2023-05-26 echoeso- 7398

Berlin’s reluctance to discuss reparations is creating a “schizophrenic situation,” Deputy Foreign Minister Arkadiusz Mularczyk has claimed
Germany is acting in a “cowardly” way by refusing to discuss reparations to Warsaw for the damage caused by the Nazi occupation during World War II, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Arkadiusz Mularczyk has claimed.
“On the one hand, we have the lack of judicial recourse on the part of the [Polish] victims, on the other hand, the lack of willingness by the Germans to begin talks on this matter,” Mularczyk complained in an interview with PAP news agency on Wednesday.


Berlin is “cowardly hiding behind its judicial immunity,” he added, insisting that “it’s a schizophrenic situation on the part of Germany, which considers itself a law-abiding, democratic state that respects human rights.”
Mularczyk, who visited Berlin earlier this week, said his trip was “an act of moral pressure on German politicians, who think that the issue [of reparations] has long been settled.”
Poland has been demanding that Germany pay up since last autumn, when the country’s parliament voted to seek 6.2 trillion zlotys ($1.36 trillion) over the damage suffered during World War II.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, Berlin insists that the matter was resolved when Warsaw waived its right to restitutions in 1953 under a deal with East Germany, and that the issue was definitively settled under a 1990 treaty on German reunification.
Germany’s ambassador to Poland, Thomas Bagger, reiterated Berlin’s stance on Wednesday, telling Poland’s Radio 24 that “everything has been already said on the issue of reparations.”
“This topic is a Pandora’s box, and it’s better that this box remains untouched,” Bagger asserted.


Last year, Polish President Andrzej Duda suggested that Russia, as a successor state to the USSR, also owes reparations to Warsaw.
The Soviet Army completed the liberation of Poland from the Nazis together with local troops in 1945.
Duda’s idea was condemned by Moscow, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov calling it “unhealthy political extremism” and another sign of Warsaw’s “frenzied Russophobia.”
Peskov noted that Russia has grievances with Poland dating to the 16th century, likely referring to the ‘Time of Troubles’ (or Great Smuta), when Russia was briefly occupied by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1 Infinity
What about the training fees??? Military training does not come cheap, and lets face it Poland needed training...


Glen O'Driscoll
Why do the Polish representatives seek war reparations from the dead German Nazi's but give active military support to the living Ukrainian Nazi's? No wonder there are so many polish jokes.


Germany paid her last installment for the war reparation around 2010, move on Poles, there is nothing left to see.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John J
Poland, You can't have your cake and eat it (too). You joined the Western Cabal, it's a club, but you will never sit at the big table. Go to the back of the bus and drink free Potato Vodka.


After finishing off Ukraine both Germany and Russia should do the same to Poland. Let them finish Adolph H.'s and Joe S.'s job started in 1939.


Germany is in a deep recession and next winter they will freeze due to the stupid sanctions they put on Russia. I don’t think reparations is on their minds now. Maybe for 2035!


GreenCiphers Principium
I would like to interpret the logic from the dumbassss fake Germany government: They got resources to support the bunch of terrorists from Ukranian, but ignore and disregards their primary responsibility! If they are serious about protecting some individual, they should get a loan from these who support their cause, and use that loan to pay Poland.


Mohamud Mohamed
Make the Germans pay for reparations then make sure you pay the Russians for saving you from the Nazis as a good gesture.


poland just making sure it irritates everyone equally.


Norm Vanders
Hitler told the Poles to stop killing Germans in the borderlands. Churchill told them to keep going. Putin told the Ukranians to stop killing the Russians in the Donbass. Boris told them to keep going.


Norm Vanders, a tad info you left out, london and france gave unwavering support to poland to keep killing germans like we see what nato pledged to ukraine...

Norm Vanders,你忽略了一些信息,伦敦和法国给了波兰毫不动摇的支持,让他们继续杀德国人,就像我们看到北约承诺支持乌克兰一样;
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it was poland who was killing german decents in poland lands that provoked to be invaded and start ww2. Know realistic history. Hitler gave them an ultimatim and they refused. And it was the rotshchild that funded both sides to kill nazism because they fear it. Now they will use zionists and islam to attack eachother in ww3 to the point of wiping eachother out. Google "albert pike 3 world wars letters to giuseppe mazzini". Know the enemy study the enemy, these are satanists that are doing the orders of satans plans thats why its so accurate...


