the debt ceiling is not the answer(fake economy)....they have to learn to pay the debt first before even thinking of raising the debt ceiling or Crash the market. Great video...keep rockin!

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Roger Burn


Sean Foo
Thank you!

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Ian Greenstreet
Very good analysis Sean. Keep it up


Ted Chandran
Jai Hinduja. Bank running should be existential survival skillset in your toolbox. Most of the regional banks should collapse sooner or later. Pundits had said that this is actually controlled demolition because the FED is planning to bring in a new Central Bank digital currency. They will allow a fixed finite period for paper notes to be exchanged and phased out. After that, paper notes can only be used as toilet papers.


SsRae -
First Republic Bank 3rd bankruptcy happened on Sunday: you can bet the coming 4th US bank collapsed will take place SUNDAY :


Tracy wang
It will be on Friday or weekend


Sean Foo
this is the 4th. Silvergate, SVB and Signature were the first 3

这就是第4家倒闭的银行。Silvergate, SVB和Signature是前三家(倒闭的银行)

3rd Large Bank to collapse !

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

JP Morgan could have an advantage of having gov connections. Not all banks have direct conection with ppl in executive positions in state structures.


Jerry Shul
Keep rooting. Everything will be fine, Mr. Foo.


Nan Hin Ting
Ever wonder how much severance pay the CEOs and the senior executives receive before declaring bankrupt?


Big trouble if the solution to every problem is another bigger problem.


IF the Fed is willing to give JCmorgan financial assistance, why not do the same to the First Republic bank? Something is very fishy here.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

gim pee
consolidating bank. Is like killing off mom and pa shop to give to big corporation and amazon. Soon without amazon we have no where to buy stuff, have to look for garage sale if there is any. I go to dumpster at times to look for stuff i want.


Phillip Williams
The USA is having a debate on raising the debt ceiling. Yet as in this take over by jp morgan of the profitable assets and the Taxpayers have become the owners of the toxic loans .


eymeera osaka
Good analysis Sean...


stenka rasin
Printing unending reams of steadily decreasing value money, can hardly be a solution to bank failure.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

matthew o
This might be wrong but I have heard in the last few years that US corporations hold huge dept. Could you do a video about this if it is true?


Zubair Ahmad
100% prediction: Sooner than later, America will have only 4 banks plus Goldman Sachs Bank of Wall Street. Is it Crony capitalism? That's America's definition of free and fair maket economy: Monopoly by the 1% of America. Federal Reserve Bank is owned by these 5 banks. So what do you expect?


Da Wong
The problem is not the “bank failure” these banks actually destroyed themselves or got destroyed


Daniel Hutchinson
Why is it so difficult to understand,
that as the US Treasury runs out of money,
the banks begin to fail?
Before the Nixon decree that Fiat Dollars
were the new standard,
the US faced a similar currency crisis?
That crisis was caused by spending
to maintain a Pacific Rim Colony.


DrANZAC Spartan
What did USA expect with the Fiat Dollar? And why have countries gone along with the Fiat Dollar for so long. It was inevitable, especially when Countries witnessed USA just printing off more, and more Fiat Dollars to pretend they're paying off their debt ... but in reality, every other country in the World was contributing to paying off USA's debt. USA paid bugger all.


@DrANZAC Spartan
Its seems a long time, but its just over 50 years.
Historically this period will be seen as a short trial that didn't work out.


DrANZAC Spartan
Good point mate. I love level headed texters. Thanks for expanding my sensitivity metric.


Cathy Chan
@DrANZAC Spartan
that's the million dollar question right there...why did all the countries agree to bow down to the USD/fiat money.


Daniel Hutchinson
@DrANZAC Spartan
I was studying Economics at a Major University that was filled with some pretty intelligent Individuals.
I was there in 1970 and 1971 as the discussion of how to solve a Currency issue was lurking in Congressional Cloak Rooms.
We discussed various things that could possibly go wrong with Fiat Dollars as a value system.
Most of the Horror Stories proposed in those discussions appear to have come true.
Here we are once again.


DrANZAC Spartan
@Daniel Hutchinson
Thanks for the enlightenment. It is bizarre that experts like yourself are not listened too. I suppose with hindsight, it seems absolutely logical if there are NO structures built around a fiat money system, it is totally set up for abuse.


Cathy Chan
@DrANZAC Spartan
Yup got it and agreed. But here's the thing...with the exception of oil, why then are all trades done in USD? Why conform to such "rules" ... sure...this is lixed to IMF and World Bank providing loans in USD currency not rupees not rials. But computers and chips and cars and everything else on the planet - why are they utilising only USD? At Uni I asked my Prof that very question 10 yrs ago...why is international trade done in USD only.... Of course now everything is clear ... China has illustrated to the world that multipolar currencies is possible if and only if countries are prepared to do so. Yes, the stealing of the Russia central bank's USD 300 billion is the straw that broke the eagle's back...but does it take USD300 billion for countries to realise that hey...we can actually trade in our currencies...thats what really got me.


很赞 4