粗鲁的国泰航空机组员被解雇, 我也有过类似的经历!
2023-05-26 echoeso- 13294

The biggest news in China yesterday was the case of a passenger who recorded crew from Hong Kong airline #cathaypacific being extremely rude and discriminatory towards people from China''s mainland. The story blew on on social media here in China, and now the airline has announced that three of the cabin crew have been terminated.
BUT the funny thing is, I had a similar experience of absolutely rude #hongkong crew when I spoke Mandarin on a flight a few years back. Today I''ll share...


Derrick Truong
We moved from Boston and lived in HK for work about ten years ago, one day my wife and I met her co worker who was Caucasian and his wife was Korean for dim sum, my wife and I arrived to the restaurant first and we asked for a table for 4 in Cantonese, the hostess told us it will be about one hour wait time, the co worker arrived a few minutes later and his Korean wife asked the same hostess for a table in English, and she immediately had a table for us. Some of the people in HK still have a mind set that English speakers are more superior than their own native language speakers not to mentioned if you speak in mandarin, which I find it very sick.


Being a Chinese from HK, I’m shock and feel so sorry for the bad experience those went through like Andy. This is not acceptable at all✌️❤️


Hi, I'm a Cantonese native speaker and my mandarin is not so good but I can tell you that there is definitely widespread discrimination from many Hong Kong people. This is mostly HK Chinese, not mainland Cantonese people in Guangdong region. It has mostly been caused by British colonialism, class and education created from a colonial education system. That had caused not only HK Chinese to hate themselves as Chinese but to alienate them from the Chinese identity. It misleads them to think that they are exceptional to the racism against Chinese by being a colonial power and being a subject is somehow is better. English was only internationalized by colonialism and imperialism yet its a still a world minority language. Some HK Chinese are still living in a colonial times and haven't gotten the memo that colonial mindset is a real step down. They are second class to western exceptionalism and westerners are no longer dominant or number 1 anymore. Go figure where they have placed themselves in modern society. They need to evolve and liberate their minds.


Cc Pun
That was absolutely a profession misconduct. Using language barrier as an excuse to refusal on providing duty required service to a patron, in a service industry?


Donat Wu
In New Zealand, when you walk into a fast food shop such as McDonald's for a simple hamburger, the person serving behind the counter is always so friendly & helpful that makes you feel you are having a good time. It is just a simple gesture of courtesy from the service provider. I am sure you agree with me with a smile, Andy. Similarly, when one has to pay so much for a plane ticket to travel, he/she would expect some sort of hospitality from the airline as well. This incident is an absolutely serious & shameful one out of the bad historical service culture of Cathay Pacific which has never done its job in recruiting & training its airline staff. Moreover, saying "if you cannot say the word of blanket, you do not deserve to have one" is inhuman because the poor guy must be feeling cold when he/she asks for it. Open apologies & sacking of culprit staff are not good enough. Cathay Pacific has to immediately revamp its service culture as the ultimate remedial measure.


Craigslist Seller
I am part Chinese born & raised in Hawai'i. I've encountered similar experiences flying business class on China Airlines back in the late '90s-early 2000s when I lived/worked in Taipei. I would return home periodically throughout the year. I found if I spoke English, the flight attendants were noticeably more polite to me. I love China Airlines, but learned to only speak English while in the cabin. Racism against their own is not exclusive to Chinese, but I learned from this experience, that some Chinese-Taiwanese look down on their own in light of heavy American influences on the island. It's rather silly.


Yuehan SLam
Many Hong Kong people still have the colonial attitude .....what a shame !!!!!


I hear it being said that people who are discrimatory have a kind of hierarchy in their hearts / minds. That's why that stewardess couldn't bring herself to speaking Mandarin with you. In her mind the "white" man is most superior and she is "Hong Konger" which even though is below the "white man" is above the Mainlander. She didn't want the "white man" to think that she is Mainlander by speaking Mandarin. She wants to be as close to the "white man" who in her mind is at the top of the hierarchy. Makes sense? That's how some Hong Kongers can be rude to even other Hong Kongers while doing the "bidding" for the "white man" in HK. This is a sickness that comes with colonialism.


