2023-05-15 兰陵笑笑生 15106
Why are Indians so confident in every aspect, for example, their military power?


Balaji Viswanathan
In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to a nearly bankrupt Apple. Years of poor decisions took them to a near death. This picture culminates their ultimate humiliation. Here, Steve stands small before the big beaming screen of Bill Gates who threw in a pocket change ($150m) to keep his old rival alive. Look at the body language of both. There was a time Bill Gates used to wait in the office to get a sighting of Steve Jobs. Things reversed.
Steve Jobs must have been fuming even while biting his teeth and ego to accept that gift from Bill Gates. Despite his company being a fraction of Microsoft’s and other companies, he knew he will come back. Because, he created that part of the industry.
In some sense, that is how upper middle/upper class Indians see of ourselves.
For 90% of human history, we have been the world’s top economy. 4000 years ago had the world’s largest civilization — Indus Valley Civilization was bigger than the other 3 Bronze age civilizations put together. It had superior city planning and standards. From 1000–500 BCE, we brought a range of religious and philosophical ideas. From about 300 to 700 CE, we created brilliant work in mathematics, physics etc that became the foundation for modern sciences as the Arabs brought the ideas to the western world. We created stunning work of literature — through Kalidasa, Valmiki and Vyasa. In 1400s, sailors in Europe would put their lives at stake to find a new route to India and get a chance to trade with that. We produced the most amount of food and the most amount of art.
However, in the past few centuries, a number of bad decisions and bad luck pushed us down from the pedestal. Capitalizing on our mistakes a few outsiders ruled the roost. In the past few decades, we have been reversing all that.
Like the Steve Jobs of the picture above, we were forced to smilingly accept the humiliation. In our minds, we know who we are, but for the world we are a small entity for now. We know we will come back to our old ranking and status sooner or later.
We are confident now because for 1000s of years we have figured out a way to lead the humanity in various aspects. While we have a lot of poverty and challenges now, we have improved substantially over the past 3 decades and we know what strength we have to tap into.
In a decade, we are expected to be the 3rd largest economy and as China’s population ages, India has a fair chance to become #1 in the next 40 years. Might look like a long time, but in the long arc of history this is nothing.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处


Snigdh Sinha
Balaji: it would be a much fairer comparison if some per capita metric is considered instead of total GDP without normalising it for population.


Ethan Griffin
Total economic wealth is a much better indicator of leverage on the world stage though. If Elon Musk started a country & he was the only resident they’d have a ridiculous per capita income — but no real hard power on the world stage.
Per capita is a great indicator for how wealthy any individual member of the society is (though median income is better) total GDP is better when comparing countries though.

不过,经济财富总量是衡量世界舞台上影响力的一个更好的指标。如果埃隆-马斯克建立了一个国家,并且他是唯一的居民,那么它的人均指标会高得离谱 - 但在世界舞台上并没有真正的硬实力。

Raj Siva
In a previous answer, Balaji mentioned that India's GDP per square mile is comparable to America. So, we aren't doing that badly.
Our main challenge is making every individual, more productive. For this we need to move people from agriculture to industry.
But people in many rural areas are reluctant to give up land, to setup industries, and rather want govt to keep subsidising their agriculture from urban tax money. Obviously, they don't grow, and they pull down everyone else.


Jim Cruise
Germany and Japan lifted themselves in two decades after being flattened.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

George Harrison
Seems the Greeks have been thinking like you the past 2000 years - expecting things to turn around any day, as if it were a ball thrown upwards.
Unfortunately what happened to Apple is an exceedingly rare example of an unique combination of good leadership along with perfect market timing.
No, things don’t generally turnaround unless there is concerted effort under strong leadership- like we have seen in China the past few decades.
Sorry to say that you couldn’t be more wrong.

好像希腊人在过去的2000年里一直在像你一样思考 - 期待事情随时会好转,就好像它是一个向上抛出的球。

John Specter
The golden age of Greece didn't even last a millennium. The city states were founded in around 700 BC, and by 200 BC they were conquered by Roman empire. Already by that time, Greece was looking back to their glory days.
Secondly, Greece was never known for its military prowess or economic prowess, with the sole exception of Alexander. They were never the largest economy or the largest population in the world.
So a return to Golden age for Greece would be the intellectual flowering they had in the first half millenia BC, which is more difficult to achieve now.
India, on the other hand, has all resources for a resurgence. The largest youngest population is itself a boon many nations will kill to have. Add to it that India is already at 5th place, up from 7th a decade ago, and is poised to become 3rd in seven years, means that India becoming top dog economy wise is a mathematical given if no great cataclysm occurs.