Anton Moric
The Poles murdered millions of German women and children after WWII, and stole most of the Eastern third of old Germany. It is the Poles who owe the Germans.


george clony
Germany owes nothing to Poland.


Leon Pastis
Polaks, Ukrainians and Jews always want money. From others, of course and for free.


Greg Kahele
Hey Poland, Germany can't pay you anything. Didn't you hear that they are officially in a recession?


Poland started WW2 by having Ashkenazi gangs go out and murder 38,000 native Germans who were stuck in the Danzig Corridor which had been granted to Poland at The Treaty of Versailles and split Germany from West Prussia, the German government kept telling them to stop the slaughter and for a year or more tried to get a mile wide access path between the two Germanic territories but they wouldn't and so Hitler invaded, as far as it goes it was Poland who enabled the war by these measures and also signing a mutual defence pact with Britain and France, the French invaded Germany almost instantly and the Jew Churchill came three days later, remember that Churchill said "Mr Hitler does not want war but he shall have it", as usual it was the usual rats that started the conflict this time in order to steal Palestine regardless of the fact that they had no historical ties to the lands there.


Did you know? The Strange, Little-Known Story of Third Reich-Zionist Cooperation
February 1, 2012
In spite of a basic hostility between Third Reich Germany and international Jewry, German National Socialists and Jewish Zionists shared similar views about ethnicity and nationhood, and worked together in the years 1933 through 1940-41 for what each group believed was in its own best national interest. The Hitler government vigorously promoted Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine. Indeed, no nation did more during the 1930s to substantively further Zionist goals than Third Reich Germany. In collaborating with the Zionists for a mutually desirable and humane solution to a complex problem, Hitler’s Germany was willing to make foreign exchange sacrifices, impair relations with Britain, and anger Arabs. The essence of Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, is that Jews everywhere — regardless of their citizenship, religious outlook or place of residence — are members of the Jewish “people,” to whom all Jews owe a primary loyalty and allegiance.


poland grabbed big parts of germany after ww2, resource rich, what about giving them back first, or at least reparations for it, what about reparation for all the thousands germans killed after ww2 in real death camps.


Mikhail Yakunkin
Poland as a source country of European nazism should pay reparations to Russia for providing Hitler with territory for invasion into Russia and starting the WWII in 1938, after occupation of Czechoslovakia.

波兰作为欧洲纳粹主义的源头国家,应该向俄罗斯支付赔款,因为波兰为希特勒提供了入侵俄罗斯的领土,导致1938 年二战的爆发。

Corro Camino
Give a pollock a fish and he will complain that it's not cooked. Try to teach a pollock to fish and...that's when you give up.


Polish government begs just like Kiev. Is Poland the next Kiev ?


What a bunch of 'united' buffoons. Obsession with Ukraine all this time. Suddenly they are at each other's throat. Well done, keep it going. We fully support both of you.


Yea and tell them when they get my money and bring it over to us in the states to wear their favorite dress. Something sexy. I might want them to dance as I throw it back to them in nickles or silver dollars to watch those boys try to get it in high heels. Enjoy your free war on terror heroin Twinkies karma is a bitch. Even Rammstein is becoming more homo like their last video. One last thing we need more Russian music! I want them to dance to little big lol

没错,告诉他们,当他们收到我的钱并把它带到美国时,要穿上他们最喜欢的裙子。有点性感。我可能会让他们跳舞,把硬币或银元扔给他们,看着那些男孩试着穿高跟鞋。享用你们的免费反恐战争海洛因奶油蛋糕吧。即使 Rammstein 的最新MV也变得更像同性恋了。还有一件事,我们需要更多的俄罗斯音乐!我想看他们跳舞到“小巨人”的音乐上。

But these beggars are playing a game with the assistance of the US. Basically Germany best help Ukraine or the US will entertain the Polish claim for compensation


Lol the beggars of Europe are still at it! Nearly 80 years later they think the world owes them something. Go work hard like all other countries and make something of yourselves you lazy entitled donkeys

哈哈 ,欧洲的乞丐们仍在乞讨!近80年过去了,他们仍然认为世界欠他们什么。像其他国家一样努力工作,为自己创造出一番事业,别再像你们这些无能的驴子一样自以为是了。

Poles running around with their hands outstretched begging again. Germany has paid what was requested and agreed on. To keep coming back to the trough for a handout whenever you fail at governing your country is perhaps an indication that you should not be in charge of a country. I would like to point out that unfair reparations was a primary reason we even had a WW2, one would think Poland would be cognizant of that fact. But then again, they ARE Polish, they might need a few more invasions before they figure it out.