Wei Zhang
In the mainland social medias platforms totally misled the netizens. The truth is those crews discriminated against mainlanders instead of discriminating them for their English levels , even they speak English well , the crews will still discriminate against mainlanders . This happened to me both In HK and USA a lot of times


amindra wanigasekera
Cathay Pacific is a reputable airline. Perhaps their employees are politicized to a degree that they've become arrogant and ridiculous.


P. Chan
I had a few experiences with Hong Kong Chinese during my university days. I am an OBC, with English as my first language and mandarin as my second language. Hong Kong students would pass insulting remarks about us -basically that a Chinese person who cannot speak Cantonese is worse than a dog. And the waiters in the Chinese restaurants which were mostly ran by Cantonese in Soho were extremely rude and impatient with us but were so courteous to the other obviously white patrons. My instinctive dislike of hongkies and the Cantonese language have persisted to this day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

She can now apply as a hostess in an american base brothel...


Thank you for sharing your own experience Andy! This definitely was not an isolated case. Those in Hong Kong who still have this kind of colonial mentality should wake up! The world is different now!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jessica W
All hatred of others is a reflection of self-hatred. The stewardess you encountered, Andy, is highly likely to be someone lacking self-respect.


quest tech
Heard reports about their staffs and pilots being poached by other airlines. and this scandal only worsens the situation.
If CP think by firing the offending crew would solve the matter, they are dead wrong.
All fish rots starting at the head, the heads of all C-levels must roll.


Jehan Chia
When the company have such rude, discriminatory, bad manners crew, this is the failure and responsibility of the company. Cathay should be accountable and cannot be let go such easily by apologizing and termination of staffs. This time China and HK govt need to look into the whole operation of the airline company. As i said earlier, maybe Cathay to be taken out from all mainland China routes.


precious jewels
I flew with Cathay once and never again


Jehan Chia
Opined this should be the ripe time for China and HK authorities to revisit on Cathay operation and contribution towards the nation. The question now is should Cathay be treated as a local airline to receive and enjoy the flight route priority rights, benefits, subsidies, economic relief fund etc. Maybe, Cathay should be taken out from all the mainland China flight routes and let it only concentrate on international flight. A passenger plane that plying China routes carrying workers which are subversive in nature or anti-China or hostile towards mainland China can pose national security risks.


I would think many Hongkongers are rude based on many experience traveling there as a Cantonese born in Malaysia. A few years ago before the pandemic, my family and I had a rude encounter with a Cathay stewardess. She was calling seniors to board the plane first and I told her in Cantonese that I will go in together with my elderly parents who rarely travel otherwise they will be afraid. But she snapped either only my parents go in or all of us remain with the rest. How can she treat us like we are boarding a free flight out of Afghanistan. Maybe because we traveled on economy class hence the treatment. And sadly I had two more rude encounters, one in a local cafe and one in a taxi in that same trip. I spoke to all of them in Cantonese, not Mandarin. Perhaps I should speak to them in English.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

B K Lau
Some have yet to liberate themselves from Colonial mindset.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wang Steve
It's not just an issue with Cathay Pacific airline. It's a much more widespread issue resulting from more than a century of Western Colonialism. Asia has been long invaded, occupied, robbed and looted by western powers and the western powers want to be (Japan). Decades of under development and poverty has created a generations of Asians that looks up to Western culture as more superior. Undoubtable, this issue would become more prent as China becomes stronger and the pride of being Chinese has slowly redeveloped in the mind of the new generation of Chinese. As a Taiwan born Chinese, I'm proud of my heritage and am disgusted at these individuals who treat western culture as holy grail. Cathay Pacific has to do a lot more to gain their reputation back...