George Harrison
India’s gdp per capita is abysmal as abject poverty is widespread.
A few billionaires does not an economy make.
Not to mention casteism and deep religious divides.
Some Brahmins still go for a dip in dirty holy Ganges to purify themselves when the shadow of a low caste person touches them.
And burn brides in Delhi when their father fails to pay up the promised dowry.
There are deep problems.
Your rosy predictions have no substance behind them.


Proud Indian
lols, india is a rubbish nation and its designed to make global elites rich. At the first place, it's not even a nation


John Specter
GDP per capita doesn't matter when it comes to world influence as you seem to think. China's GDP is almost equal to US but its population is 4.5 times that of US, meaning their per capita GDP is 1/4th that of the US. Does it mean China has 1.4th of US economic influence? Nations do not care about per capita GDP, they care about total GDP. Per capita GDP only matters for a social welfare of the country and is an internal matter.
All the other problems you mentioned are internal as well, having no bearing on how much influence India can peddle in the world. Even if we accept your over-exaggerated and dystopia view of Indian society, that doesn't matter internationally of India is the world's largest economy. No country will dismiss the world's leading economy's opinion simply because some crimes occur in that country. My predictions are based on mathematical figures, not emotional prejudice like yours.
Finally, tackling your reading of Indian society, that's hyperbolic as well. US has police brutality, gun violence, and virulent racism to deal with. Doesn't mean US isn't a superpower. As for superstitious idiots, they are present everywhere, such as the vaccine-denying, religious nutbars in US that have actually resulted in measles coming back in full force in some US states. Imagine that! A first world country rejecting vaccines so much that near-extinct diseases are making a comeback!
India has its problems, but these problems are slowly getting addressed. China has an aging population, artificially propped up economy, and population catastrophe looming. These are much harder issues to solve. Compared to that, India’s problems are mostly a result of a poor economy per capita. This will slowly improve as overall economy increases.
If you still think you are right and I'm wrong, bookmark this comment and we'll come back 30 years later and see who's correct. Maybe I'll be surprised. But chances are, that won't happen. Mathematics, baby


George Harrison
I likely won’t be alive 30 years from now as I’m 67 years old and thus probably a lot more experienced than you.
Yes total GDP is also important and a measure of “status” and “influence” in the world, and in practical matters of buying power to fund a large military, a space program etc.
But a rich and powerful country needs both.
Small European countries with high GDP per capita but small total GDP still have a lot of power, as they constitute the G7, and none have a large GDP aside from USA.
Even California has a larger total GDP than some of the G7 countries!
India’s economy is hollow so your math is wrong as it doesn’t extrapolate. The bubble will soon burst.
I have no reason to be emotional as I have no stake in either India or China, just calling the cards as I see them having worked and travelled extensively in both countries for decades.
I’m impressed by China’s leadership so it is reasonable to extrapolate based on their accomplishments during the last 3 decades.
Can’t say the same for India and its cesspit democracy.


Ethan Griffin
European countries are strong because economically they act together, mostly. The EU is this reason.
If every country acted individually — the only countries in Europe with a sliver of power would be the UK, France and Germany with Spain and Poland to a lesser, regional extent. But because the EU acts as one, economically they have much more leverage on the world stage.
The same applies to India. With more GDP it means more of the worlds trade happens in India, which in a globalist world means more of your trade is coming from India. Meaning India has greater control over your trade. This is where the leverage comes from.
It’s the same reason China today isn’t quite a superpower but is getting close.
They control a lot of the global trade — but are also incredibly reliant on the outside world for them to be able to have this control and therefore it’s a symbiotic, reciprocal relationship where parties have varying amounts of leverage but no one can really just nuke the whole thing. I.E. EU / USA & China.
Chinas power today is mostly derived from this fact. They can only push so far as it stands and they know that — but to be fair the same goes for the EU & USA.
India hasn’t quite hit this same stratosphere of soft power, but if projections hold they will. Today Indias power is derived from its close proximity with China — high population, and soaring GDP. Internationally they’re courted by the west & Russia, both as a counter to China. I think India will figure it out but I could certainly be wrong.

