2023-05-10 水滴的思绪 3242

What is the most clever life hack you've learned?


Kevin S Lin
There’s a cartoon I watched as a kid where the hero gets thrown in jail high up in a tower. There’s an old man there who has been in the jail all his life. The hero demands to be let out and the gate opens. The hero walks out. The old man looks at the open door and then turns to the audience and mutters: “You mean all I had to do was ask?”


I laughed at this when I was a kid but reflecting on my life, I’ve had countless moments where I was that old man. A crush of three years who I never talked to, questions in meetings that I never voiced and promotions that I never pushed for.


Over the last five years, I’ve experimented with doing what the hero in the tower did and ask for what I want. And in many cases, just like in the cartoon, the door really opened. This is from little things like requesting no olives in my salad to larger demands like having 20% time at work to pursue self directed initiatives.


As long as you’re sincere and reasonably competent, you will be amazed how far simply asking for things will take you.


Eric Nyaga
1.Don't buy the latest model in the market. Whether a phone or a computer wait for a couple of months go back to the store and you'll buy the gadget for a fraction.


2.In a new job, don’t immediately begin pointing out mistakes and what needs to be changed. Keep your cool, compliment what's working and learn the characters and ranks so you know who to share your ideas with and predict their reaction.


3.Ask for a 10% discount in a fixed price store. It's hard and will surprise the attendant but will make you feel more confident.


4.Be the first to clap immediately after your boss or colleague makes a keynote speech or presentation. They will love you for it. Everyone craves acceptance by the audience during public speaking, there's always an underlying fear of rejection.

4. 在你的老板或同事完成主题演讲或演示后,立刻为他们鼓掌。他们会因此而喜欢你。在公开演讲时,每个人都渴望得到观众的认可,内心总是担心被拒绝。

5.When giving advice to a teenager, use yourself as an example of how you made wrong choice, the consequences you had to deal with and why you wouldn't like him/her to fall into the same fault.


6.If you wanted to ask for business from a prominent person and happen to meet him at supermarket/gym/elevator, don't bring up the issue. Keep the talk social and simple, they'll reward you for it.


7.Never speak about other people's bad faults to another. The listener will subconsciously attribute those negative qualities to you.


A friend of mine used to play a game where she’d come up with a “theory” for almost everything. Here’s one of them that I’ve always remembered.


We were talking about hanging out after school one day and I said I’d send out a text to our normal friend group. She stopped me and said, “Wait, who?” I ran down a list of the usual suspects that totalled about 8 people. She thought for a minute and said, “Don’t invite Dave.”


“Why? I thought you liked Dave?”


“I do but it doesn’t work. Or Dave can stay but Bill has to come too.” I pressed her and she explained.


The Friend Weight Theory


In her theory everyone she hung out with was assigned a number on a number line. For example, Dave could be a -18 while Bill could be a 5, Fred a 9 and Sally a 2. These numbers were based not on her personal interactions with them but how she decided they interacted in that particular social setting. Her goal was was to have a net positive. If it came out to a -2, like the example above, the group needed to be altered to have a positive dynamic.


She actually applied this for when we threw parties in high school and nobody was the wiser that she was playing a meta game underneath every social gathering. See, Dave, in her mind was awesome in small groups where he could chat and show his smarts but she noticed he often stayed in the background during larger social gatherings bringing down the mood of the party. He would complain and usually generally feel uncomfortable— that’s why he was a -18. In a small group he was a 12 because that was his element. It’s not that Dave couldn’t go to parties but she would have to offset his number with someone else to ensure that everyone was having a good time.


I was pissed when I found out that I wasn’t invited to stuff sometimes because of my number in certain dynamics but I have to give her credit that every party she had was pretty fun.


This isn’t something deep or wide sweeping but it can be applied if you’re throwing a party. Assign a number, think about who you’re inviting. It’s interesting— also, include yourself in the calculation and be honest.


John Dennis
Waiting !!!


Waiting at least 24 hours before making a big decision that will likely determine the course of your life:


Got a job offer? Don't make a decision yet. Wait for 24 hours and think over it. Don't be impulsive! This is a big deal choice.


Got fired? Wait for 24 hours and think what happened and what is your next best step. Don't rush to call the next recruiter that pops up on your job search.


Are you upset at your family because of a big disagreement? Don't tell them immediately that they are clueless. Wait for at least 24 hours and think about it: Is it really worth it to deteriorate life’s most important relationship?


Are you almost going to yell at your incompetent coworker? Don't do it yet! Wait for 24 hours before damaging your relationship with your colleague. Think it over and devise a plan on how to discuss things over.


My point is that a lot of times in our lives we are driven by our impulses and that we make decisions driven by a moment’s emotion. Countless regrets follow because of impulsivity, life changes not for the better , relationships are broken, misery and frustration can conquer your psychological well-being.


So please wait for a while before you fight with your family, wait for a while before you yell at your colleague, wait for a while before immediately committing to that job offer.


