2023-05-28 Natsuo 6897

David Aldred
Because you can only have one excommunication for any one reason running at once. If you're excommunicate, that's it: excommunicating you again has no effect.
In 1931, the German Bishops excommunicated all leaders of the Nazi Party, and banned Catholic from becoming members. The ban was relaxed two years later after State law required all Civil Servants and Trade unx workers to be members of the Nazi Party, but the condemnation of Nazi ideology and the excommunication of Nazi leaders remained in force. Hitler was a Nazi leader, and therefore clearly excommunicate.
The Holocaust can't be said to have started before 1938 at the very earliest. Since Hitler was already excommunicate by then, he couldn't be excommunicated again. It was therefore impossible for the Church to excommunicate Hitler because of his Nazi ideology during the Holocaust because it had already done that in 1931.

因为同一原因只能有一次开除教籍。如果你已经被开除,再次开除就没有效果了。 1931年,德国主教们开除了所有纳粹党领导人的教籍,并禁止天主教徒成为该党的成员。两年后,由于国家法律要求所有公务员和工会工人成为纳粹党成员,该禁令得到了放宽,但对纳粹意识形态的谴责和对纳粹领导人的开除教籍仍然有效。希特勒是纳粹党的领袖,因此明显已经被开除教籍。 大屠杀最早要算在1938年之后。由于希特勒在那时已经被开除教籍,因此他不能再次被开除教籍。因此,在大屠杀期间,教会无法因为他的纳粹意识形态而开除希特勒的教籍,因为它在1931年已经这样做了。

It would have been possible for a personal excommunication to be added, for a completely different reason - Goebbels, for example, was excommunicate as a Nazi leader, and personally excommunicate because of an illicit marriage. If Goebbels had renounced his Nazi ideologies, left the leadership of the party, made a sincere confession, attempted reparation and done penance, his 1931 excommunication would have ceased - but while he was still illicitly married, he would remain excommunicate for that reason. But Hitler could not have abandoned Nazi leadership and repented of this Nazi ideologies while simultaneously pursuing the Holocaust; the reason for the excommunication would be the same.

完全有可能出于完全不同的原因增加个人的开除教籍,例如,戈培尔被作为纳粹党领导人而被开除教籍,并因非法婚姻而被个人开除教籍。如果戈培尔放弃了纳粹的意识形态,离开党的领导层,进行了真诚的忏悔,试图补救并进行了赎罪,他1931年的开除教籍将终止 - 但是在他仍然非法结婚时,他将因此保持被开除教籍的身份。但是,希特勒无法在追求大屠杀的同时放弃纳粹领导权和悔改纳粹的意识形态;开除教籍的原因是相同的。

Andrew Boyd
Primarily, because you cannot excommunicate someone who isn’t Catholic.
Hitler had apostatized as a teenager, around 1904, and never looked back (except when politically expedient to use imagery or language from Christian culture). By the time Catholics associated with the Nazis were excommunicated in 1931 (by the German bishops, not the pope, as they are the relevant authority), he had not been Catholic, or indeed any kind of Christian, for decades. If he had been, obviously he would have been included.
The ambassador of Nazi Germany appealed the excommunication by the bishops to Rome, and the appeal was rejected.
Generally, the pope doesn’t excommunicate people, except occasionally other bishops. He can hear an appeal on an excommunication or confirm the excommunication of a priest, but it is ordinarily the local authorities - ie, the national bishops conference or the local bishop - who would excommunicate a national figure or those associated with a national political party, and that is what happened in Germany in the 1930s. It happened also with the Communist party elsewhere.


Michael Boedi
It’s really complicated.
My source is the “Historisches Lexikon Bayern”, online:
Historisches Lexikon Bayerns
Pastorale Anweisung "Nationalsozialismus und Seelsorge", 10. Februar 1931. (aus: Amtsblatt für die Erzdiözese München und Freising 1931, Beilage zu Nr. 4)
Heinz Hürten, Deutsche Katholiken 1918 bis 1945, Paderborn u. a. 1992, 160-177.
Hubert Gruber, Katholische Kirche und Nationalsozialismus 1930-1945. Ein Bericht in Quellen, Paderborn u. a. 2006, 1-15.
On February, 10th, 1931 the Bavarian bishops (among others) issued an internal pastoral directive (i.e. for clergy only) because the NSDAP was the second largest party in parliament since the elections of September 14th, 1930. (18,3% , about 6.4 million voters)