Alienating both Germany and Russia with demands didn't do Poland too much good in the past. No matter how much Germany and Russia disliked each other, the Polish never quite managed to play the game of the laughing third party benefiting from the conflict. In WW2, they relied on Britain and France to step in should they be attacked, this time it's the US to play the role of their guardian angel. Good luck with that!


Germany must return Holland's stollen bicycles, before the Amsterdam cycle club will ever forgive them.


Qinby 1
It is pretty simple... Poland is going broke because of its Russophobia and all the sanctions, so why not blame Germany?? doubt it will work though, WW2 is more or less settled except the USA still occupy Germany, Japan, Italy....


Well if Poland is not appreciating Russian's bravary in WWII now why the Germans cowardice is bothersome to Poland? Bad logic. No?


Germany would soon say, "What war? It did not happen" This is what they get when they try to change history.


And as soon as they get it they would have to funnel that money to Russia for liberating them, what a shame, more Russians died in liberation of Poland then Polaks,


Poland received a large chunk of Germany's land as compensation. Case closed.


Poland can't have its cake and eat it. If it wants reparations, it needs to return the territories it claimed from Germany. And it was already preparing some idiocy about compensations for WW2 from the then USSR. If it goes that way, it will need to return territories to Russia as well. Claiming to champion "human rights" now, when it can't even respect the rights of the Russian diplomatic personnel to work unhindered from Russophonic hatred and government sponsored boycotts is schizophrenic in and on itself. So is the desire to have compensation and enjoy the compensations it already got in the form of territories. Needless to say that it seems that the Polish government is preparing the nation to become trapped in a quagmire again. This time with nuclear powers. I don't know about the Polish People in general, but i certainly wouldn't want to be the party that is sandwiched between two nuclear powers in conflict. Look at what happened to Ukraine.


Olaf the good Nazi should start paying off all victims of his grandaddy commited atrocities


I'm pretty sure if Pooland wasn't broke they would not be bringing this up.You reap what you sow Duda.


tbh europe would be better off without poland and ukraine


Elias-My Vegas-Teshome
On my first visit to Europe in 2010, I was surprised how tribal it is. Reminded me of Africa, found it humorous at the time. According to George Friedman, the tribalism I witnessed in Europe was a result of the 2008 financial crisis. The European identity was replaced by nationalism across the EU because "all of the sudden it mattered what county you were from."


High time for the RAF (Russian Armed Forces) to re-liberate and re-de-NAZI-fy Warsaw.


Elfein Twentyfives
ok notice how poland went after germany for ww2 reperations shortly after mama i will screw germany merkle right after letting the shitmonkeys from middle east into germany? coincidence?


So, they want to rewind back to the end of WW2 and return 1/3 of Poland to Germany, in exchange for 1.2 trillion USD? Their elite is an eternal adolescent. Too much nationalism is Threat to National Security Number One. It leads to wars and splits the country into mutually hating minorities.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Poles are thieves and beggars, just like the Ukrainians. They will both come to nothing with their incessant demands and extortions.


The Polaks are relentless buffoons. Hence the international reputation for "most stupid of century". It is the idea that somehow Germany will hand over 1.3 trillion dollars to these fools that boggles the mind.


Stupid Poland is losing more money due to imposed sanction and counter sanction. Poland is acting in a “cowardly” way while pleasing USA.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Behold PaleHorse
Poland was invaded by Germany Sept 1 1939, and the following day Poland was invaded by the then Soviet unx. Some 80 years later Poland is supporting Ukrainian Nazi's. Who's schizophrenic?


Without Nord Stream, Germany cannot afford paying anything to Poland. Maybe Germany can sell Mercedes with 50% discount to the Poles? Would that make Polish people happy?


Sub Atomic Particle
WW11 ended in 1945. Why did you wait 78 years to try to send Germany a bill?


Poles cowardly hiding from an accord signed in the early 50s. THEY have to return German territories to Germany


NATO ‘cowardly hiding’ over compensation to Iraq, has Poland being part of NATO compensated the people of Iraq?


Poland is Global Beggar No. 2 right after Zelensky

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

These 2 will inevitably clash in the next 25 years. When NATO disintegrates and the US military packs up and leaves Europe, the historical grudges and disputes of Central and baltic Europe will resurface.


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