2023-05-25 碧波荡漾恒河水 9054

Roughly the same number told a poll they were fine with approving MAID for someone whose only affliction was poverty


One third of Canadians are apparently fine with prescribing assisting suicide for no other reason than the fact that the patient is poor or homeless.


The results were contained in a recent Research Co. poll probing just how comfortable Canadians were with the current state of the country’s MAID (medical assistance in dying) regime.

这一结果包含在研究公司(Research Co.)最近进行的一项民意调查中,调查内容是加拿大人对该国临终医疗援助制度现状的满意度如何。

Starting in March 2021, Canada became one of only a handful of countries on earth to legalize assisted suicide even in instances where a patient does not have a terminal illness. Ever since, a Canadian can be approved for MAID simply for having a “grievous and irremediable medical condition.”


Research Co. found that 73 per cent of poll respondents favoured the current regime, and only 16 per cent opposed it.


Pollsters also found not-insignificant numbers of Canadians who favoured assisted suicide in cases where no medical condition of any kind was present.


If a Canadian’s only affliction was “poverty,” 27 per cent said they would be fine with legalizing that person’s access to MAID. Another 28 per cent pegged “homelessness” as an appropriate bar to qualify for MAID.


And 20 per cent of respondents were fine with MAID being handed out to anybody for any reason. In other words, one fifth of respondents agreed with the sentiment “medical assistance in dying should always be allowed, regardless of who requests it.”


Notably, these most absolutist supporters of assisted suicide were pretty evenly distributed among age groups, regions and even political demographics: 20 per cent Conservatives, 20 per cent of NDPers and 22 per cent of Liberals were in the “always be allowed” camp.


One of the more controversial aspects of MAID has been a number of high-profile cases in which Canadians with serious illnesses opted for death only after years of failing to obtain proper medical care. The Research Co. poll found a slim majority of respondents who were fine with this, too; 51 per cent endorsed “inability to receive medical treatment” as sufficient reason for an assisted death.


It’s not the first time that a poll has found significant numbers of Canadians willing to expand MAID well beyond its original purpose as a form of euthanasia for the terminally ill.


In February, an Angus Reid Institute poll similarly found 61 per cent of Canadians favouring the country’s current MAID regime,


Canadian comfort with MAID may explain why it has immediately become more widespread and liberalized than in almost any other jurisdiction offering legalized assisted suicide.


Canada is notable for its relative lack of checks on the procedure; MAID can be approved and administered by nurse practitioners whereas most countries require the approval of a physician. Canada is also experiencing a skyrocketing rate of MAID deaths well beyond anything experienced abroad.


While only 2,838 Canadians opted for assisted suicide in the first full year of legalized MAID, as of last count in 2021 that had risen to 10,064 — an increase of 32.4 per cent over just the year before.


The practice of referring or recommending assisted suicide has also spread well beyond the traditional boundaries of the health-care system. Notably, MAID routinely practiced within the Canadian prison system, despite similar measures proving deeply controversial in Belgium, a pioneer in assisted suicide legalization.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nevertheless, a majority of respondents to both polls did show hesitancy when it came to Canada’s eventual plan to extend assisted suicide to citizens whose only underlying condition is mental illness.


Just 31 per cent of Angus Red Institute respondents thought it was a good idea. Among Research Co. respondents, 43 per cent backed MAID for the mentally ill against 45 per cent who did not.


MAID for the mentally ill was supposed to become legal in March, but in one of the only instances of Canada pulling back on its rapid expansion of assisted suicide, that date was ultimately pushed forward into 2024 in order to “prepare for the safe and consistent assessment and provision of MAID in all cases.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Research Co. poll surveyed 1,000 adults online between April 22 and 24. The data was statistically weighted according to Canadian census figures and Research Co. says the margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.


Todd Benson
You're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud...


Jess McFee
Must be the same 1/3 who vote for Trudeau.