这很复杂。我的来源是在线的《巴伐利亚历史词典》(Historisches Lexikon Bayern):Pastorale Anweisung "Nationalsozialismus und Seelsorge", 10. Februar 1931. (aus: Amtsblatt für die Erzdiözese München und Freising 1931, Beilage zu Nr. 4); Heinz Hürten, Deutsche Katholiken 1918 bis 1945, Paderborn u. a. 1992, 160-177; Hubert Gruber, Katholische Kirche und Nationalsozialismus 1930-1945. Ein Bericht in Quellen, Paderborn u. a. 2006, 1-15。1931年2月10日,由于纳粹党在1930年9月14日的选举中成为议会中第二大党派(获得18.3%的选票,约640万选民),巴伐利亚主教(以及其他人)发布了一份面向神职人员的内部牧函指示。

But before that, in September 1930 the NSDAP asked the ordinariate of Mainz if it is allowed for catholics to join it (among other dings). The bishop of Mainz denied any member of the NSDAP participation in all of the sacraments. (Which is ipso facto an Excommunication) With this document there was no possibility to look at that on a case-by-case basis.
The Bavarian bishops differentiated between clergy (absolutely no-no) and a catholic layman which was to be judged on a case-by-case basis. This examination was deemed possible as long as the NSDAP as a whole refrained from using “Bolshevik methods” i.e. mass murdering and oppression. And they regarded the NSDAP as a dying party which would soon be dissolved. (This, yes this might be one of the direst errors in those dark years)


There was another document on March 28, 1933 whith no clear directives. It was percieved as annulment of the warnings of the documents of 1930 and 1931, but that is only partly true and it was a document of the bishops of Fulda.
According to the document of Mainz and according to the bavarian document yes, all members of the NSDAP (that includes Hitler) were excommunicated IF the later document from 1933 did not void the earlier papers. That I don’t know.
So we have 3 different documents from 3 different ecclesiastical provinces. I have no CIC 1917 handy, so I don’t know if what a bishops said for his juristiction was also valid for any other dioceses. (I would think: no)


In 1933 it was too late anyway. The NSDAP had itself brought to power by threats, violence and lies. In January 1933 he became chancellor and the Nazis started oppression and violence immediately. From that moment on, resistance would have been futile and an official excommunication very dangerous for the catholics in Germany.
In 1937, though, the pope issued “mit brennender Sorge” and it was not only read in each church, it was widely circulated and the catholics did so in secrecy. The retaliation was swift and brutal and it might be the same if excommunication was declared by the pope.
It’s easy for us to ask “why weren’t they doing the right thing from the beginning?”. It is not so easy to live in that time and feel the oppression and the threats. What I heard from my parents you could go to KZ for telling a joke. And the Nazis made sure everyone knew this.
What’s the conclusion? Hitler and all NSDAP members might have excommunicated themselves by violating the order of a bishop. AFAIK, Hitler never received a sacrament after 1933 (not sure about the time before that) so he would have been excommunicated ipso facto.


David Lake
Excommunication means that someone is cutoff from receiving the sacraments. It’s typically reserved for practicing Catholics, because lapsed Catholics are already out of communx with the Church. Excommunicating Hitler would be like calling up your deadbeat brother-in-law that you haven’t seen in ten years and telling him that he’s no longer allowed to sleep on your couch.


Amanda Ol
There’s a pretty good argument that he was. Heresy, joining (or starting) an organization strongly opposed to the Church, making laws that impede the liberty and rights of the Church, taking or keeping property that belongs to the Church, physically attacking a cleric or religious all would automatically excommunicate a Catholic between 1917 and 1983.
Lets take a moment to notice that these are *ecclesiastical* laws, not secular laws. There are only a few cases that I know of in which canon law deals (or a past version has dealt) specifically with homicide: when a cleric or religious is the victim, when someone wanting to be a priest has committed homicide, when one spouse kills the other in order to marry someone else, and abortion. Abortion is included because the secular authorities largely ignore it, when they don’t actively support it. The 1983 code includes murder; I don’t think the 1917 code did - murder is usually handled by secular courts.