他们控制着许多全球贸易 - 但也非常依赖外部世界,因为他们能够拥有这种控制权,因此这是一种共生的互惠关系,各方拥有不同程度的影响力,但没有人可以真正破坏整个事情。包括欧盟/美国和中国。

George Harrison
“Internationally they’re courted by the west & Russia, both as a counter to China.”
This is the only accurate statement about India.
Indian economy and progress is hyped and inflated in the media while simultaneously downplaying any and all of the phenomenal economic growth of China.
If you visit India you will see that it is a lot closer to sub Saharan Africa with abject poverty all over except for a few oases of wealthy people, some of whom live more lavishly than their peers in the West.
It is a hollow economy propped by the West. Their leadership is not doing anything to strengthen the nation, such as building infrastructure or bolstering manufacturing.
It is a house of cards.


Jyotiraditya Girase
Dude, comparing Chinese model to Indian, is literally comparing apples to oranges.
The forces for homogeneity were always far stronger in China mainly due to its Culture which was deeply influenced by its Geography, clearly visible in The Great Four Inventions, for example
(though I couldn't figure out the role of a compass?). To expect a deeply heterogenous country like India which is second in diversity, only to Africa, which is a continent to have as fast a turnaround is madness, even then we are only a few steps behind.


Parjanya Joshi
Europeans are the laziest people on the planet although they have stiff competition from the Yanks - they have made their money from loot, plunder and colonisation plus slave trade and that money has almost run out.
The Hindu civilisation after being slaves and colonised for nearly a millenium have reovered fast since they became independent some 75 years ago.
And they did it without the glorious deeds which the Europeans took pride in.
Technology was denied, trade barrier and other hurdles were circumvented and today India’s IITs and IIMs are producing people who are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
India’s space program and missile program is better than anything EU has and may even hold its own against US.
We can see the change happening on the ground unlike dumb guys in EU and US.
We have stayed independent in our foreign policy even in poverty and take a great delight in showing the hypocrites in the West the mirror.
Wait and watch, we will be a fully developed nation well before we complete a hundred years of independence and boy, won’t we love it looking at the disheartened faces of tose who colonised us, looked down on us and condescended to us whenever they got half a chance.


Sabyasachi Bandyopadhyay
They did so because their civilization had no spiritual depth, making them insecure of their achievements. That is why a 84 year old man shoots a 16 yr old black boy for knocking on the wrong door. Western civilization or the lack of it is a jungle where dog eats dog.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Irfan Khan
If that is how upper middle/upper class Indians see the country then why are they the first in line to leave the country and settle abroad for good. What does it truly say about the country if they don’t see a future for themselves in it.
Not going to lie, your answer does induce a great sense of optimism and I have upvoted it solely due to this fact.


Raj Siva
They leave because they have limited scope for growing within the country. If they were allowed to grow, through entrepreneurship, then they would be able to pull the rest along. But our govts, treat them as tax-cow, and puts their own survival in tension all the time.


Raj Siva
Sir, I believe our country's main problems are imports of many low-tech stuff — energy and manufacturing. It's a pity that, we lose 200 billion an year on these.
Historically, this was not a problem, because nature of economy was different, and population was comparatively less.
If we can implement renewable energy generation, and manufacturing plants near rural areas, then we could uplift those areas, while reducing tax burden on urban dwellers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Vogon Poetry
Its doubtful that China will be #1 by 2030, their population is now in decline, so it’ll be later maybe 2035, according to Goldman Sachs.Population of India will grow until approx 2164, but it has to be said that there needs to be some serious investment in communications infrastructure eg more railways and city traffic management


Hatsune Miku
Germany has had a natural decline for 50 years and yet it’s still the largest economy in Europe and still has a higher GDP per capita than France or the UK by around $10,000 . Even now it's economy is performing better than the said countries.
It’s not quantity that matters its quality .


Maaz Chaudhary
The ones who created Indus valley civilization are not in India. I guess this would have an effect.


Subbaraman Sankar
I can see the reason for your optimism but companies can hire or fire people and change governance systems in order to create a culture of success. India has to make do with what it has.
The law and order system is in shambles, cities are dirty and polluted, we are running out of fresh water and the education system has been seeing a steady decline overall. With that it mind, why do you opine that our foundations are strong enough for us to reach our development targets even by the end of the next decade !?


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