Todd Benson
Explain your logic there.


Thomas Cameron
They are deactivating all knids of comments to day.


Todd Benson
Just a reminder that despite a global crisis there's less poverty in Canada than there was in 2015. While provincial governments like Alberta show apathy towards an exploding homeless population and exacerbating that issue I'm not sure there's a logical explanation for your flippant comment. Your inability to explain why just shows you're obsessed with Trudeau and can't stop thinking about him. Thanks for being wildly predictable.


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Todd Benson
LOL so did you sympathize with Dunning or Kruger more?


Haden Nough
I'd bet it is a very high percentage of lefties.


Thomas Cameron
What an aweful ugly unbelievable result! This is exactly the reason these nonsense polls of 1000 people are so pointless. NO polling company that uses 1000 has ever even come close to predicting an election. These pollesters know that full well. Polls of 1000 are "cheap" If you didn't poll 3000 or up AND be sure its not a biased question I have zero time for your conclusions.

多么可怕、丑陋、难以置信的结果! 这就是为什么这些1000人的扯淡民意调查是如此的毫无意义。任何一家民调公司用1000个样本都不能预测出大选结果。这些民意调查者对此非常清楚。1000人的民意调查是“廉价的”,如果你没有对3000或更多的人进行民意调查,并且确保设置的问题没有偏见,那我没时间听你的结论。

Anca Nitu
Now I have a reasonable explanation on how is it possible that roughly one third of Canadians voted for Trudeau repeatedly, in spite of scandals , mismanagement and ethics breaches
They have absolutely no moral sense


Todd Benson
Please. As if the previous government had no scandals or ethics breaches. This current government is the first to implement measures for transparency.


Anca Nitu
Thanks for proving my point
Nothing any previous government has done is remotely comparable withthis mess


Todd Benson
My condolences for the coma you were in during the previous administration.


Todd Benson
It's funny there's a conservative tendency to respond "why don't we take care of our homeless first" when immigration is the subject yet they keep voting for provincial governments that cut social infrastructure because they view homeless people as architects designing their own misfortunes. Weird how that kind of tokenism goes, eh?


Anca Nitu
What a load of tripe!
Did you make this up by yourself or did you have help?


Todd Benson
LOL again my condolences for you being unaware of your surroundings.


Natalie Harman
The Liberal answer for everything. Can't help those struggling mentally? Offer MAiD. Can't help the veterans? MAiD. Can't help the homeless? Oh they can get that too. See the pattern here? Some very disturbed individuals in this country have no problem eliminating people after they've caused the problems that put them in these bad situations to start

这是自由党对一切问题的答案。无法帮助那些精神上挣扎的人? 提供MAID。不能帮助老兵? MAID。不能帮助无家可归的人? 哦,他们也可以得到这个。看到这里的模式了吗? 在这个国家里,一些心理非常不正常的人在制造了问题,让别人陷入这些糟糕的境地之后,对于把那些人消灭掉毫无意见。

Phil Hartman
Well, in all honesty they thought the Covid jab would be more effective in eliminating these troublesome people.


Natalie Harman
Then they definitely aren't the brightest bunch. Low income people, those struggling with health be it mental or physical, and veterans would NEVER trust this gov. Same with certain minority groups.


Rich Anjema
MAiD: Canada's Auschwitz for the homeless.


Todd Benson
Being sent to Auschwitz wasn't voluntary and subject to application.


Bill Robbins
Give it time.


Natalie Harman
Why are pollsters even asking questions like this? Talk about truly evil that they would end a human's life simply for being homeless.

为什么民调问卷会问这样的问题? 说到真正的邪恶,他们会仅仅因为无家可归而结束一个人的生命。

David Kent
probably government sponsored. That's how they generally make policy as they are cowards.


Natalie Harman
Part of me doubts it's even true. Like the "polls" they pulled out of their backsides where they said things like "70% of Canadians support lockdown measures". I think they want to set a precedent that this is a somewhat normal way of thinking when in reality it's not at all.