有很充分的理由认为他是被逐出了教会。在1917年到1983年期间,异端、加入(或创建)一个强烈反对教会的组织、制定妨碍教会自由和权利的法律、占有或保留属于教会的财产、对教士或修道者进行身体攻击等行为都会自动使一个天主教徒受到逐出教会的惩罚。让我们注意一下,这些是教会法律,而不是世俗法律。我知道只有很少的几种情况,教会法律处理(或过去已经处理过)具体的杀人案件:当教士或修道者是受害者时,当有人想成为神父却犯了杀人罪时,当一个配偶杀害另一个以便嫁给别人时,还有堕胎。堕胎被包括在内,因为世俗当局大多忽视它,甚至在不积极支持它。1983年的法典包括谋杀;我不认为1917年的法典包括 - 谋杀通常由世俗法院处理。

That said, the Church could have declared the automatic excommunication.
There are many possible reasons I can think of that he did not. There is a reasonable question as to whether he was still Catholic by the time he became Fuhrer. Apostasy takes you out of the jurisdiction of the Church. His upbringing by an anticlerical father and documented indifference even as a teen raises questions as to whether he was catechized enough to be excommunicated for anything but murder.


The Pope could have excommunicated him for rank evil, provided he was still considered Catholic. But both Allies and German citizens often did not know about the mass murder (they were billed as work camps, however suspicious) until after the war - and you can’t excommunicate a dead man.) The fog of war and the fog of politics were both in operation. There would need to be a trial for such an excommunication, and trials require evidence, not hearsay. People had better things to do than be detectives in enemy territory, like establish undergrounds to help people escape, and plot the assassination of Hitler. There was also the small matter of the Italian Army surrounding the Vatican (line painted on the ground and everything) and striving to make clear that it was only a shrinking amount of tolerance that kept them out.


There is also the question of purpose. Excommunication is meant mostly to inform people that they’ve crossed a very big line, so they can get back on the right side of it. It would not have that effect on Hitler. He wasn’t ignorant of his evil, and he was not in the habit of listening to the Church. It does this largely by prohibiting them from receiving the Sacraments or participating in public worship. Hitler already didn’t. Excommunications can also have a tertiary purpose of telling others not to follow an individual. The Pope had already done this without excommunication, and he had to be very ginger about it to avoid making Catholics too much more of a target than they already were.


Jim Ryan
I don't know his other motivations, but one big practical reason is:
At the time, Hitler wasn't a practicing Catholic.
Getting excommunicated by the Vatican is a big deal for practicing Catholics. It means you can't:
Receive communx
Receive any of the other sacraments the church administers
Attend services at a Catholic Church
Receive last rites when you die
Get buried in a Catholic cemetery

我不知道他的其他动机,但一个很大的实际原因是: 当时,希特勒不是一个有信仰的天主教徒。 被梵蒂冈逐出教会对于有信仰的天主教徒来说是一件大事。它意味着你不能: 领受圣餐 接受教会管理的任何其他圣事 参加天主教堂的礼拜 在你去世时领受终沐圣事 被安葬在天主教墓地。

Those things only matter if you value them and plan on taking advantage of them at some point. For somebody who didn't, like Hitler, excommunication would have been a meaningless gesture. You might as well lock me out of the Justin Bieber fan club. I mean, who cares?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bob Geier
It’s not possible to excommunicate someone after they are dead. Excommunication is a corrective act that is meant as a “teaching moment” to change the behavior of the living. Since Hitler was not at all a practicing Catholic, excommunication would have had no effect on him whatsoever.
The primary reason that the Pope did not make many direct public statements against Hitler and the Nazis is that the German resistance begged him not to. Each time Pius made public statements against the Nazi program in Germany it led to waves of arrests, persecutions, beatings, and murders of both Catholics and Jews. It played into Hitler’s hands.

