2023-06-02 Kira_Yoshikage 4135

People who knew someone who died in a freak accident, what happened?


When I was a 13 year old boy, I witnessed my Grandfather die. He was less than 15 feet away from me when he was decapitated by shrapnel from a broken piece of heavy farm equipment. I'm 50 years old and still struggle with that moment in time. PTSD can be a real bitch!


Something similar happened a few years back to a couple of students in the school I work at. They were sitting in their grandpa's truck while grandpa was trying to move some farm equipment. Not quite decapitation but he got hit hard enough to kill him instantly. The kids were too young to go for help (like 4 and 5 or something like that) and they had to sit in that truck until their dad came looking for them.


I was snowboarding in 1997 in Switzerland with a good friend. He was skiing. I had caught en edge and landed on the back of my head while also twisting my knee badly. I was being looked over by the mountain rescue and first aid. I told my friend and told him he could keep skiing, i would head back to our villa.


I ended up going to sleep at around 6pm as I had a hot shower and some tylenol 3s after dinner. I woke up to see my friend hadn't returned and thought it was odd but maybe he hooked up with a lady at some bar.


Friend never came back from skiing. He was found deep in a crevasse the next afternoon and frozen to death.


Shit I once got stuck in a crevasse in Austria, Lech. I could hear people ski right above me and nobody would see me or hear me. It was early in the day, so I talked myself down from panic and reminded me that I had a good 8h of light, so I had to get to work. I slowly carved and crawled my way out of it. It was a frightening experience.

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My neighbor was cleaning his gutters and fell off his roof because he missed his footing when stepping. Fell right on his head. This was a few year back now but the family moved quickly after even though it had been their house for like 30 years. I can’t say I blame them.


A friend of a friend showed up at his girlfriend's apartment with a head wound. He didn't know how it happened. He also didn't know how he drove over there.

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She took him to the ER where he ended up passing away.


He had his keys, wallet and phone on him.


The only thing we could think of is he might have tripped, fell and hit his head in the wrong spot.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It was probably muscle memory that got him there.


How awful.


Or adrenaline. There was a woman who got attacked by a bear on her isolated mountain ranch. After fighting off the bear (with the help of her dogs), she got in her car and drove several miles down precarious mountain roads to the nearest fire station with her face ripped clean off and, IIRC, one eyeball dangling out of its socket. She said she was almost totally blind and going into shock, but a combination of muscle memory and adrenaline somehow got her down the mountain safely.


Reminds me of a story my dad has of being in a Ralph’s grocery parking lot in the 80’s. A guy was racing through on what my dad called a “crotch rocket” motorcycle and somehow ran head first into the metal bars of the shopping cart return stall. Helmet laws didn’t exist then. The guy got up and started righting his motorcycle like nothing happened, blood running down his face, and then collapsed dead.


A friend slipped and fell in the tub. Cracked his head. His roommate found him a half hour later. Died on the way to the hospital.


I've always been afraid of falling and dying in a bathroom.


Swimming and one of my buddies was screwing with the grate thing over a drain at the bottom. Got his foot stuck and couldn't extricate himself. His brother, cousin, and I nearly drowned trying to free him so we got to watch him die. Haven't thought about this one in a bit.


A girl I went to grade school with was crushed under a smith machine at a local gym. 24 hour gym so no one was around to help


The TV station I worked at previously had a gym in it, and during the midnight shift, the security guard, during his break, decided to lift some weights alone in the gym. He lifted the bar, which was apparently too heavy, and it came crashing down and cut off his circulation. No one discovered him until about six hours later when someone came in to use the shower in the gym.


Girl I grew up with was driving home in college and go into a horrible car accident, that gave her brain damage, and pretty much removed her jaw from her skull.

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Tons of surgery and 3 years later, she walked down the aisle at her wedding.


She was in her yard a few months after her wedding and slipped/tripped/felt dizzy and fell (they aren't sure) and hit her head on pavement patio and her husband found her dead.


A friend of mine was riding his 4wheeler out at an off-road park, he kicked up a tree branch that impaled him in the thigh, he bled to death before anyone even knew it happened.


A guy I went to high school with was helping his family do some repairs to a silo on their family farm. A section of the silos roofing gave way and in he went. Suffocated under thousands of pounds of grain.


A mom went ice skating. Little slip, fell, all everyone saw was her bump her head lightly.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Family finished skating. On the ride home, she started speaking gibberish. Dad dropped kids at the grandparents, took mom to the er.


Brain swelling, coma, dead a week later.


There was a person at the beach who got impaled by a flying beach umbrella. Horrible situation. Her husband was right beside her and she died within seconds.


holy shit. after reading lots of these, this has to be the worst and not a death by misadventure. alive one second, totally dead the next. completely random, chance occurrence.


A guy I went to HS with got hit by a train. It wasn't suicide. It was before Uber and he had been at a party drinking. He did the responsible thing by taking the subway. When he heard the train coming he stood up to take a step forward (like everyone does) but was so drunk that he stumbled over his own feet and fell onto the track.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My college roommate almost died his first week in NYC because he was drunk, didn’t fully understand the subways let alone what direction he was facing in them, (from the Midwest - I’m not even sure he’d been on a train before moving), and went to look out to see if the train was coming. While wearing big noise cancelling headphones.