Thomas Wayne
I feel the same way about religious institutions....


Bill Robbins
Religious institutions don't kill people. And they are voluntary. I'm sorry you have had such a poor sampling to have such a bitter view.


Alan Humphreys
You "feel the same way about religious institutions"? What article are you reading? What religious institution thinks "it's fine" to offer MAID to the poor and homeless?

你“对宗教机构也有同样的感觉”? 你在读什么文章? 哪个宗教机构认为向穷人和无家可归者提供MAID服务“没问题”?

Phil Hartman
You got six months to get a job and an address or we're going to MAID you. That's what your federal government wants to do.


Todd Benson
If you bothered to read the headline this refers to an opinion poll, not any federal initiatives of any kind.


Natalie Harman
Ooof Todd really working to save face for the Liberal gov tonight. Let's hope they are paying you well


Todd Benson
Thanks for telling on yourself for not being able to read!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Edvarg Grimly
Then if this rubbish poll is to be believed then roughly one third of Canadians are soulless vapid headed thralls to socialism. Perhaps a visit to Auschwitz might be in order to show these dismal humans what totalitarian regimes actually do to those whom they perceive to be no longer useful/relevant. Of course they will say it was a necessary evil for the “good” of the party or whatever other tripe they peddle!


Jerry Hughes
If true, this poll is appalling.


David Binns
Go to the story about the security guard who shot a shoplifter - there are numerous comments from people saying they should be open game. It has nowt to do with the crime, but - as Springsteen wrote in the song Nebraska - "I guess there's just a meanness in this world".


DJ Wight
How far we have fallen into evil.


Haden Nough
No kidding, explains why we are where we are at politicly as well.


Denise hickson
Very far...


pat kyle
This reminds me of an episode of the BBC series "yes Minister" where they discuss polls, In this episode it is made clear the poll will give you any result you wish if you word the question right....so if you read any article where they mention polls and do not include the poll wording, it is an attempt at sensationalism not true journalism.


Philip Noakes
Waiting for a sociological response to this one.


Flavius Aetius
Don't expect anything other than applause from them


Flavius Aetius
Let's face it: Trudeau would be more than happy to kill each and every last one of us if it furthered his "diversity" agenda.


George McKenzie
In other countries we would be calling this genocide.


I suppose it's better than a cull.


Bill Robbins
It IS a cull.


David Cortens
1/3 of ‘Canadians’ willing to see their less fortunate neighbours ‘offed’
That’s a lot of sicko people out there
I’ve always said it’s the left that don’t like people


Denise hickson
Truely shocking result. That is a significant % of people who think it is ok for homeless or poor people to take the needle rather than having support programs to help them move forward and out of their situation. What does that say about the current state of Canadian society? Very sick.

真是令人震惊的结果。有相当大比例的人认为,可以接受无家可归者或穷人接受注射,而不是制定支持计划来帮助他们前进和摆脱困境。这说明了加拿大社会的现状如何? 非常恶心。

Knot Gulfarti
How 'bout offering MAID to felons serving, say, more than 5 years? It's a win/win for the taxpayer......we don't have to foot the $100,000+ per year bill to house them....and there is a ZERO % chance of re-offending!!!

给刑期5年以上的重罪犯提供MAID怎么样? 这对纳税人来说是双赢之策......我们不需要每年支付10万多美元来安置他们……再犯的几率为零!!

ck ck
some say mandatory


Don Wellsxx
30% of Canadians?
That is the liberal voter base.
They are all pure evil.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ian Hohner
I think you have this backwards.
The question is if a homeless person asks for help killing themselves because their poverty has made life too miserable to live, should they get that help?
You seem to be saying "No, they have to keep suffering, too bad."
That seems fairly evil to me?
Not like we're ever going to see significant government expenditure to pay for getting homeless people out of poverty and into jobs/treatment. Neither the Liberals nor Conservatives seem to have any interest in that.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don Wellsxx
We should be getting rid of the world's useless eaters like trudeau, freeland, their supporters and habitual criminals.