在一个人死后,不可能将他逐出教会。逐出教会是一种纠正行为的行为,旨在成为一种“教育教训”,以改变活人的行为。由于希特勒根本不是有信仰的天主教徒,因此逐出教会对他没有任何影响。 教皇没有直接公开谴责希特勒和纳粹的主要原因是德国反抗组织请求他不要那样做。每当庇护十二世公开谴责德国纳粹计划时,都会导致大量天主教徒和犹太人遭到逮捕、迫害、殴打和谋杀。这恰好符合希特勒的意图。

In short, excommunicating Hitler would have been an ineffective and stupid thing to do that would have harmed good people and compromised the Catholic members of the German resistance.
Instead, Pius quietly supported and encouraged the many German Catholics who were resisting Hitler, including those who attempted to assassinate him on several occasions, and ran programs throughout Rome to hide and save Rome’s Jews as well as many allied soldiers. He walked a fine line given that the Vatican was under effective German occupation, risking both himself, the entire Vatican, and the Church hierarchy in Germany and the occupied lands. Risking - but intelligently, not stupidly.


Anthony Zarrella
It would have been a pointless provocation and accomplished literally nothing except to make the Church a target and to provoke Hitler to add Catholics to his list of undesirables.
Hitler wasn't a practicing Catholic, so excommunication wouldn't have affected him - he would have simply been "barred from" Sacraments that he already wasn't receiving.
Excommunication is not a moral judgment - it is a canonical (i.e. Church law) penalty. So it wouldn't have been the equivalent of "passing a resolution" condemning Hitler's actions - it would have been the equivalent of handing down an in absentia court order sentencing him to probation.


Mary Goode
Because you can’t excommunicate someone twice.
Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, traditionally a Catholic country. And yes, he was raised as one. The records for his baptism and confirmation still survive in Linz.
For the record, however, from a religious point of view, he pretty much took a dump all over everything good the Catholic Church teaches.
Everything he did contradicts pretty much every rule and belief in Catholicism, pre-Vatican II and after it. The view of the Church going all the way back to the 1930s is that Adolf Hitler, son of Klara, did unforgivably horrible things.

因为一个人不可能被逐出教会两次。 阿道夫·希特勒出生于奥地利,传统上是一个天主教国家。他的确是在天主教信仰下长大的。他的洗礼和确认的记录仍然保存在林茨。 然而,从宗教观点看,他在很大程度上对天主教教义做了很多糟糕的事情。 他所做的一切几乎都与天主教教义相悖,无论是梵蒂冈二号公元前还是之后。教会自上世纪30年代以来的观点是,克拉拉之子阿道夫·希特勒做了不可饶恕的可怕之事。

But what about the Church’s extremely Anti-Semitic teachings of the past? Okay, I will bite. Yes, that did happen. It is not a secret. No Catholic from the Pope on down would ever deny the abuse of Jews on multiple levels for centuries by the Church. It is extremely shameful, and it helped shape the views of bigoted men as diverse as Martin Luther and perhaps even a young Adolf as well. Prior to Vatican II, reforms made in the 1960s, there was a passage in the liturgy mentioning “perfidious Jews.” The very idea of allowing another to say no to Christ was incompatible with Europe’s culture almost until the bitter end.


As for Roman Catholic Church doctrine, at no time has it been okay to be a power hungry opportunistic bastard who causes a fire as a false flag operation, and then turns his adopted homeland into a police state. The Roman Catholic Church is quite clear that murder is a mortal sin: Hitler murdered anyone who got in his way, politically. He was also responsible for the genocide of countless men, women, and children. Euphemistically speaking, Saint Peter at the gates would have needed a few hours just to get through the whole rap sheet of horrible and unspeakable crimes against man and God alike.
Hitler already was excommunicated in 1931 as the excommunication covered all the top brass of the Nazi Party. Doing it twice would have been superfluous, and otherwise Hitler would not have taken it as seriously as he should have-he pretty much thought it was akin to believing in Santa Claus by the time he was active in the Party. Though the Pope does technically hold the power to excommunicate, he doesn’t do it very often.


Personally, I am of a mind to say that Pius XII and his predecessor should have been more active behind the scenes and didn’t do nearly as much as should have been done. Pius could have used the Throne of St. Peter as a weapon against Hitler: papal bulls. Only a pope can issue those and damning loudly what the Nazis were doing SHOULD have happened. He SHOULD have forbidden any priest or nun from listening to a word Adolf had to say and to resist any coercion: the Party did try to infiltrate and succeeded a bit in that they would teach children a very twisted version of the Cathechism where the Jews were to be blamed for everything (Imagine a Passion play where Caiaphas is portrayed with a hooked nose. Stuff like that did go down.)


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