He was looking the wrong way. The incoming train came in behind him and he never heard it. Train bonked him pretty good but luckily sent him down onto the platform and not into the tracks.


Give him shit for it this day, 15 years later.


Childhood friend of my drowned, his leg got trapped swimming in a relatively shallow river. He went down and just never came back up.


I knew a girl that died the same way. Craziest part about it was that she was with her dad who was a professional rafting guide. He immediately jumped out after her and tried to pull her out but couldn’t. They actually had to dam up the river the next day to retrieve her body. Don’t fuck with rivers


A cousin of mine was electrocuted by a Dr. Pepper machine. His 2 children received $60,000 that thier mom lost on bingo


Girl I went to high school with lost her father our Junior year to an accident at work that was deemed the companies fault. The settlement was something around $250,000.


She found out her mom spent it all, and sent over $50k to a television preacher when she turned 18

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Guy was working on his car, the brake failed, and his head was crushed by the wheel (the tire was off at the time).


I am insanely paranoid of my car crushing me. Whenever I work under it I make sure I have two jackstands, the hydraulic jack and two tires under it. That's five layers and I'm still sacred.


Had a classmate who was working outside. Got stung by a wasp and had an allergic reaction and died less than 24 hours later. He was married 7 months they were working on starting a family. His wife had to make the final decision as he was completely brain dead.


My uncle was clearing out an overgrown area in his backyard and accidentally hit a wasp nest. He was stung repeatedly by dozens of wasps. No known allergies. Died while my aunt was calling for an ambulance.


Knew a guy who: Was in a car crash and saw his aunt almost beheaded. He was about 10. Screwed up his mind.


At about 20 he flipped his dirt bike with his girlfriend on the back and it cracked her head open. Was deep in the woods camping. She died.


Couple years later he was stealing a motorcycle walking it across the street at night in the rain and got hit by a car. Lost a leg.


Couple years after that he was angry at a music venue so he and a friend tried to build a bomb in a parking lot. It went off and they both were killed.


A family friend bumped his head, walked about 15 feet across his back yard, sat at his picnic table and died.


Autopsy showed no head trauma, but he broke his neck when he hit his head. They figured the walk across the yard caused something to shift enough to do fatal damage to his spinal cord.


Got a tongue piercing. That same night, took a sleeping pill to sleep. Choked on his tongue which was swollen from the piercing.


I have a few colleagues, just in the last 8 months alone.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One was killed when a drunk semi truck driver drove through the gas pump he was fueling up at. Left 5 kids behind.


Another was an accomplished and experienced athlete, killed when his snowmobile flipped on him. Left 3 kids.


The third was practising on a closed road ("professional driver, closed course" situation), the car left the road by a few feet and he was impaled on a fence post.


It's been a shit year.


My uncle, was refilling a Zippo lighter, while smoking... Somehow it caught fire, he set himself on fire. He was in the bathroom. He tried to reach the shower. The extreme flammable shower curtain caught on fire and he inhaled large amounts of toxic smoke. He died a few days later, mainly from lung issues and not so much from the burns.


Had a buddy who was homeless at the time. Was asleep in a dumpster overnight and the trash truck picked up the dumpster and crushed everything. Him included.


Kid I went to HS with. Came from a wealthy family, but was interested in making his own way. Got a good factory job right out of high school. First week on the job, an old pipe comes out of its supports on the ceiling, swings down, pins him to a wall, and kills him. He was standing in the worst possible spot. 18 years old, really bad luck.


A guy in my high school climbed a high tension powerline on a dare. He was electrocuted, his heart stopped, and he fell from the top all the way to the ground.


A college friend of mine was visiting her grandfather on his farm in Florida. She decided to go swimming in the pond alone one night and wasn't around the next morning. They discovered some of her clothing and... some of her body by the pond; she had been eaten by an alligator.


I once was alone waiting for friends to arrive at an airBnB in Jacksonville and thought I'd stroll along the beach in the early evening before they arrived, until I saw a very large "log" move towards me on the trail there.


Alligators are much faster and stronger than most folks realize.


I don't know these people, but there was an incident a few years back at a park in my city. A couple were laying on the grass under a tree when apparently one of the branches snapped off and came tumbling down. The man jumped onto his woman to protect her and got the back of his skull cracked open by the impact and died. They left a cross in the grass where he passed away for a while. Sad story, and I can't imagine the horror and sadness the woman went through with such a freak random accident.


It didn't happen to me but my dad who I'll call John.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He was at some summer carnival in the 70s in Ottawa. Just your normal summer day at the fair type deal. John was there with his best friend and the friends dad.


Anyways John left to go get a drink while his friend and father stood in the shade of a tree nearby. Lightening struck the tree killing the two of them during the 5 minutes that he was gone.


A high school classmate died of erotic auto asphyxiation. His family found him naked, dangling from the hanger bar in his closet.


Jesus, if my family shared that cause of death with people, I'd haunt the shit outta them.


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