Jamie Chapman
Insufficient ICUs and an "overwhelmed" health care system? Lockdowns, censorship and coerced "vaccination".
Government inadequacy = take freedom away.
Homelessness? Poverty?... solve it with MAID.
Think they won't do it?

ICU不足、医疗保健系统“不堪重负”? 封锁、审查和强制“接种疫苗”。
政府无能 = 剥夺自由。
无家可归? 贫穷? ……用MAID解决它。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kitty Dolenz
If only we could solve Liberals with MAID...


leo nidus
These are the real Canadian values. Love your neighbour they said when they were trying to coerce covid poison. Love your neighbour indeed.


Kevin Waters
Seems the same number of people wanted to put others in jail and refusing medical care because they would not subject them selves to the jab. They should do a poll now that it has been shown that the government was pushing misinformation.


Mark Enery
Same number of people who support the liberals. Funny that. Pretty clear that the Liberal NDP government does not value life as they push abortion, MAID, and fentanyl. Where was our PM on the recent police killings? Busy making videos promoting abortion with other liberal MPs.
Ze future is hours indeed

和支持自由派的人一样多。有趣。很明显,自由派的新民主党政府不重视生命,因为他们推动堕胎、MAID和芬太尼。对于最近的警察杀人事件,我们的总理表现如何? 忙着和其他自由党议员一起制作宣传堕胎的视频。

Andrew Butler
The slide down the slope continues.


Loni Mason
Gee, journalist Tristan Hopper, we were all wondering what you thought about MAID>

天,记者Tristan Hopper,我们都想知道你对MAID的看法。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ian Nichol
We already have such a program. It’s called “Safe Supply.”


Bill Robbins
Good one!


Steve McDonnell
It's amazing how often the 'safe drugs' are being pedaled for cash so the users can buy the fentanyl laced drugs they really want.


Stephen Wiseman
I'll bite here. I don't think Canadians are inherently a nasty lot. I am going to guess that poll results like this more reflect the dreadful post-modern quagmire we have allowed ourselves to drift into i.e. there are no clear or absolute standards. We get to define ourselves, or "identify" how we want, and nobody can judge. Hey dude, if you want to be dead, that's cool...if that's your gig, man, whatever. We all get a participation pin, and it doesn't matter if we do well or not, or are right or wrong or anything in between. I think the poll result is just about us being brainwashed against "judging" others' choices, no matter what choices they are. Remember, it's all about "equity"...if you deny a poor POC a shot at MAiD just because some fancy, racist, "white" criteria you have made up in your place of privilege says that they are not qualified/deserving, then you're a really bad person. Don't underestimate just how twisted society has become!


Ian Hohner
It's not so complicated as all that. A lot of people don't care what you do as long as it's not hurting someone else. Yes, that includes being dead. It's their own business.
I suppose the correct worldview that shouldn't be judged just happens to be yours? And the clear and absolute standards that are correct happen to be yours as well?
Best of luck enforcing that on everyone, lord knows it seems to be a favourite activity of humans past and present.

我猜那个“不应该被评判”的正确世界观恰好是你的? 而且那个清晰而绝对的正确标准恰好也是你的?

Lauren Buffet
We live in a death cult. Walking around with zombies and ghosts. The only thing that matter is getting their next dopamine hit through money, s e x, drugs or social media likes.


John Dwinnell
What planet are you from?


Marion Bacon
I don’t think you actually know any conservatives.


David ibbetson
Sad to witness how Canada has declined so rapidly since 2015. Makes one wonder just how far this govt would have to go before Canadians wake up to what is being inflicted upon us. Can we please have an epidemic of common sense!


Jack Merks
They might be fine with it because they are narcissistic


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