While thinking things by waiting doesn't necessarily mean that your life choices and outcomes will be the best, at least you tried and considered all of the possibilities. You deeply and genuinely thought about whatever major issues life has thrown at you, and you are sure there will be no regrets over the coming decision. So spare yourself some hardship, regret, tears, and insecurity by waiting. You can do it: you can wait!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hope this helps.


Akshay Shah
Not sure if this can be categorised as a Life Hack but it surely works wonders for me.


Here's the thing - whenever you meet a person for the first time (be it a professional meet, social or a personal meet), while exchanging the numbers, notice the basic details of her/him and save it in your 'Notes' section of the Contact. Something like this :


Image Source: Mobile screenshot


Now, when you meet/interact with that person next, just read the 'Notes' section before that and subtly refer to a couple of such details/observations while interacting with him/her.


9 out of 10 times the person would feel little special and will be mighty impressed with your 'sharp photographic memory' .


Try it, it's worth it :)

试试看吧,它很值得尝试 :)

Richard Muller
The human appendage signal.


I’m in tight traffic, and nobody will let me in to change lanes. They ignore my blxing turn signal. So I open the window and stick out my arm. Invariably, the car in the next lane slows and makes a spot for me to move into.


I think the human appendage signal turns car into a person. It is no longer a blxing car that wants to change lanes, but a human. That triggers empathy and politeness.


This hack can be used elsewhere. The gay liberation movement made its greatest strides when gays came out of the closet, and people realized that they knew such people. They were no longer abstractions, but people, friends, and it created a phase transition.


Make sure others always see you as a person, not as a symbol or as a professional or as a thing.


Kevin Qi
1.Eat straight from the pot you cook in. Saves an extra dish to wash.


2.Towel down from a shower and use some mouthwash. Use the time you blow dry your hair and dress up to rinse your mouth.


3.If you’ve ever taken a boring class, record it with your phone and play it back on sleepless nights.


4.Place new trash bags under the current one being used. That way, when you’re taking out the trash the refills will be within arm’s reach.


5.Learn to see the good in others, especially YOURSELF!


Amelia Williams
Asking someone’s name. We've all had that moment where you don't remember someone’s name and it's really embarrassing because you don't know what to do. I’m an awkward person with really bad memory so this has saved me so many times.


Ask the person, “Hey, what's your name again?” They’ll be sad that you forgot their name but they’ll tell you anyway. You then say, “No, your last name!” The person will be happy again and tell you their last name, thinking it’s just a casual question. So now you know their name (first and last) and it’s not totally embarrassing! Honestly, this has saved me multiple times.


Edit: A lot of people are asking what to do if the person tells you their first and last name when you ask. For me, I would say, “(Last name!) That’s right. I just forgot your last name for a minute, sorry.” Just be friendly and casual.


Advita Bihani
Dont give them the reaction they expect


If you encounter a situation where a certain reaction is obvious, don't react that way.


If someone gives you a sad news, instead of going all tears, take a deep breath and say “okay”.


If someone tries to instigate you for a fight, instead of fighting, give them a smirk and stay silent.


When someone expects you to be serious about something, instead of that serious face, crack a joke about the situation .


Never ever let people find out your pattern of behaviour.


With the widespread knowledge of tech people can use psychological knowledge to read you like a book.


In a world where everyone has an obvious personality and mysterious life, be the one who has no secrets yet the most mysterious aura.


People asked for advantages


1.you cannot be manipulated easily.


2.It adds a bit of mysterious touch to your personality which is alluring.


3.Your emotions are always in check. Very soon you wont be using phrases like “i just said it on instinct “ or “it came out without intention “.


Best regards


Kaustav Dey
I really don’t remember where I heard this about, but this is truly an awesome hack that I have known and employ.


Life will always have competitions. A life without competitions is actually quite boring. As you all probably know, you cannot always win . Life isn’t that optimistic and fair.


Most of the time, our competitor is one who enjoys our defeat more than the prize at hand . The best way to rob them of this ‘sinister’ joy is to smile at them after losing. Yes, you read it right. I am asking you to show a sign of happiness after you lose. But trust me, this will totaly wreck your opponent's pride and ego after winning, and if you are lucky you might just make a friend out of them.


This is not only a way to make a come back at your opponent, but is also a way to make you self realise that this is not the end. But rather a stepping stone for you to succeed.


Here is an image of two Olympic finalists after the match. The one in the left lost the match, but she doesn’t show any sign of anger and she made a friend out of her Spanish counterpart.


Remember: “ The difference between a master and a novice is that a master has failed more times than the novice has tried.”


Annie Husain
Making a good first impression.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This very clever thing I used to do when I was in school. Whenever we had some new class teacher, everyone used to take her lightly thinking that she is new and she won't punish us anytime soon. But not me - I used to be very polite in the first week of that teacher and prepared the first test very thoroughly and get highest marks in first test only. Now people usually remember us by the first thought that crosses their mind about us.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So after the very first test, teachers had the impression that I'm a brilliant student. So whenever I failed a test or scored low, teacher used to ask me very sympathetically that What happened to you. Were you sick? Something wrong? While others were punished. Yay!


And I used to get away without preparing test for that subject for the whole year.


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