Iam Meandmyself
As someone who has been living for more than 3 decades in HK, it’s an appalling attitudes, there are still pockets of “left-overs folks” from the 2019 riots. I must admit i had that treatment privileges and advantages back when I was flying a lot for business by speaking English. Both CX & SQ services get nicer treatments when you converse to them in English instead of Cantonese or Mandarin. In the 90s and early 2000s there were lots of jokes among frequent business travellers that you can easily get this and that Cathay & Singapore airlines stewardesses on a date if you are an expat and speak English instead. It’s easy to blame on the left over of the colonialism, there much deeper underlying mentality of the Hong Kong people that need to be more educated on discrimination etc.. there need to be some balance I think these days, with Real Estate and Retail industries workers, they would be more happy to see a mandarin speaker than an English or a Cantonese one. @Andy, it’s much more than just colonialism I would think.


I still vividly remember the time when I experienced discrimination on a Cathay Pacific flight during a trip with my mother (in my early teenage years). When my mother spoke Mandarin to the crew member, she replied in a Cantonese accent English saying she couldn't understand and the attitude was so rude and arrogant.
I grew up in Canada, and I could totally relate to those HKers being arrogant thinking they are above other Chinese (mainlander/Taiwanese) just because they were a British colony and spoke English. WTF?? but most of them spoke bad English, LOL!


NEA Affairs
I'm Singaporean Chinese and I was in HK in the mid 2010s with my young kids and didn't speak Cantonese. . So I spoke Mandarin to many service people. I was given rude service. At one restaurant they practically ignore me until my kids spoke English to us and we reply in English.
The service standard improved leaps and bounds because they realize we are not PRC.
From then on, I would only speak English to HK people to avoid bad services,. If they think I'm Mainland Chinese, they would give us very rude attitude.


I know one person in the Netherlands who is Chinese called the restaurant, the owner is from Hongkong. He spoke mandarin to order some food to take away, but he was denied. Later his son in law is from Hongkong, he called the same restaurant to order some food and this same restaurant accepted his order.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ki chia
I am a Singaporean Chinese and I experienced bad service in Hk in the past. When I speak mandarin the service folks simply ignored. And only when i switch to English they smile and respond. These hongkies only bring shame to themselves, especially after seeing the 2019 riots.


Alot of the HK rioters where working in Cathay and Cathay is a non Chinese airline that hires staff with like minded personalities who bring in their social connections to those type of crowd.


Jia Jen Lim
Just sack whoever the crew member is. Good on the passenger who posted his/ her experience. Please post more of these discrimination.


Blue Star
I remember an incident with the stewardesses on a Singapore Airlines flight from SFO to Singapore many, many years ago. As I was disembarking the plane, I overheard this stewardess telling another steward: "... those d*mn Americans... blah blah blah.." Not sure what happened but needless to say, I have not flown Singapore Airlines since.


May Yeung
I know it isn't fair to paint Hong Kong people with the same brush, but everytime I've visited Hong Kong, I leave with a reinforced sense that a lot of them are rude and impatient. They definitely do discriminate against Chinese people with a pecking order that puts Mainlanders at the top of the list. Having grown up in Canada, my cantonese isn't great but I do try. Now I don't even bother to speak cantonese when I'm in Hong Kong anymore. I find I get much better service and respect when I speak English. It's sad when colonial preferences trump those of your own people.


Just another example of the pernicious legacy of British colonial occupation of Hong Kong, and the previous failure of the Hong Kong government to recognize the CIA Colour Revolution brainwashing schemes applied on the post-1997 generations. Hong Kong plays a special role as an international banking centre and trading hub. As such, speaking English and other foreign languages should be seen as a "job requirement" but not a higher social status nor a sign of elite qualification. It would require further corrections to Hong Kong's citizenship & civics education and HR management. There has to be a more proactive plan to remove colonization legacies in Hong Kong. All these would take some time though.


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